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K-J, 1982-1991, undated

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 33
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_6_Folder_33
-與康致如蘭、學璜姐夫信函。83.6.2。手稿1張。有關近況、先祖趙翼逝世一百七十周年紀念活動及有關伯父的文章 (Note 2)

-與康致如蘭、學璜姐夫信函。83.8.28。手稿1張。有關先祖趙翼逝世一百七十周年紀念活動 (Note 2)

-祖武致如蘭信函。7.22。手稿3張。有關將吉劇、二人轉的書帶來給如蘭、把父親的研究貢獻給有關方面 (Note 2)


-Letter from Betsy Howes to Pian. October 28, 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Passing of flyers on to students or anyone else who might be interested and meeting the Kurosawas and/or Holvik (Note 2)

-張祖武致如蘭信函。9.12。手稿2張。感謝送給的書。第二葉另有:鄔惠樂致卞教授信函。九月十三日。感謝卞教授的接待及有關近況 (Note 2)

-與康致如蘭信函。83.1.11。手稿1張。問候及希望得到大姐近來的相片 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-元昌致如蘭、學鐄信函。83.3.21。手稿1張。問候信 (Note 2)

-Letter from Arawana Hayashi to Pian. September 26, 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the funding for Togi and the gagaku orchestra to come to Cambridge (Note 2)

-Letter from Betsy Howes to Rulan Pian. October 11, 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the upcoming Kurosawa Koto Ensemble concert (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Joint Publishing Co, Hong Kong Branch. Feb 15, 1984. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. Book ordering


-朱德熙致如蘭信函。二月十七日。手稿1張。有關書籍運往北大的運費 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Stephen Jones. March 2, 1984. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. About pursuing the study of Ancient Chinese music and the scholars in the field

-Letter from Stephen Jones to Pian. 1 Feb 84. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. About his wihs to study Tang music in China (Note 2)

-與康致學鐄姐夫信函。82.11.12。手稿1張。有關近況及問候。附信封1個 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Labels of Joint Publishing Co., Readers’ Service Centre. 1 sheet. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-蔣中一致如蘭信函。4/15/1984。手稿1張。談論張似雲先生給蔣的信,及張君秋先生及趙榮琛先生的演出及講學 (Note 2)

-諸宮調 mode patterns。手稿1張

-For Pian: Boston Performance Aug 14, MIT Kresge Auditorium. G. Leung. 1 sheet. Typescript, with handwritten notes. Introduction of The Central Traditional Orchestra, members of the Central Traditional Orchestra and the orchestral program notes (Note 2)

-First Chinese Orchestra to Tour the United States. News. Chinese Music Society of North America. 3 sheets. Chinese Music, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Note 2)


-章延致如蘭信函。三月七日。手稿2張。有關給予一個中年人的協助、章伯伯章伯母及自己的近況 (Note 2)

-關於創辦湖南女子大學的倡議書。排印本 1 張。湖南省婦女人才開發促進會、湖南省婦女昇聯合會、湖南省政協婦女工作組、湖南婦女報社提議。一九八四年九月十日 (Note 2)

-照片1張:彩色。照片背面:送給學鐄兄、如蘭姐留念。辮子王仙贈。1984.9。這張照片是畫家徐悲鴻夫人廖靜文(廖學道)校友來長沙,我與她合影於 “又一村” 飯店 (Note 2)

-周南創始人朱劍凡獎學金。証書 (Note 2)

-辮子王仙致學鐄兄如蘭姐信函。9.20。手稿3張。有關近況、四中改命為周南中學、宋希濂與易吟先及關於創辦湖南女子大學的倡議書 (Note 2)

-廣東省教育工作會議再次重申和強調──鼓勵華僑、港澳同胞捐資辦學。採取照顧政策,實行靈活措施,包括允許以捐資人的名字名或立碑紀念命。羊城晚報。1983年9月。影印本1張 (Note 2)

-加大柏克萊東亞圖書館孫伯潤致如蘭信函。八四‧十‧十四。手稿1張 (Note 2)

-周暢致趙如蘭信函。八二年三月十五日。手稿2張。有關對趙元任教授的悼念及對趙如蘭的慰問。談論《湖北民歌》中採用了趙元任教授的大作《湖北方言調查》 (Note 2)

-Letter from Shaolung Chou to Pian. 1/2/85. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Wishing for a meeting with Pian (Note 1) (Note 2)

-周南校友通訊。第十二期。一九八四年十二月周南校友總編(不定期刊)(Note 2)

-周南校友通訊。第十二期。1985.2。增頁 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Joint Publication Media. March 17, 1985. 1 sheet Holograph, signed (carbon copy). Book ordering

-張肖虎致如蘭信函。1984.8.18。手稿3張。有關西安、敦煌之旅、兒子張兆豐的近況 (Note 2)

-訃告。趙景深教授治喪委員會。一九八五年一月十日 (Note 2)

-周祖謨致趙如蘭明信片。一九八四年元月二日於北京。手稿1張。通知已收到送上的書 (Note 2)

-Letter from Hauley to Pian. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Welcoming message to Hong Kong and Macau (Note 1) (Note 2)

-章元善致培源信函。1985年7月20日。手稿2張(碳紙副本)。談及元任的事跡 (Note 2)

-致 Iris Pian 信封。85.15.9 (Note 1)

-元任再度來京與之握別。章元善。1985年7月17日為 Iris 抄此稿。手稿1張。有複本 (Note 2)

-元善致 Iris Pian 信函。85-7-15。手稿1張。深悔沒有好好招待他們 (Note 2)

-章宗給 Rulan Chao Pian 信封。85.7.23 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-趙咏山致趙如蘭信函。8.22費城。手稿1張(2頁)。有關美國之旅 (Note 2)

-元昌致如蘭信函。82.6.6。手稿1張。有關近況和妻弟董仰舒的下落 (Note 2)

-趙景深致如蘭信函。1984.1.20。手稿1張。有關相片和她譯的美國兒歌 (Note 2)

-竺安致如蘭、學鐄信函。85-4-11。手稿1張。感激寄來的復印件及訪美收穫 (Note 2)

-元善致如蘭。1985年9月30日於北京。手稿1張。有關《人民日報》1973年5月14日剪報。附剪報:周恩來、郭沫若、劉西堯會見美籍中國學者趙元任先生一行 (Note 2)

-Iris 致章伯伯信函。1985年11月4日。手稿1張(碳紙副本)。有關和出版社聯絡

-Letter from Margaret Weitz to Iris. Oct. 28, 1985. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Request for advertising an event. Attached leaflet for Chinese culture and music. Organized by The Department of Humanities and Modern Languages. Tuesday, November 5, 1-2:30 p.m., Fenton 430 (Note 2)

-章元善致如蘭郵簡。85-11-25。手稿1張。有關如蘭父歌曲集一事 (Note 2)

-Envelop from Y.X. Djang 章元善 to Rulan Chao Pian. 1985.9.30 (Note 1)

-鄭培凱致卞太太信函。Jan. 3, 1986。手稿1張。附:《九州學刊》籌備說明(草稿)3張、稿約2張及編輯委員籌備會議記錄3張(影印本)(Note 2)

-鄭敏致 Rulan 信函。2月八日。手稿1張。請求幫忙找屋 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-晴致 Iris 信函。3月7日。手稿1張。有關近況 (Note 2)

-金奇、朱紅致四哥嫂信函。86.3.5。手稿1張。有關辦美國簽證時所需的保證金書 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-穎南 Jou Ying Nan 致學鐄、如蘭信函。18 Apr 1986。手稿1張。有關父母的逝世及三兄弟的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-《九州學刊》籌備說明。排印本1張。附:附錄《九州學刊》稿約。排印本1張 (Note 2)

-Letter from Y.F. Chang to Iris Rulan Pian. October 18, 1986. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. The news about the passing his mother P.C. Chang (Sieu Tsu Ts’a Chang) (Note 2)

-美國的電視。金奇。剪報資料 (Note 2)

-美國影、視、劇掠影。金奇。影印本1張。剪報資料 (Note 2)

-章元善簡歷表(修定稿)。排印本2張(3頁)。1986年11月改定 (Note 1)

-中國人民郵政明信片。女起解─蘇三軍張君秋三十六歲飾。The woman in cangue. The role Su San performed Zhang Junqiu at 36 (Note 2)

-賀綠汀致趙如蘭信函。1987.2.19。手稿1張。介紹周海宏給趙如蘭 (Note 2)

-章元善遺體告別儀式在京舉行。1987年6月23日。剪報資料1張 (Note 2)

-唐遠如、竹風致如蘭、學鐄信函。20/8。手稿1張。有關冰冰及曉北的簡歷及保證人事宜,及兒子岡岡考上中央音樂學院作曲系和指揮系的消息 (Note 2)

-施根弟、焦瑩致趙教授信函。Nov. 15. 87。手稿2張。有關他們到美國後的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)


-施根弟、焦瑩致趙教授信函。Dec. 4. 87。手稿1張。有關他們到美國後的近況及支票事宜 (Note 2)


-Customer statement from Jordan Marsh to Rulan Chao Pian. May 8, 1989. 1 sheet (Note 1)

-Letter from Michael E. Lestz to Reviews editor. October 20, 1985. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). On a new Chinese journal, Jiuzhou (Chinese Cultural Quarterly) (Note 2)

-Official Bank Check from Rulan Chao Pian to Jiao Ying. Dec 07, 1987. BayBank. Customer copy (Note 2)


-施根弟、焦瑩致趙教授信函。Mar. 14. 88。手稿2張。有關他們考 GRE 及 TOEFL 及申請 work permission 事宜 (Note 1) (Note 2)


-施根弟、焦瑩致趙教授信函。Dec. 14. 87。手稿1張。表達聖誕的問侯和祝願、謝意及有關近況 (Note 2)

-金宗超致趙如蘭、卞學鐄二位教授。88.6.30。手稿1張。北京廣內文化站全體演員對他們的感謝 (Note 2)

-李敏致卞教授、趙教授信函。1988.6.30日。手稿1張。感謝他們的相片 (Note 2)

-張祖武致如蘭信函。87.12.10。手稿1張。問候及有關近況 (Note 2)

-張祖武致如蘭信函。5.6。手稿2張。有關卞教授將在夏初回國講學 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-張檀致卞教授信函。5/8/88。手稿1張。有關United China Relief 籌款 (Note 2)

-金奇、朱紅致四嫂信函。88.12.21。手稿1張。有關錄相機 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-表演藝術與中國社會。鍾倫納。明報月刊。1989年3月號。頁79-82。影印本4張 (Note 2)

-周質平致趙教授信函。1989.3.21。手稿1張。有關趙元任的書籍和邀請她到 Middlebury College 演講 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-趙如蘭致質平信函。1989.3.29。手稿1張(影印本)。有關趙元任的書籍問題及到 Middlebury 的計畫

-質平致趙教授信函。1989.4.11。手稿1張。感謝她送上趙元任的的書籍和她到 Middlebury College 演講的安排 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-明惇致趙教授信函。1月31日。手稿1張。有關聯絡海外音樂理論界學者參加“第三界吳歌學術討論會” (Note 2)

-Departmental address list. 1 sheet. Typesript with handwritten notes (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)


-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Jordan Marsh. May 17, 1989. 1 sheet. Holograph (carbon copy), signed. About a bill sent to Rulan Chao Pian. Attached the bill dated May 8, 1989

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Jordan Marsh. May 25, 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. About the statement received a couple days ago

-Aerogramme from Elizabeth John to Pian Rulan Chao. 6 Oct 1986. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed (Note 2)

-Iris 致光直信函。二月一日。手稿1張(碳紙副本)。有關她的 publications

-如蘭致質平信函。1990.2.4。手稿2張(影印本)。有手寫筆記。有關她給平質的文章的一點兒 comments 上一舉人的生活

-周質平致趙教授信函。1990.1.29。手稿1張。請趙教授對他寫關於趙元任先生的一些想法整理成的一文指教批評 (Note 2)

-胡適與趙元任。周質平。手稿46張(影印本)(Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Margarita Bouvard. Oct. 2, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. About people and organization and a trust for Chinese musicians in the States

-蔣經國國際學術交流基金會 七十九年度國內申請補助案件審查意見書。排印本2張。有複本 (Note 2)

-The Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation For International Scholarly Exchange. A report on the review of European Applications for 1990. A questionnaire for the review of international joint publication projects. 2 sheets. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-RG 003-90 Tsao Ben Ye, RG-004 劉靖之、鄭瑞貞。手稿3張 (Note 1)

-Letter from Eugene to Rulan. Jan 11, 1991. Holograph, signed. About the study of the daughter of Chen Xiaoxiang and the publication of Liu’s College Chinese (Note 1). On letter verso: Letter from Eugene to friends. Christmas, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy), signed. Recent updates (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Eugene Ching. Jan. 5, 1991. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. Apology for the late reply and response to the letter

-Letter from Eugene Ching 荊允敬 to Iris. April 4, 1990. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Presenting a book to Iris, about Shen Yan’s brief biography of Iris’ father, the complimentary copy of College Chinese (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to The Council on East Asian Studies. Jan. 6, 1991. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy), signed. Requesting complimentary copies of College Chinese for Eugene Ching and Dong Hongwei

-Card from Hanley to Pian. 1990. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Birthday greeting and about her marriage (Note 2)

-焦傑致趙教授信函。7.23.90。手稿1張。有關趙、卞二人的上海之行及焦瑩之近況 (Note 2)

-如蘭致質平信函。1990.2.4。手稿1張。有關她給平質的文章的一點兒 comments 上一舉人的生活

-庚午年新春感懷。培凱謹書時感。一九九零年一月。影印本1張 (Note 2)

-金臨航致徐霖、王永昌信函。11.18.85。手稿3張(影印本)。有手寫筆記。有關梅庵琴社 (Note 2)


  • 1982-1991, undated

Language of Materials

Chinese or English

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong