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信函, 1947, 1949, 1955-1960

 File — Box: 10, Folder: 1
Identifier: 0043_PER_LeeWW_Series_2_Folder_1

• Items 1-20

-Letter from T.R. Rowell to Li Woon Wa. 12th November, 1947. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. Thanks for the painstaking work that Mr Li voluntarily performed in perparing information for the Accountant General (Note 2)

-Memo from P., N.T.C. To Lee Woon Wah. 4.10.49. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Asking for lecturing to the 3rd year Teacher's Mathematics Class (Note 2)

-Letter from S.G. David to Mr. Lee. 6th January, 1951. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Subject: Presentation of Certificates Ceremony to E.I. Yeachers Class 1950 (Note 2)

-Letter from S.G. David to Lee Woon Wah. 10th April, 1951. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Congratulating on the success of the play "A Family in Transition" (Note 2)

-Letter to W.W.Lee. 28th August, 1953. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for the work on the Summer Conference at Stanley (Note 2)

-Letter from D.J.S. Crozier to Lee Woon Wah. 26th September, 1953. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. Thanks for the work on the first course of training of unqualified teachers (Note 2)

-Letter from W.J. Dyer to Lee Woon Wah. 23 Dec 1953. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes. Thank you letter. Subject: Syllabuses and Textbooks Committee. (Art and Handwork) Sub-Committee (Note 2)

-Letter from P. Donohue to W.W.Lee. 18th January, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. To convey the thanks of the Social Welfare Officer for the work of helping victims of fire in the Shek Kip Mei squatter area (Note 2)

-Letter from G.P. Ferguson to Lee Woon Wah. 12th February, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the Hong Kong Government Scholarship and the provisional booking on the Canton sailing (Note 2)

-Letter from T.C. Cheng to Lee Woon Wah. 17th June, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the arrangement for Lee Woon Wah's pay and allowances (Note 2)

-Letter from Principal to Lee Woon Wah. 6th August, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the schedule of the college session and the traffic arrangements. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Letter from John to Lee Woon Wah. 12th August, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the fees for maintenance. Subject: Shoreditch Training College (Note 2)

-Letter from R. Eastleigh to Lee Woon Wah. 14 September, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. About the allowances (Note 2)

-Letter from John to Lee Woon Wah. 6th October, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the fees for maintenance. Subject: Shoreditch Training College (Note 2)

-Letter from E.M. Gray to W.W.Lee. 12th October 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the allowances (Note 2)

-Letter from R. Eastleigh to Lee Woon Wah. October, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the accomodation fee (Note 2)

-Letter from Principal's Secretary to Lee Woon Wah. 1st November 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Invitating to attend the meeting of the Staines Round Table (Note 2)

-Letter from J.T. Williams to W.W.Lee. 8th November, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the Introduction Course (Note 2)

-Letter from W.R. Arnould to W.W. Lee. 24th Novmeber, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the accommodation from 19th December to 2nd January (Note 2)

-Letter from V. Lambert to W.W. Lee. 6th December, 1954. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On travel from London to Stratford-upon-Avon, Cambridge, Oxford and the Lake District. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

• Items 21-40

-匡華致援弟信函。一九五四年十二月廿六至廿七日。手稿 4 張。談郭沫若的劇本《屈原》、長篇小說《牛虻》和觀看電影《梁山伯與祝英台》的感想,以及談自己打算創作的劇本。頁 1-4 (Note 2)

-Letter to Lee Woon wah. 1/1/55. 1 sheet. Holograph. About the books written by Benard, and the works on 果戈理. The date wrote on the letter was 1/1/54, but refer to the content of the letter, "I received your letter dated 23/12/54 yesterday", the date should be 1/1/55 (Note 2)

-匡華致援弟信函。一九五五年一月四日至五日。手稿 4 張。談果戈理的劇本、關於「哥大」戲劇鑄型的三個階段、給太太的相片和閱讀 Chekov (契訶夫)的劇本。The letter is partly written in English (Note 2)

-匡華致援弟信函。一九五五年一月八日至十八日。手稿 6 張。談契訶夫的「獨幕劇」選集、「哥大」的劇本、《筑》的人物鑄型、屠格涅夫的戲劇、英國的天氣轉冷、編寫洪熾榮人發展的五個階段,以及刻畫人物的特點。The letter is partly written in English (Note 2)

-匡華致援弟信函。一九五五年一月廿三日至卅日。手稿 5 張。談屠格涅夫的劇本、編寫劇本《虱》、朋友的近況、老舍的《春華秋實》和托爾斯泰的劇本 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年二月四日至十一日。手稿 6 張。談托爾斯泰的劇本、郭沫若的《南冠草》、高爾基的《底層》和《瓦薩‧惹列兹诺娃》、丁西林的劇本、羅曼羅蘭的《七月十四日》和最近看的一批劇本 (Note 2)

-Letter from P.G.E. Nash to Lee Woon Wah. 14th February 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Inviting to attend a talk or interview for the Kuoyu Service (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年二月十七日至廿一日。手稿 4 張。談曹禺戲劇選集、戲劇的主題、編寫《虱》的大綱和家人的近況 (Note 2)

-Letter from Secretary to W.W.Lee. 23rd February, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the accommodation for the Drama Course No.15, April 1st - 4th (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年二月廿四日至廿五日。手稿 3 張。談編寫《虱》的大綱和家人的近況 (Note 2)

-Letter from Secretary to W.W.Lee. 28th February, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the application of the Drama Course No.15 and the receipt (Note 2)

-Letter from Derek A. Reel to Lee Woon Wah. 15th March, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the activities of the Egham Branch of the Young Conservatives (Note 2)

-Letter from E.I. Black to W.W.Lee. 24th March, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About Miss Rebecca S.Kwan (Note 2)

-Letter from T.M. Jenkins to Lee Woon Wah. 7 Apr 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About the question of school visits and vacation courses covering handicrafts in primary schools, and the subsistence allowance of the proposed visit to the Continent (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年四月九日至廿六日。手稿 5 張。抒發沙田掃墓之感、修改《虱》的劇本和談曹禺《蛻變》的劇本,略論契訶夫《櫻桃園》、《三姊妹》和《萬尼亞舅》的劇本、談觀看粵劇《萬劫觀世音》、中英學會的《紅樓夢》一劇,以及中聯電影《父母心》的感受 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年四月卅日至五月十五日。手稿 6 張。談家人近況、編寫劇本、胡春冰改編的《紅樓夢》、閱讀的第二批書籍、看電影的感想、蕭伯納的《人與超人》、中聯電影《桃李滿天下》、屠格涅夫的《村居三月》、剛寫的一首詩、契訶夫的《伊凡洛夫》和詩劇《寶劍》 (Note 2)

-Letter from G.P. Ferguson to W.W.Lee. 23rd May, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the request for extension (Note 2)

-Letter from D.A. Wrigley to W.W.Lee. 24 May 55. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with handwritten notes. On the permission to remain in the United Kingdom to attend various Summer Schools (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年五月廿五日至六月一日。手稿 5 張。談粵樂和粵曲的問題、高爾基旳《仇敵》、羅曼羅蘭的《群狼》、貝拉巴拉茲的《安魂曲》,以及編寫《干域》和《賽氣》的劇本 (Note 2)

-Letter from E.R. Nevin to Lee Woon Wah. 26 May 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for the acceptance of the invitation of the Rotary Club of Egham and the arrangement of the club luncheon (Note 2)

• Items 41-60

-匡致援信函。一九五五年六月三日至十六日。手稿 7 張。談蕭伯納的 “The Devil's Disciple” 和 “Caesar and Cleopatra”、奧特羅夫斯基的六個劇本、《保爾‧柯察金》的劇本、家人的近況、存有的劇本和新作的詩 (Note 2)

-Letter from E. Grebenik to W.W.Lee. 6th June, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About Miss Rebecca S. Kwan (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from D.A. Wrigley to W.W.Lee. 7 Jun 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the extension of study leave (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年六月十八日至廿八日。手稿 5 張。談最近閱讀的劇本、編寫幾個劇本的大綱、阿菲諾蓋諾夫的《前夜》、西蒙諾夫的四個劇本和蕭伯納的《聖女貞德》,並談及編寫戲劇的結構和如何刻畫人物的特性 (Note 2)

-Memo from K.F. Wong to Supervisors and Heads, N.T. Primary Schools. 11th July, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). Subject: Circular Memorandum. Inter-School Dramatic Competition (N.T.Section), 1955 (Note 2)

-Letter from K.F. Wong to Li Woon Wah. 27th October, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. inviting to become a member of the panel of adjudicators for the Rural Schools Competition. Subject: Inter-School Dramatic Competition, 1955. Rural Schools. (Note 2)

-Memo from Director of Education to Lee Woon Wah. 7th September, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Subject: Courses in England attended by Hong Kong officers (Note 2)

-Letter from P. Wai to W.W. Li. 16th November, 1955. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with typed notes. On the question paper of Pottery and Weaving for the 1956 School Certificate Examination (Note 2)

-Invitation card. 11/1955. 1 card; 12 x 15 cm. "His Excellency The Governor and Lady Grantham request the pleasure of the company of Mr. & Mrs. W.W.Lee, at a Garden Party on the occasion of the centenary of the Young Women's Christian Association on Wednesday, 9th November, 1955 at 4.30 p.m.". Attached with 1 envelope (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年十二月一日。手稿 1 張。談莎士比亞運用 Mataphorical 短句的巧思,並相約傾談編寫劇本 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五五年十二月二日。手稿 2 張。談編寫《仁術仁心》劇本的動機 (Note 2)

-Memo from M.F. Griffith to Members, Art and Handwork Sub Committee. 18th July, 1956. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed. Subject: Art Syllabus, Chinese School Certificate (Note 2)

-Letter from M.F. Griffith to Lee Woon Wah. 23.vii.56. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On the materials of pottery and the Headmaster's wife would like to join the evening pottery course (Note 2)

-Letter from H.M. Liu to W.W. Lee. 14th August, 1956. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thank you letter of the Summer Conference at Stanley (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五六年八月廿七日。手稿 2 張。談浪漫主義和現實主義作品的分別,並略談自己的舊作 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五六年八月卅日。手稿 1 張。談卓別林的《殺人的喜劇》,及古典派和現代派作家筆下人物的特點 (Note 2)

-Letter from D.J.S. Crozier to Li Woon Wah. 22nd October, 1956. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Enquiring to serve as a member of the panel of adjudicators in the Chinese Section (A) of the Competition. Subject: Inter-School Dramatic Competition, 1956 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五六年十二月九日。手稿 2 張。談席勒的詩劇《華倫斯坦》和克萊斯德的《破瓷記》 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五六年十二月十五日。手稿 2 張。談馬爾茲的戲劇、波齊爾斯柯夫的《勝利者》、謝寧的《在二十世紀中葉》、粵劇《花染狀元紅》和包哥廷的電影劇本 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五六年十二月廿一日。手稿 2 張。談於敏的《趙一曼》和《高歌猛》、宋之的編寫的《保衛和平》、馬少波和辛大明的《千年冰河開了凍》,以及李少春的《野豬林》 (Note 2)

• Items 61-80

-匡致援信函。一九五六年十二月廿七日。手稿 2 張。談曹禺的《家》、張石流的《小馬戲班》、紅楓的《彩虹萬里》和陳荒煤的《論正面人物形象的創造》,及在舞台如何運用錄音機 (Note 2)

-Letter from D.J.S. Crozier to Li Woon Wah. 22nd January, 1957. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thank you letter of the Inter-School Dramatic Competition (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五七年七月五日。手稿 3 張。談近年的閱讀心得和創作的歷程 (Note 2)

-Letter from J.R. Heywood to Lee Woon Wah. 14th Nov, 1957. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed with typed notes. Subject: 1958 Agricultural Show (Note 2)

-Letter from D.J.S. Crozier to Li Woon Wah. 1957. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Enquiring to serve as a Member of the panel of adjudicators in the Senior Cantonese Section of the Inter-School Dramatic Competition (Note 2)

-Letter from L.G. Morgan to Li Woon Wah. 2nd January, 1958. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thank you letter of the Inter-School Dramatic Competition (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五八年一月四日。手稿 4 張。談戲劇創作、選購書籍和編寫《哥大》的劇本 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五八年一月十八日。手稿 2 張。談菲爾丁、《殺妻案》、《情竇初開》和《露斯之死》 (Note 2)

-匡致援信函。一九五八年三月廿七日。手稿 5 張。談新馬師曾 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Circular from V.J. Jasper to Heads of all primary schools. 1st September, 1958. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Subject: General Schools Circular No.66. Inter-School Drama Competition, 1958. With Chinese version (Note 2)

-Letter from D.J. Fraser to W.W.Lee. 11th November, 1958. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thanks for the plaster case of Beethoven (Note 2)

-Letter from N.C. Chow to Lee Woon Wah. 4th February, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with handwritten notes. About the extension of the member of the Handicraft Sub-committee for the year 1959 (Note 2)

-陳雲和致李援華信函。17 Mar 1959. 手稿 1 張。聘請擔任香港中英學會中文戲劇組編導委員會委員 (Note 2)

-Memo from S.K. Cheung to Lee Woon Wah. 24th April, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy), signed with handwritten notes. Subject: Joint Exhibition of Students' Work, 1959. Evening Institute (Note 2)

-Letter from F.K. Leung to Li Woon Wah. 14th May, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Subject: Joint Primary 6 Examination, 1959. Meeting of Committee of Examiners, Handicraft Practical Work (Note 2)

-Memo from Headmaster, Pokfulam Primary School to Lee Woon Wah. 20th May, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Subject: Joint Primary 6 Examination, 1959. Committee of Examiners, Handicraft Practical (Note 2)

-Letter from D.J.S. Crozier to W.W.Lee. 7th July, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy), signed with typed notes. About the subject sub-committee dealing with Handicraft. Subject: Junior Secondary Schools (Note 2)

-Letter to W.W.Lee. 8th October, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On a small book on art and craft covering the Hong Kong syllabus for Hong Kong schools (Note 2)

-Letter from A. Deans Peggs to Li Chung Fong. 13th October, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript with typed notes. Subject: E.I.I.S. Course: Appointment of Lecturers (Note 2)

-Letter from A. Deans Peggs to Lee Ting Ping. 3rd November, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed, with typed notes. Subject: E.I.I.S. Course: Appointment of Lecturers (Note 2)

• Items 81-86

-Letter from W.J. Silvey to Lee Woon Wah. 26 Nov 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with typed notes. Informing to be nominated as Judge in School Exhibits Div., (Handicrafts) at the Agricultural Show (Note 2)

-Letter from K.S. Yeung to Lee Woon Wah. 29th December, 1959. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy), with handwritten notes. Subject: Joint Primary 6 Examination, 1960. Setting of Question Papers (Note 2)

-Letter from W.J. Blackie to Lee Woon Wah. 6th Feb., 1960. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed, with typed notes. Thank you letter by the 1960 Agricultural Show Committee (Note 2)

-致容、鮑兩位先生信函。27/3/60. 手稿 1 張。談論七個劇本

-Letter from A. Godman to Lee Woon Wah. 22nd August, 1960. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy), signed, with typed notes. Thank you letter by the Chairman and Organising Committee (Note 2)

-Letter from N.C. Fong to Lee Woon Wah. 10th October, 1960. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Subject: Joint Primary 6 Examination, 1961. Handicraft Subject Panel (Note 2)


  • 1947, 1949, 1955-1960

Language of Materials

Chiefly in English

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


86 item(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong