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No separator-Untitled folder, 1959-1960, 1964, 1969, 1971-1972, 1988, 1991, 2001, undated

 File — Box: 69, Folder: 6
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_69_Folder_6
-音樂史的一面鏡子。《趙元任音樂作品全集》的歷史意義。韓國鐄。剪報 1 張(影印本)。From: 《聯合報‧副刊》,1988.8.10。有複本 (Note 2)

-Two photographs. Includes: 1) 王少堂在說「武松打虎」。Wang Shawtarng on "Wuu Song Killing the Tiger" (Yangjpu Story Telling); 2) Liou Baochyuan probably on "The Fabulous Tale of the Western Chamber" (Peking Drum Singing). 1 sheet. Photocopy. With a post-it note: 京白韻白 Tape。也有答話的

-影印本 7 張。From: 《天雨花‧第二回》,三十九至四十五版。有手寫筆記。"Pian correction copy" (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. "Old Sources". Includes:

 1) 現代中國語言的表演。手稿 2 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記

 2) 理想的白話文。朱自清。手稿 1 張(影印本)

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: Introduct. 冰心

-謝冰心在民族學院跟梁恩佐談話。12/29/72。手稿 3 張(影印本)。頁 1-3。有複本

-打字本(影印本)。演講時間表。9/21 至 10/29

-謝冰心在民族學院跟梁恩佐談話。12/29/72。手稿(影印本)。頁 1-3。有手寫筆記。"some editing", "lot more editing", "recording much longer"

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 說書

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. "評書。七俠五義". Includes:

 1) 評書:《七俠五義》(虎雲講 1960)。手稿 1 張(影印本)。有複本

 2) Story-telling: An episode from The Seven Knights and Five Gallant Men (Chap.55). As told by Hun Yun, 1960, in Taipei (See field-work account by C.Stevens, CHINOPERL #4, p.89-90). 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Lyrics in Romanized text and English translation. Pages 1-4 (Note 2)

-2. Taiwan Commercial recording of actual perf: Shianq.sheng 相聲 Comedians' Dialogue: A Peking Opera, The Battle Between The Tarng and The Hann. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Page 1. 1 sheet pasted on the back side. Typescript with handwritten notes. Notes on dialogue in Peking Opera. Tab title: 相聲

-相聲。《唐漢爭》。(吳兆南,魏龍豪,1969)。手稿(影印本)。"見相聲集錦第 4 冊"。有複本 (Note 2)

-Shianq.sheng 相聲 Comedians' Dialogue: A Peking Opera, The Battle Between The Tarng and The Hann. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). Pages 1-2. With duplicate copy

-Shianq.sheng. Comedians' Dialogue: A Peking Opera, The Battle Between The Tarng and The Hann. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Pages 1-3. "唐漢爭。吳兆南、魏龍豪。相聲集錦 v.4 P.19-21" (Note 2)

-Dialogue I. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Dialogue between A (Tax Collector 丁郎兒) and B (ShiaoEn). "From Scene II of the Fisherman's Revenge, Daa Yu Sha Jia 打漁殺家", "Pian". Tab title: 京白韻白

-打漁殺家。京白與韻白。打字本(影印本)。唱詞 (Note 2)

-Dialogue II. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Dialogue between B and A. "pian"

-打漁殺家。京白與韻白。打字本(影印本)。唱詞。頁 5 (Note 2)

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 數來寶 Beggars

-Beggar's Jingles. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes. "從這兒起頭", "3", "數來寶"

-B.1。數來寶(相聲)。手稿(影印本)。頁 1。"相聲集錦 Vol.4 P.45"。有複本 (Note 2)

-童謠數來寶。手稿(影印本)。有手寫筆記。"馮玉平讀 1971 Cambridge"。有複本

-3. 山東快書。武松扮新娘。(鳴鳳 CO-297)。手稿(影印本)。有手寫筆記。"Pref. by 高元鈞(according to 老傅)"。Tab title: 山東快書 (Note 2)

-3. 山東快書。武松扮新娘。(鳴鳳 CO-297)。高元鈞演唱。手稿(影印本)。有複本 (Note 2)

-I. Shandong Pattersong: Wuu Song Impersonates a Bridge (Mingfenq CO-297). 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Lyrics in Romanized text and English translation. Pages 1-2 (Note 2)

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 讀詩詞


-Lii Yuh (10th cent.). Tsyr-poems from the Five Dynasties. Typescript (photocopy). " Lin Yih-ling and Shahid Suhrawardy"

-新詩三首。包括胡適《他》、陳衡哲《飛鳥與籠鳥》和 胡適《樂觀》。手稿 3 張(影印本)。有羅馬拼音。頁 1-3。Tab title: 新詩

-Feineau. 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Table of vocabularies in Chinese, Romanized text and English translation. Pages 1-2

-Lehguan. 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Table of vocabularies in Chinese, Romanized text and English translation. Pages 1-2

-Syy-shoei. Wen I-to. Typescript (photocopy). "Dead Water" in Romanized text

-The Life and Poetry of Wen I-to. Photocopy. "Dead Water" in English translation. Page 157 (Note 2)

-Syyshoei. 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Table of vocabularies in Chinese, Romanized text and English translation. Pages 1-2

-C. Singsong Style - The Question of Children's Songs. 童謠,兒歌. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Tab title: Singsong Style

-C. 童謠,兒歌。手稿(影印本)。有複本

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 七字唱兒

-Introduction。Ordinary speech。手稿(影印本)。《天雨花》教學資料。有複本

-Materials enclosed by a post-it note. "Reduce". Includes:

 1) 手稿 7 張(影印本)。《天雨花‧第二回》。"維明掩卷不觀文" 至 "紗窗早已日光明"。頁 1-7

-Prose, 7-syllable line and 10-syllable line. Typescript (photocopy)

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 奉調大鼓

-寶玉娶親。奉調大鼓。魏喜奎唱(1962 北京錄音 M-496)。手稿(影印本)。有改正 (Note 2)

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 吟詩。葉、趙

-郊遊野柳偶成四絕 = An Outing at Yehliu: Four Quatrains。Yeh Chia-ying。手稿(影印本)。"五十年臺北作", "tr. By JRH" (Note 2)

-常州吟詩的樂調。包括李白《夜思》(古詩)和張繼《楓橋夜泊》(七言絕句)。樂譜 1 張。手稿(影印本)。五線譜。有中文唱詞。有複本 (Note 2)

-Five verses. Includes: 1) Li Po: Night Thouht; 2) Chang Chi: Mooring by the Maple Bridge at Night; 3) Tu Fu: A Traveller's Thought at Night; 4) Ho Chih-chang: On Returning to my Native Village; 5) Wang Han: Liangchou Song. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Verses in English translation. Pages 1-3. Pages 2-3 have 5-line staff notation with lyrics in Romanized text. "Tran. By YRC", "Tran. By JRH" (Note 2)

-詩詞三首,包括杜甫《旅夜書懷》、賀知章《回鄉偶書》和王翰《涼州詞》。樂譜 1 張。手稿(影印本)。五線譜。有中文和羅馬拼音唱詞。有複本 (Note 2)

-手稿 1 張。"風雨 + 子期(關係)", "風雨 already handed out by this time"。Tab title: 京韻大鼓

-Excerpt from the Peking Drum Song, Tzu Ch'i Listening to the Ch'in. 2 scores. Holograph (photocopy). 5-line staff notation with lyrics in Chinese, Romanized text and Englsih translation. 7a - 11b (Note 2)

-子期聽琴(小綵舞唱)。手稿 4 張(影印本)。1a 至 68b。有手寫筆記

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 貨聲兒

-貨聲兒。手稿(影印本)。五線譜。有中文唱詞。"#2-8 張喜海 1964 台北模仿,錄音"。有複本 (Note 2)

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 西河大鼓

-The West River Drum Song: The Yang Family Saga (As sung by Jane Lihjiun 張勵君 1960, Taipei. Stevens Tape No.57. See CHINOPERL No.4, p.69). 3 scores. Holograph (photocopy). 5-line staff notation with lyrics in Chinese, Romanized text and Englsih translation. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-The West River Drum Song: The Yang Family Saga (As sung by Jane Lihjiun). 1960, Taipei. Stevens Tape No.57. See CHINOPERL No.4, p.69. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Pages 1-3. Pages 2-3 are Romanized text and English translation. Page 3 is Chinese version. "西河大鼓:楊家將" (Note 2)

-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 越劇西廂

-The Western Chabmber. Ballad Opera from Chekiang. 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Pages 1-2

-西廂記。越劇。手稿(影印本)。對白和唱詞。"鳴鳳 CO-23" (Note 2)

-越劇。西廂記。手稿(影印本)。對白和唱詞。"鳴鳳 CO-23" (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. "Earlier Notes. MS. To consult". Includes:

 1) 表演的語言。手稿 3 張

 2) 現代中國語言的表演。手稿 1 張

 3) Chinese 230. Typescript (photocopy). Teaching notes

 4) Degrees of Musical Treatment of words. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten markings. "Chinese 230"

 5) Degrees of Musical Treatment of words. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. "Chinese 230"

 6) Chinese 230. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. "Pian copy for lecture at 中央大學 1992". With duplicate copy

 7) Degrees of Musical Treatment of words. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. "Chinese 230"

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. "230 and HK lecture notes". Includes:

 1) Chinese 230. Materials from the Oral Tradition. 1 sheet. Typescript. Tab title: 230 Introd

 2) The Chinese Narrative Art. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten markings

 3) Chinese Literature 230. Fall 1991. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes

 4) Summary of relation of Words and Music。手稿 6 張。草稿。"I"

 5) Poetry Chanting. 1 sheet. Holograph

 6) Metrical predictable. 1 sheet. Holograph

 7) 中國語言的表演。手稿 1 張。筆記資料清單

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. Includes:

 1) From Speech to Song - Words in performance. 7 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes. Draft. Pages 1-7

-V. 表演藝術中的音樂成份。手稿(影印本)。有手寫筆記

-天雨花。手稿(影印本)。"四六句", "七字", "十字"。有手寫筆記

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. Includes:

 1) V. 表演藝術中的音樂成份。手稿(影印本)

 2) 天雨花。手稿(影印本)。"四六句", "七字", "十字"。有手寫筆記

 3) 現代中國語言的表演。手稿 1 張。筆記資料

 4) 現代中國語言的表演。手稿 3 張(影印本)

 5) 手稿 1 張。教學筆記,包括:I) 現代中國語言的體裁問題;2) 口語中的文言成份;3) 日常用的生動的語詞;4) 表演藝術中方言的傳統。

 6) 天雨花。手稿 1 張。"四六句", "七字", "十字"

 7) 現代中國語言的表演。手稿 2 張(影印本)有手寫筆記

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. "Sources for 音樂與語言". Includes:

 1) Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. "風雨 Master". Includes:

  i) Music in the Chinese Context: Music and Words. 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Pages 1-2

  ii) 3 sheets. Holograph. Answering the question about songs

 2) Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. "Master". Includes:

  i) Primary Sources of Materials from the Chinese Oral Tradition. An interim bibliography by Rulan Chao Pian. 9 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Pages 1-12. "Partly from CHINOPERL #4". Page 12 is Holograph. Supplement on some recent studies. With a post-it note on Page 1. "6 copies" (Note 2)

  ii) Selected Chinese Works on the Peking Opera. 2 sheets. Typescript with handwritten corrections. Pages 1-2. With a post-it note on leaf 1: 20 copies

  iii) Chinese 230. General and Related Readings. 5 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes. Pages 1-5

  iv) Music 198. Music in the Chinese Context. Unit V. Music and Words. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Pages 1-3

  v) Two photographs. Includes: 1) 王少堂在說「武松打虎」。Wang Shawtarng on "Wuu Song Killing the Tiger" (Yangjpu Story Telling); 2) Liou Baochyuan probably on "The Fabulous Tale of the Western Chamber" (Peking Drum Singing). 1 sheet. Photocopy

  vi) Seven photographs. Jang Tsueyfenq Rehearsing Peking Drum Singing. Taiwan. 1959, 1964. 1 sheet. Photocopy. With duplicate copy

 3) Materials enclosed in a document envelope. "Master of 語言與表演。從說到唱". Includes:

  i) 現代中國語言的表演。手稿 4 張。頁 1-4

  ii) 理想的白話文。朱自清。手稿 4 張(影印本)

  iii) 死水。聞一多。一九二五‧四。手稿(影印本)

  iv) Shenqdann-jye chyan-i-woan = 聖誕節前一晚. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Lyrics in Romanized text and Chinese translation. "By Clement C. Moore (Tran. By R.C.Pian, 1968, 1977, 1980 revision)" (Note 2)

  v) 手稿(影印本)。天雨花的筆記資料。有手寫筆記和改正

  vi) D.2 寶玉娶親。奉調大鼓。魏喜奎唱(1962 北京錄音 M-496)。手稿(影印本)。唱詞。有改正 (Note 2)

  vii) 吟詩、哼詩。七言絕句。四絕:野柳。葉嘉瑩作、哼。樂譜 1 張。手稿(影印本)。五線譜。有拼音唱詞。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

  viii) 西河大鼓:《楊家將》。手稿(影印本)。對白和唱詞。有改正 (Note 2)

  ix) 西河大鼓:《楊家將》。The West River Drum Song: The Yang Family Saga (As sung by Jane Lihjiun 張勵君 1960, Taipei. Stevens Tape No.57. See CHINOPERL No.4, p.69)。樂譜 3 張。手稿(影印本)。五線譜。有中文、羅馬拼音和英文翻譯唱詞。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

  x) 越劇西廂記。樂譜 3 張。手稿(影印本)。五線譜。有中文唱詞。"Balled Opera from Chekiang"。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

  xi) 1 score. Holograph (photocopy). Excerpt from the Peking Drum Song, Tzu Ch'i Listening to the Ch'in. 5-line staff notation with lyrics in Chinese, Romanized text and Englsih translation. 10a - 11b (Note 2)

  xii) 1 folded sheet. "Master"

  xiii) Degrees of Musical Treatment of words. 3 sheets. Typescript. "Chinese 230"

-Peking Opera: Jingju. Rulan Chao Pian. 7 sheets. Printout with handwritten notes. From: Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Volume 7: East Asia Article Number 31. Pages 281-287. "Pian Received Oct 10, 01", "31", "ea_031" (Note 2)

-General and Related Readings. 5 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Pages 1-5. "Chinese 230", "Warding Copy 1987", "Old version"

-General and Related Readings. 5 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Pages 1-5. With duplicate copies

-Peking Opera: Jingju. Rulan Chao Pian. 6 sheets. Printout (phorocopy) with handwritten notes. From: Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Volume 7: East Asia Article Number 31. Pages 281-286. "Pian Received Oct 10, 01. Gave a copy to Bell 10/17", "31", "ea_031", "RCP 稿本" (Note 2)


  • 1959-1960, 1964, 1969, 1971-1972, 1988, 1991, 2001, undated

Language of Materials

Chinese or English

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong