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L-呂振原, 1959-1964, 1973, 1978, undated

 File — Box: 55, Folder: 64
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_55_Folder_64
-A concert of Chinese classical music for the pyiba and chyn / by Lui Tsun-yuen. March 28, 1973. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. The Department of Music and South House present. Program leaflet (draft) (Note 2)

-Lui Tsun-Yuen in a concert of instrumental Chinese music. January 12, 1960. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston presents. Lecture Hall. Program notes. With duplicate copy (without handwritten notes and has some handwritten Chinese) (Note 2)

-A concert of Chinese classical music for the pyiba and chyn / by Lui Tsun-yuen. April 28, 1964. Typescript (photocopy). The Department of Far Eastern Languages and The Department of Music, Harvard University. Paine Hall. With duplicate copies. Program leaflet (Note 2)

-A concert of Chinese classical music for the pyiba and chyn / by Lui Tsun-yuen. March 28, 1973. Typescript (photocopy). The Committee on Regional Studies-East Asia and The Department of Music present. Paine Hall. Program leaflet. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。四月十九日。手稿1張。關於到美的行程 (Note 2)

-Schedule information from April 20 to April 30. Typescript (carbon copy). With duplicate copy

-A concert of Chinese classical music for the pyiba(琵琶)and chyn(琴)/ by Lui Tsun-yuen(呂振原)。 April 28. Typescript with some handwritten Chinese (photocopy). The Department of Far Eastern Languages and the Department of Music, Harvard University present. Paine Hall. Program leaflet. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-Lui Tsun-Yuen in a pipa and chin recital. June 22, 1962. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. The Committee for Arts and Lectures presents. University of California. Berkeley campus. Program leaflet (Note 2)


-Schedule of review week for Chinese B (April 6th through April 10th). Typescript (carbon copy) with some handwritten Chinese

-Directory of American scholars. Volume I: History. Typescript (photocopy). Advertising (Note 2)

-Notes on Pyiba solo program. Typescript with handwritten notes and markings (Note 2)

-Letter from Dee Bair to Rulan Pian. March 24, 1964. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the publicity for the April 20th recital of Mr. Lui Tsun-Yuen (Note 2)

-A concert of Chinese classical music on the pyiba and chyn / by Lui Tsun-yuen. February 12, 1960. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. The Department of Far Eastern Languages and the Department of Music, Harvard University. Paine Hall, Music Building. Program notes. With duplicate copy (without handwritten notes) (Note 2)


-Letter from Willard Rhodes to Rulan C. Pian. February 14, 1964. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On replying the letter of February 11 about the classes in Oriental civilizations by Mr. Lui on April 22 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Stephen Oleskey. March 25, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On the concert of Lui Tsun-yuen on April 23 at Wesleyan

-Letter from Robert E. Brown to Rulan Chao Pian. March 6, 1964. Typescript, signed. On confirming the date of Lui's concert on April 23rd (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。二月十三日。手稿1張。關於節目書的派發事宜 (Note 2)

-卞趙如蘭致某人信函。手稿1張(碳紙副本)。關於提議多加一個自己的作品。只有信件的 p.2

-卞趙如蘭致某人信函。手稿1張(碳紙副本)。關於替換節目事宜。只有信件的 p.2

-Letter from Luther Noss to Rulan Chao Pian. February 17, 1964. Typescript, signed. On the letter about Lui Tsun-yuen (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。二月二十五日。手稿1張。關於調動表演節目事宜 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan C. Pian to Willard Rhodes. February 11, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On replying the letter of february 6 about Mr. Lui demonstrate his playing in class

-Letter from Willard Rhodes to Rulan Chao Pian. February 6, 1964. Typescript, signed. On arranging lectures on oriental civilization for Mr. Tsun-yuen (Note 2)


-呂振原致卞太太信函。二月六日。手稿1張。關於音樂表演的事宜 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。二月五日。手稿1張。關於音樂表演的事宜 (Note 2)

-Letter from Robert E. Brown to Rulan Chao Pian. January 29, 1964. On discussing the schedules for the student assembly program (Note 2)

-Memo from W. to Willard Rhodes. 1 sheet. Holograph (Note 2)


-呂振原致卞太太信函。十月十日。手稿1張。關於到哈佛及其他學校表演的安排 (Note 2)

-Some notes on chyn. 1 sheet. Holograph

-Lui Tsun-yuen virtuoso of the pipa and chin. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Norman J. Seaman's interval concerts presents. Carnegie Recital Hall. September 21. Program notes. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-Letter from Lui Tsun Yuen to Pian. November 20, 1959. 1 sheet. Holograph. On planning to arrange a concert at Harvard University (Note 2)

-呂振原致邊太太信函。十二月二日。手稿1張。關於在哈佛演出的費用 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。二月二日。手稿1張。關於音樂表演的行程及一些樂曲安排的事宜 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。十二月十三日。手稿1張。關於琵琶指法的學習 (Note 2)

-UCLA performance Group in the music and dance of China. March 15, 1963. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. UCLA Department of Music. Institute of Ethnomusicology. "Under the direction of Lui Tsun-yuen ; featuring Miss Lui Hung, Guest artist". Program leaflet (Note 2)


-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Renee K. Grignard. January 30, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On replying the letter of January 22nd about arranging Lui's concert on 26th April

-呂振原致卞太太信函。十二月二十一日。手稿1張。查詢明春到美開音樂會事宜 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。一月二十一日。手稿2張。關於音樂會的安排 (Note 2)


-呂振原致卞太太信函。一月八日。手稿1張。關於在哈佛的音樂會日期安排 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Robert E. Brown. December 3, 1963. Typescript (carbon copy). On replying the letter of November 27th about the stay of Mr. Lui

-Letter from Robert E. Brown to Rulan C. Pian. November 27, 1963. Typescript, signed. On arranging a program for Mr. Lui in Honors College (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan C. Pian to David P. McAllester. November 21, 1963. Typescript (carbon copy). On informing the dates of Lui's concerts and suggesting to arrange one at Wesleyan on April 29th

-呂振原致卞太太信函。十月卌日。手稿1張。關於在多所學校安排音樂會事宜 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to McAllister. October 16, 1963. Typescript (carbon copy). On suggesting to invite Lui Tsun-yuen to give demonstration lecture on the technique of his instruments at Harvard



-呂振原致卞太太信函。四月六日。手稿1張。回覆關於在港訂購的樂器及到東岸演出的事宜 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。七月二十一日。手稿1張。關於哈佛想在港定做古琴、琵琶事宜 (Note 1) (Note 2)


-Letter from Sanford to Rulan. 9/25/59. 1 sheet. Holograph (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞先生、太太信函。 一・ 二十。手稿1張。關於在哈佛的演奏會改期,並查詢其確實日期 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。十二月十三日。手稿1張。關於表演節目書、設備及相關事宜 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。十二月三十日。手稿1張。關於相約於王季遷先生家中相聚閑話古琴與琵琶 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lui Tsun-yuen. November 18, 1959. Typescript (carbon copy). On inviting him to give a concert in Cambridge

-Letter from Frity to Rulan. November 1. 1 sheet. Holograph. On the concert of Mr. Lui in Princeton (Note 1) (Note 2)


-呂振原致邊太太信函。十二月八日。手稿1張。關於願意接受邀請到哈佛表演 (Note 2)


-Harvard University Gazette. Volume LV, number 19 (January 30, 1960). Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞先生、太太信函。二月十四日。手稿1張。關於音樂會的安排及請求代轉信件 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。二月二十日。手稿1張。關於灌錄古琴錄音帶及請求轉交給 Prof. John Ward 的信件 (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞先生、太太信函。四月二日。手稿1張。關於近況 (Note 2)


-呂振原致卞太太信函。七月五日。手稿1張。關於教授古琴、琵琶的情況及開始學習「幽蘭」琴曲 (Note 2)


-呂振原致卞太太信函。五月十二日。手稿1張。關於最近的音樂表演及UCLA向移民局申請簽証的事宜。附1962年3月14日在UCLA 表演的節目表:"UCLA performance group in the music and dance of China" (Note 2)


-Letter from Mantle Hood to Rulan Chao Pian. May 25, 1962. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On seeking an adjustment of status for Lui Tsun-yuen from non-immigrant to permanent resident (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to whom It May Concern. June 1, 1962. Typescript (carbon copy). Recommendation letter for Lui Tsun-yuen about the application of permanent residence in US (Note 1)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。五月二十五日。手稿1張。關於請哈佛音樂部發証明信件,並談及「青蓮樂府」一曲灌錄唱片事宜 (Note 2)


-呂振原致卞太太信函。六月十三日。手稿1張。關於六月二十二日到 Berkeley 表演 (Note 2)

-Notes on some programs of 琵琶 and 古琴。5 sheets. Typescript (photocopy) with some Chinese

-呂振原致卞太太信函。七月十七日。手稿1張。關於灌錄「青蓮樂府」樂曲事宜及感謝哈佛的証明信 (Note 2)


-An airmail envelope from Tsun Yuen Lui to Rulan Chao Pian. 7 July, 1961. With postal stamps, date chop and return address (Note 1)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Renee K. Grignard. January 30, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On replying the letter of January 22nd about Mr. Lui's performance at Asia House

-Letter from Renee K. Grignard. January 22, 1964. Typescript, signed with handwritten notes. On the concerts for Lui Tsun-yuen during the late April (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Luther Noss. January 30, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On arranging concerts for Lui Tsun-yuen

-呂振原致卞太太信函。一月二十九日。手稿2張。關於今年度的公開表演改在四月底至五月初舉行及在各校表演的日期安排 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Willard Rhodes. January 30, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On arranging concerts for Lui Tsun-yuen

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to John Hall. February 11, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On confirming the date of Lui's concert on April 20th

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Robert E. Brown. February 11, 1964. Typescript (carbon copy). On confirming the date of Lui's concert on April 23rd at Wesleyan

-呂振原致卞太太信函。七月二十九日。手稿1張。關於暑期班及來年的教學計劃 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。四月十日。手稿2張。關於作品「風雨歸舟」的大鼓唱腔及其他樂曲錄音事宜 (Note 2)

-A concert of Chinese classical music for the pyiba(琵琶)and chyn(琴)/ by Lui Tsun-yuen. March 28. Typescript (photocopy). The Department of Far Eastern Languages and the Department of Music, Harvard University present. Program leaflet (Note 2)

-呂振原致卞太太信函。手稿1張。關於表演日期的安排 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-A photograph of Lui Tsun-yuen playing with a p'i-pa. From Harvard Gazetter. March 17, 1978 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Myra Mayman. February 6, 1978. Typescript (carbon copy). On inquiry the possibility of partial support for a lecture demonstration and concert toable given by Lui Tsun-yuen

-呂振原致卞太太信函。二月二十八日。手稿1張。關於寄上照片及去年表演樂評以作宣傳。附1977年明報及音樂生活剪報資料 3 則 (Note 2)


  • 1959-1964, 1973, 1978, undated

Language of Materials

Chiefly in English

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong