Box 30
Contains 55 Collections and/or Records:
No separator-U V W Social, 1981, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 41
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_41
Scope and Contents
-填名致原認(趙元任)信函。十月一日。手稿 1 張。略談大陸的羅馬字拼音 (Note 2)-王力致宣重師信函。1981.7.22。手稿 1 張。邀請回國定居 (Note 2)-王文山致元任信函。元. 17。手稿 1 張。謹作梁孟吟以慰故人 (Note 2)。附:
1) 梁孟吟。王文山。打印本 1 張(影印本)。詩一首 (Note 1) (Note 2)-Letter from Tim Wixted to Colleague. November 25, 1991. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the extension of deadline for submitting titles of papers for the annual meeting of the American Oriental Society, Western Branch and reminding members to make plane reservations. With...
No separator-X Y Z Social, 1981-1982, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 42
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_42
Scope and Contents
-時逢致姑父信函。Sept. 30, 1981. 交代商務的版稅及在商務買了一本《新詩唱集》 (Note 2)
-光武、少華、涵寗致姑父母九秩榮慶祝壽賀詞。手稿 1 張 (Note 2)
-楊富森致元任信函。四月二日。手稿 1 張。哀悼師母楊步偉仙逝 (Note 2)
-嚴學窘致元任信函。1981.9.9 日。手稿 1 張。寄奉聘書、《語言研究》及《中國音韻學研究會通訊》,提議滙集趙元任國內外著述並刊成叢書等 (Note 2)
-時逢致姑父信函。Sept. 14, 1981。手稿 1 張。請示如何處理商務寄來的版稅單據及報告近況 (Note 2)
-祺祚致 Iris 信函。手稿 1 張。寄來《政治官報》(清末)、庚款留美學生名單(第一、二屆)影印本,以供參考 (Note 2)
-趙琳致元任信函。1982.1.4。手稿 1 張。擬請作袁允中赴美留學之名譽財政擔保 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-光武、少華、涵寗致姑父母九秩榮慶祝壽賀詞。手稿 1 張 (Note 2)
-楊富森致元任信函。四月二日。手稿 1 張。哀悼師母楊步偉仙逝 (Note 2)
-嚴學窘致元任信函。1981.9.9 日。手稿 1 張。寄奉聘書、《語言研究》及《中國音韻學研究會通訊》,提議滙集趙元任國內外著述並刊成叢書等 (Note 2)
-時逢致姑父信函。Sept. 14, 1981。手稿 1 張。請示如何處理商務寄來的版稅單據及報告近況 (Note 2)
-祺祚致 Iris 信函。手稿 1 張。寄來《政治官報》(清末)、庚款留美學生名單(第一、二屆)影印本,以供參考 (Note 2)
-趙琳致元任信函。1982.1.4。手稿 1 張。擬請作袁允中赴美留學之名譽財政擔保 (Note 1) (Note 2)
No separator-C academic, 1981 - 1982
File — Box: 30, Folder: 43
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_43
Scope and Contents
-Statement from Cambrdige University Press to Yuen R Chao. Nov 1981. 1 sheet
-Invoice from Cambridge University Press to Yuen R Chao. 10/23/81. 1 sheet
-林家翹致樓宇偉信函。3/12/'82。手稿 1 張(影印本)。將趙如蘭為父親趙元任寄的 "報告",隨同開會通知發出。同頁:家翹致如蘭便條。細節待開會時再談 (Note 2)。附:
1) 趙如蘭致諸位校友信函。手稿 1 張(未完)。影印本。報告父親趙元任離世,並以通信方式把情形告知大家
-Invoice from Cambridge University Press to Yuen R Chao. 10/23/81. 1 sheet
-林家翹致樓宇偉信函。3/12/'82。手稿 1 張(影印本)。將趙如蘭為父親趙元任寄的 "報告",隨同開會通知發出。同頁:家翹致如蘭便條。細節待開會時再談 (Note 2)。附:
1) 趙如蘭致諸位校友信函。手稿 1 張(未完)。影印本。報告父親趙元任離世,並以通信方式把情形告知大家
No separator-Zhao or Chao or Jaw 趙家 Nova, Lensey, 小中, 1981, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 44
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_44
Scope and Contents
-元昌致元任信函。81.9.19。手稿 1 張。問候趙元任並祝身體健康 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。3 月 17 日。手稿 2 張。懷念父親趙元任及母親楊步偉相繼在一年內離逝 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。3 月 17 日。手稿 2 張。懷念父親趙元任及母親楊步偉相繼在一年內離逝 (Note 2)
No separator-U. of C. Berkeley, 1982, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 45
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_45
Scope and Contents
-Letter from Pamela A. Myers to Iris Pian. March 4, 1982. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Expressing condolence to the death of YR Chao and asking if YR Chao's name be removed from mailing lists (Note 2)-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian (Iris) to Pamela A. Myers. March 25, 1982. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). About forwarding YR Chao's mail-My linguistic autobiography. 11 sheets (photocopy). In Aspects of Chinese sociolinguistics : essays. By Yuen Ren Chao. Stanford,...
No separator-J, 1980-1982, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 46
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_46
Scope and Contents
-張德光致趙元任信函。一月十二日。手稿 1 張。擬請擔任為中央研究院政治學院士候選人之推薦人 (Note 2)-Letter from Yuen Ren Chao to Kao Hua Cheng (高化臣). February 24 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy). About being supporter to Chang Teh-kuang's candidacy as member of Academia Sinica (Yuen-Shih). "Copy"-Letter from Yuen Ren Chao to Kao Hua Cheng (高化臣). Jan. 17, 1982. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). About being supporter for Chang Teh-kuang candidacy as a Yuann Shih, member of Academia Sinica...
No separator-Untitled folder, 1981-1982, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 47
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_47
Scope and Contents
-鎖匙紙牌 14 個-鎖匙 2 條。連紙牌-鎖匙 4 條。信封面:都不是-李海致趙教授賀卡。1981。賀卡 1 張。得悉曾赴京一行並高歌「野火」一曲,令人緬懷舊事 (Note 2)-Greeting card from Y.R. Chaos. 1 sheet (Note 2)-宋龍生、嚴棉致趙老師賀卡。1981 年 12 月。賀卡 1 張 (Note 2)-如蘭致季芳信函。3/25/81. 手稿 1 張。報告母親楊步偉離世前後及感謝小明常來探望父母親-In Memoriam Yuen Ren Chao. 1 sheet. On memorial ceremony of the deceased Yuen Ren Chao on April 4, 1982 at the University of California, Berkeley. Contains information on program, letter...
No separator-Personal references, 1948, 1980-1981, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 48
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_48
Scope and Contents
-Envelope from Suzanne Cheng to Yuen-Ren Chao. 1 envelope. On back of envelope: Diary of Mar 8 '49 停止抽煙(事實上停了三四天了)。Postal stamp: 5 Mar 1980 (Note 1)-祝張岳軍先生八旬大慶。楊步偉作詞;趙元任作曲。手稿 1 張(影印本)。數字譜、中文歌詞。"Oct. 31, 1968" (Note 1) (Note 2)-結婚生日名單。手稿 1 張。包括趙元任女婿、外孫及外孫女結婚或生日日期 (Note 1)-七言詩一首。一九八〇年五月十九日。手稿 1 張。日日思卿卿可知 朝朝望夜夜偏遲 相離更戀戀難忍 再敘訴情情益痴唇近無言言外事 膚親喚韵韵如脂 同眠偕夢任何處 斯是開元第一時 (Note 2)-董作賓致四小姐書法。手稿 1 張。六藝有禮樂射御 四靈為麟鳳龜龍 卅七年雙十節于芝城 董作賓...
No separator-Xmas, New Year, clippings, 1952, 1955, 1962, 1966, 1971-1972, 1974, 1977, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 49
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_49
Scope and Contents
-Chinese and Japanese at Berkeley summer session. 1972. 1 sheet. At back of the sheet: 甲寅正月 新年書紅 萬事亨通 新年發筆 百事大吉 (Note 2)-Chess cornoer, no. 162. 1 sheet. "SR/November 6, 1971" At back of the sheet: 元旦書紅萬事亨通 元旦發筆百事大吉 (Note 2)-Message from Iris to father. 1 sheet. Holograph. About the only published "art work" besides music. Witten on: a photocopy of 西北東南風 by 大華烈士-Letter from YR Chao to Gillick Press. October 27 1962. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (carbon copy)....
No separator-Untitled folder, 1971-1972, 1982, undated
File — Box: 30, Folder: 50
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_30_Folder_50
Scope and Contents
-人月圓:賀元任先生韵卿女士金婚。王文山作詞;楊耀漢作曲。樂譜 1 張。五線譜、中文歌詞。"王文山、高月英同賀"。有複本 (Note 2)-Letter from Yuen Ren Chao to Central Intelligence Agency. July 18 1972. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). Inquiring about the standard of spelling of Chinese place names in the new People's Republic of China Atlas recently published-Letter from Yuen Ren Chao to Central Intelligence Agency. July 19 1972. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Postscript of inquiring about the standard of spelling...