Box 213
Contains 45 Collections and/or Records:
Photographs 13-31, undated
File — Box: 213, Folder: 11
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_11
Scope and Contents
照片39 張:彩色;9 x 13 cm。紙袋上:上海 Shanghai。有關卞趙如蘭到訪上海,包括參觀上海音樂學院
Photographs 13-32, 1993 - 1993
File — Box: 213, Folder: 12
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_12
Scope and Contents
Includes 2 envelopes:
-37 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. In envelope 23 x 17 cm. On envelope: Cambridge and Palo Alto. 我的. Sept 1993. Lensey Issac pay a visit. Tong's party. 大木康. Kathy Lowry. 沈強. Bell and Andrew. Sam Wu. Yung Shen. On the lives of Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian, their friends and relatives
-照片3 張:彩色;11 x 15 cm。信封:1993.9月。部分照片有說明:
--第 3 張:From 辜羨高
-37 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. In envelope 23 x 17 cm. On envelope: Cambridge and Palo Alto. 我的. Sept 1993. Lensey Issac pay a visit. Tong's party. 大木康. Kathy Lowry. 沈強. Bell and Andrew. Sam Wu. Yung Shen. On the lives of Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian, their friends and relatives
-照片3 張:彩色;11 x 15 cm。信封:1993.9月。部分照片有說明:
--第 3 張:From 辜羨高
Photographs 13-33, 1994 - 1994
File — Box: 213, Folder: 13
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_13
Scope and Contents
Includes 2 paper bags:
-38 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. On paper bag: 中樂團 dinner, Farewells, arr Camb, Harv Rad reunions. On the lives of Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian, including their stay in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Harvard-Radcliffe reunion and others
-26 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. On paper bag: Mainly Reunion. On Harvard-Radcliffe reunion
-38 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. On paper bag: 中樂團 dinner, Farewells, arr Camb, Harv Rad reunions. On the lives of Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian, including their stay in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Harvard-Radcliffe reunion and others
-26 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. On paper bag: Mainly Reunion. On Harvard-Radcliffe reunion
Photographs 13-34, undated
File — Box: 213, Folder: 14
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_14
Scope and Contents
照片21 張:黑白;9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm。信封:給天津的。部分照片有說明:
-第 1 張:二姐、三哥、學鈐。寄回天津。共四張
-第 2 張:寄回天津。一張
-第 3 張:4 張
-第 9 張:二姐、三哥、學鈐。寄回天津。共四張
-第 15 張:寄回天津。一張
-第 1 張:二姐、三哥、學鈐。寄回天津。共四張
-第 2 張:寄回天津。一張
-第 3 張:4 張
-第 9 張:二姐、三哥、學鈐。寄回天津。共四張
-第 15 張:寄回天津。一張
Photographs 13-35, undated
File — Box: 213, Folder: 15
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_15
Scope and Contents
照片21 張:彩色;9 x 13 cm。紙袋上:北京。廣州。有關卞趙如蘭到訪北京及廣州
Photographs 13-36, 1982 - 1982
File — Box: 213, Folder: 16
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_16
Scope and Contents
45 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. On paper bag: Archive. On Rulan Chao Pian's visit to the Choi Fook Kee Musical Instrument Factory (香港蔡福記) in Hong Kong in 1982. Inserted with a set of 10 Chinese paper cutting on animal and floral
Photographs 13-37, 1922, undated
File — Box: 213, Folder: 17
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_17
Scope and Contents
On members of Yuen Ren Chao's family. Includes 8 envelopes:-5 photographs : black and white; 7 x 8 cm - 9 x 13 cm. On envelope: Family. From left: Bella Chao, Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and Canta Pian. Some only includes the latter 3 persons. With a film sheet-4 sets of photos on Mr. and Mrs. Yuen Ren Chao. In paper bag 15 x 11 cm. On paper bag: Princeton Face 67. Previously selected but not used. 1938-82. Portion selected for 朱德熙 (what are left here are 1974-1981...
Photographs 13-38, 1921, 1945, 1947, 1958-1959, 1967, 1972-1973, 1979-1982, undated
File — Box: 213, Folder: 18
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_18
Scope and Contents
照片 52 張和相簿 1 本: -照片52 張:部份彩色;9 x 12 cm - 14 x 18 cm。 有關趙元任及他的家人。 部份照片有說明:--第 1 張:'45 春--第 3 張:(五十八)1981 Cambridge。聖誕節三妹一家來。(立)萊思、波岡維作、途子、力虎(四妹子)。(坐)卞學鐄、小中、如蘭--第 6 張:(六十二)重遊學生時代住過的宿舍(哈佛大學)--第 7 張:(五十五)1980 來 Cambridge。街上碰見徐寶潭夫婦--第 8 張:(五十四)Berkeley 1980--第 9 張:(四十八)1979。母親過九十歲。十一月二十三日--第 10 張:(四十七)Berkeley 1979。二妹新那從長沙來。全家聚了三天﹗左至右:小中、萊思、如蘭、新那--第 13 張:(五十)1979 Berkeley。晚上出去吃冰淇淋。左至右:劉君若、劉君芃、Richard Mather--第 16 張:Canada Expo...
Photographs 13-39, 1983, undated
File — Box: 213, Folder: 19
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_19
Scope and Contents
35 photographs : color ; 9 x 14 cm. On the life of Rulan Chao Pian, including a musical performance, a visit to China and others
Photographs 13-40, 1994 - 1994
File — Box: 213, Folder: 20
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_13_Folder_20
Scope and Contents
38 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. On paper bag: Memorial for 學鈐. On the memorial service to Theodore H.H. Pian's brother--Hsueh-chin Pian (卞學鈐) in Boston in 1994