Other correspondents, 1951-2009, undated
Consists of correspondence between David Hawkes, friends, scholars, etc. Arranged chronologically.
• Items 1-20:
-李路英致霍克思先生夫人信函。2, Apr. 1951. 手稿 1 葉。請解囊相助,匯款至中國治病及應當如何處理霍在北京的取款通知書 (Note 2)
-人民畫報社、新華書店總店訂閱科通告。排印本 1 葉。通知讀者《人民畫報》自二卷六期(一九五一年六月號)起,人民畫報社專營出版工作,而發行則由新華書店負責 (Note 2)
-張恕一致大衛・霍克思信函。一九五六年八月二十四日。打字本 1 葉。關於善本部藏《萬壽盛典》一書缺第 41 及 42 兩卷事宜 (Note 2)
-中華人民共和國駐英國代辦處致霍克思信函。1956 年 10 月 23 日於倫敦。打字本 1 葉。已將《萬壽盛典》佚冊一本寄交北京圖書館,特表謝意 (Note 2)
-張恕一致大衛・霍克思信函。1956 年 12 月 10 日。打字本 1 葉。就贈送國立北京圖書館《萬壽盛典》第 40 及 41 合卷致謝 (Note 2)
-鍾應梅致霍克思信函。一九六三年十二月廿日。手稿 2 葉。關於俞平伯的資料 (Note 2)
-高明致香港中文大學校務主任信函。一九六四年一月十日。手稿 9 葉(碳紙副本)(Note 1)。應徵大學中國語言文學教授一職(包含履歷)。附:
1) 陳大齊介紹函。二月七日。手稿 1 葉。影印本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
2) 劉季洪介紹函。二月六日。手稿 2 葉。影印本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
3) 劉百閔介紹函。六四・二・十。手稿 1 葉。影印本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-潘重規致香港中文大學署理校務主任信函。一九六四年一月十六日。手稿 1 葉(碳紙副本)。應徵中國語言文學教授一職 (Note 2)。附:
1) 備諮詢人名單。手稿 1 張。碳紙副本。諮詢人職銜及聯絡地址 (Note 2)
2) 潘重規 (Pan Chung-kwei) 履歷。手稿 2 張。碳紙副本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
3) 柳存仁介紹函。一九六四年二月。手稿 1 張。影印本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
4) 劉百閔介紹函。六四・二・十。手稿 1 張。影印本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
5) 錢穆介紹函。一月卅一日。手稿 1 張。影印本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-曾蓮蓉致霍克思信函。一九六四年二月十九日。手稿 2 葉。馬來亞大學華文學會《斑苔學報》向霍克思邀稿 (Note 2)
-國際書店通告。1964 年 4 月 日。排印本 1 葉。歡迎訂閲新畫刊《中國銀幕》(季刊)(Note 2)
-國際書店郵購服務部通告。1964 年 6 月 日。排印本 1 葉。寄上出版物目錄供訂購參考 (Note 2)
-Letter from Bob to Ivor and Dorothea Richards. January 25, 1967. 2 sheets. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the health condition and recent life of Bob Winter (1887-1987) in China, and the death of Dilowa Hutukhtu (1883-1965) (Note 1) (Note 2)
-侯培致霍教授信函。一九六七年十一月十五日於德國。手稿 1 葉。自我介紹、如需關於中國文及中國書籍可來信告之 (Note 2)
-胡雋吟 (Chün-yin Franke-Hu) 致大衛信函。一九六八年四月六日。手稿 1 葉。關於侯君的地址及將前往普拉格參加漢學會 (Note 2)
-今堀誠二致 David Hawkes 郵簡。一月六日。手稿 1 張。In Japanese. Postal stamp: 7.1.69 (Note 2)
-岩波書店圖書係 (Iwanami Shoten, Publishers) 致 D. Hawkes 郵簡。一九六九年八月二十一日。手稿 1 張。In Japanese (Note 2)
-羅奉來致客戶信函。三月卅一日。打字本 1 葉。通知自四月起離開學生書局,創辦大化書局股份有限公司 (Da Hwa Book Co. Ltd.) 。大化書局核准成立日期:1977-3-5 (Note 2)
-齊聲喬致 David Hawkes 信函。1978 年 10 月 14 日。手稿 1 葉。收到寄來及由友人帶來的像片、藥、文章和信件等;送上 《唐宋詩舉要》兩冊及李賦寧望在牛津時能從英國各大學取得一些教學經驗 (Note 2)
-TS Na 致 David Hawkes 信函。七・廿一。手稿 1 葉。那宗訓擬送贈 Studies on Dream of the Read Chamber : a Selected and Classified Bibliography 一書及寄出首屆國際紅樓夢硏討會的照片。首屆國際《紅樓夢》研討會於 1980 年 6 月在美國威斯康星大學舉行 (Note 2)
-唐德剛致霍克思賀卡。庚申年歲暮 (1980)。手稿 1 張。關於向胡祖望查詢胡適榮譽學位文憑一事 (Note 2)
• Items 21-40:
-陳熙中致霍克思信函。一九八一年十二月九日。手稿 1 葉。自我介紹 (Chen Xizhong) 及望能有機會拜訪求教 (Note 2)
-Postcard from Christopher Cullen to David Hawkes. 1 postcard ; 10 x 15 cm. Holograph, signed. About receiving a forwarded letter from Clare Hall and wondering if part one hasn't been received yet. Postal stamp: 15 Jan 1983 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-吳曉鈴 (1914-1995) 致霍克思信函。一九八三・四・二十。手稿 1 張。詢問霍之住址,以便直接通信;期賜《關於元雜劇的一些想法》一文和其他著作及報告近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Christoph R. Werner to David Hawkes. July 15th, 1983. 2 sheets. Typescript, signed. From a reader of The Story of the Stone in Berlin (Note 2)
-程與天致霍克思信函。一九八四年六月十六日。手稿 2 張。奉上《二泉齋紅樓夢印苑》一套及自我介紹 (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-馮其庸致霍克思信函。一九八五年四月一日。油印本 1 葉。邀請出席在哈爾賓舉行的國際紅學研討會。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-劉昌浩致霍克思信函。1985 年 12 月 22 日。手稿 2 葉。附有關紅樓夢之近作兩篇,懇請審閱並介紹在國外刊物發表 (Note 2)。包括:
1) 解嘲歌為曹雪芹作:有序 手稿 3 葉 碳紙副本 (Note 2)
2) 辨奸與辨誣 手稿 47 葉 碳紙副本 (Note 2)
3) 空白稿紙 2 葉(Note 2)
-楊松年致霍克斯信函。1986 年 11 月 19 日。手稿 1 葉。奉上碩士論文《王夫之詩論研究》,並請賜教 (Note 2)
-孔祥賢致霍克思信函。1986/12/28. 手稿 3 葉。申述紅學觀點的兩大根本問題,邀霍為其新作《紅樓夢的破譯 》撰寫一首詩或詞。附端木蕻良題字。手稿 1 張(影印本)(Note 2)
-Letter from Glenn Oldham to David Hawkes. 10 July 1988. 2 sheets. Holograph, signed. From a reader of The Story of the Stone in London (Note 1) (Note 2)
-源可樂致 David Hawkes 信函。91 年 2 月 28 日。手稿 2 葉。自我介紹及望能得霍之指點 (Note 2)
-毓婷致霍老師賀卡。17 May 2000. 賀卡 1 張。談詩及奉上新詩 1 首,題名:長廊 (Note 2)
-Email from Liu Ching-chi to Rachel and John Minford. 31 janvier 2002. 1 sheet. Printout. Subject line: Re: David Hawkes' 80th Birthday Book. Acceptance to write something for David. With handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Chih-tsing Hsia (夏志清) to John and Rachel Minford. February 1, 2002. 3 sheets. Holograph, signed. On declining to write an article for David Hawkes' 80th Birthday Book. Also talks about David Hawkes and Chi-chen Wang(王際真)(1899-2001). Accompanied by an envelope (11 x 24 cm) (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-Letter from Jin Di (金隄) to Rachel and John Minford. March 19, 2002. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. On the contribution to the birthday book for David Hawkes. Accompanied by:
Chinese calligraphy. 1 sheet ; 25 cm. With duplicate copy (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-Note from Joseph S.M. Lau (劉紹銘) to Hermit. April 11, 2002. 1 sheet ; 22 cm. Holograph, signed. On sending a fun essay for the Hawkes volume. Accompanied by:
1)「對聯英譯識小」。打印本 5 張。有手寫筆記。葉首:David: For your "fun" reading (Note 2)
2)「對聯英譯識小」。排印本 4 張(影印本)。頁 406-412 (Note 2)
「對聯英譯識小」was later translated into English under title "Mixed doubles" by John Minford and included in the birthday book for David Hawkes.
-Email from Denis Twitchett to Rachel and John Minford. 6 juin 2002. 1 sheet (printout). Subject line: Birthday book contribution. On sending a soft copy of contribution for David's 80th birthday. Printing date: 07/06/02 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Minnie van der Loon to Rachel and John Minford. 16 June 2002. 1 sheet. Holograph. On not contributing to the birthday book for David Hawkes since the death of Piet van der Loon on 22 May 2002. Accompanied by an envelope (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-Letter from Philip Fang to Mr and Mrs Minford. Between 2002 and 2003. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On sending the calligraphy of 方召麐 for David's birthday book (Note 2). Accompanied by the name card of Philip Fang(方順生)(Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Daniel Huws to David Hawkes. 2 Feb. 2005. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On David's decision of not sending Daniel a copy of David's book about suspicion faith (Note 1) (Note 2)
• Items 41-60:
-Greeting card from Jessica Rawson to David. 3 February 2005. 1 card ; 15 x 21 cm folded to 15 x 11 cm. Holograph, signed. On receiving the book, Letters from a godless grandfather (Note 2)
-Aerogram from Vasant V. Paranjpe to David Hawkes. 25 Feb. 05. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On expressing thanks for receiving a book, Letters from a godless grandfather; discussing on religion, Darwinism, and DNA (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Email from Zhang Jing-hao (張經浩) to David Hawkes. 27 March 2005. 1 sheet (printout). Subject: Re: The book is out. Accompained with: Selected text on David Hawkes from the book of 名家名論名譯 (2005). 1 sheet (printout). In Chinese (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Aerogramme from Donald Leslie to David Hawkes. 13 April 2005. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On reading Hawkes's Letters from a godless grandfather and Donald's forthcoming book on Islam in China (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Note from Susan Greenfield to David Hawkes. 03 May 2005. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. On receiving a copy of David's book, Letters from a godless grandfather. "Dictated by Baroness Greenfield but signed in her absence to avoid delay" (Note 2)
-Letter from Alastair Campbell to David Hawkes. 8 May 05. 1 sheet ; 21 cm. Holograph, signed. On reading Hawkes's Letters from a godless grandfather (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Dore J. Levy to David and Jean. 3 January 2006. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. On David's The Story of the Stone in English and Dore's poetry to be published in Tamkang Review (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from William G. Crowell to David Hawkes. February 3, 2006. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. On seeking David's permission to use a tribute at the memorial service for Homer H. Dubs in 1969 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from André Lévy to David Hawkes. April 3rd 2009. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. On the translation of William Empson. With handwritten notes in Chinese (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Email from Qingli Dai (戴慶利) to David Hawkes. April 05, 2009. 1 sheet (printout). Subject: Re: urgent message from the Chinese embassy in London. On acknowledging the assistance offered by David on acquiring a set of The Story of the Stone, which the Chinese ambassador Fu Ying(傅瑩)intended to present to Queen Elizabeth II on April 7, 2009. Includes also text of the previous emails from Qingli Dai to David Hawkes (2009/04/04) and from David Hawkes to Qingli Dai (2009/04/05). Printing date: 07/04/2009 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from John Gittings to David Hawkes. Between 2000 and 2009. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On expressing thanks for the book, Godless Grandfather. "28th Jun." (Note 1) (Note 2)
-齊思貽致霍克思信函。一月廿五日。手稿 2 張。有關《廣倉學會雜誌》、《廣倉學演說報》和俞平伯事略。附:俞平伯事略。手稿 1 張 (Note 2)
-岱梅致大衛信函。六月九日。手稿 1 葉。關於魯迅的「還有身價不資的濶人」(Note 2)
-陳麗生 (Lee-sun Chen) 致何教授信函。十二月二日。手稿 1 葉。自我介紹及望能有機會拜望 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-何沛雄致霍克思信函。十二月十九日。手稿 1 葉。敬贈茶葉和對聯,以賀聖誕新年佳節,並附上聯邦獎學金委員會第一學期報告書副本,祈為斧正 (Note 2)
-達致霍克思賀卡。12 月 22 日。手稿 1 張。關於楊憲益 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-水建彤致霍克思信函。二月廿五日。手稿 4 張。對石頭記顏色盒裡的大赤飛金中「飛」字的解說,並請教英文該怎麼說好 (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-熊德蘭致 Jean and David Hawkes 信函。四・五。手稿 1 葉。向霍問安、請交三十鎊給德海作路費及看《人民日報》等 (Note 2)
-致 David Hawkes 便條。十一・一日。手稿 1 葉。關於:1) 錄音機已準備就緒;2)「女起解」已錄畢及;3) 除玉堂春一面外,其他兩卷京劇均已錄畢 (Note 2)
-張璧華致霍克斯信函。手稿 1 張。關於在牛津見面的安排 (Note 2)
• Item 61:
-Letter from Steve Luk to Rachel and John Minford。1 sheet (printout). Note from the publisher of the birthday book for David Hawkes (Note 2)
- 1951-2009, undated
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
61 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Hawkes, David, 1923-2009 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong