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Box 89


Contains 12 Collections and/or Records:

Purple label, box A1, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 1
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_1
Scope and Contents -中國古代十大悲劇傳奇。胡光舟;沈家莊。影印本 (Note 2)

Purple label, box A-4, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 2
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_2
Scope and Contents -梅蘭芳在美以五線譜演出。舒蘭。《 世界日報》二000年一月二日。原插於:劉天華記譜。《梅蘭方歌曲譜》(Note 2)

Purple label, box A-5, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 3
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_3
Scope and Contents -京戲考。四郎探母。影印本。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

Purple label, box A-6, 1987, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 4
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_4
Scope and Contents -從詩到曲。影印本。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)-價目表。手稿(影印本) (Note 2)-齊如山先生遺著編印委員會致卞太太收據。打印本。附信封 1 個。有手寫筆記。原插於:張敬。《明清傳奇導論》。臺北:臺灣東方書店,民國五十年 [1961]-Mei 致 Pian 便箋。手稿。有關聲韻。原插於: 王光祈。《中國詩詞曲之輕重律》。上海:中華書局發行,民國二十二年 [1933] (Note 2)-Yuan Sanqu: A Study of the Prosody and Structure of Xiaoling Contained in the Sanqu Anthology Yangchun Baixue Compiled by Yang Chaoying. 1 sheet. Printout. Attached a letter from Kurt W. Radtke to Professor Pian. Originally inserted in: Stoll, Rolf W....

Purple label, box A-7, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 5
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_5
Scope and Contents -關於曲破的兩樁重要資料─《高麗史‧樂志》和《樂學軌範》。吳秀卿。影印本。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

-The Elements of Yüan Opera. James I. Crump. Printout. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Notes on Sony charger. Holograph

-從詩到曲:再論詞調。影印本。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

Purple label, box A-8, 1970, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 6
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_6
Scope and Contents -Letter from Leung Pui-Kan to Sir. 25th October, 1970. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Giving information on Kuan Han-ch'ing (關漢卿). 原插於: 梁沛錦編。《關漢卿硏究論文集成》。香港:潛文堂,1969 (Note 2)

-Notes on money. 1 sheet. Holograph. 原插於: 孟繁樹。《中國戲曲的困惑》。北京:中國戲劇出版社,1988

-致如蘭教授聖誕卡。打印本。有手寫筆記。原插於:劉靖之。《關漢卿三國故事雜劇硏究》。香港:三聯書店香港分店,1980 (Note 2)

-序。趙景深。手稿。原插於: 趙景深。《中國戲曲初考》。鄭州:中州書畫社,1983 (Note 2)

-Notes on Shu lu Chen puu 粟蘆曲譜. 1 sheet. Holograph. 原插於: 思凡。《栗廬曲譜之一》

Purple label, box A-9, 1978, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 7
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_7
Scope and Contents -徽調琵琶記考。田仲一成。1978. 10. 12。手稿(影印本) 。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

-遊園。 手稿(影印本) 。工尺譜,中文歌詞。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

-論魏良輔的新腔創立和他的《南詞引正》─對錢南揚《南詞引正校注》的商討(一)。影印本。中華文史論叢,第二輯。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

-栗廬曲譜:習曲要解。影印本 (Note 2)

-《崑劇表演一得》:第二集。徐凌雲;管際安;陸兼之。2 冊。影印本 (Note 2)

- 《昆劇表演一得》: 第一集。徐凌雲;管際安;陸兼之。2 冊。影印本 (Note 2)

-崑曲:牆頭馬上。民國五十三年。1 冊。手稿(油印本) (Note 2)

-有關河州二令。手稿 1 張。原插於: 中國民間文藝研究會甘肅分會編。《花兒論集》。蘭州 : 甘肅人民出版社,1983

- 西游記雜劇三折。排印本 1 冊。數字譜,中文歌詞。有複本 (Note 2)

Purple label, box A-10, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 8
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_8
Scope and Contents -《新編戲學彙考卷之十》。吳興;凌善清:海寧;許志豪。影印本。中華民國二十三年五月四版 (Note 2)

-甘露寺。影印本 (Note 2)

-鐄致Iris 信函。手稿 1 張。有關Paper 的comment (Note 2)

-FUSO. Oriental Arts & Crafts. 1 sheet. Printout

-致Iris 信函。一九六の年の月廿七日。手稿 1 張。有關戲劇月刊。原插於: 劉豁公編。《戲劇月刊》。上海:大東書局 (Note 2)

Purple label, box A-11, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 9
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_9
Scope and Contents -Notes on vocabularies. Holograph

-Gred Schönfelder: Die Musik der Peking-Oper. 1972. Photocopy (Note 2)

-北方昆曲劇院:建院紀念特刊。1957. 6. 22。影印本 (Note 2)

Purple label, box A-12, 1990, 1993, 2003, 2005, undated

 File — Box: 89, Folder: 10
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_89_Folder_10
Scope and Contents -Materials enclosed by a folder: Growth of Chinese Regional Opera in 明&清. Includes: 1) The Growth of the Chinese Regional Drama in the Ming and Ch'ing. Colin Mackerras. Photocopy. With handwritten notes (Note 2) 2) 論元人雜劇之分類。羅錦堂。影印本 (Note 2)-有關我講演的問題plans etc。文件夾。包括: 1) Curriculum vitae. Rulan Chao Pian. Typescript (photocopy). With handwritten notes  2) 學術論文。手稿(影印本) 3) Biography of Rulan Chao Pian. January 1990. Typescript...