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C3-C, 1981-1993, undated

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 52
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_52
-Thank you notes from Melba Coolidge. Holograph, signed (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Ruiko to Mr. and Mrs. Pian. 13 October 1983. Holograph, signed. On recent happenings and Rulan’s family (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Charles 致如蘭學鐄信函。11/27/83。手稿。談萬里和南施,及教初級中文人士 (Note 2)

-Iris 致 Charles 信函。Nov 29, 1983。手稿(碳紙副本)。談王秋桂和 Ron Egan (Note 1)

-Iris 致 Charles信函。十二月二十。手稿(碳紙副本)。談 Ron Egan 和王秋桂

-Charles 致如蘭信函。12/4。手稿。談王秋桂和 Ron Egan (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳梅致如蘭信函。9/5。手稿。談葉君健、與程季華去 UCLA 影劇系講課和民歌錄音帶 (Note 2)

-Letter from Andrew Lee to Chao. 9/29/83. 2 sheets. Holograph, signed. On the wrong address, the work and applying for business school in Harvaed (Note 2)

-錢焱致趙教授信函。1983. 12月14日。手稿。談照片、工餘時在大學學習和8月到江蘇常熟、蘇州探親 (Note 2)

-Aerogramme from Isabel to Pian. Mar. 15, 83. Holograph, signed. On 花鼓戲, travel in India, the Indian Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year and 粵劇 in China (Note 1) (Note 2)

-致 Iris信函。 1/20。手稿(碳紙副本)。談如何處理寄來的三代同堂照片、聖誕節前一晚的翻譯、二人轉的paper、周先生講詞的生字表和捐款 (Note 2)

-Letter from San Chan to Pian. 30 Jan 1984. Typescript, signed. Seeking comment on the dissertation proposal (Note 2)

-Thank you Message. Holograph

-滄洲精舍辨。陳榮捷。華學月刊第一四○期。中華民國七十二年八月二十一日。影印本 1 葉 (Note 2)

-Message from Wing-tsit and Wai-hing Chan. Typescript (photocopy). On meeting with Neo-Confucian specialists and Wing-tsit has retired (Note 1) (Note 2)

-頌平致 Iris 信函。1984. 6. 10。手稿。介紹汪成田和查詢美國升學問題 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Paek Dae-woong. Aug. 2, 1984. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Recommendation letter for Chung Sung-sook (Note 1)

-Letter from Sung-Sook Chung to Rulan C. Pian. August 4, 1983. Typescript, signed. On the Master degree’s thesis, applying for Ph.D and looking for a full-time teaching job (Note 2)

-Letter from Sung-Sook Chung to Rulan C. Pian. June 30, 1984. Typescript, signed. Requesting an official letter about the research fellowship project (Note 1) (Note 2)

-To the Reader. Typescript (photocopy). Questionnaire of the Chinese University Press. “Tsao MS” (Note 2)

-陳慎慶致卞太明信片。10.10.83。手稿。在崇基唸書的近況 (Note 2)

-Greeting card from Teruko to Rulan. Nov. 4. Holograph, signed. On dresses (Note 2)

-石致 Iris 卡片。手稿 。談在美國大學就業 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chen Chi-lu. March 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Requesting financial aid for the Permanent Conference on CHINOPERL in Philadelphia on March 22-24th

-Greeting card from 陳永華 (Chan Wing Wah) to Pian. 16.5. Holograph, signed. On the topic for the Doctorate program (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Chan Shun Hing 致 Pian 便條。手稿。查詢轉錄「杜煥」南音。With handwritten reply by RCP (Note 2)

-Letter from Chew Kheng-chuan(慶全)to Pian. May 10, 1984. Holograph, signed. On recent happenings, visiting China and the impression on China (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Postcard from (A1) and Teruko to Iris. 13 May 1985. Holograph, signed. On Iris’s father (Note 2)

-Thank you letter from Katherine to Iris. October 26, 1983. Holograph, signed (Note 1) (Note 2)

-寧萍致 Iris 信函。27. 11. 84。手稿。談教學工作和朋友家的唱片 (Note 2)

-阿慶致 Pian 信函。25/2/83。手稿。論文出版及研究 (Note 2)

-Letter from 小中 to 大姐, 大姐夫. 6/29/85. Holograph, signed. On wrong address and financial affairs (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chai Pian to Chen Chi-lu. May 27, 1985. Typescript (carbon copy). About the next year’s CHINOPERL meeting

-Letter from Chen Chi-lu to Rulan Chao Pian. April 26, 1985. Typescript, signed. On Wong Ch’iu-kui’s trip and expenses (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from G.W. Clarke to R. Pian. 11 September 1985. Typescript, signed. Informing the plan of 1987: Europe and the Orient (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Graeme Clark. Nov. 8, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the plan of 1987

-程兆揚致如蘭信函。85. 11. 12。手稿。 自我介紹和留學美國近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Postcard from Ruiko to Ted and Rulan Pian. 20 October. Holograph. On the trip in Italy (Note 2)

-哈佛中華民國同學會第一次會員大會。12 月 20 日。宣傳單張。影印本 1 葉。附會長候選人陳勁甫簡介及政見。影印本 1 葉 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Allen S. Counter. Feb. 5, 1986. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Applying for financial aid to the Harvard-Radcliffe Chinese Student Association

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chen Chi-lu. Feb. 17, 1986. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On this spring’s schedule and the seminar for Ethic Music

-Letter from Chen, Chi-lu to Rulan Chao Pian. February 4, 1986. Typescript, signed with handwritten notes. Inviting to the Chinese Ethnic Music Week. “received Feb 15th” (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chien Shan-pao. Feb. 22, 1986. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On Miss Fu Weihua’s application (Note 1)

-Diana 致 Iris 信函。2-23。手稿 。關於教學工作 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Advertisement. December 1985. Page 30. Photocopy. With handwritten markings (Note 2)

-Thank you letter from John Chao to Rulan Chao Pian. July 19, 1986. Typescript, signed (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳運通致如蘭信函。中華民國七十五年五月十六日。手稿 。聯合報副刊邀請執筆 (Note 1) (Note 2)。附剪報 2 張(影印本),包括:

 1) 南管。陳運通。聯合報。中華民國七十四年十二月四日;一、二、三、四、五。陳運通。中央日報。中華民國七十四年十二月五日 (Note 2)

 2) 書家韻致──寫在旅日華僑寇培深先生書展前。陳運通。聯合報。中華民國七十一年八月十日 (Note 2)

-推介第二屆國際藝術節「中國傳統之夜」 響亮的潮州大鑼鼓音樂。陳運通。”聯合報、民生報七十年二月十一日” 。有手寫標記 (Note 2)

-Florence 致 Iris 信函。十月十二日。手稿。關於錄音帶內容及討論讀詩詞方法 (Note 2)

-Letter from Janny to Iris. Oct. 7, 1986 and Oct. 17, 1986. 2 sheets. Holograph. On married life and apply for the Bunting fellowship of Radcliffe (Note 2)


-Letter from Milton to Iris. 10 XI 86. Holograph. On publication (Note 2)

-Theodora R. Cowan. 1 sheet. Photocopy (Note 2)

-It was swift and merciful. Holograph (photocopy)

-如玲致趙大姐卞先生信函。1/25/86。手稿。談結婚 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-寧萍致 Iris 信函。2/24/87。手稿。談論跟李榮先生學習漢語音韻學和蘇州音 (Note 2)

-陳立鷗致如蘭信函。八七年三月一日。手稿。懷念恩師趙元任 (Note 1). 附剪報 1 葉(影印本):大師小事。陳立鷗。台北聯合報副刊。87.2.16 (Note 2)

-The exhibition. Pamphlet. Selections of Chinese painting and calligraphy collected by the late Chang Fu-yun. Scheduled for the spring of 1987 (Note 2)

-Letter from Suh-Fen Fang to Chao. Typescript. On order a book (Note 2)

-中華民國郵政國際包裹執據。中國音樂書房致 Rulan Chao Pian。16.3.87。影印本 (Note 2)

-寧萍致 Iris 信函。4/22/87。手稿。代李榮查詢趙元任的字和談論趙先生全集 (Note 2)

-Letter from Shubha Chaudhuri to Rulan Chao Pian. 30 April 1987. Typescript (photocopy). Requesting the revised paper of the last session. With an envelope (Note 2)


-大湯致如蘭信函。11.11。手稿。關於新編的中文課本 (Note 2)

-Letter from Sung-sook Chung to Rulan C. Pian. June 2, 1987. Typescript, signed. Requesting the sources of Chinese vocal music (Note 2)

-致 Iris 信函。8/3/87。手稿。擬邀 Mark Bender 出席 CHINOPERL 年會 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chiao Liu Publication Service. Sept 1, 1987. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the renewal for 1988 and adding the issues of 戲曲藝術(中國戲曲學院編輯)

-Letter from Iris to “Oxen”. Sept 24, 1987. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). About the work with the Shanghai Music Press and the translation of her article, “My Father’s Musical Life”

-方正致如蘭信函。87.8.24。手稿。談論南管樂團和感謝贈送的趙元任作品全集 (Note 2)

-Renewal notice of Chiao Liu Publication Service. Aug. 15, 1987. “pd sent 1, 1987” (Note 2)

-Diana 致 Iris 賀卡。9-12-87。手稿 (Note 2)

-Thank you ietter from Chou Wen-chung to Iris. February 8, 1988. Typescript, signed “送了一本書” (Note 2)

-Card from Pang Mei to Pian. 1 March 88. Holograph. On the working on a manuscript (Note 1) (Note 2)

-幼石致 Iris 信函。 Jan. 11, 1988。手稿。談論創辦《女性人》刊物及邀請擔任顧問 (Note 2)

-Card from Pang Mei to Pian. 24 August 88. Holograph. On the copy of Pian’s mother Ms Yan (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Susan L. Rhodes to Rulan Chao Pian. September 15, 1988. Typescript, signed. On the collected works of Pian’s father (Note 2)

-幼石致 Iris 信函。88.9.6。手稿。創辦《女性人》及邀請撰寫顧問的話 (Note 1). 附《女性人》資料 (Note 2)。包括:

 1) 《女性人》創刊號目錄。手稿 1 葉(影印本)。 “一九八九年一月一日出刊” (Note 2)

 2) 《女性人》(第二期暫徵的內容)。手稿 1 葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記。“一九八九年五月出刊” (Note 2)


-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lili Ch’en. Sept 25, 1988. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the copyright of the Mandarin Primer (MP) (by Y.R. Chao). With duplicate copies

-Diana 致 Iris 信函。Sept 29, 1988。手稿。關於《女性人》 (Note 2)

-教育部書函。中華民國柒拾柒年拾月伍日。影印本。陳芳英副教授申請補助案 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳芳英致老師信函。10.11.88。手稿。談論出國的邀請 (Note 2)

-陳守仁致卞教授信函。87年10月15日。手稿。談論教學工作、籌備為 Chinese Music Archive 出版通訊、發表文章和研究工作 (Note 2)

-陳應時致趙教授信函。1988. 8. 1。手稿。談論古譜學研討會和前往英、美的計劃 (Note 2)

-Diana 致 Iris 信函。10/27。手稿。關於自己和 Carol 的工作 (Note 2)

-Barbershop Arranging Manual. Society of the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc.. Front cover. Photocopy (Note 2)

-Introduction of the manual. Page iii. Photocopy (Note 2)

-Definition of Barbershop Harmony. Page 3. Photocopy (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet “Kenyon MacCleod” (Note 1) Includes:

 1) Letter from Kenyon Macleod to Pian. November 14. About the term “Chinese seventh” (Note 2)

 2) Voicings are described as CLOSE, OPEN, SPREAD, HOMOGENEOUS, and DIVORCED. Page 247. Photocopy (Note 2)

-芳英致老師信函。11.10。手稿。查詢老師到香港後會否到台北 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Stephen H. West to Rulan Chao Pian. November 14, 1988. Typescript, signed. Informing the deadline for Professor J. I. Crump’s Festschrift has been extended. “回了 請 ext to end of Feb”89” (Note 2)

-Memo from Samuel to Rulan Chao Pian. 23 Nov 88. Holograph (Note 2)

-陳宗群(俞慧耕和 Dora 同上)致趙如蘭信函。1988. 12. 21。手稿。談論趙元任和閱讀《趙元任音樂作品全集》的感受 (Note 2)

-Diana 致 Iris 信函。手稿。關於《女性人》 (Note 2)

-Letter from 陳守仁 to Pian. 3-25-87. Holograph, signed. On his research project and the publications (Note 2)

-Letter from Sung-Sook Chung to Rulan C. Pian. October 6, 1987. Typescript, signed. About the comparative source materials and requesting recommendation letter (Note 2)

-Method Structure Intention Discipline Notation Indeterminacy Interpenetration Imitation Devotion Circumstances Variable Structure Nonunderstanding Contingeny Inconsistency Performance II. New York City, 1988. Pages i-iv. 5 sheets. With duplicate copies (Note 2)

-Music of John Cage Part I. Typescript (photocopy). “Marina Rosenfeld” (Note 2)

-守仁致 Pian 信函。十一月十八日。手稿。關於撰寫香港粵語研究和談論三個研究計劃,以及 Post-doctor fellowship 事宜。Accompanied by Chinese Popular Culture Project Postdoctoral Fellowships. 1 sheet. Photocopy (Note 2)

-Thank you letter from Oxen to Iris. March 30, 1989. Typescript, signed (Note 2)

-Invoice from Spoken Language Service, Inc.. 03/31/89. On book fee

-Enchanted evening at Symphony. By Richard Dyer. The Boston Globe. April 7, 1989 (Note 2)

-Letter from Mildred W. Chan to Rulan Pian. April 3, 1989. Typescript, signed. Requesting for the brochures and catalogs (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Clare Tweddy McMorris. April 18, 1989. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). About the China Institute in America, Inc.

-Introducing John Cage. 1 sheet. Typescript. “Delivered originally in Chinese, as an introduction to John Cage’s 5th Charles Eliot Norton Lecture at Harvard, April 5, 1989, Sanders Theatre, by Rulan C. Pian” With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-Iris 致寧萍信函。4月29號。手稿(影印本)。談論系內的教員安排和教材 (Note 1)

-Fax from John Cage. Typescript (photocopy). I Ching. Pages 1-4. Speech on I Ching (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Fax from John Cage. Typescript (photocopy). Autobiographical Statement. By John Cage. February 1989. Pages 1-8 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Adams House Music Society and the Department of Music at Harvard University present Music of John Cage Part II. April 10, 1989 8:00 P. M. Sanders Theatre. Photocopy (Note 2)

-BSO premieres an eclectic new piece from John Cage. By David Stern. The Tech. April 11, 1989. Page 6 (Note 2)

-The label “Experimental” justly rejected by Varese was accepted by John Cage. 1 sheet. Typescript. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Letter from Ivan to Rulan. Holograph, signed. Thanks for the introduction for John Cage (Note 2)

-各位來賓。手稿 1 葉。John Cage 介紹辭 (Note 2)

-如蘭致質平信函。1989. 6. 23。手稿(影印本)。說明 A. 父親的 Green Letters;B. 發表過的有關父親的短文;C. 兩篇報告父親去世的情況;D. 一張父親的音樂手稿;E. 通字方案和 F. 音樂全集

-Advertisement. 1 sheet. Electronic keyboard and related equipment. With handwritten markings (Note 2)

-各位來賓。手稿 1 葉(影印本)。John Cage 介紹辭。”Delivered as an introduction to Cage’s 5th Eliot Norton Lecture, April 5, 1989 Sanders Theatre” (Note 2)

-Letter from Winnie Chu to Iris. 5/27/89. Holograph. On recording Chinese songs in soprano voice (Note 1) (Note 2)

-周質平致趙教授信函。1989. 7. 5。手稿。感謝上星期的面談和借出的錄音帶 (Note 2)

-Greeting card from Winnie Chu to Iris. July 10, 1989. Holograph. On the Chinese songbook and studying at UC Berkeley (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Lincoln Center. Out-Of-Doors. Saturday, August 20 A Birthday Tribute to John Cage. 1 sheet (Note 2)

-Project Description “John Cage at Lincoln Center”. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-陳彥豪要用的 Tapes. July 1989. 手稿 1 葉

-陳彥豪致教授信函。1989年7月17日。手稿。關於8月至11 月的計劃 (Note 2)

-Letter from Chou Wen-chung to Center Advisory Council Members, Supporters, Friends, and Colleagues of The Center for United States-China Arts Exchange. August 8, 1989. Typescript. Subject: Current Policies and New Directions: Summer and Fall 1989. Accompanied by the statement. 5 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-周質平致趙教授。1989. 2. 20。手稿。談研究胡適的文章及索閱《一個女人的自傳》

-Letter from Julian Chang to all Cabot House SCR Members. September 1988. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On membership information. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Blank renewal order form of Critical Inquiry. 1 sheet. “already sent 89. 9. 21” (Note 2)

-芳英致老師信函。10. 2。手稿。談論到大陸及計劃去香港事宜 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-四聲雜詠。周策縱。明報月刊 1989 年 1 月號。影印本 2 葉。With handwritten notes. “277期” “周策縱一九八九、一一、一四、於陌地生” (Note 2)

-芳英致老師信函。11. 27。手稿。談去香港看崑劇和上海崑劇團的近況 (Note 2)

-人名表。手稿 1 葉。”清華12級。” (Note 1)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Robert C. Gunning. Jan. 20, 1990. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Recommendation letter for Chou Chih-p’ing (Note 1)

-Curriculum Vitae of Chih-p’ing Chou (Mr.). 7 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-趙如蘭致 Peter 信函。89. 11. 29。手稿(影印本)。關於葉嘉瑩的錄音帶及讀詞之節拍問題

-Letter from Robert C. Gunning to Rulan Chao Pian. December 28, 1989. Typescript, signed. On the promotion of Chih-p’ing Chou (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳萬益致 Rulan Chao Pian 傳真。十一月二十四日。手稿。討論往國立清華大學演講時間 (Note 2)

-Letter from S.W. LEE to Rulan Chao Pian. 31st July, 1987. Typescript, signed. Thanks to be the External Examiner in Music (for Chinese Music) for Part-time Degree Programme at CUHK (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Beth Mintz to Rulan Chao Pian. January 26, 1990. Typescript, signed. On April’s meeting (Note 2)

-Undergraduate. 1 sheet. Holograph. Notes on topics of Chinese Music (Note 2)

-陳彥豪致趙教授信函。1989. 5. 12。手稿。關於論文資料、找尋兩本書和詩詞吟誦資料,並欲拜訪中國詩詞演唱者 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳彥豪致卞老師信函。1989. 6. 12。手稿。談論見面的時間 (Note 2)

-陳彥豪致趙教授信函。1989. 12. 2。手稿。關於趙元任轉錄的錄音帶 (Note 2)

-陳彥豪(Peter Chen)致趙老師信函。1989年10月21日。手稿。談論獲張洪年介紹,得以錄下兩位女士吟頌古詩,並查詢趙元任的三卷錄影帶 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Chanted Poetry 吟詩. By DzengBaoSuen 曾寶蓀, DzengTueNong 曾約農 etc. Pages 99-103. 5 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Recording List (Note 2)

-1. Shanghai Comedy with Zhu Pei Sheng and Zhang YiYi various Shows, 14 tapes etc. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes

-Chinese Audio Tapes – Recorded in Taiwan, 1960. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. 2 sheets. Typescript (Note 2)

-Message to Iris Pian. February 10, 1990. Typescript. Announce the parting of Tuan-sheng Chien on the 21th of January, 1990 (Note 2)

-陳方正致如蘭信函。6.20。手稿 (Note 2)

-Charles(朱繼榮)致如蘭學鐄信函。16 Mar 1990。手稿。寫於朱繼榮回顧展宣傳卡上 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-周策縱致如蘭信函。1989.11.14。手稿。介紹詩人王潤華及夫人談瑩 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳彥豪(Y.H. Peter Chen)致趙老師信函。1990.10.18。手稿。談論撰寫博士論文及詩詞的錄音帶 (Note 2)

-陳樹坤致如蘭信函。民國七十七年四月十日。打印本(影印本),有簽名。駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處文化組組長履新的公函 (Note 2)

-芳英致老師信函。3.24。手稿。談論成立戲劇研究所 (Note 2)

-陳彥豪致趙老師信函。1990.3.27。交還吟詞、讀詞錄音帶 (Note 2)

-Application form for Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. Filled. 1 sheet. Project Title: Promotion of Chinese Musical Culture. Project Director: Dr. Chien-Tai Chen. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-8. Project Description. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Areas Studies in Ethnomusicology: China (Chinese music history and literature) and Special Topic in Music. “8” (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Carlo E. Robertson to Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. 29 October 1990. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the application to your foundation by Chen Chien-Tai. “II. 1” (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Chien-Tai Chen, Composer. Biography. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). “II.2” (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Calendar. 1 sheet. “II.3” (Note 2)

-Potomac composer rings out. Potomac Gazette. Aug. 22, 1990. Page A-14. Photocopy. “II.4, 2-1” (Note 2)

-剪報 2 則。影印本 1 葉。”II.4, 2-2”。包括:

 1) 華裔作曲名家陳建台 新作「五弦禪」在台北演奏。世界日報。中華民國七十九年八月十一日 (Note 2)

 2) 臺北愛樂節 陳建台新作揭開序幕 國家音樂廳18起舉行。華府郵報(Washington China Post)。一九九○年八月十七日 (Note 2)

-9. Project Budget. Typescript (photocopy). “9” (Note 1)

-Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Review Form. Filled by Rulan Chao Pian. Photocopy (Note 1)

-Letter from Cho-yun Hsu to Iris Pian. November 21, 1990. Typescript, signed. Inviting to evaluate the applications of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (Note 2)

-It’s only Rock’n Roll but China likes it. By Linda Jaivin. Leisure & Arts. “10/12-13/90”. With duplicate copies (Note 2)

-Affidavit for Sung-sook Chung. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). “official continuation!”. Accompanied by the letter of recommendation. With duplicate copy (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Sung-Sook Chung to Pian. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Items can be mentioned in the Affidavit (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Draft of an Affidavit. Typescript (photocopy). With handwritten notes and markings (Note 1)

-Curriculum Vitea of Sung-Sook Chung. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-趙如蘭致 Peter 信函。1911年1月3日。手稿(碳紙副本)。關於吟詩的調兒並介紹期刊

-Diana 致 Iris 信函。Jan 9, 1991。手稿。談論近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳日圓、陳保本致趙教授。1988.12.24。手稿。轉寄陸志豪的信 (Note 2)

-陳方正致如蘭賀卡。1.5.91。手稿。感謝支持《二十一世紀》 (Note 2)

-Curriculum Vitae of Yu-shih Chen. 8 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Application letter of Yu-shih Chen. Typescript, signed (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-又好久沒有碰到你了。手稿 1 葉。關於推薦陳幼石。“沒用著”

-陳幼石的…。手稿 1 葉。關於陳幼石 (Note 1)

-Advertisement. Asian Studies Newsletter. 1 sheet. Photocopy. With handwritten notes and markings (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Suzanne Graver. Feb. 10, 1991. Typescript (photocopy), signed. Recommendation letter for Diana Yu-shih Chen. With handwritten corrections (Note 1)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Patricia A. Hogan. Feb 7, 1991. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Recommendation letter for Diana Yu-shih Chen (Note 1)

-Diana 致 Iris 信函。Jan 25, 1991。手稿 。談論自己和朋友的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-陳麗雅致趙教授信函。07.02.1991。手稿。查詢碩士論文資料 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-趙如蘭致陳麗雅信函。2/19/91。手稿(影印本)。介紹紐約的中國木偶戲專家Jo Humphrey、Sergei Obraztsov的《The Chinese Puppet Theatre》和台灣的王秋桂教授

-柴春華致趙老師、卞先生信函。1991.2.16。手稿。邀請往海南師範學院 (Note 2)

-芳英致老師信函。2.25。手稿。談論旅遊計劃 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter to Mason. March 14, 1991. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Instructions for requesting the transcript (Note 1)

-Thank you letter from Sharon Chen to Pian. Holograph, signed (Note 2)

-芳英致老師信函。3.27。手稿。關於七月至九月的安排 (Note 2)

-Thank you letter from Michael to Pian. May 12, 1991. Printout (Note 2)

-(1)常州巿的意思。手稿 1 葉。關於紀念趙元任的活動

-崔健「解決」。歌詞本 1 葉(影印本)。有複本 (Note 2)

-Charles J. Chu 致如蘭學鐄信函。5/26/91。手稿。談病中完成的插圖工作和繪畫 (Note 2)

-信函 1 葉。包括:

 1) 張敏智致如蘭信函。民國八十年七月八日。影印本。邀請出席紐約「中華新聞文化中心」揭幕典禮 (Note 2)

 2) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chang Min-chih. July 21, 1991. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes (carbon copy). On the invitation of the dedication ceremony

-Letter from James M. Chang to Rulan Chao. July 5, 1991. Typescript, signed. Invitation to the dedication ceremony for the Chinese Information and Culture Center (CICC) (Note 2)

-Letter from Oliver K.C.Chou to Roderick MacFarquhar. 15th July, 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On PhD program (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Oliver Chou to Rulan Chao Pian. 17 July 1991. Typescript, signed. Requesting academic advice for the project on music and politics in the PRC (Note 2)

-Letter from Richard B. Kurth to Cabot House Senior Common Room Colleague. September 20, 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Membership information and privileges (Note 2)

-Letter from Jurij and Emanuela Striedter, Richard B. Kurth to Cabot House Senior Common Room Colleague. September 20, 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Membership information (Note 2)

-蔡源莉致卞趙如蘭信函。17-4-1991。手稿(影印本)。邀請出席中國曲藝藝術討論會 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Hairs annulled furry starry. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Greeting card from Oxen to Rulan. 8 XI 91. Holograph, signed (Note 2)

-Letter from Jeffrey Riegel to Rulan Chao Pian. December 29, 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy) On promotion of Samuel Cheung (Note 1). Accompanied by Samuel Cheung’s bibliography. 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Jeffrey Riegel. Jan 6, 1992. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On Samuel H.N. Cheung (Note 1)

-幼石致王迪信函。手稿。關於底片 (Note 2)

-陳怡、周龍致趙教授信函。1991.5.23。手稿。關於長風中樂團的「長風樂訊」 (Note 2)

-Letter from Claire to Pian. 5-22-91. 4 sheets (1 sheet is blank). Holograph, signed. On thesis and ask the contact with the A.R.T. (Note 2)

-Letter from Claire A. Conceison (康開麗) to Pian. May 18, 1991. Typescript (photocopy). About the performance in Shanghai and the research activities. Accompanied by addresses for contacting Claire (Note 2)

-Diana 致 Iris and 卞教授信函。Dec 14 1991。手稿。談論照片 (Note 2)

-Diana 致 Iris 信函。Oct 6, 1991。手稿。談論近況、《女性人》和教學工作 (Note 1) (Note 2)


-車錫倫致趙如蘭信函。1992.7.20。手稿。談論《曲苑》、馬克‧本德爾和黃宗泰,及最近發表的文章 (Note 2)

-爾貎如獅。影印本 2 葉。圖片 9 張 (Note 2)

-Diana 致 Iris and 卞教授信函。手稿 (Note 2)

-A Centennial Commemoration of Korean Immigration to the United States. P’ANSORI by Yoojin S. Chung. October 15, 1993. 1 folded sheet (Note 2)


  • 1981-1993, undated

Language of Materials

In English with some in Chinese

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Barcode assigned for scanning purpose: 005005106


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong