Box 8
Contains 37 Collections and/or Records:
Zhao, Wuping 趙武平, 2001-03
File — Box: 8, Folder: 74
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_74
Scope and Contents
包括趙武平 (Zhao Wuping) 致 David Hawkes 的電郵。依日期排列
-趙武平致 David Hawkes 電郵。 23 March 2001. 打印本 1 張。 Subject line: Interview for China reading weekly. 趙武平原刊載於《中華讀書報》2001 年 1 月 17 日的一篇文章,題名: 「《紅樓夢》英譯者霍克斯的訪談」 (Note 2)
-趙武平致 David Hawkes 電郵。 27 March 2001. 打印本 1 張。 Subject line: Another one with your translation. 趙武平原刊載於《中華讀書報》的一篇文章,題名: 「愚衷雖淺勝濃情」 (Note 2)
Qian, Zhongshu 錢鍾書 (1910-1998), 1981, 1989-1990, 2003
File — Box: 8, Folder: 48
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_48
Scope and Contents
包括錢鍾書 (Qian Zhongshu) 致 David Hawkes 信函及剪報資料等。依日期排列如下:-錢鍾書致霍克思信函。[一九八一年]元月五日。手稿 2 張 (毛筆字、蓋章)。因年事已高,變得擔心出遠門,近年婉拒哈佛、普林斯頓之邀聘;自去冬日本歸來,決意作伏櫪之老驥,故亦取消今夏前往德國等。With: Translation. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). In English (Note 2)-幹校六記 = Six chapters from my life "Downunder"。By Yang Jiang (楊絳) ; translated by Howard Goldblatt. 1 volume (pages 6-43) : illustrations ; 27 cm. Reprinted from Renditions, no. 16, Autumn 1981 (Note 2)-錢鍾書剪報。剪報 2...
Pimpaneau, Jacques (1934- ), 2002-2003, 2007, undated
File — Box: 8, Folder: 46
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_46
Scope and Contents
Consists chiefly of letters, emails and postcards from Jacques Pimpaneau, a student of David Hawkes from 1963-65 and professor at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales until his retirement in 1999, to David Hawkes and John and Rachel Minford. Also include a photograph of Jacques Pimpaneau. Arranged chronologically.-Letter from Jacques Pimpaneau to Rachel and John Minford. 15th Feb. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On contributing an article on folk art to the...
Wong, Siu-Kit (1937-2007), 1989-2000, 2002, 2004
File — Box: 8, Folder: 62
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_62
Scope and Contents
Consists of letters between Wong Siu-Kit(黃兆傑), a Professor of The School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, and David Hawkes. Arranged chronologically.• Items 1-20:-Letter from Siu-Kit to David. 25 February 1989. 4 sheets ; 30 cm. Holograph, signed. About the health condition of Siu-Kit, teaching work to be caught up with after recovery, and writing conference paper, etc. (Note 1) (Note 2)-Letter from Siu-Kit to David. 23 April 1989...
Other correspondents, 1951-2009, undated
File — Box: 8, Folder: 76
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_76
Scope and Contents
Consists of correspondence between David Hawkes, friends, scholars, etc. Arranged chronologically.• Items 1-20:-李路英致霍克思先生夫人信函。2, Apr. 1951. 手稿 1 葉。請解囊相助,匯款至中國治病及應當如何處理霍在北京的取款通知書 (Note 2)-人民畫報社、新華書店總店訂閱科通告。排印本 1 葉。通知讀者《人民畫報》自二卷六期(一九五一年六月號)起,人民畫報社專營出版工作,而發行則由新華書店負責 (Note 2)-張恕一致大衛・霍克思信函。一九五六年八月二十四日。打字本 1 葉。關於善本部藏《萬壽盛典》一書缺第 41 及 42 兩卷事宜 (Note 2)-中華人民共和國駐英國代辦處致霍克思信函。1956 年 10 月 23 日於倫敦。打字本 1 葉。已將《萬壽盛典》佚冊一本寄交北京圖書館,特表謝意 (Note...
Mitchell, Donald (1925-2017), 1982, undated
File — Box: 8, Folder: 43
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_43
Scope and Contents
Consists of correspondence between Donald Mitchell and David Hawkes. Arranged chronologically.-Letter from Donald Mitchell to David Hawkes. 14 October 1982. 2 sheets. Typescript, signed. On seeking help for recognizing the Chinese originals of two translated poems used by Gustav Mahler (Note 2). Enclosed with: Das Lied von der Erde. 3 sheets. Photocopy. Pages 108-113. With handwritten marks (Note 2)-Letter from Donald Mitchell to David Hawkes. 5 November 1982. ...
Yang, Gladys (1919-1999) and Yang, Xianyi 楊憲益 (1915-2009), 1974, 1990, 1999-2003, 2005, 2007-2008, undated
File — Box: 8, Folder: 67
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_67
Scope and Contents
Consists of correspondence between David Hawkes and Ruth and Hilda Brown on Gladys Yang (戴乃迭, Gladys Margaret Taylor). Also includes a postage bag from Gladys Yang and other materials on Gladys Yang and Yang Xianyi (楊憲益). Arranged chronologically.-Postage bag. 1 postage bag ; 45 x 28 cm. A cloth postage bag from Gladys Yang in Peking, to David Hawkes in Oxford. Date chop: Registered, 2 Sep 74, Dover, Kent -Letter from Ruth Brown to Jean Hawkes. 20th July. 2 sheets ;...
Zhao, Baoxu 趙寶煦 (1922-2012), 1962, 1980-1983
File — Box: 8, Folder: 73
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_73
Scope and Contents
包括趙寶煦 (Chao Pao-Hsü) 致霍克思 (David Hawkes) 信函。依日期排列-趙寶煦 (Chao Pao-Hsü) 致霍克思信函。 一九六二年八月八日北京。手稿 1 張。得悉翻譯的《楚辭》已在英國出版及略談中國出版界這十多年來的變化 (Note 2)-趙寶煦致霍克思信函。 1980.10.24. 手稿 2 張。交代曾託吳世昌帶信往英國問安、賀《紅樓夢》翻譯成功、吳恩裕病逝及託 Lord Fulton 帶信等。葉首:4/6/81 (Note 2)-寶煦致大衛信函。 1981 年 7 月 8 日北京。手稿 2 張。談近況及故人消息、吳恩裕離世、託瑪麗亞帶錢松岩畫的《紅岩》給大衛及十二月到加州做研究等 (Note 2)-趙寶煦致大衛信函。 十二月二十三日。手稿 2 張。拜託照顧在英國學習的王輯思、查詢是否收到託 Maria Samajauskes 帶來錢松岩畫的《紅岩》及即將離京赴美 (Note 1) (Note 2)-寶煦致 David 信函。 十二月廿五日。手稿 1...
Yang, Xiuba 楊秀拔, 1968, undated
File — Box: 8, Folder: 68
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_68
Scope and Contents
包括楊秀拔 (Yang Xiuba) 致 David Hawkes 詩句。依日期排-壯士行。楊秀拔。一九六八年六月六日羅拔甘乃迪遇刺後之二日。手稿 1 張。詩一首 (Note 2): 碧血英名照汗青 九霄飛去〇鶺鴒 延津合璧豈天定 茫茫蒼海弔忠靈 風雲陡轉失鈞霆 從此椒房影伶仃 家本季倫陶朱業 昔曾浮海戰樓船 電掃敵軍骨背穿 彌堅壯志着先鞭 顯身揚名全忠孝 紫氣東來意萬千 白宮春暖杏花天 夜夜笙歌開錦筵 筵前起舞霓裳醉 王公金粉爭逐顏 曲終人去坐不眠 底是蜩螗心黯然 聖代緣何見芻狗 爭得民權卸仔肩 欲渡黔黎百萬身 孰知甘政嬰逆鱗 旌羽金吾車西廵 狂夫喪志泣鬼神 瞬息英魂飛天外 托孤有弟早追隨 丕休纘緒蹈艱危 伯仲成仁驚數奇 紅顏雙雙自古悲 慟哭委地心恨誰 可憐堂前椿萱茂 西河痛定撫遺孀 四顧萑苻滿豺狼 獨存季子盼長康 記取赤松非佯狂 -楊秀拔呈郝克思詩句。一九六八年八月於英倫。手稿 1 張。詩一首 (Note...
Yang, Zhouhan 楊周翰 (1915-1989), 1979, 1989-1990, undated
File — Box: 8, Folder: 69
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_3_Folder_69
Scope and Contents
包括楊周翰 (Yang Zhouhan) 和妻子王還 (Wang Huan) 致 David Hawkes 信函,亦有報刊資料。依日期排-Letter from Chou-han to David. 5 Oct., 1979. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On receiving and sending books, congratulations on the translation of 《紅樓夢》, and discussion on three minor points (Note 2)-Obituray of Yang Zhouhan. By Wang Huan. 1 sheet (photocopy). The death of Yang Zhouhan on Nov. 16, 1989 (Note 2)-悼念楊周翰。 排印本 1 冊。包括悼念楊周翰的期刊文章十餘篇。《中國比較文學通訊》總第 11 期(1990 年 1 月),頁 1-22。 缺頁 23-38 (Note...