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Box 14


Contains 120 Collections and/or Records:

J10-Untitled folder, 1992, 1999-2000, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 61
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_61
Scope and Contents -金陵刻經處流通書目。1999年元月。排印本 (Note 2)-《趙元任全集》序。排印本(影印本)。頁122-133。貼有 Shenyi Luo 地址 (Note 1) (Note 2)-金岳霖學術基金會致趙如蘭信函。1992年6月。油印本。關於出版《金岳霖紀念集》及徵稿事宜。附:金岳霖學術基金會章程 (Note 2)-Email from Rulan Chao Pian to Desmond C. Hosford. “sent by email 10/6”. Printout with handwritten notes. Subject line: Music books Oxford University Press. Attached with a reply email from Desmond Hosford dated 9/28/00. Subject line: Jones review-金陵刻經處賀年卡。二000年 (Note 2)...

J10-劍橋新語, 1998-1999, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 62
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_62
Scope and Contents -致 Chao 便箋。手稿1葉。關於廖炳惠講:台灣50-60年代城鄉文學藝術發展 (Note 2)-人名聯絡資料表。Sept 25, 1998. 手稿2葉 (Note 2)-讚美國華人華裔創『第一』:向新大陸的華僑華人拜年。朱華鈞[撰文]。《人民日報・國際副刊》。剪報資料 (Note 2)-袁汝儀。”Oct. 1998”。手稿1葉。個人履歷表 (Note 1) (Note 2)-Email announcement from Phoebe Phong Chang. 99-05-25. Printout. Subject line: Jian Qiao Xin Yu(劍橋新語)on Friday, 5/28. Speaker: C.S. Kao. Topic: Elections in Taiwan (Note 2)-Email announcement from Phoebe Phong Chang. 99-06-22. Printout. Subject...

J10-Untitled folder, 1995, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 63
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_63
Scope and Contents -漢族民歌概論:名詞、術語。江明惇。手寫中文,英文翻譯(影印本)(Note 2)

-南京市房屋平面圖。江蘇省省級文物保護單位記錄檔案。影印本 (Note 2)

-In memoriam : Jen. 1994 ernie 1995. Sisi. Photocopy. Newspaper clipping (Note 2)

-Memorial service : Chih-Kung Jen, 1906-1995 = 任之恭先生追悼會on December 9. 1995. Typescript (photocopy). Program leaflet. Attached with a yellow post-it memo from 守瀛 dated 12/27/95 (Note 2)

-金吾倫致趙如蘭傳真。95. 1. 31。手稿(碳紙副本)。關於邀請出席金岳霖先生誕辰一百週年學術討論會。附:紀念金岳霖誕辰一百週年學術討論會第一次通知及回條。打字本(碳紙副本)(Note 2)

J10-九洲會 音樂論題 我講祭孔音樂, 1986-1988, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 64
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_64
Scope and Contents -Letter from Han Kuo-Huang to Rulan Pian. Aug 29, 1988. Typescript, signed. On participate in the Jiu Zhou symposia to be held on December 3rd, 1988 (Note 2)-趙如蘭致國鐄信函。1988, 9月6號。手稿1葉(影印本)。關於參加 Jiu Zhou symposia-陳芳英致老師信函。八. 二十七。有關索取會議議程相關資料。附有地址,貼有郵票及郵戳的信封1個 (Note 1) (Note 2)-Symposium on “Chinese culture: tradition and modernity. December 6, 1986. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)-Third annual conference on Chinese culture : performance and context....

J10-Untitled folder, 1996-1997, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 65
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_65
Scope and Contents -折子戲名稱。手稿1葉

-LUMENH 致 THHPIAN 電郵。97-10-05。關於中國時報:古代音樂文獻重新問世 (Note 2)

-朱江致四歌四嫂信函。97. 11. 5。手稿2葉。關於最新近況及問安 (Note 2)

-蔣杏芳致如蘭信函。手稿1葉。關於邀請回母校參加慶典及索取生活彩照刊載於紀念冊內 (Note 2)

-蔣杏芳致如蘭信函。97. 4. 29。手稿2葉。關於新那滙來的捐獻及紀念冊事宜 (Note 2)

-中國文化研討會第十一屆年會:中國文化的區域性格。於1996年12月7日舉行。打字本(影印本)。程序表 (Note 2)

J10-Untitled folder, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 66
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_66
Scope and Contents -化外的話。袁尚賢。打字本(影印本)(Note 2)

J10-Untitled folder, 1991-1994, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 67
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_67
Scope and Contents -中華全國臺灣同胞聯誼會中央音樂學院致趙如蘭信函。1994. 10. 28. 打字本。關於邀請出席江文也誕辰八十五周年紀念會暨學術研討會 (Note 2)-中華經濟研究院秘書處致 Rulan Chao Pian(卞趙如蘭)傳真。11/3/1994. 關於蔣碩傑先生銅像揭幕典禮暨經濟思想學術研討會邀請函、議程、回條 (Note 2)-Special viewing for BO Jia : ”Blue” oil paintings and pencil drawings. The Chinese Culture Institute. Typescript (photocopy). Invitation card (Note 2)-Letter from 賈 to Zhao. 10.7.93. 1 sheet. Holograph. On the discussion group in Cambridge (Note 2)-六四燭光紀念會 = Commemorate June 4th...

交通大學(新竹), 1993, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 68
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_68
Scope and Contents -啓福致如蘭信函。一九九三年三月廿三日。打字本(影印本)。關於無法依期到波士頓探望 (Note 2)-黎漢林致趙教授信函。3月1日。手稿(影印本)。關於交大鄧校長盼於本年四月到美拜訪學者事宜 (Note 2)。附件包括: 1) 趙如蘭致黎漢林信函。三月二日。手稿(影印本)。關於交大鄧校長到訪事宜 2) 黎漢林致巫教授信函。3月1日。手稿(影印本)。關於交大鄧校長盼於本年四月到美拜訪學者事宜 (Note 2)-黎漢林致趙如蘭傳真。3月3日。手稿(影印本)。多謝3月2日傳真 (Note 2)-黎漢林致趙院士傳真。2月3日。手稿(影印本)。關於收到相關學者資料 (Note 2)-黎漢林 (Han-lin Li) 致趙教授 (Rulan Chao Pian) 傳真。Jan. 15, 1993. 手稿(影印本)。關於 交大延聘大陸傑出學者來台事宜。With duplicate copy (Note 2). 附件包括:  1)...

J10-Untitled folder, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 69
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_69
Scope and Contents -BO Jia : ”Blue” oil paintings and pencil drawings. Exhibition on October 7 – December 18, 1993. The Chinese Culture Institute. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

J10-九州 related activities, 1959, 1991, undated

 File — Box: 14, Folder: 70
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_14_Folder_70
Scope and Contents -賀步七十整壽 = Celebrating the 70th birthday of Buwei. 趙元任作曲;王文山作詞(1959);賀卡趙如蘭教授七十壽辰並祝榮退之福 = Celebrating the 70th birthday of Professor Rulan Chao Pian。鄭愁予作詞 (1991)。打字本(影印本)。五線譜。中文歌詞 (Note 2)-賀卞趙如蘭七十壽辰並祝榮休(有序)。鄭愁予。一九九一年冬月。手稿1葉(影印本)(Note 2)-Sixth annual conference on Chinese culture in honor of Professor Rulan Chao Pian’s retirement. December 7, 1991. Harvard-Yenching Institute auditorium. Typescript (photocopy). Program leaflet (Note 2)-中國詩歌中的節奏問題。丁邦新 (U. C....