信函, 1970-1975, 1982-1986, 1988, 1996
• Items 1-20
-Letter from W.M. Kwok to W.W. Lee. 13th January, 1970. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to give a series of six lectures to Third Year Art students (Note 2)
-Letter from H.J. Head to Li Woon-wah. 13th January, 1970. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to attend the school play "At the River's Edge" (Note 2)
-Sister Rose Duchesne、余沛霖致李援華信函。一九七零年二月十日。手稿 1 張。邀請於聯校「香港青年與中國戲劇」座談會擔任演講嘉賓 (Note 2)
-Letter from Chan Sheung to Lee Woon-wah. 20th March, 1970. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About retirement (Note 2)
-Letter from A. Hinton to W.W. Lee. 25th March, 1970. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About retirement (Note 2)
-馬漢寧、趙之瑾和王應冠致李援華信函。一九七零年四月廿八日。手稿 1 張(影印本)。邀請出席《社會棟樑》一劇的記者招待會有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-Letter from J.E. Rowe to Li Woon-wah. 7th May, 1970. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for the lectures on "Handicraft" given to the teaching-in-training in the training courses for teachers of handicapped children (Note 2)
-大偉致李援華信函。一九七零五月十一日。手稿 3 葉。談論《社會棟樑》的演出 (Note 2)
-趙玉蓮致李援華信函。一九七零年九月十日。手稿 1 張。邀請於十月的戲劇表演擔任顧問。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-龐德明、馮檀嘉和霍顯輝致李援華信函。一九七零年十月十二日。手稿 1 張(影印本)。邀請為《豹子頭林沖》一劇擔任顧問。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-岑緯邦致李援華信函。一九七零年十月十六日。手稿 1 張。邀請到校作專題演講,講題是「劇本主題分析」 (Note 2)
-新亞書院戲劇學會致李援華信函。一九七零年十月十九日。手稿 1 張(影印本)。邀請為《一磅肉》及《圈》兩劇擔任顧問。有手寫筆記。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-冼兆球致李援華信函。一九七零年十月廿一日。手稿 1 張。邀請於「劇藝講座」擔任演講嘉賓,講題是「現代戲劇與存在主義」。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-陳志華致李援華信函。一九七零年十月廿七日。手稿 1 張。邀請於院際戲劇比賽擔任評判 (Note 2)
-Letter from W.H. Ha to Lee Woon Wah. 31st March, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for agree to produce a play for the 120th anniversary celebrations (Note 1) (Note 2)
-袁浩泉致李援華信函。一九七一年四月廿三日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任專題演講嘉賓,講題是「演員怎樣創造角式」 (Note 2)
-Letter from D.J. Duncan Smith to Lee Woon-wah. 12th May, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to act as a television monitor with the Television Authority (Note 2)
-Letter from W.M. Kwok to Lee Woon-wah. 4th June, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to give two lectures on Dramatic Art (Note 2)
-趙玉蓮致李援華信函。一九七一年六月六日。手稿 1 張。邀請為十一月公演的戲劇擔任導演。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-張愛月致李援華信函。一九七一年六月十四日。手稿 1 張。邀請主講「戲劇發展簡史」 (Note 2)
• Items 21-40
-Letter from W.H. Ha to Mr. Lee. 23th June 1971. 1 sheet. Holograph. Invitation to have a production committee meeting (Note 2)
-Letter from M. Chow to Mr. Lee. 5th July, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to a dinner for Mr. Lee's retirement (Note 2)
-Letter from J. Canning to Lee Woon-wah. 26th July, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Geeting on retirement (Note 2)
-Letter from Lau Lai Choi to Lee Woon Wah. 4th September, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for being the adviser in the work of script-writing and production of the play (Note 2)
-Letter from David S.T. Lam to Lee Woon Wah. 6th Sept., 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for the contributions to the summer activities for the youth of Central District (Note 2)
-趙玉蓮致李援華信函。一九七一年九月二十七日。手稿 1 張。邀請為《群蠅》一劇擔任演出顧問 (Note 2)
-Letter from Lilian Leung to W.W. Lee. October 15, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for the contributions to be the Honourable Adviser (Note 1) (Note 2)
-韋能信、鄧同光致李援華信函。一九七一年十月十六日。手稿 1 張。邀請為戲劇組舉辦的戲劇《父母心》擔任演出顧問。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-Letter from May Chan to Lee Woon Wah. 3rd November, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the drama competition (Note 2)
-Letter from P.N. Cheng to Kee Woon Wah. 16th November, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Subject: Central District Inter-School Drama Competition sponsored by City District Office (Central) and Mr. Pak Kwong, authorized architect (Note 2)
-Letter from Ko Ping Yeung to Lee Woon-wah. 20th December, 1971. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Subject: Talks on Drama. Accompanied by 1 sheet. Talks on Drama and the Tentative Programme. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)
-錢柱森、陳佩琼和費碧華致援華信函。一九七二年一月十五日。手稿 1 張。邀請到校觀看《妙手回春》一劇及主講「如何欣賞話劇」。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-九龍明愛中心今日青年劇團致李援華信函。一九七二年一月廿日。手稿 1 張。邀請為戲劇欣賞晚會演出之《徵婚》、《春天裡的翠霞》、《家庭生活小趣》和《心死》擔任演出顧問。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-蕭燦麟致李援華信函。一九七二年一月廿四日。手稿 1 張。邀請到校為戲劇學會學生主講,講述話劇演員之基礎認識。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-Letter from J. Dunn to Mr. Lee. February 2, 1972. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with handwritten notes. Subject: 24th H.K. Schools Music and Speech Festival, 1972 (Note 2)
-錫禎致援華信函。一九七二年二月五日。手稿 1 張。談專題演講的時間安排。附東華三院黃南中學,1971/72 年度上學期考試完畢課外活動時間表 (Note 2)
-蕭燦麟致李援華信函。一九七二年二月十一日。手稿 1 張。感謝到校主持戲劇專題演講 (Note 2)
-Leung Cheung Hing to Lee Woon Wah. 11th February, 1972. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to act as the adviser of the Gala Premiere (Note 2)
-Letter from Ivy Chan to Lee Woon-wah. 18th February, 1972. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to be one of the judges in three heats and the final of the Hong Kong Inter-Secondary-School Drama Competition. Accompanied by 1 sheet. Regulations of the Hong Kong Inter-Secondary-School Drama Competition. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)
-崇基學院劇社致李援華信函。一九七二年三月廿五日。手稿 1 張。邀請於「社際戲劇比賽」擔任評判 (Note 2)
• Items 41-60
-Moses K.K. Tong to Lee Woon-wah. 27th March, 1972. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to be the Honorary Life Member of the Northcote College of Education Students' Union (Note 2)
-Letter from Dennis Parker to Lee Woon Wah. 30th March, 1972. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Subject: 24th Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Festival, 1972 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-香港中文大學新亞書院學生會學術部致李援華信函。一九七二年四月四日。手稿 1 張。邀請於專題演講活動擔任演講嘉賓,講題是「漫談戲劇」。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-施麗宜致李援華信函。一九七二年四月七日。手稿 1 張。感謝到校演講「漫談戲劇」。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-九龍明愛中心今日青年劇團致李援華信函。一九七二年五月。手稿 1 張。感謝為劇團作有關戲劇的專題演講 (Note 2)
-何琪珍致李援華信函。一九七二年六月二日。手稿 1 張。邀請於「本港話劇動該走那條路」座談會擔任主席 (Note 2)
-梁逸芬致援華信函。一九七二年六月三日。手稿 1 張。邀請到校為話劇社作專題演講。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-施麗宜致李援華信函。一九七二年七月十三日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任《在水之湄》的導演 (Note 2)
-張華慶致李援華信函。一九七二年九月三十日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任戲劇晚會的演出顧問。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-勞美延致李援華信函。一九七二年十月十二日。手稿 2 張。邀請擔任一九七二至七三年之榮譽顧問,並介紹本屆委員會委員。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-Letter from Yuen Yuk Lam to W.W. Lee. 1st November, 1972. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to write a play for the annual drama production (Note 2)
-周麗娟致李援華信函。一九七二年十一月五日。手稿 1 張。邀請於院際辯論比賽擔任評判 (Note 2)
-新亞戲劇學會致李援華信函。一九七二年十一月十四日。手稿 1 張。感謝擔任《咫尺天涯》的導演,並邀請出席慶功聯歡聚會 (Note 2)
-三師教育學院學生節戲劇比賽籌備委員會致李援華信函。約一九七二年二月。手稿 1 張。邀請為戲劇比賽擔任評判。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-陳振華致李援華信函。一九七三年三月廿五日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任《陞官圖》一劇的演出顧問 (Note 2)
-古天農致李援華信函。一九七三年四月十七日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任「全港中學生劇本創作比賽」的評判 (Note 2)
On exhibition: Exhibition Area, G/F, University Library
-Letter from Wallace Yuen to Lee Woon Wah. 7th May, 1973. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to contribute articles on education, society or college life (Note 2)
-古天農致李援華信函。一九七三年五月廿七日。手稿 1 張。關於「全港中學生劇本創作比賽」的宣傳單張 (Note 2)
-Letter from Ng Yip-hang to Lee Woon-wah. 30th May, 1973. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to act as one of the advisers of the production of the play "Mozart"(安魂曲)(Note 1) (Note 2)
-張佩德致顧問信函。一九七三年六月四日。手稿 1 張。邀請商討香港節戲劇比賽事項 (Note 2)
• Items 61-80
-李國雄致李援華信函。七三年九月十四日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任院際戲劇比賽的評判。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-梁淑芳致李援華信函。一九七三年九月廿二日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任中文戲劇化朗誦項目的評判 (Note 2)
-羅富國教育學院戲劇組委員會致李援華信函。一九七三年十月十日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任顧問 (Note 2)
-香港節辦事處執行祕書長致援華信函。一九七三年十月十八日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任香港節青少年戲劇比賽的評判。 (Note 2)
-Letter from King's College Drama Society to Lee Woon Wah. 21st October, 1973. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Invitation to give a talk on "The Role of Director" (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from King's College Drama Society to Lee Woon Wah. 10th November, 1973. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Thank you letter (Note 1) (Note 2)
-范偉橋致李援華信函。七三・十一・十三。手稿 1 張。邀請於系際戲劇比賽擔任評判。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-范偉橋致李援華信函。七三・十二・十三。手稿 1 張。感謝於系際戲劇比賽擔任評判。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-姚宗南致李援華信函。2/2/1974. 手稿 1 張。邀請擔任戲劇節的大會顧問 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-胡偉洲致李援華信函。一九七四年二月十日。手稿 1 張。感謝借出《梯子》的劇本,並邀請擔任該劇的演出顧問 (Note 2)
-趙樹勳、周文炳和鄭維國致李援華信函。一九七四年二月十二日。手稿 1 張。邀請為《金玉滿堂》一劇擔任演出顧問。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-Letter from P.E. Birney 白理義 to Lee Woon-wah. 21st March, 1974. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Invitation to act as one of the advisers of the play "毒海餘生". 附中文版本 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from P.E. Birney to Lee Woon-wah. 23rd April, 1974. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Thank you letter (Note 1) (Note 2)
-浸會學院五四紀念週籌委會致李援華信函。一九七四年五月四日。手稿 1 張。感謝協助修改《洪流》的劇本,並指導同排演。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-鄧文頌致李援華信函。一九七四年七月三日。手稿 1 張。邀請於「劇本創作比賽」擔任評判。 (Note 2)
-鄧文頌致李援華信函。一九七四年七月廿日。手稿 1 張。感謝擔任「劇本創作比賽」的評判並介紹其他評判。 (Note 2)
-何恨致李援華信函。25 Jul 1974. 手稿 1 張。邀請擔任「戲劇訓練班」的名譽講師及出席全體講師座談 (Note 2)
-陳廣河、何恨致李援華信函。一九七四年七月三十日。手稿 1 張。邀請出席戲劇演員訓練班的開課儀式 (Note 2)
-劉影梅致李援華信函。一九七四年八月十四日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任《聯合學生報》戲劇專輯的顧問。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-陳淑卿致李援華信函。一九七四年九月十日。手稿 1 張。邀請於院際戲劇比賽擔任評判。有蓋章 (Note 2)
• Items 81-100
-致群劇社 1974-75 演籌委會致李先生信函。七四・九・十八。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任演出顧問。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-陳德忠致李援華信函。一九七四年十二月一日。手稿 1 張。邀請擔任戲劇節的大會演出顧問 (Note 2)
-冼杞然致李援華信函。一九七五年一月二日。手稿 1 張。感謝擔任顧問及附上三齣劇本以供評論 (Note 2)
-Letter from Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council to Lee Woon Wah. 25th March, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to be one of the adjudicators of the NAC drama contest (Note 2)
-楊世傑、陳紫年致李援華信函。一九七五年五月六日。手稿 1 張。邀請為演員訓練班作專題演講,題目是「戲劇發展」 (Note 2)
-楊世傑、陳紫年致李援華信函。一九七五年五月十七日。手稿 1 張。感謝為演員訓練班作專題演講 (Note 2)
-Letter from P.E. Birney to Lee Woon-wah. 19th March, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Thank you letter (Note 1) (Note 2)
-堅道明愛中心戲劇組致李援華信函。一九七五年六月。手稿 1 張。邀請為演員訓練班作專題演講,題目是「戲劇概論及源流」和「編劇淺講」 (Note 2)
-Letter from P.E. Birney to Lee Woon-wah. 10th June, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Thank you letter. Subject: School Play - 7th June, 1975 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-丘維清致李援華信函。一九七五年六月十七日。手稿 1 張。邀請於戲劇比賽擔任評判。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-藝園協會致李援華信函。一九七五年七月廿一日。手稿 1 張(油印本)。邀請觀看協會舉辦的「實習匯演」。有手寫筆記。有蓋章 (Note 2)
-Letter from Valerie J. Fry to Lee Woon Wah. 18th August, 1982. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to act as an adjudicator for Chinese Speech sessions. Subject: 24th H.K. Schools Speech Gestival, 1982 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Valerie J. Fry to Lee Woon Wah. 3rd December, 1982. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thank you letter (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Chan Kin-bun to Lee Woon Wah. 23rd December, 1982. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to be a member of the Panel of Judges to screen the expected large number of entries for Drama Festival 1983 organized by the Urban Council (Note 1) (Note 2)
-李美嫦發出的信函。一九八三・四・二十日。手稿 2 張。邀請於「朗誦節比賽」擔任評判 (Note 2)
-Letter from Chan Kin-bun to Lee Woon Wah. 16th May 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to be a member of the Panel of Judges for the final round of the Open Section. Subject: Drama Festival 1983 (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Valerie J. Fry to Lee Woon Wah. 30th May, 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. Thanks for arranging additional source material for use in Chinese Speech classes in the coming Speech Festival (Note 1) (Note 2)
-鄭民威致李援華信函。1983.9.28. 手稿 1 張。邀請於新加坡舉行的戲劇營擔任導師。有蓋章。附 1) 郭寶崑致李先生信函。1983.9.28. 手稿。戲劇營的詳情;2) 第一屆戲劇營簡章。排印本 2 葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-黃景添發出的信函。一九八三年十一月一日。手稿 1 張。邀請到校擔任演講嘉賓,講題是「籌備戲劇演出之過程及如何欣賞戲劇演出」 (Note 2)
-譚潔芬致李援華信函。一九八三年十一月十五日。排印本 1 張(影印本)。感謝為劇藝訓練班主講「編劇概論」。有蓋章 (Note 2)
• Items 101-111
-陝西省文化文物廳致李援華請柬。一九八四年五月十五日。排印本 1 張。邀請出席「歡迎香港文化界知名人士參觀團」的冷餐會。附信封 1 個 (Note 2)
-世彭致援華兄信函。一九八四年六月十一日。手稿 1 葉。談收集幕表的資料、閱讀關於中國話劇文章的感受 (Note 2)
-Letter from Yuen Lup-fun to Lee Woon-wah. 22nd May 1985. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy), signed, with typed notes. Recommendation on candidates. Subject: Re: Recruitment of Artistic Director, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre. With typed corrections (Note 1) (Note 2)
-梁美蓮致李援華信函。85 年 7 月 28 日。手稿 2 張。談創作的劇本與別人的相似,並略談近況 (Note 2)
-周有良發出的信函。一九八六年四月十二日。手稿 1 張(影印本)。《香港戲劇論壇》詳情及訂票需知 (Note 2)
-鍾期榮致援華信函。八六年五月廿日。手稿 1 張(影印本)。通知獲聘為香港樹仁學院兼任高級講師。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-張奇虹致李先生信函。6.23.1986. 手稿 1 張。談《回顧》一文和中國話劇史 (Note 2)
-汪靜鳴、王劍叢致李援華信函。一九八六年九月三十日。排印本 1 張(油印本)。邀請提供資料,以供出版《香港作家傳略》一書有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
-Letter from Antony Tatlow to Li Woon-wah. Nov 14, 1986. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitation to attend the session entitled "Brecht: The Hong Kong Experience". Subject: Re: International Brecht Symposium (Note 1) (Note 2)
-馮嘉慈致援華信函。一九八八年十月十四日。手稿 1 張。感謝能使用李先生的劇目演出,並略談演出的感受 (Note 2)
-請柬。新華通訊社香港分社。1996. 請柬 1 張;22 x 29 cm. "謹訂於一九九六年二月二十九日(正月十一星期四)下午五時三十分至七時假座香港灣仔港灣道一號香港會議展覽中心二樓會議廳舉行新春酒會"。附信封 2 個及出席證 1 張;11 x 16 cm (Note 1) (Note 2)
- 1970-1975, 1982-1986, 1988, 1996
Language of Materials
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111 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Lee, Woon Wah, 1915-2006 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong