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Box 5


Contains 68 Collections and/or Records:

B2-Untitled folder, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 51
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_51
Scope and Contents -Materials enclosed by a BayBank envelope. Includes:

 1) Account Agreements. BankBoston. 1 booklet (Note 2)

 2) The BankBoston Catalog. 1 booklet (Note 2)

 3) 1 BankBoston envelope (Note 2)

C3-C, 1981-1993, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 52
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_52
Scope and Contents -Thank you notes from Melba Coolidge. Holograph, signed (Note 1) (Note 2)-Letter from Ruiko to Mr. and Mrs. Pian. 13 October 1983. Holograph, signed. On recent happenings and Rulan’s family (Note 1) (Note 2)-Charles 致如蘭學鐄信函。11/27/83。手稿。談萬里和南施,及教初級中文人士 (Note 2)-Iris 致 Charles 信函。Nov 29, 1983。手稿(碳紙副本)。談王秋桂和 Ron Egan (Note 1)-Iris 致 Charles信函。十二月二十。手稿(碳紙副本)。談 Ron Egan 和王秋桂-Charles 致如蘭信函。12/4。手稿。談王秋桂和 Ron Egan (Note 1) (Note 2)...

C3-Coordinate Council of N. American Affairs Taiwan, 1991 - 1991

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 53
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_53
Scope and Contents -張敏智致如蘭信函。中華民國捌拾年拾貳月貳日。打印本。查收紐約中華新聞文化中心紐約地區演藝委員會會議紀錄 (Note 2)。附會議資料 12 葉(影印本),包括: 1) 紐約中華新聞文化中心紐約地區演藝委員會會議紀錄。民國八十年十一月十二日。打印本2葉(影印本)(Note 2) 2) 紐約中華新聞文化中心演藝顧問委員會紐約地區第一次委員會議程序。民國八十年十一月十二日。打印本(影印本)(Note 2) 3) 紐約中華新聞文化中心演藝顧問委員會紐約地區開會規則(草案)。打印本(影印本)(Note 2) 4) 紐約中華新聞文化中心劇場、藝廊海外地區策劃展演節目審議要點(草案)。打印本(影印本)(Note 2) 5) 紐約中華新聞文化中心劇場、藝廊展演節目審議表。影印本 (Note 2) 6) 紐約中華新聞文化中心「台北劇場」借用注意事項(草案)及申請表。打印本3葉(影印本)。版本一 (Note 2) 7)...

C3-Coordinate Council of N. Am. Affairs 北美聯絡處, 1991, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 54
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_54
Scope and Contents -陳樹坤致趙教授信函。3.15。手稿。關於赴華就讀中文獎學金申請辦法。Attached with a slip on the address of Cultural Division (Note 2)-趙如蘭致陳樹坤信函。1991年3月26日。手稿(影印本)。推薦學生到文化組工作-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chang Min-chih. Nov. 1, 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Apologize for missing the meeting in November. With handwritten notes-張敏智致如蘭信函。民國八十年十月廿九日。影印本,有簽名。第一次紐約地區演藝顧問委員會議通知 (Note 2)。附會議資料10葉(影印本),包括: 1) 紐約中華新聞文化中心演藝顧問委員會紐約地區第一次委員會議程序。民國八十年十一月十二日。打印本(影印本)(Note 2)...

C3-Business with CUHK, 1979, 1991-1994, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 55
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_55
Scope and Contents -Materials enclosed by a folder “CUHK 8/89”. Includes: 1) Return Slip from Rulan Chao Pian to Secretary, Research Grants Council. June 6, 1994. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Project Completion Report Ref: CUHK 8/89. “ERG 10” “done” (Note 2) 2) Section S: Confidential Report to Research Grants Council. Filled by Rulan Chao Pian. 6/19/94. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. “ERG 11” “沒寄” (Note 2) 3) Fax from (B S CHAN) for Secretary, Research...

D4-D, 1982-1984, 1986-1992, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 56
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_56
Scope and Contents -這是 Rapharl Demos 的寡婦。手稿 1 葉。住址 (Note 1)-董華強致趙教授信函。一九八三年十一月十七日。手稿。附信封1個 (Note 1) (Note 2)-丁邦新 (Pang-hsin Ting) 致如蘭信函。七十三年四月十二日。手稿。查詢趙元任的 General Chinese(通字)有否出版。附聯絡方法的字條 (Note 2)-如蘭致邦新信函。五月二十四日。手稿(碳紙副本)。談論北京商務印書館剛出版《通字方案》-趙如蘭致杜維運信函。一九八四年五月三十日。手稿(碳紙副本)。談論《趙翼傳》和到中國的活動-丁邦新致如蘭信函。七十二年十月十日。手稿。關於研究所的紀念論文集 (Note 2)-趙如蘭致邦新信函。八月十三日。手稿(碳紙副本)。談論帶數本《通字方案》到台灣-Letter from Fred Dagenais to Haruo Aoki. March 18, 1982....

D4-戴鵬海, 1943, 1985, 1987-1990, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 57
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_57
Scope and Contents -鵬海致趙先生信函。85.12.2。手稿 11 葉。談論文稿、以抗戰期間音樂活動為主題的廣播劇、《全集》的編輯和近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)-鵬海致趙先生信函。六月二日。手稿 4 葉。關於《全集》的出版和研究工作 (Note 2)-鵬海致趙先生信函。六月十五日。手稿。談論到上海的行程和文稿 (Note 2)-李章致戴老師信函。6.30。手稿。談《趙》集的進度 (Note 2)-趙如蘭致鵬海信函。三月十五日。手稿 5 葉(碳紙副本)。談論東方音樂學院發的電報、留學美國的資訊、趙元任全集和鋼琴作品比賽的評判 (Note 1)-鵬海致趙先生信函。二月廿一日。手稿 3 葉。關於《趙元任音樂作品全集》、東方音樂學院、上海的音樂活動和留學美國的資訊 (Note 1) (Note 2)-致鵬海信函。手稿 1 葉。趙新那的聯絡地址 (Note 2)-Envelope from Dai Peng-Hai to Rulan...

D5-E, 1980, 1983, 1986-1987, 1989, 1991, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 58
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_58
Scope and Contents -Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Ernie’s Van & Storage. Sept 17, 1983. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On shipping of the books-關於《二泉映月》。張振基。 “摘自《阿炳無標題二胡曲的音樂內容素材來源及其藝術創造》,《南藝學報》1980年第2期” (Note 2)-An Erhu recital and discussion. Oct. 24, 1986. Soloist: Wong Shun. Pages 1-2. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)-Pozzi Escot. Publication Contact International. Volume 10, Spring 1986. Photocopy (Note 2)-目連救母。手稿 1 葉。樂曲名單 (Note 2)-Pozzi Escot....

D5-SEM, 1990-12-17 - 1990-12-17

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 59
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_59
Scope and Contents -Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Andrew Woolf. Dec. 17, 1990. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Report to the Northeastern Chapter of SEM. “Revised Version” With duplicate copies

F6-馮光宇女士 Expert on Peking Opera, 1985-1986, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 60
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_60
Scope and Contents -N.Y.U. Summer Musical Theatre presents Kuang Yu Fong, principal performer of Taiwan Chinese Opera. Setting and light by Stephen Palastrant. Promotional leaflet (Note 2)-Kuang-yu Fong. Typescript (photocopy). Curriculum Vitae (Note 1) (Note 2)-Letter from Robert C. McKibben to whom it may concern. September 29, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On recommend the performance of Fong Kuang-Yu (Note 2)-Thank you Letter from Stephen Palestrant to Fong...