H8-H, 1981, 1983-1991, undated
File — Box: 5, Folder: 66
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_5_Folder_66
-胡適誕生百年紀念郵票首日封。交通部郵政總局。中華民國七十九年十二月十七日。附信封。有複本 (Note 2)
-從前有一個很小的人。虎偉生。手稿 2 葉(影印本)。With handwritten notes by RC Pian (Note 2)
-柳鍾圻 The Choral Life of Chong-Chih Liu. By CICS (Chinese Intercollegiate Choral Society 中華合唱團) member. Leaflet (photocopy) (Note 2)
-Letter from 何其國 Michael Ho to All CICS Members (active and inactive). May 5, 1991. Pages 1-12. 1 volume. Tentative Concert Plan for our Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration, on Saturday, September 14, 1991 (Note 2)
-Letter from Helena Hansen to Pian. June 22, 1991. Holograph. On loaning a book (Note 2)
-Books. Far Eastern Economic Review. 11 July 1991. Pages 31-32. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Bess Kiley Kinder. Aug. 3, 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On Mandarin Primer by Yuen Ren Chao, willing to know the copyright matter
-Expanded Academic Index database. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 1 sheet (Note 2)
-HOLLIS records by e-mail. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 2 sheets (Note 2)
-HOLLIS network access. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 1 sheet (Note 2)
-HOLLIS dial-up access. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 1 sheet (Note 2)
-Letter from Lorna Bolkey to Members of the Committee on Degrees in Folklore and Mythology. May 5th, 1991. On Degree Meeting. With handwritten markings (Note 2)
-何為訃告。何為同志治喪領導小組。1991年9月10日。排印本1葉。附沉痛悼念何為同志。頁1-6。排印本 (Note 2)
-致趙小姐信函。7-29-91。手稿。談附寄上的趙元任作品冊 (Note 2)
-Letter from Wilma Toong to Rulan Chao Pian. 15 November 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with handwritten notes. On invitation to be the specialist register of referees of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). 有手寫筆記。 "回了說可以,也寄了C.V." (Note 2)
1) Iris 致大春信函。Nov 15, 1991。手稿。談照片、打油詩和祖望的地址
2) 大春致 Iris 信函。11/24。手稿。談照片、祖望和E.T. Tan的地址 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-黃安源致趙教授信函。一九八八年三月廿五日。手稿。談最近獲台灣金鼎獎和香港十大傑出青年、與英國 BBC(威爾遜)交響樂團合作、期望赴美交流、呂炳川逝世和自己的聯絡方法 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Byung-ki Hwang to Rulan Chao Pian. April 28, 1985. Typescript, signed. On the invitation to Harvard as a Visiting Scholar and his family (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. November 1, 1983. Typescript, signed. On the article of Shoogakukan Encyclopedia on Yuen Ren Chao and living life in China (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Mantaro J. Hashimoto. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On photos and Bancroft’s copyright
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談論小中到中國一年的感受和給親友的禮物 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Mantaro J. Hashimoto. Nov. 7, 1983. Typescript (carbon copy). On father’s photos made by Bancroft Library, trips to China and Tokyo, and go to Bancroft Library to help them arrange Father’s paper that they collected and put in their archive
-專題講座日程表。11月12日至12月11日。台北巿立交響樂團練習廳。宣傳單張1葉。有手寫筆記。“台北藝術季” (Note 2)
-Cambridge Mental Health Association. Cambridge Guidance Centre. Leaflet (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to David Holm. Nov. 17, 1983. Typescript (carbon copy). On writing an article on 二人轉 and the copyright of Holm’s articles, ‘Art and Ideology in the Yenan period’ and ‘Folk Art as Propaganda’, and the CHINOPERL meeting
-Letter from David Holm to Pian. 13 December 1983. Typescript, signed. On errenzhuan, ‘Art and Ideology in the Yenan period’, ‘Folk Art as Propaganda’ and ’Yangge: its Formal Characteristics and Social Functions’ and the CHINOPERL meeting (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。9月10日。手稿。談論遊覽成都的名勝古蹟、8月的教育部考試、查詢 Canta 的近況和 X光光譜會議 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談論 pocket computer、小中的教學工作和近況,還有自己的教學工作 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。全家向大姐祝壽和談小中的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。11月24日。手稿。談論小中在長沙兩個月的近況和教學工作、Lensey 和小中帶來的電腦配件,以及培雲、小虎、家林和愛林的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。10.12.83。手稿。談論 Canta的近況、中國光譜學 X射線術學術討論會和若憲的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-兩首不古的「古曲」:「蘇武牧羊」和「滿江紅」來歷的揭曉。韓國鐄。一九八四年一月十六日。影印本 (Note 2)
-致 Iris 信函。手稿。關於照片和孫兒女的近況 (Note 2)
-大姐致 Nova 信函。四月十號。手稿(碳紙副本)。談與學鐄在五月至七月到北京、上海和蘭州的計劃
-Prescription Form for Rulan Pian. 8/30/83. Interchange permitted by Leonard Wolsky. Holograph (Note 1)
-Nova 致大姐信函。3月19日。手稿。談往若憲家探訪和查詢五月會否到長沙 (Note 2)
-Letter from Nova to Iris 大姐. April 8, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On Iris’ travel plan, travelling with Lensey on May and go to Chengdu in June for a meeting (Note 2)
-Letter from Taketo Hashimoto to Theodore H.H Pian. March 26, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On the 5th Goodwill Concert Tour of the Gagaku Music Society of Tenri University, recorded activities in a long playing disk and ask for comments for publishing a photographic book on Gagaku’s activities (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Taketo Hashimoto. May 25, 1984. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the Gagaku concert
-當心您的腹部堆積脂肪。科學之窗。1葉 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。三月十四日。手稿。關於譚小麟的文章、照片和兒子譚乃孫 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。7.30。手稿。談照片轉寄台北《音樂生活》雜誌及楊蔭瀏資料。附楊蔭瀏著作註釋大鋼。手稿 1 葉 (Note 2)
-Letter from Mary Hao Tze Ho to Rulan Chao Pian. 31 July 1984. Typescript, signed. Subject: RE: Samuel Klepper, Harvard sophomore. Currently enrolled and registered in Beginning Chinese I & II, sumer session I & II 1984 at the University of Rochester (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro to Nick. May 22, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten markings. On Chao’s Chaozhou data and Liang-Yue Survey notes (Note 2)
-Letter from Iris to Mantaro. Aug 15, 1984. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On father’s Chaozhou data, required materials might be in Bancroft, supplementary materials of Mandarin Primer and a trip to Europe
-Letter from Iris to Mantaro J. Hashimto. July 12, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes (photocopy). On the Chaozhou data and Mandarin Primer
-Letter from Mantaro to Iris. May 22, 1984. Typescript, signed. On Chao’s Liang Yue Survey Notes (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. June 23, 1983. Typescript, signed. On an intensive course in Southwestern Mandrian at Peking University for Japanese group, copies of Mandarin Primer and request the copyright to compile materials for Southwestern Mandrian Primer (Note 2)
-7 March issue of “Asahi Journal” (朝日). 1980.3.7. Page 5. Photocopy with handwritten notes. Circle the information of the book: “言語学入門-言語と記号システム” and written “Yuen Ren Chao” (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。9月18日。手稿。談「留美三樂人」及馬先生唱片、七篇「歷史鏡頭」、一幅有關說唱的圖片和明年的計劃 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。Dec. 27, 83。手稿。談論台北「近代音樂史:留美音樂家」的目錄和李婧慧 (Note 2)
-Letter from Hsu, Tsang-Houei (許常惠) to 如蘭. January 10, 1994. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On the new addresses (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Greeting sheet. 1 folded sheet. With handwritten notes. “賀綠汀”
-祖蔚致卞老師信函。八三年十二月六日。手稿。談論大鵬、何峻的近況,以及最近在中國的歌曲和戲曲表演 (Note 2)
-Letter from C.M. Turnbull to Rulan Chao Pian. 28 November, 1984. Typescript, signed. On a review of 600 words for the “Music of the Korean Renaissance” by Johnathan Condit in the Journal of Oriental Studies (Note 2)
-Letter to Rulan. 2/15/85. Holograph, signed. On Nova and the trip in China. “何樂伯 上海巿音樂學院專家宿舍” (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chas (Charles Hocket). March 2, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On photo, brief account of father’s musical life, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music will publish a fairly complete collection of father (Note 1)
-Letter from Chas to Rulan. 10 March 1985. Typescript, signed. On photo, Yuenren Chao, the brief account of Yuenren Chao and the trip to China (Note 1) (Note 2)
-賀綠汀致趙如蘭信函。一九八三年十二月十日。手稿。答謝贈送給上海音樂學院的錄像機 (Note 2)
-Letter to Iris. March 21, 1985. Holograph, signed. On ‘My Father’s Musical Life’, Volume II of “Life with Chaos” and “A Project of General Chinese” (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談北平旅美回來的感受、六月的計劃、培雲去西班牙、杭州的化學系計算機教學會議、家林的學業和送給王志宏的 cassette (Note 2)
-胡明楊致林先生信函。四月二十三日。手稿。談赴 Boston 航機資料和哈佛講演題目 (Note 2)
-S.Y. 致 Pian 便條。4-26。手稿。談胡明揚教授、Exchange News和商約會面時間 (Note 2)
-現代漢語和現代漢語規範化。胡明楊。頁1-11。影印本6葉。有手寫筆記。“北京巿語言學會”, “自現代漢語講座(北京語言學會編)1981 開的會” (Note 2)
-Memo from RCP to C Wo Mil. 5/1/85. 1 sheet. Holograph. On Hwang Byang Ki. Reply message written on the same sheet. Holograph. On the appointment form
-Incomplete letter from 二姐. Holograph, signed (photocopy). On the term and the deposite of CD, Ailin and Chen Yifeng (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。4月28日。手稿。談大姐和學鐄到中國的計劃、Lensey 到北京的計劃、四川和蘭州的會議,以及培雲和若憲夫婦的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。8月8日。手稿。談到深圳和中英街旅遊、家裡裝空調、Lora 及君若的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。August 15。手稿。談天津師範學院師生講話的錄像、錄像機和帶子、家林和愛林的工作打算,以及Lora 和君若的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。July 7, 1985。手稿。談未能與大姐會面,及託北平和家漢帶禮物 (Note 2)
-黃吉士(衢州巿文化局)致趙教授信函。一九八四年六月二十三日。手稿 2 葉。談葉開沅教授、自我介紹、將出版浦江亂彈音樂、燈調─衢州採茶戲、十番鑼鼓、衢州灘簧和西安高腔等中國民間音樂書籍,並邀請趙教授到衢州。附葉開沅介紹信。1982.11.10。手稿 1 葉。附信封 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-出席「全國音協」來去。李健之。信報。85.5.26。影印本。附手寫筆記。“given to me by 賀綠汀, during my visit 6/24/85” (Note 2)
-第四次音代會開幕詞。賀錄汀。影印本8葉。有手寫標記 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Hahn Man-young. Sept 14, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On 80 days trip to China, Macao, Taiwan , Tokyo and San Francisco, meeting with Huang Xiangpeng, Gong I, Fan Shang-E and Xia Ye, the details of the meeting organized by Hahn Man-young (Note 1)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Hahn Man-young. Sept 3, 1981. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the Festival of Traditional Music and the meeting of the International Council of Traditional Music in Seoul, inviting to have a talk at Harvard on Korean traditional Music
-Letter from Hahn Man-young (韓萬榮) to Rulan Chao Pian. Sept. 23, 1981. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the invitation at Harvard and the title of the lecture. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. December 7, 1983. Typescript, signed. On three pictures of Chao, Chao’s papers in Bancroft’s archive and the proposal for a survey of linguistics and physical anthropology in Hainan (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. June 23, 1983. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On Chao’s notes and General Chinese. “Being Dup. 9/49/84” (Note 2)
-Letter from Iris to Mantaro. Sept 5, 1984. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On father’s materials printed from microfilms of the originals described as “12 small Chinese books” and dated Oct. 1969
-Bibliography. 1 sheet. Photocopy
-方言調查表格。手稿 1 葉。筆記
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Chinese Bureau of Cultural Affairs. May 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Research Institute of National Music. May 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Beijing Journalist Film Company. May 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty. With duplicate copy
-Telegram to Rulan Chao Pian. 5/4/85. Typescript with handwritten notes. On outcome of the Chinese participants in East Asia Music Conference in Korea. “Still negotiating, letter follows” (Note 2)
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 5/7/85. Typescript. On confirm the previous message and the direct correspondence for inquiries (Note 2)
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 5/8/85. Typescript with handwritten notes. On an incorrect telegram number. “sent again 5/9” (Note 2)
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 5/9/85. Typescript. On confirm the previous message and the direct correspondence for inquiries (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致龔一信函。三月二十八日。手稿(碳紙副本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並表演古琴
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Hahn Man-young. May 20, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy), with handwritten corrections. On inviting Chinese participants for the conference
-龔一致如蘭信函。一九八五年四月九日。手稿(影印本)。談論閱讀《神奇祕譜》的啟發和海外會議的邀請 (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致范上娥信函。五月三日。手稿(影印本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並表演古箏
-趙如蘭致黃翔鵬信函。五月三日。手稿(影印本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並分享中國音樂的文物和民族音樂的發展
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra. April 21, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chief of Bureau, the Shanghai Bureau of Cultural Affairs. April 21, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty
-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet “On May 4(六)mailed by Express to Peking”. Includes:
1) Half cut airmail envelope with the working address of Hahn Man-young
2) Letter from Hahn Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. November 30, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten markings. On the plan for inviting musicologists and scholars with specializations in Chinese, Korean and Japanese classical music traditions before and through the Sung Dynasty. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
3) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man Yung. Dec. 18, 1984. Typescript (carbon copy). On the conference of Asian musicologists
4) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man-young. Dec. 25, 1984. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the conference of Asian musicologists
5) Letter from Han Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. Jan. 19, 1985. Typescript, signed. On inviting musicologists from the People’s Republic of China (Note 2)
6) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man-young. Feb. 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the list of Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference (Note 1)
-Letter from Han Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. 18, March, 1985. Typescript, signed. On the suggestions for Chinese musicologists and details of the conference (Note 1) (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致黃翔鵬信函。三月十八日。手稿(碳紙副本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並分享中國音樂的文物和民族音樂的發展
-Nov 30 Hahn 信來。手稿 1 葉。信函時序的筆記
-國鐄致趙教授信函。11/5/85。手稿。關於譚小麟照片和工作計劃 (Note 2)
-《黃自遺作集》出版說明。上海音樂學院《黃自遺作集》編輯小組。一九八五年四月七日。油印本2葉 (Note 2)
-Letter from Ta Chun HSU (大春) to William Ying. June 16, 1986. Typescript, signed, with handwritten corrections. On Iris and the land for sale (Note 1) (Note 2)
-陳美娥致趙教授信函。75.5.19。手稿。談論「漢唐樂府」訪美演奏及道謝 (Note 2)
-Harvard University Dental Assistance Plan. January 1, 1986. 1 volume (Pages 1-26). Booklet (Note 2)
-Letter from John N. Hart to Rulan Chao Pian. 15 April 1986. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On Daisy, Peking, Rulan’s father, contact numbers, a Chinese colleague and Susie (Note 1) (Note 2)
-何為致如蘭信函。86.8.23。手稿。談論剛出版的著作、中國戲曲音樂學會和自己的聯絡方法 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-黃翔鵬、郭乃安致趙如蘭信函。1986.11.12。打字本(影印本)。邀請擔任《中國音樂學》英文版特約編委。附信封 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Huang Xiangpeng. Nov. 19, 1986. Typescript, signed. On the English journal of Chinese Musicology
-Letter from Mary Tinkham to Host Family. March 16, 1987. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On second-hand furniture (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Dec.23.86。手稿。談論前往美國、培雲的近況、父親的語文論文選集和音樂全集、元昌叔、小中在寒假的行程、及又新學鋼琴的近況 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Edward Ho. May 23, 1987. Typescript (carbon copy). On the forth coming Seminar on Chinese Music
-Message from Edward Ho. Typescript. On revious letter. Enclosed materials (Note 2). Includes:
1) Letter from Edward Ho to Rulan Chao Pian. 19 February 1987. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Inviting to participant an International Seminar on Chinese Music (Note 2)
2) International Seminar on Chinese Music. Kingston Polytechnic School of Music London England. 11-15 April 1988. “Musicians vs Musicologists? An Active Dialogue”. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Leaflet (Note 2)
-Postcard from Daisy and John Hart to Rulan. 1984.7.23. Holograph. On Daisy’s birth place and the contact information (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。7月12日。手稿。談論邀請信、身體狀況和 University of Washington 的 Kowalski 教授 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-學校大計算機就要到了。手稿 1 葉。談家林的讀書計劃
-Letter to Wang Honggui. Holograph. On leading a delegation to visit the United States
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Wang Honggui. July 16, 1987. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On the delegation to visit the United States and liberal arts education in universities and technological institutes
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。7月7日。手稿。談論學校的赴美代表團、University of Washington 的 Kowalski 教授、邀請討論理工學院培養人文科學知識的問題,及小中和君若的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-大姐致 Nova信函。手稿(碳紙副本)。談贈送父親的書和梅祖彥
-Nova 致大姐信函。Aug.29.1987。手稿。談又新、父親的音樂全集和赴美的計劃 (Note 2)
-Tentative Schedule. 17 Oct to 19 Nov. Typescript (photocopy)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Sept.23。手稿。談赴美的計劃 (Note 2)
-Nova、培雲和又新致大姐、大姐夫明信片。8月4日。手稿。談遊覽張家界和索溪峪 (Note 2)
-二姐致 Bella 明信片。Aug.4.1987。手稿。談與丈夫、又新遊覽索溪峪、張家界和天子山 (Note 2)
-Message to Rulan. Holograph. On David and mediation (Note 1)
-Memo from Bob to Iris. Holograph. On tapes and report (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、小中信函。Nov.5。手稿。談Tucson、旅館、培雲的近況、電話費和赴美的計劃 (Note 2)
-Letter from Iris to Shirley and Chas. Nov. 26th, 1987. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the tape, previous letter, planning to go to Taiwan, the Stonr Lion article of Daddy’s Complete Musical Works, Shirley and Harold Shadick
-Letter from Chas to Iris. 23 November 1987. Typescript, signed. On the contact address, the work in Beijing, Asher, Milt, Iris’ father, Alpha, Shirley and he article in Stone Lion (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Robert Shenton to Colleague. September 15, 1987. 1 folded sheet. Photocopy. Subject: President and Fellows of Harvard College. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Inviting to recommend nominees for honorary degrees (Note 2)
-Letter from Chas to Iris. 3 December 1987. Typescript, signed. On Milt’s copy of Iris’ father’s musical biohraphy (Note 2)
-何為致如蘭信函。7.24。手稿。談在北京的會面、趙元任的音樂作品全集和朋友的聯絡方法 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-許常惠致趙博士信函。七月十一日。手稿。邀請為重訂的《中國新音樂史話》撰寫一篇趙元任的傳記,著重在音樂方面的生平和與思想 (Note 2)
-Letter from Chas to Ted and Milt. 5 September 1986. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with handwritten notes. On the teaching work of Shirley and myself, and YR Chao’s Grammar of Spoken Chinese (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Jan.10.1987。談論小中、清華外籍教師、新詩歌集、父親的音樂全集、又新、自己和培雲的近況。附補充信函1葉。Jan.14, 1987。手稿。談父親的音樂全集、1986年國家教委科技進步獎、將出版的書籍和邀請信 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Chas to Iris. 27 Nov 1986. Holograph. On teaching work, visiting in China and Iris’ father’s Grammar of Spoken Chinese (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談從美國回長沙的航程、Kowalski、與全家人聚會、對父親的回憶、與朋友會面和家林的計劃 (Note 2)
-Letter from Panos C. Voukydis to Pian Rulan. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. On evercise stress test with heart scanning (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Feb. 23, 1988。手稿。談過春節、戴鵬海、家林赴美的計劃和 Kowalski (Note 2)
-韓國鐄致趙教授信函。4.8。手稿。談大綱各「會」、「節」等的中文名、台灣國樂界、民生刊登的文章和趙元任音樂作品全集 (Note 2)。附活動大綱及剪報,包括:
1) Recent Ethnomusicological Activities in Taiwan. Han Kuo-Huang, Northern Illinois University. 1 sheet. Typescript (mimeograph). With handwritten translation in Chinese (Note 2)
2) 中國音樂研究會的成立與活動 人少事少潛力不少。韓國鐄。民生報。1988.2.10。影印本 (Note 2)
3) 音樂圖像學‧中國式起步。韓國鐄。民生報。1988.3.23。影印本。有手寫筆記 “文題被改過” (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致韓教授信函。4/17/88。手稿(碳紙副本)。談寄來的中國音樂研究資料、父親音樂全集的書評、音樂圖像學和 iconography
-Express mail customer receipt. From R.C. Pian to Zhao Xinna. 5/3
-Express mail stub. Filled by Nova. May 3/88 (Note 2)
-再:上海音樂學院的音樂研究所。手稿(碳紙副本)。談焦瑩和丈夫的近況 (Note 1)
-Nova 致大姐信函。April 2。手稿。談六七月的計劃、買 cassette 和家林的留學計劃 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。April 10, 1988。手稿。談家林入學申請和到美國留學 (Note 2)
-家林、愛林致大姨信函。1988.4.10。手稿。談留學申請 (Note 2)
-Bok Statement on Neutrality and the Union Election. Derek Bok. Harvard Gazette. May 9, 1988 (Note 2)
-難得一見的國樂盛會 香港中樂團來臺巡迴演出。盧健英。中央日報。中華民國七十七年五月五日 (Note 2)
-Receipt of medical prescription. 8/18/88. 1 sheet
-國鐄致趙教授信函。11.5。手稿。查詢林萃青的博士論文,以便寫進給中國音樂年鑑的文章。附博士論文條目。影印本 1 葉。有手寫筆記。“請寄還” “Added 余少華” (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Nov. 17, 1988。手稿。談 TOEFL、商務出版父親的 Alice in Wonderland 和 Through the Looking Glass、母親的生日,及培雲和自尚未退休 (Note 2)
-郝慈特 (Scott Horne) 致卞太太信函。一九八七年一月十一日。手稿。談哈佛大學收生、Y.R. Chao 和 Life with Chaos (Note 1) (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。1.17。手稿。談機票和照片 (Note 2)
-Symposium on “River Elegy” (Jointly sponsored by The Chinese Culture Quarterly, the Con-Temporary, Cambridge Xinyu Society). Feb. 4 1989. Typescript (photocopy). Rundown (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。二月二日。手稿。談上海的照片、為「音樂與音響」寫一篇關於上海會議的文章及機票的款項 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。三月九日。手稿。談機票的款項和西安音樂院《交響》一九八八年第三期 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-The present and future of Hong Kong political structure. Harvard Hong Kong Club, MIT Hong Kong Student Association. Topic Proposal. 1 sheet. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Wah Szeto. Biographical notes on his involvement in mass movements. 1 sheet. Photocopy (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。Dec. 6, 1986。手稿。談在 San Francisco 發表的文章、學校研究金和西安的會議 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。四月十一日。手稿。談刊登的文章和書評、夏天到雲南和北京、Gamelan、李龍白、圖像學和最近參加的會議 (Note 2)
-Book Reviews. Yuan Bingchang and Mao Jizeng, et al,. ed. Zhongguo Shaoshu Minzu Yueqi Zhi (The Musical Instruments of the Chinese National Minorities: A Dictionary). By Han Kuo-Huang. Asian Music, Fall/Winter 1988/89. Pages 158-161. Photocopy (Note 2)
-東方音樂學會國際會議記盛。韓國鐄。音樂與音響。1989#3。影印本5葉 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man-young. July 10, 1989. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the copyright of an article published in the journal of the Korean Musicological Society
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 7/14/89. Typescript. On assessments by internal examiners (Note 2)
-Express mail customer receipt. From Rulan Chao Pian to Linda Hu. 7/19/89
-Letter from Leonard Wolsky to Pian. July 13, 1989. Typescript, signed. On physical exam (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Hahn Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. July 22, 1989. Typescript, signed. On the copyright of the article “Tzu Ch’I Listening to the Ch’in” (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。二月二十日。手稿。談刊登於一九八八年第四期《中國音樂學》的文章和《藝術家》每月的專欄。附剪報(影印本)1葉。美國九州學社第三屆年會 華人合作無間 學術普及化。民生報。1989.2.12。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-Blank form of Harvard Neighbors Membership 1989-1990. Pages 1-2 (Note 2)
-致如蘭信函。1989.9.21。手稿。邀請觀看一月十日的演出。附宣傳單張。The 1990 U.S. Tour of Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Troupe of National Taiwan Academy of Arts from Taiwan, R.O.C. The Opera : The Princess as an Unorthodox Bride - A Comedy. 1 sheet. With handwritten notes. “Jan.10.89, Boston” (Note 2)
-Letter to Rulan Chao Pian. 23 January 1989. Typescript, signed. On an article for Asian Music
-Floor plan on part of MT. Auburn Street. 1 sheet. Photocopy with handwritten notes (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙老師信函。6月11日。手稿。談焦杰教授夫婦、戴鵬海、音樂研究所李文和暑期的計劃 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Boston Bar Journal. January/February 1990. Photocopy. Cover page (Note 2)
-Tiananmen Incident. By Thomas W.Huang. Boston Bar Journal. January/February 1990. Pages 14-19. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。1990.5.24。手稿。談郵費、父親Alice in Wonderland和Through the Looking Glass 的譯本、南京經版、自己一家、君若一家和朋友的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Greeting letter from Iris and Ted to 趙新那教授. Holograph
-Nova 致大姐信函。April 23, 1990。手稿。談家人的近況、學校的傳真機、video cassette recorder、退休年齡、家林的工作和朋友的近況 (Note 2)
-Postcard from Raymond to Pian. 30 July 1990. Holograph. On a Fellow of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and recent happiness (Note 2)
-Reference Guide. HOLLIS. Harvard Online Library Information System. 1 folded sheet (Note 2)
-臨走前。手稿 1 葉。Nova 的便條。祝大姨大姨夫的結婚周年紀念 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙老師信函。九月廿七日。手稿。談生日的照片、當選院士和近況 (Note 2)
-From Rome to the Passing of the Gothic: Western Chant Repertories and Their Influence on Early Polyphony. A conference in Honor of David G. Hughes. October 5-7, 1990. Harvard University. Leaflet. On exhibitions and program schedule (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Pian to Nancy. Aug 3, 1990. Holograph (carbon copy). On 2 chapters and language styles
-國鐄致趙教授信函。10月16日。手稿。談近況、Oakland 的會議和最近發表的文章 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Thank you card from Jan and David Hughes. Nov 16 90. Holograph (Note 2)
-琳琅滿目的《中國少數民族樂器志》。韓國鐄。聯合報。Nov.26, 1987。影印本 (Note 2)
-Symposium on “River Elegy”. Joint-sponsored by Chinese Culture Quarterly, the Con-Temporary, Cambridge Xinyu Society, Seminar on Confucian Studies, Harvard University, and Kwan-fong Institute of East Asian Studies, Pace University. February 4, 1989. Leaflet (photocopy). “JAN 31 1989 REC’D”. 有座談會的手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-Symposium on “River Elegy” (Jointly sponsored by The Chinese Culture Quarterly, the Con-Temporary, Cambridge Xinyu Society, and Harvard Seminar in Confucian Studies). February 4, 1989. 1 sheet. Photocopy. Program schedule (Note 2)
-《河殤》學術研討會(香港〈九州學刊〉、台灣〈當代〉、康橋新語社、哈佛大學儒學研討會聯合舉辦)。1989年2月4日。影印本 1 葉。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-News from the Joyous Dargon. Winter 1990. Pages 1-4. Photocopy. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
-集郵報導 胡適百年紀念郵票。民國八十年三月十一日。剪報1葉。廣告 (Note 2)
-黃鏡明致卞趙如蘭授信函。1991.3.12。手稿。談王秋桂的信、寄上的《粵劇史》和《粵劇唱腔音樂概論》二書、介紹張薰及自己的近況。附信函。CK(王秋桂)致 Iris 信函。手稿 1 葉。介紹黃鏡明 (Note 2)
-Letter from John N. Hart to Rulan Chao Pian. 13 July 1990. Typescript, signed. On John’s family members and a book of photographs of Old Beijing (Note 1) (Note 2)
-On Hu Shih’s Fortieth Birthday (By Y.R. Chao). 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). “Tran. By R.C. Pian and delivered orally Oct.18, 1991”. With Chinese translations
-On Hu Shih’s Fortieth Birthday (By Y.R. Chao). 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). “Tran. By R.C. Pian and delivered orally Oct.18, 1991”. With corrections. With duplicate copy
-黃碧云致趙如蘭信函。1991年1月17日。手稿。談在南洋商報發表的文章和自我介紹,並邀請擔任學術諮詢人 (Note 2)
-黃碧云致趙如蘭信函。1991年2月5日。手稿。邀請擔任學術諮詢人及寄上履歷。附履歷表及附件。Curriculum Vitae. Ng Pek Hoon 黃碧云. 10 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
-李尤白致趙如蘭信函。一九八九年二月廿日。手稿。談韓國鐄、中國唐代梨園紀念館、中華梨園學研究會、戴維‧霍爾姆博士、邀請擔任顧問。附剪報1葉(油印本)。中華梨園學研究會成立大會、唐代梨園遺址碑剪彩儀式在西安舉行。秦聲。中國文化報。1988年6月26日 (Note 2)
-尋回東方的精神生活。韓國鐄。聯合報。副刊。1991.3.18。影印本 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。4月30日。手稿。談有關合唱的文章、趙婉成、工作和自己的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Hard work and home is the chemistry for Zhao. By Huang Lin. China Daily. Apr.30, 1992. Photocopy (Note 2)
-East Asia Program, Cornel University. Newsletter. Spring 1992. 1 volume (8 unnumbered pages) (Note 2)
-從前有一個很小的人。虎偉生。手稿 2 葉(影印本)。With handwritten notes by RC Pian (Note 2)
-柳鍾圻 The Choral Life of Chong-Chih Liu. By CICS (Chinese Intercollegiate Choral Society 中華合唱團) member. Leaflet (photocopy) (Note 2)
-Letter from 何其國 Michael Ho to All CICS Members (active and inactive). May 5, 1991. Pages 1-12. 1 volume. Tentative Concert Plan for our Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration, on Saturday, September 14, 1991 (Note 2)
-Letter from Helena Hansen to Pian. June 22, 1991. Holograph. On loaning a book (Note 2)
-Books. Far Eastern Economic Review. 11 July 1991. Pages 31-32. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Bess Kiley Kinder. Aug. 3, 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On Mandarin Primer by Yuen Ren Chao, willing to know the copyright matter
-Expanded Academic Index database. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 1 sheet (Note 2)
-HOLLIS records by e-mail. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 2 sheets (Note 2)
-HOLLIS network access. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 1 sheet (Note 2)
-HOLLIS dial-up access. HOLLIS. Harvard University Library, September 1991. 1 sheet (Note 2)
-Letter from Lorna Bolkey to Members of the Committee on Degrees in Folklore and Mythology. May 5th, 1991. On Degree Meeting. With handwritten markings (Note 2)
-何為訃告。何為同志治喪領導小組。1991年9月10日。排印本1葉。附沉痛悼念何為同志。頁1-6。排印本 (Note 2)
-致趙小姐信函。7-29-91。手稿。談附寄上的趙元任作品冊 (Note 2)
-Letter from Wilma Toong to Rulan Chao Pian. 15 November 1991. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with handwritten notes. On invitation to be the specialist register of referees of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). 有手寫筆記。 "回了說可以,也寄了C.V." (Note 2)
1) Iris 致大春信函。Nov 15, 1991。手稿。談照片、打油詩和祖望的地址
2) 大春致 Iris 信函。11/24。手稿。談照片、祖望和E.T. Tan的地址 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-黃安源致趙教授信函。一九八八年三月廿五日。手稿。談最近獲台灣金鼎獎和香港十大傑出青年、與英國 BBC(威爾遜)交響樂團合作、期望赴美交流、呂炳川逝世和自己的聯絡方法 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Byung-ki Hwang to Rulan Chao Pian. April 28, 1985. Typescript, signed. On the invitation to Harvard as a Visiting Scholar and his family (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. November 1, 1983. Typescript, signed. On the article of Shoogakukan Encyclopedia on Yuen Ren Chao and living life in China (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Mantaro J. Hashimoto. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On photos and Bancroft’s copyright
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談論小中到中國一年的感受和給親友的禮物 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Mantaro J. Hashimoto. Nov. 7, 1983. Typescript (carbon copy). On father’s photos made by Bancroft Library, trips to China and Tokyo, and go to Bancroft Library to help them arrange Father’s paper that they collected and put in their archive
-專題講座日程表。11月12日至12月11日。台北巿立交響樂團練習廳。宣傳單張1葉。有手寫筆記。“台北藝術季” (Note 2)
-Cambridge Mental Health Association. Cambridge Guidance Centre. Leaflet (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to David Holm. Nov. 17, 1983. Typescript (carbon copy). On writing an article on 二人轉 and the copyright of Holm’s articles, ‘Art and Ideology in the Yenan period’ and ‘Folk Art as Propaganda’, and the CHINOPERL meeting
-Letter from David Holm to Pian. 13 December 1983. Typescript, signed. On errenzhuan, ‘Art and Ideology in the Yenan period’, ‘Folk Art as Propaganda’ and ’Yangge: its Formal Characteristics and Social Functions’ and the CHINOPERL meeting (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。9月10日。手稿。談論遊覽成都的名勝古蹟、8月的教育部考試、查詢 Canta 的近況和 X光光譜會議 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談論 pocket computer、小中的教學工作和近況,還有自己的教學工作 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。全家向大姐祝壽和談小中的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。11月24日。手稿。談論小中在長沙兩個月的近況和教學工作、Lensey 和小中帶來的電腦配件,以及培雲、小虎、家林和愛林的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。10.12.83。手稿。談論 Canta的近況、中國光譜學 X射線術學術討論會和若憲的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-兩首不古的「古曲」:「蘇武牧羊」和「滿江紅」來歷的揭曉。韓國鐄。一九八四年一月十六日。影印本 (Note 2)
-致 Iris 信函。手稿。關於照片和孫兒女的近況 (Note 2)
-大姐致 Nova 信函。四月十號。手稿(碳紙副本)。談與學鐄在五月至七月到北京、上海和蘭州的計劃
-Prescription Form for Rulan Pian. 8/30/83. Interchange permitted by Leonard Wolsky. Holograph (Note 1)
-Nova 致大姐信函。3月19日。手稿。談往若憲家探訪和查詢五月會否到長沙 (Note 2)
-Letter from Nova to Iris 大姐. April 8, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On Iris’ travel plan, travelling with Lensey on May and go to Chengdu in June for a meeting (Note 2)
-Letter from Taketo Hashimoto to Theodore H.H Pian. March 26, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On the 5th Goodwill Concert Tour of the Gagaku Music Society of Tenri University, recorded activities in a long playing disk and ask for comments for publishing a photographic book on Gagaku’s activities (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Taketo Hashimoto. May 25, 1984. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the Gagaku concert
-當心您的腹部堆積脂肪。科學之窗。1葉 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。三月十四日。手稿。關於譚小麟的文章、照片和兒子譚乃孫 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。7.30。手稿。談照片轉寄台北《音樂生活》雜誌及楊蔭瀏資料。附楊蔭瀏著作註釋大鋼。手稿 1 葉 (Note 2)
-Letter from Mary Hao Tze Ho to Rulan Chao Pian. 31 July 1984. Typescript, signed. Subject: RE: Samuel Klepper, Harvard sophomore. Currently enrolled and registered in Beginning Chinese I & II, sumer session I & II 1984 at the University of Rochester (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro to Nick. May 22, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten markings. On Chao’s Chaozhou data and Liang-Yue Survey notes (Note 2)
-Letter from Iris to Mantaro. Aug 15, 1984. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On father’s Chaozhou data, required materials might be in Bancroft, supplementary materials of Mandarin Primer and a trip to Europe
-Letter from Iris to Mantaro J. Hashimto. July 12, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes (photocopy). On the Chaozhou data and Mandarin Primer
-Letter from Mantaro to Iris. May 22, 1984. Typescript, signed. On Chao’s Liang Yue Survey Notes (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. June 23, 1983. Typescript, signed. On an intensive course in Southwestern Mandrian at Peking University for Japanese group, copies of Mandarin Primer and request the copyright to compile materials for Southwestern Mandrian Primer (Note 2)
-7 March issue of “Asahi Journal” (朝日). 1980.3.7. Page 5. Photocopy with handwritten notes. Circle the information of the book: “言語学入門-言語と記号システム” and written “Yuen Ren Chao” (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。9月18日。手稿。談「留美三樂人」及馬先生唱片、七篇「歷史鏡頭」、一幅有關說唱的圖片和明年的計劃 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。Dec. 27, 83。手稿。談論台北「近代音樂史:留美音樂家」的目錄和李婧慧 (Note 2)
-Letter from Hsu, Tsang-Houei (許常惠) to 如蘭. January 10, 1994. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On the new addresses (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Greeting sheet. 1 folded sheet. With handwritten notes. “賀綠汀”
-祖蔚致卞老師信函。八三年十二月六日。手稿。談論大鵬、何峻的近況,以及最近在中國的歌曲和戲曲表演 (Note 2)
-Letter from C.M. Turnbull to Rulan Chao Pian. 28 November, 1984. Typescript, signed. On a review of 600 words for the “Music of the Korean Renaissance” by Johnathan Condit in the Journal of Oriental Studies (Note 2)
-Letter to Rulan. 2/15/85. Holograph, signed. On Nova and the trip in China. “何樂伯 上海巿音樂學院專家宿舍” (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chas (Charles Hocket). March 2, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On photo, brief account of father’s musical life, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music will publish a fairly complete collection of father (Note 1)
-Letter from Chas to Rulan. 10 March 1985. Typescript, signed. On photo, Yuenren Chao, the brief account of Yuenren Chao and the trip to China (Note 1) (Note 2)
-賀綠汀致趙如蘭信函。一九八三年十二月十日。手稿。答謝贈送給上海音樂學院的錄像機 (Note 2)
-Letter to Iris. March 21, 1985. Holograph, signed. On ‘My Father’s Musical Life’, Volume II of “Life with Chaos” and “A Project of General Chinese” (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談北平旅美回來的感受、六月的計劃、培雲去西班牙、杭州的化學系計算機教學會議、家林的學業和送給王志宏的 cassette (Note 2)
-胡明楊致林先生信函。四月二十三日。手稿。談赴 Boston 航機資料和哈佛講演題目 (Note 2)
-S.Y. 致 Pian 便條。4-26。手稿。談胡明揚教授、Exchange News和商約會面時間 (Note 2)
-現代漢語和現代漢語規範化。胡明楊。頁1-11。影印本6葉。有手寫筆記。“北京巿語言學會”, “自現代漢語講座(北京語言學會編)1981 開的會” (Note 2)
-Memo from RCP to C Wo Mil. 5/1/85. 1 sheet. Holograph. On Hwang Byang Ki. Reply message written on the same sheet. Holograph. On the appointment form
-Incomplete letter from 二姐. Holograph, signed (photocopy). On the term and the deposite of CD, Ailin and Chen Yifeng (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。4月28日。手稿。談大姐和學鐄到中國的計劃、Lensey 到北京的計劃、四川和蘭州的會議,以及培雲和若憲夫婦的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。8月8日。手稿。談到深圳和中英街旅遊、家裡裝空調、Lora 及君若的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。August 15。手稿。談天津師範學院師生講話的錄像、錄像機和帶子、家林和愛林的工作打算,以及Lora 和君若的近況 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。July 7, 1985。手稿。談未能與大姐會面,及託北平和家漢帶禮物 (Note 2)
-黃吉士(衢州巿文化局)致趙教授信函。一九八四年六月二十三日。手稿 2 葉。談葉開沅教授、自我介紹、將出版浦江亂彈音樂、燈調─衢州採茶戲、十番鑼鼓、衢州灘簧和西安高腔等中國民間音樂書籍,並邀請趙教授到衢州。附葉開沅介紹信。1982.11.10。手稿 1 葉。附信封 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-出席「全國音協」來去。李健之。信報。85.5.26。影印本。附手寫筆記。“given to me by 賀綠汀, during my visit 6/24/85” (Note 2)
-第四次音代會開幕詞。賀錄汀。影印本8葉。有手寫標記 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Hahn Man-young. Sept 14, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On 80 days trip to China, Macao, Taiwan , Tokyo and San Francisco, meeting with Huang Xiangpeng, Gong I, Fan Shang-E and Xia Ye, the details of the meeting organized by Hahn Man-young (Note 1)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Hahn Man-young. Sept 3, 1981. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the Festival of Traditional Music and the meeting of the International Council of Traditional Music in Seoul, inviting to have a talk at Harvard on Korean traditional Music
-Letter from Hahn Man-young (韓萬榮) to Rulan Chao Pian. Sept. 23, 1981. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the invitation at Harvard and the title of the lecture. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. December 7, 1983. Typescript, signed. On three pictures of Chao, Chao’s papers in Bancroft’s archive and the proposal for a survey of linguistics and physical anthropology in Hainan (Note 2)
-Letter from Mantaro J. Hashimoto to Iris. June 23, 1983. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On Chao’s notes and General Chinese. “Being Dup. 9/49/84” (Note 2)
-Letter from Iris to Mantaro. Sept 5, 1984. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On father’s materials printed from microfilms of the originals described as “12 small Chinese books” and dated Oct. 1969
-Bibliography. 1 sheet. Photocopy
-方言調查表格。手稿 1 葉。筆記
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Chinese Bureau of Cultural Affairs. May 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Research Institute of National Music. May 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Beijing Journalist Film Company. May 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty. With duplicate copy
-Telegram to Rulan Chao Pian. 5/4/85. Typescript with handwritten notes. On outcome of the Chinese participants in East Asia Music Conference in Korea. “Still negotiating, letter follows” (Note 2)
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 5/7/85. Typescript. On confirm the previous message and the direct correspondence for inquiries (Note 2)
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 5/8/85. Typescript with handwritten notes. On an incorrect telegram number. “sent again 5/9” (Note 2)
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 5/9/85. Typescript. On confirm the previous message and the direct correspondence for inquiries (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致龔一信函。三月二十八日。手稿(碳紙副本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並表演古琴
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Hahn Man-young. May 20, 1985. Typescript, signed (carbon copy), with handwritten corrections. On inviting Chinese participants for the conference
-龔一致如蘭信函。一九八五年四月九日。手稿(影印本)。談論閱讀《神奇祕譜》的啟發和海外會議的邀請 (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致范上娥信函。五月三日。手稿(影印本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並表演古箏
-趙如蘭致黃翔鵬信函。五月三日。手稿(影印本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並分享中國音樂的文物和民族音樂的發展
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Director of the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra. April 21, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Chief of Bureau, the Shanghai Bureau of Cultural Affairs. April 21, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On inviting Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference on Chinese, Korean and Japanese Classical Musical Traditions from the antiquities through the Sung dynasty
-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet “On May 4(六)mailed by Express to Peking”. Includes:
1) Half cut airmail envelope with the working address of Hahn Man-young
2) Letter from Hahn Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. November 30, 1984. Typescript, signed, with handwritten markings. On the plan for inviting musicologists and scholars with specializations in Chinese, Korean and Japanese classical music traditions before and through the Sung Dynasty. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
3) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man Yung. Dec. 18, 1984. Typescript (carbon copy). On the conference of Asian musicologists
4) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man-young. Dec. 25, 1984. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the conference of Asian musicologists
5) Letter from Han Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. Jan. 19, 1985. Typescript, signed. On inviting musicologists from the People’s Republic of China (Note 2)
6) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man-young. Feb. 3, 1985. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the list of Chinese musicologists and scholars for the Conference (Note 1)
-Letter from Han Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. 18, March, 1985. Typescript, signed. On the suggestions for Chinese musicologists and details of the conference (Note 1) (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致黃翔鵬信函。三月十八日。手稿(碳紙副本)。邀請出席在 1985 年十月於漢城舉辦的東亞音樂學會,並分享中國音樂的文物和民族音樂的發展
-Nov 30 Hahn 信來。手稿 1 葉。信函時序的筆記
-國鐄致趙教授信函。11/5/85。手稿。關於譚小麟照片和工作計劃 (Note 2)
-《黃自遺作集》出版說明。上海音樂學院《黃自遺作集》編輯小組。一九八五年四月七日。油印本2葉 (Note 2)
-Letter from Ta Chun HSU (大春) to William Ying. June 16, 1986. Typescript, signed, with handwritten corrections. On Iris and the land for sale (Note 1) (Note 2)
-陳美娥致趙教授信函。75.5.19。手稿。談論「漢唐樂府」訪美演奏及道謝 (Note 2)
-Harvard University Dental Assistance Plan. January 1, 1986. 1 volume (Pages 1-26). Booklet (Note 2)
-Letter from John N. Hart to Rulan Chao Pian. 15 April 1986. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On Daisy, Peking, Rulan’s father, contact numbers, a Chinese colleague and Susie (Note 1) (Note 2)
-何為致如蘭信函。86.8.23。手稿。談論剛出版的著作、中國戲曲音樂學會和自己的聯絡方法 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-黃翔鵬、郭乃安致趙如蘭信函。1986.11.12。打字本(影印本)。邀請擔任《中國音樂學》英文版特約編委。附信封 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Huang Xiangpeng. Nov. 19, 1986. Typescript, signed. On the English journal of Chinese Musicology
-Letter from Mary Tinkham to Host Family. March 16, 1987. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On second-hand furniture (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Dec.23.86。手稿。談論前往美國、培雲的近況、父親的語文論文選集和音樂全集、元昌叔、小中在寒假的行程、及又新學鋼琴的近況 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Edward Ho. May 23, 1987. Typescript (carbon copy). On the forth coming Seminar on Chinese Music
-Message from Edward Ho. Typescript. On revious letter. Enclosed materials (Note 2). Includes:
1) Letter from Edward Ho to Rulan Chao Pian. 19 February 1987. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Inviting to participant an International Seminar on Chinese Music (Note 2)
2) International Seminar on Chinese Music. Kingston Polytechnic School of Music London England. 11-15 April 1988. “Musicians vs Musicologists? An Active Dialogue”. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Leaflet (Note 2)
-Postcard from Daisy and John Hart to Rulan. 1984.7.23. Holograph. On Daisy’s birth place and the contact information (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。7月12日。手稿。談論邀請信、身體狀況和 University of Washington 的 Kowalski 教授 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-學校大計算機就要到了。手稿 1 葉。談家林的讀書計劃
-Letter to Wang Honggui. Holograph. On leading a delegation to visit the United States
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Wang Honggui. July 16, 1987. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On the delegation to visit the United States and liberal arts education in universities and technological institutes
-Nova 致大姐、大姐夫信函。7月7日。手稿。談論學校的赴美代表團、University of Washington 的 Kowalski 教授、邀請討論理工學院培養人文科學知識的問題,及小中和君若的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-大姐致 Nova信函。手稿(碳紙副本)。談贈送父親的書和梅祖彥
-Nova 致大姐信函。Aug.29.1987。手稿。談又新、父親的音樂全集和赴美的計劃 (Note 2)
-Tentative Schedule. 17 Oct to 19 Nov. Typescript (photocopy)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Sept.23。手稿。談赴美的計劃 (Note 2)
-Nova、培雲和又新致大姐、大姐夫明信片。8月4日。手稿。談遊覽張家界和索溪峪 (Note 2)
-二姐致 Bella 明信片。Aug.4.1987。手稿。談與丈夫、又新遊覽索溪峪、張家界和天子山 (Note 2)
-Message to Rulan. Holograph. On David and mediation (Note 1)
-Memo from Bob to Iris. Holograph. On tapes and report (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐、小中信函。Nov.5。手稿。談Tucson、旅館、培雲的近況、電話費和赴美的計劃 (Note 2)
-Letter from Iris to Shirley and Chas. Nov. 26th, 1987. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the tape, previous letter, planning to go to Taiwan, the Stonr Lion article of Daddy’s Complete Musical Works, Shirley and Harold Shadick
-Letter from Chas to Iris. 23 November 1987. Typescript, signed. On the contact address, the work in Beijing, Asher, Milt, Iris’ father, Alpha, Shirley and he article in Stone Lion (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Robert Shenton to Colleague. September 15, 1987. 1 folded sheet. Photocopy. Subject: President and Fellows of Harvard College. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Inviting to recommend nominees for honorary degrees (Note 2)
-Letter from Chas to Iris. 3 December 1987. Typescript, signed. On Milt’s copy of Iris’ father’s musical biohraphy (Note 2)
-何為致如蘭信函。7.24。手稿。談在北京的會面、趙元任的音樂作品全集和朋友的聯絡方法 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-許常惠致趙博士信函。七月十一日。手稿。邀請為重訂的《中國新音樂史話》撰寫一篇趙元任的傳記,著重在音樂方面的生平和與思想 (Note 2)
-Letter from Chas to Ted and Milt. 5 September 1986. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with handwritten notes. On the teaching work of Shirley and myself, and YR Chao’s Grammar of Spoken Chinese (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Jan.10.1987。談論小中、清華外籍教師、新詩歌集、父親的音樂全集、又新、自己和培雲的近況。附補充信函1葉。Jan.14, 1987。手稿。談父親的音樂全集、1986年國家教委科技進步獎、將出版的書籍和邀請信 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Chas to Iris. 27 Nov 1986. Holograph. On teaching work, visiting in China and Iris’ father’s Grammar of Spoken Chinese (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。手稿。談從美國回長沙的航程、Kowalski、與全家人聚會、對父親的回憶、與朋友會面和家林的計劃 (Note 2)
-Letter from Panos C. Voukydis to Pian Rulan. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. On evercise stress test with heart scanning (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Feb. 23, 1988。手稿。談過春節、戴鵬海、家林赴美的計劃和 Kowalski (Note 2)
-韓國鐄致趙教授信函。4.8。手稿。談大綱各「會」、「節」等的中文名、台灣國樂界、民生刊登的文章和趙元任音樂作品全集 (Note 2)。附活動大綱及剪報,包括:
1) Recent Ethnomusicological Activities in Taiwan. Han Kuo-Huang, Northern Illinois University. 1 sheet. Typescript (mimeograph). With handwritten translation in Chinese (Note 2)
2) 中國音樂研究會的成立與活動 人少事少潛力不少。韓國鐄。民生報。1988.2.10。影印本 (Note 2)
3) 音樂圖像學‧中國式起步。韓國鐄。民生報。1988.3.23。影印本。有手寫筆記 “文題被改過” (Note 2)
-趙如蘭致韓教授信函。4/17/88。手稿(碳紙副本)。談寄來的中國音樂研究資料、父親音樂全集的書評、音樂圖像學和 iconography
-Express mail customer receipt. From R.C. Pian to Zhao Xinna. 5/3
-Express mail stub. Filled by Nova. May 3/88 (Note 2)
-再:上海音樂學院的音樂研究所。手稿(碳紙副本)。談焦瑩和丈夫的近況 (Note 1)
-Nova 致大姐信函。April 2。手稿。談六七月的計劃、買 cassette 和家林的留學計劃 (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。April 10, 1988。手稿。談家林入學申請和到美國留學 (Note 2)
-家林、愛林致大姨信函。1988.4.10。手稿。談留學申請 (Note 2)
-Bok Statement on Neutrality and the Union Election. Derek Bok. Harvard Gazette. May 9, 1988 (Note 2)
-難得一見的國樂盛會 香港中樂團來臺巡迴演出。盧健英。中央日報。中華民國七十七年五月五日 (Note 2)
-Receipt of medical prescription. 8/18/88. 1 sheet
-國鐄致趙教授信函。11.5。手稿。查詢林萃青的博士論文,以便寫進給中國音樂年鑑的文章。附博士論文條目。影印本 1 葉。有手寫筆記。“請寄還” “Added 余少華” (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。Nov. 17, 1988。手稿。談 TOEFL、商務出版父親的 Alice in Wonderland 和 Through the Looking Glass、母親的生日,及培雲和自尚未退休 (Note 2)
-郝慈特 (Scott Horne) 致卞太太信函。一九八七年一月十一日。手稿。談哈佛大學收生、Y.R. Chao 和 Life with Chaos (Note 1) (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。1.17。手稿。談機票和照片 (Note 2)
-Symposium on “River Elegy” (Jointly sponsored by The Chinese Culture Quarterly, the Con-Temporary, Cambridge Xinyu Society). Feb. 4 1989. Typescript (photocopy). Rundown (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。二月二日。手稿。談上海的照片、為「音樂與音響」寫一篇關於上海會議的文章及機票的款項 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。三月九日。手稿。談機票的款項和西安音樂院《交響》一九八八年第三期 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-The present and future of Hong Kong political structure. Harvard Hong Kong Club, MIT Hong Kong Student Association. Topic Proposal. 1 sheet. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Wah Szeto. Biographical notes on his involvement in mass movements. 1 sheet. Photocopy (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。Dec. 6, 1986。手稿。談在 San Francisco 發表的文章、學校研究金和西安的會議 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。四月十一日。手稿。談刊登的文章和書評、夏天到雲南和北京、Gamelan、李龍白、圖像學和最近參加的會議 (Note 2)
-Book Reviews. Yuan Bingchang and Mao Jizeng, et al,. ed. Zhongguo Shaoshu Minzu Yueqi Zhi (The Musical Instruments of the Chinese National Minorities: A Dictionary). By Han Kuo-Huang. Asian Music, Fall/Winter 1988/89. Pages 158-161. Photocopy (Note 2)
-東方音樂學會國際會議記盛。韓國鐄。音樂與音響。1989#3。影印本5葉 (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Han Man-young. July 10, 1989. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the copyright of an article published in the journal of the Korean Musicological Society
-Telegram to Theodore Pian. 7/14/89. Typescript. On assessments by internal examiners (Note 2)
-Express mail customer receipt. From Rulan Chao Pian to Linda Hu. 7/19/89
-Letter from Leonard Wolsky to Pian. July 13, 1989. Typescript, signed. On physical exam (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Hahn Man-young to Rulan Chao Pian. July 22, 1989. Typescript, signed. On the copyright of the article “Tzu Ch’I Listening to the Ch’in” (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。二月二十日。手稿。談刊登於一九八八年第四期《中國音樂學》的文章和《藝術家》每月的專欄。附剪報(影印本)1葉。美國九州學社第三屆年會 華人合作無間 學術普及化。民生報。1989.2.12。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-Blank form of Harvard Neighbors Membership 1989-1990. Pages 1-2 (Note 2)
-致如蘭信函。1989.9.21。手稿。邀請觀看一月十日的演出。附宣傳單張。The 1990 U.S. Tour of Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Troupe of National Taiwan Academy of Arts from Taiwan, R.O.C. The Opera : The Princess as an Unorthodox Bride - A Comedy. 1 sheet. With handwritten notes. “Jan.10.89, Boston” (Note 2)
-Letter to Rulan Chao Pian. 23 January 1989. Typescript, signed. On an article for Asian Music
-Floor plan on part of MT. Auburn Street. 1 sheet. Photocopy with handwritten notes (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙老師信函。6月11日。手稿。談焦杰教授夫婦、戴鵬海、音樂研究所李文和暑期的計劃 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Boston Bar Journal. January/February 1990. Photocopy. Cover page (Note 2)
-Tiananmen Incident. By Thomas W.Huang. Boston Bar Journal. January/February 1990. Pages 14-19. Photocopy (Note 2)
-Nova 致大姐信函。1990.5.24。手稿。談郵費、父親Alice in Wonderland和Through the Looking Glass 的譯本、南京經版、自己一家、君若一家和朋友的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Greeting letter from Iris and Ted to 趙新那教授. Holograph
-Nova 致大姐信函。April 23, 1990。手稿。談家人的近況、學校的傳真機、video cassette recorder、退休年齡、家林的工作和朋友的近況 (Note 2)
-Postcard from Raymond to Pian. 30 July 1990. Holograph. On a Fellow of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and recent happiness (Note 2)
-Reference Guide. HOLLIS. Harvard Online Library Information System. 1 folded sheet (Note 2)
-臨走前。手稿 1 葉。Nova 的便條。祝大姨大姨夫的結婚周年紀念 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙老師信函。九月廿七日。手稿。談生日的照片、當選院士和近況 (Note 2)
-From Rome to the Passing of the Gothic: Western Chant Repertories and Their Influence on Early Polyphony. A conference in Honor of David G. Hughes. October 5-7, 1990. Harvard University. Leaflet. On exhibitions and program schedule (Note 2)
-Letter from Rulan Pian to Nancy. Aug 3, 1990. Holograph (carbon copy). On 2 chapters and language styles
-國鐄致趙教授信函。10月16日。手稿。談近況、Oakland 的會議和最近發表的文章 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Thank you card from Jan and David Hughes. Nov 16 90. Holograph (Note 2)
-琳琅滿目的《中國少數民族樂器志》。韓國鐄。聯合報。Nov.26, 1987。影印本 (Note 2)
-Symposium on “River Elegy”. Joint-sponsored by Chinese Culture Quarterly, the Con-Temporary, Cambridge Xinyu Society, Seminar on Confucian Studies, Harvard University, and Kwan-fong Institute of East Asian Studies, Pace University. February 4, 1989. Leaflet (photocopy). “JAN 31 1989 REC’D”. 有座談會的手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-Symposium on “River Elegy” (Jointly sponsored by The Chinese Culture Quarterly, the Con-Temporary, Cambridge Xinyu Society, and Harvard Seminar in Confucian Studies). February 4, 1989. 1 sheet. Photocopy. Program schedule (Note 2)
-《河殤》學術研討會(香港〈九州學刊〉、台灣〈當代〉、康橋新語社、哈佛大學儒學研討會聯合舉辦)。1989年2月4日。影印本 1 葉。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-News from the Joyous Dargon. Winter 1990. Pages 1-4. Photocopy. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
-集郵報導 胡適百年紀念郵票。民國八十年三月十一日。剪報1葉。廣告 (Note 2)
-黃鏡明致卞趙如蘭授信函。1991.3.12。手稿。談王秋桂的信、寄上的《粵劇史》和《粵劇唱腔音樂概論》二書、介紹張薰及自己的近況。附信函。CK(王秋桂)致 Iris 信函。手稿 1 葉。介紹黃鏡明 (Note 2)
-Letter from John N. Hart to Rulan Chao Pian. 13 July 1990. Typescript, signed. On John’s family members and a book of photographs of Old Beijing (Note 1) (Note 2)
-On Hu Shih’s Fortieth Birthday (By Y.R. Chao). 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). “Tran. By R.C. Pian and delivered orally Oct.18, 1991”. With Chinese translations
-On Hu Shih’s Fortieth Birthday (By Y.R. Chao). 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). “Tran. By R.C. Pian and delivered orally Oct.18, 1991”. With corrections. With duplicate copy
-黃碧云致趙如蘭信函。1991年1月17日。手稿。談在南洋商報發表的文章和自我介紹,並邀請擔任學術諮詢人 (Note 2)
-黃碧云致趙如蘭信函。1991年2月5日。手稿。邀請擔任學術諮詢人及寄上履歷。附履歷表及附件。Curriculum Vitae. Ng Pek Hoon 黃碧云. 10 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
-李尤白致趙如蘭信函。一九八九年二月廿日。手稿。談韓國鐄、中國唐代梨園紀念館、中華梨園學研究會、戴維‧霍爾姆博士、邀請擔任顧問。附剪報1葉(油印本)。中華梨園學研究會成立大會、唐代梨園遺址碑剪彩儀式在西安舉行。秦聲。中國文化報。1988年6月26日 (Note 2)
-尋回東方的精神生活。韓國鐄。聯合報。副刊。1991.3.18。影印本 (Note 2)
-國鐄致趙教授信函。4月30日。手稿。談有關合唱的文章、趙婉成、工作和自己的近況 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Hard work and home is the chemistry for Zhao. By Huang Lin. China Daily. Apr.30, 1992. Photocopy (Note 2)
-East Asia Program, Cornel University. Newsletter. Spring 1992. 1 volume (8 unnumbered pages) (Note 2)
- 1981, 1983-1991, undated
Language of Materials
In English with some in Chinese
Conditions Governing Access
Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
1 file(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong