K-K, 1969-1991, undated
File — Box: 6, Folder: 32
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_6_Folder_32
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lucy Robinson. July 2, 1982. Typescript, signed. About the cancellation of the visit to Harvard of a group of young Korean musicians in September. With handwritten notes
-Letter from Pamela S. Viglielmo to Sherri Davis. June 29, 1983. Typescript (photocopy), signed. About a special troupe of Korean dance drummers touring in November (Note 2)
-Korean Drummer/Dancers to Tour the United States. 2 sheets. Typescript (Note 2)
-Korean Drumming and dancing. Picture (photocopy) (Note 2)
-Letter from Roger Kanazawa to Rulan. January 6, 1984. Typescript, signed. Recent updates (Note 1) (Note 2)
-John Ward and Japanese Culture. 7 sheets. Typescript. With handwritten notes. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Envelope from Masakata Kanazawa to Rulan Pian (Note 1)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Koskoff. Jan. 20, 1984. Typescript (photocopy), signed. Apologies for owing SEM too many reviews
-Letter from Rulan to Shigeo Kishebe. Aug.9,1984. 3 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. About the situation of ethnomusicology society in Hong Kong (Note 1)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Alice King. Aug 9, 1984. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. About their fathers and recent updates
-1 blank sheet
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao Pian. April 7, 1981. Typescript, signed. Expressing condolences of Kishibe’s family for Buwei Yang Chao’s death (Note 2)
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao-pian. Aug. 13, 1984. Typescript, signed. Reply to the letter of Aug. 9th (Note 1) (Note 2)
-金素姬發出信函。手寫。韓語 (Note 2)
-Letter from Barbara J. Kwiatkowska to Rulan Chao Pian. August 3, 1983. 2 sheets. Holograph, signed. Recent updates and research interest and possibility for a joint project (Note 2)
-A Boo for the Boos of Boulez. By Leon Kirchner. The New York Times. June 22, 1969. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Thank you card from Barbara Kwiatkowska to Pian. Oct 28, 84. Holograph, signed. With a gift of appreciation (Note 2)
-Letter from Assunta Koay to Rulan Pian. Typescript, signed. Advice seeking during her visit to Boston in June (Note 2)
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao Pian. June 16, 1985. Typescript, signed. Recent updates and the book he mentioned in Berlin “La musique Chinoise en France au XVIIe siècle, Paris, Langues et Civilisations, 1974 (Note 2)
-Letter from Theodore Kwok to Rulan Chao Pian. 7 December 1984. Typescript, signed. Inquiry about the collection at Harvard library on the ku-cheng (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙先信函。一九八五年八月十三日。手稿 4 張。有關近況 (Note 2)
-Letter from Keiko Kockum to Rulan. 1985.08.31. Holograph, signed. Recent updates (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Envelop from Herbert C. Kelman to Rulan Pian (Note 1)
-Letter from Rose Kelman to Rulan. January 8, 1985. Holograph, signed (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。85.10.21。手稿。有關轉寄給她的錄像 (Note 2)
-Thank you letter from Melodie to Rulan. Holograph, signed (Note 2)
-Card from Taro to Mr. & Mrs. Pian. Holograph, signed. Announcing the presence of Taro Hsu Kuriyama (栗山旭) (Note 2)
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan. April 26,1987. Typescript. About the 寶卷 and 東方音樂學會(上海). With handwritten notes in Chinese (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。1987.8.23。手稿 2 張。有關《趙元任音樂作品全集》 (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。1987.10.11。手稿 2 張。有關中國藝術節《西北薈萃》 (Note 2)
-Letter from Shiori Koizumi. July 16, 1987. Holograph, signed. Self-introduction (Note 2)
-高本漢先生在漢學上的貢獻。丁邦新。華學月刊第八十七期。中華民國六十八年三月二十一日。頁47-52。排印本 (Note 2)
-Letter from 岸邊成雄 to Rulan. March 13,1989. Typescript, signed. About Kenji Hirano, the first meeting of 東方音樂學會 and three courses to be attended including the Silk Road course, visiting Kucha and seeing more wall paintings. With handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan to Shigeo-San. April 29,1989. Typescript (photocopy), signed. About the UNESCO meeting, her plan during her sabbatical year in 1989-90, and her visit to Nanking for a family gathering with her sisters, the commemoration of her mother’s 100th birthday, and the Nanking Buddhist Sutra Printing Press 金陵刻經處
-Letter from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao Pian. April 17, 1989. Typescript, signed. About the change of his journey in China after the IMC conference at Beijing coming fall. With handwritten notes in Chinese (Note 2)
-Letter from Shigeo to Rulan. May 6, 1989. Typescript, signed. About the program of Beijing meeting of IMC, his schedule change of his visit to China, and about his research on the T’ang music (Note 2)
-Resonance. General assembly. February 1989 (Note 2)
-中國旅行略圖。Sketch Tourist. Map of China (Note 2)
-General assembly. Preliminary programme. Sept 27 to Oct 1. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
-Scientific conference. 5 sheets. Typescript. Theme: The influence of “Silk Road” Music on music exchange between the East and the West. Oct 2 to 15. With other information related to the conference (Note 2)
-Envelop from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Office of the Vice-Chancellor to Rulan Chao Pian
-The talk of the town. The New Yorker, p. 19-22 (Note 2)
-Letter from Charles K. Kao to Pian. August 1, 1989. Typescript, signed. Appreciation for her long and tireless help she had been rendering to the University, particularly to the Music Department (Note 2)
-Letter from E F Konrad Koerner to Rulan Chao Pian. 10 March 1990. Typescript, signed. Appreciation for the biographical information and request for a photo of her late father and a fine photocopy of her father’s signature (Note 2)
-慶明致趙教授信函。5.1 。手稿。有關近況及聽趙教授講「杜十娘」 (Note 2)
-Graduate Diploma Recital. Leaflet posted to Rulan Chao Pian. Shiori Koizumi, piano. Longy School of Music. June 6, 1990 at 8 p.m. (Note 2)
-慶明致趙教授信函。手稿。有關與何大安的會議 (Note 2)
-Iris 致慶明信函。手稿(影印本)。5.25.’90 有關二二八事件的文章、自由女神號
-Letter from E F Konrad Koerner to Chao Pian. 18 July 1990. Typescript, signed. About signature of her late father (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (CILT). Series brochure. New Titles. Core Collection (Note 2)
-擁有。黑野。省思札記 (Note 2)
-慶明致趙教授信函。手稿。有關「演講費」的收據 (Note 2)
-Card from Mark to Rulan. Holograph, singed. Thank you for a gift (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。1987.12.18。手稿。有關近況 (Note 2)
-Letter from Peter and Eleanor Kafalas to Pian. August 6, 1991. Typescript, signed. About the guest lecture Pian is offering on Chinese Civilization at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement (Note 2)
-Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement. Fall Term, 1991. Syllabus for Chinese Civilization III. Peter and Eleanor Kafala, Seminar Leaders. Part 1: Course Outline (Note 2)
-Letter from Korson to Friends. Christmas 1989. Typescript, signed. Recent updates (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Peter and Eleanor Kafala to Rulan Chao Pian. November 18, 1991. Typescript, signed. Thank you for the lecture given in their class in Chinese Civilization at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement on November 14, 1991 (Note 2)
-筑紫箏始祖賢順と府內。宗麟時代、7年間学ぶ。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧7‧19。一九九零‧八‧二七。日文。影印本。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-豊後の琴士1。竹田も興趣を示す。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧8‧2。日文。影印本 (Note 2)
-豊後の琴士2 。竹田も興趣を示す。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧7‧26。日文。影印本 (Note 2)
-珍品樂器2種。火不思と灑琴。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧8‧9。日文。影印本 (Note 2)
-Letter from Pamela S. Viglielmo to Sherri Davis. June 29, 1983. Typescript (photocopy), signed. About a special troupe of Korean dance drummers touring in November (Note 2)
-Korean Drummer/Dancers to Tour the United States. 2 sheets. Typescript (Note 2)
-Korean Drumming and dancing. Picture (photocopy) (Note 2)
-Letter from Roger Kanazawa to Rulan. January 6, 1984. Typescript, signed. Recent updates (Note 1) (Note 2)
-John Ward and Japanese Culture. 7 sheets. Typescript. With handwritten notes. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Envelope from Masakata Kanazawa to Rulan Pian (Note 1)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Koskoff. Jan. 20, 1984. Typescript (photocopy), signed. Apologies for owing SEM too many reviews
-Letter from Rulan to Shigeo Kishebe. Aug.9,1984. 3 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. About the situation of ethnomusicology society in Hong Kong (Note 1)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Alice King. Aug 9, 1984. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. About their fathers and recent updates
-1 blank sheet
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao Pian. April 7, 1981. Typescript, signed. Expressing condolences of Kishibe’s family for Buwei Yang Chao’s death (Note 2)
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao-pian. Aug. 13, 1984. Typescript, signed. Reply to the letter of Aug. 9th (Note 1) (Note 2)
-金素姬發出信函。手寫。韓語 (Note 2)
-Letter from Barbara J. Kwiatkowska to Rulan Chao Pian. August 3, 1983. 2 sheets. Holograph, signed. Recent updates and research interest and possibility for a joint project (Note 2)
-A Boo for the Boos of Boulez. By Leon Kirchner. The New York Times. June 22, 1969. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Thank you card from Barbara Kwiatkowska to Pian. Oct 28, 84. Holograph, signed. With a gift of appreciation (Note 2)
-Letter from Assunta Koay to Rulan Pian. Typescript, signed. Advice seeking during her visit to Boston in June (Note 2)
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao Pian. June 16, 1985. Typescript, signed. Recent updates and the book he mentioned in Berlin “La musique Chinoise en France au XVIIe siècle, Paris, Langues et Civilisations, 1974 (Note 2)
-Letter from Theodore Kwok to Rulan Chao Pian. 7 December 1984. Typescript, signed. Inquiry about the collection at Harvard library on the ku-cheng (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙先信函。一九八五年八月十三日。手稿 4 張。有關近況 (Note 2)
-Letter from Keiko Kockum to Rulan. 1985.08.31. Holograph, signed. Recent updates (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Envelop from Herbert C. Kelman to Rulan Pian (Note 1)
-Letter from Rose Kelman to Rulan. January 8, 1985. Holograph, signed (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。85.10.21。手稿。有關轉寄給她的錄像 (Note 2)
-Thank you letter from Melodie to Rulan. Holograph, signed (Note 2)
-Card from Taro to Mr. & Mrs. Pian. Holograph, signed. Announcing the presence of Taro Hsu Kuriyama (栗山旭) (Note 2)
-Aerogramme from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan. April 26,1987. Typescript. About the 寶卷 and 東方音樂學會(上海). With handwritten notes in Chinese (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。1987.8.23。手稿 2 張。有關《趙元任音樂作品全集》 (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。1987.10.11。手稿 2 張。有關中國藝術節《西北薈萃》 (Note 2)
-Letter from Shiori Koizumi. July 16, 1987. Holograph, signed. Self-introduction (Note 2)
-高本漢先生在漢學上的貢獻。丁邦新。華學月刊第八十七期。中華民國六十八年三月二十一日。頁47-52。排印本 (Note 2)
-Letter from 岸邊成雄 to Rulan. March 13,1989. Typescript, signed. About Kenji Hirano, the first meeting of 東方音樂學會 and three courses to be attended including the Silk Road course, visiting Kucha and seeing more wall paintings. With handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan to Shigeo-San. April 29,1989. Typescript (photocopy), signed. About the UNESCO meeting, her plan during her sabbatical year in 1989-90, and her visit to Nanking for a family gathering with her sisters, the commemoration of her mother’s 100th birthday, and the Nanking Buddhist Sutra Printing Press 金陵刻經處
-Letter from Shigeo Kishibe to Rulan Chao Pian. April 17, 1989. Typescript, signed. About the change of his journey in China after the IMC conference at Beijing coming fall. With handwritten notes in Chinese (Note 2)
-Letter from Shigeo to Rulan. May 6, 1989. Typescript, signed. About the program of Beijing meeting of IMC, his schedule change of his visit to China, and about his research on the T’ang music (Note 2)
-Resonance. General assembly. February 1989 (Note 2)
-中國旅行略圖。Sketch Tourist. Map of China (Note 2)
-General assembly. Preliminary programme. Sept 27 to Oct 1. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
-Scientific conference. 5 sheets. Typescript. Theme: The influence of “Silk Road” Music on music exchange between the East and the West. Oct 2 to 15. With other information related to the conference (Note 2)
-Envelop from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Office of the Vice-Chancellor to Rulan Chao Pian
-The talk of the town. The New Yorker, p. 19-22 (Note 2)
-Letter from Charles K. Kao to Pian. August 1, 1989. Typescript, signed. Appreciation for her long and tireless help she had been rendering to the University, particularly to the Music Department (Note 2)
-Letter from E F Konrad Koerner to Rulan Chao Pian. 10 March 1990. Typescript, signed. Appreciation for the biographical information and request for a photo of her late father and a fine photocopy of her father’s signature (Note 2)
-慶明致趙教授信函。5.1 。手稿。有關近況及聽趙教授講「杜十娘」 (Note 2)
-Graduate Diploma Recital. Leaflet posted to Rulan Chao Pian. Shiori Koizumi, piano. Longy School of Music. June 6, 1990 at 8 p.m. (Note 2)
-慶明致趙教授信函。手稿。有關與何大安的會議 (Note 2)
-Iris 致慶明信函。手稿(影印本)。5.25.’90 有關二二八事件的文章、自由女神號
-Letter from E F Konrad Koerner to Chao Pian. 18 July 1990. Typescript, signed. About signature of her late father (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (CILT). Series brochure. New Titles. Core Collection (Note 2)
-擁有。黑野。省思札記 (Note 2)
-慶明致趙教授信函。手稿。有關「演講費」的收據 (Note 2)
-Card from Mark to Rulan. Holograph, singed. Thank you for a gift (Note 2)
-柯楊致趙教授信函。1987.12.18。手稿。有關近況 (Note 2)
-Letter from Peter and Eleanor Kafalas to Pian. August 6, 1991. Typescript, signed. About the guest lecture Pian is offering on Chinese Civilization at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement (Note 2)
-Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement. Fall Term, 1991. Syllabus for Chinese Civilization III. Peter and Eleanor Kafala, Seminar Leaders. Part 1: Course Outline (Note 2)
-Letter from Korson to Friends. Christmas 1989. Typescript, signed. Recent updates (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Peter and Eleanor Kafala to Rulan Chao Pian. November 18, 1991. Typescript, signed. Thank you for the lecture given in their class in Chinese Civilization at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement on November 14, 1991 (Note 2)
-筑紫箏始祖賢順と府內。宗麟時代、7年間学ぶ。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧7‧19。一九九零‧八‧二七。日文。影印本。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-豊後の琴士1。竹田も興趣を示す。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧8‧2。日文。影印本 (Note 2)
-豊後の琴士2 。竹田も興趣を示す。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧7‧26。日文。影印本 (Note 2)
-珍品樂器2種。火不思と灑琴。豊後音樂奇聞。岸邊成雄。1990‧8‧9。日文。影印本 (Note 2)
- 1969-1991, undated
Language of Materials
Chinese or English
Conditions Governing Access
Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
1 file(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong