X-廈門大學校歌, 1994-1999, undated
File — Box: 16, Folder: 6
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_16_Folder_6
-高唱 “南方之強”:母校73週年校慶典禮上恢復唱 “校歌”。朱思明。手稿1葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記 “(廈門大學美洲校友會《校友通訊》,第二十二期,1994年8月)” (Note 2)
-朱思明致如蘭信函。一九九五年元月十日。手稿1葉。談及廈門大學校歌的歷史及恢復唱校歌的經過,請求提供校歌原譜 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-廈門大學校歌。五線譜附數字簡譜。鄭貞文詞,趙元任曲。手稿 1葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記 “複印自“〈廈門大學1946級(第21屆)紀念冊〉第一面﹐1994年4月.廈門”” (Note 2)
1) Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee (李聯歡) to Rulan Chao Pian. May 19, 1997. 2 sheets. Printout, signed with handwritten marking Requesting Pian’s assistance on making a recording of the anthem of Xiamen University (Note 2)
2) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lee. May 22. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Acknowledging the receipt of the letter of May 19 and its accompanying documents, also informing the recording progress of the anthem of Xiamen University
3) Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee (李聯歡) to Rulan Chao Pian. May 29, 1997. 1 sheet. Printout, signed with handwritten note. Telling reasons why the former Principal of Xiamen University, Sa Ben-dong (薩本棟教授) could not be properly reinstated. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
4) 廈門大學校歌。數字譜連歌詞。打印本1葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記 “Taiwan Version” (Note 2)
5) 廈門大學校歌 = Song of Xiamen University。鄭貞文作詞。五線譜連中文歌詞。影印本2葉。有手寫英譯歌詞 (Note 2)
6) 廈門大學校歌。趙元任作曲、鄭貞文作詞、趙汝蘭和曲。五線譜連中文歌詞。頁1-2(影印本)。“Original manuscript” (Note 2)
7) Anthem of Xiamen University. Lyrics by Zheng Zhen-wen and music by Zhao Yuan-ren. 1921. Printout. 1 sheet. Translated by Lieng-Huang Lee in 1997. On English translation of the lyrics of the anthem of Xiamen University (Note 2)
8) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lien-huan Lee. May 26, 1997. 1 sheet. Photocopy with handwritten notes. Replying about the alma mater song of Xiamen University and its recording progress
9) 廈門大學校歌。鄭貞文詞、趙元任曲。Do-ri-mi 曲譜連中文歌詞。影印本1葉。Attached with post-it-note from Lee to Pian. 5/30/1997. Holograph, signed. Telling the source of this original copy (Note 2)
10) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lien-Huan Lee. June 10,1997. 1 sheet. Printout (photocopy), signed with handwritten notes. About lyrics translation, score version and tape recording of the anthem of Xiamen University
-李聯歡致卞教授傳真。6/16/97。手稿1葉。請求評論詩1首「慶祝香港回歸高頌一國兩制」。有手寫資料 (Note 2)
-Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee to Rulan Chao Pian. June 16, 1997. 1 sheet. Printout, signed with handwritten notes. Sharing the news that Xiamen University approved to print the banned anthem in the Xiamen Alumni Collected Volume. With duplicate copy (Note 2). Attachment includes:
1) 廈門大學美洲校友會第六屆(1997)聯歡會詳情。影印本1葉。有手寫標記。有複本 (Note 2)
2) 林東雲致李聯歡信函。1997.6.4。影印本1葉。有關新一期《校友通訊叢書》刊登校歌一事。有手寫標記。有複本 (Note 2)
-Anthem of Xiamen University. Enlarged version. Lyrics by Zheng Zhen-wen and music by Zhao Yuan-ren. 1921. Printout. 1 sheet. Translated by Lieng-Huang Lee in 1997. On English translation of the lyrics of the anthem of Xiamen University (Note 2)
1)廈門大學校歌 = Anthem of Xiamen University。趙元任作曲、鄭貞文作詞,李聯歡譯。五線譜連剪貼手寫中文歌詞。影印本2葉。部份歌詞有羅馬注音 (Note 2)
2)廈門大學校歌 = Anthem of Xiamen University。趙元任作曲、鄭貞文作詞,李聯歡譯。五線譜連中英文歌詞。影印本2葉。With duplicate copy (Note 2)
-Email from Lieng-Huang Lee to Chao. 99-07-29. 1 sheet. Printout with handwritten notes. Seeking assistance to lead the singing of the university anthem in the opening ceremony of the reunion of the Xiamen University America Alumni Association (Note 2)
-廈大美洲校友會第八屆(99)聯歡會通訊錄。1999。頁1-6(影印本)。附廈門大學美洲校友會會員登記表。影印本1葉。複印自廈大美洲校友通訊第三十五期,頁54 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-李聯歡致趙教授信函。一九九九年五月三十一日。打印本1葉。邀請趙如蘭與卞學鐄出席七月三十一日在波士頓舉行的第八屆校友聯歡會 (Note 2)。附聯歡會詳情3葉:
1) 廈門大學美洲校友會致校友信函。一九九九年五月二十六日。影印本1葉。邀請校友參加校友聚會及簡介活動安排 (Note 2)
2) 廈門大學美洲校友會聯歡會學術講座。1999。影印本1葉。為學術講座程序摘要 (Note 2)
3) Local information: “Constitution Inn” at the Armed Services YMCA of Boston. 1999. 1 sheet. Photocopy. On the driving direction of Charlestown, Boston, as well as helpful information about the neighborhood (Note 2)
-Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee to Chao. 99-09-11. 1 sheet. Printout with handwritten notes. On publishing “Feng Yan Flower Drum Song” in the forthcoming newsletter. Also expressing appreciation on Chao’s assistance on restoring the university anthem (Note 2)
-廈門大學校歌。鄭貞文作詞。五線譜連中文歌詞。頁162-163(影印本)。有手寫筆記。另有複本3份: 1) 無手寫筆記,2)有手寫更改,3) 貼在文件夾內 (Note 2)
-高唱 “南方之強”:母校73週年校慶典禮上恢復唱 “校歌”。朱思明。手稿1葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記 “(廈門大學美洲校友會《校友通訊》,第二十二期,1994年8月)” (Note 2)
-朱思明致如蘭信函。一九九五年元月十日。手稿1葉。談及廈門大學校歌的歷史及恢復唱校歌的經過,請求提供校歌原譜 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-廈門大學校歌。五線譜附數字簡譜。鄭貞文詞,趙元任曲。手稿 1葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記 “複印自“〈廈門大學1946級(第21屆)紀念冊〉第一面﹐1994年4月.廈門”” (Note 2)
1) Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee (李聯歡) to Rulan Chao Pian. May 19, 1997. 2 sheets. Printout, signed with handwritten marking Requesting Pian’s assistance on making a recording of the anthem of Xiamen University (Note 2)
2) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lee. May 22. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Acknowledging the receipt of the letter of May 19 and its accompanying documents, also informing the recording progress of the anthem of Xiamen University
3) Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee (李聯歡) to Rulan Chao Pian. May 29, 1997. 1 sheet. Printout, signed with handwritten note. Telling reasons why the former Principal of Xiamen University, Sa Ben-dong (薩本棟教授) could not be properly reinstated. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
4) 廈門大學校歌。數字譜連歌詞。打印本1葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記 “Taiwan Version” (Note 2)
5) 廈門大學校歌 = Song of Xiamen University。鄭貞文作詞。五線譜連中文歌詞。影印本2葉。有手寫英譯歌詞 (Note 2)
6) 廈門大學校歌。趙元任作曲、鄭貞文作詞、趙汝蘭和曲。五線譜連中文歌詞。頁1-2(影印本)。“Original manuscript” (Note 2)
7) Anthem of Xiamen University. Lyrics by Zheng Zhen-wen and music by Zhao Yuan-ren. 1921. Printout. 1 sheet. Translated by Lieng-Huang Lee in 1997. On English translation of the lyrics of the anthem of Xiamen University (Note 2)
8) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lien-huan Lee. May 26, 1997. 1 sheet. Photocopy with handwritten notes. Replying about the alma mater song of Xiamen University and its recording progress
9) 廈門大學校歌。鄭貞文詞、趙元任曲。Do-ri-mi 曲譜連中文歌詞。影印本1葉。Attached with post-it-note from Lee to Pian. 5/30/1997. Holograph, signed. Telling the source of this original copy (Note 2)
10) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lien-Huan Lee. June 10,1997. 1 sheet. Printout (photocopy), signed with handwritten notes. About lyrics translation, score version and tape recording of the anthem of Xiamen University
-李聯歡致卞教授傳真。6/16/97。手稿1葉。請求評論詩1首「慶祝香港回歸高頌一國兩制」。有手寫資料 (Note 2)
-Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee to Rulan Chao Pian. June 16, 1997. 1 sheet. Printout, signed with handwritten notes. Sharing the news that Xiamen University approved to print the banned anthem in the Xiamen Alumni Collected Volume. With duplicate copy (Note 2). Attachment includes:
1) 廈門大學美洲校友會第六屆(1997)聯歡會詳情。影印本1葉。有手寫標記。有複本 (Note 2)
2) 林東雲致李聯歡信函。1997.6.4。影印本1葉。有關新一期《校友通訊叢書》刊登校歌一事。有手寫標記。有複本 (Note 2)
-Anthem of Xiamen University. Enlarged version. Lyrics by Zheng Zhen-wen and music by Zhao Yuan-ren. 1921. Printout. 1 sheet. Translated by Lieng-Huang Lee in 1997. On English translation of the lyrics of the anthem of Xiamen University (Note 2)
1)廈門大學校歌 = Anthem of Xiamen University。趙元任作曲、鄭貞文作詞,李聯歡譯。五線譜連剪貼手寫中文歌詞。影印本2葉。部份歌詞有羅馬注音 (Note 2)
2)廈門大學校歌 = Anthem of Xiamen University。趙元任作曲、鄭貞文作詞,李聯歡譯。五線譜連中英文歌詞。影印本2葉。With duplicate copy (Note 2)
-Email from Lieng-Huang Lee to Chao. 99-07-29. 1 sheet. Printout with handwritten notes. Seeking assistance to lead the singing of the university anthem in the opening ceremony of the reunion of the Xiamen University America Alumni Association (Note 2)
-廈大美洲校友會第八屆(99)聯歡會通訊錄。1999。頁1-6(影印本)。附廈門大學美洲校友會會員登記表。影印本1葉。複印自廈大美洲校友通訊第三十五期,頁54 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-李聯歡致趙教授信函。一九九九年五月三十一日。打印本1葉。邀請趙如蘭與卞學鐄出席七月三十一日在波士頓舉行的第八屆校友聯歡會 (Note 2)。附聯歡會詳情3葉:
1) 廈門大學美洲校友會致校友信函。一九九九年五月二十六日。影印本1葉。邀請校友參加校友聚會及簡介活動安排 (Note 2)
2) 廈門大學美洲校友會聯歡會學術講座。1999。影印本1葉。為學術講座程序摘要 (Note 2)
3) Local information: “Constitution Inn” at the Armed Services YMCA of Boston. 1999. 1 sheet. Photocopy. On the driving direction of Charlestown, Boston, as well as helpful information about the neighborhood (Note 2)
-Letter from Lieng-Huang Lee to Chao. 99-09-11. 1 sheet. Printout with handwritten notes. On publishing “Feng Yan Flower Drum Song” in the forthcoming newsletter. Also expressing appreciation on Chao’s assistance on restoring the university anthem (Note 2)
-廈門大學校歌。鄭貞文作詞。五線譜連中文歌詞。頁162-163(影印本)。有手寫筆記。另有複本3份: 1) 無手寫筆記,2)有手寫更改,3) 貼在文件夾內 (Note 2)
- 1994-1999, undated
Language of Materials
Chinese or English
Conditions Governing Access
Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
1 file(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong