Box 67
Contains 17 Collections and/or Records:
No separator-Untitled folder, 1962, undated
File — Box: 67, Folder: 1
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_1
Scope and Contents
-七彩濟公-新編諧趣流行歌劇。編劇:蔡衍棻。影印本(不完整)。唱詞。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)-七彩濟公-新編諧趣流行歌劇。編劇:蔡衍棻。影印本。唱詞 (Note 2)-Chinese Classical: Instrumental Music. Notes on the recordings by Henry Cowell. Liner notes. "Folkways Records Album #FW 6812", "©1950, 1962 by Folkways Recirds & Service Corp., 121W. 47th St.NYC USA" (Note 2)-為毛主席詩詞譜曲。歌詞六首,包括《水調歌頭‧重上井岡山》、《念奴嬌‧鳥兒問答》、《沁園春‧雪》、《漁家傲‧反第一次大「圍剿」》、《憶秦娥‧婁山關》、《清平樂‧六盤山》和《七律‧人民解放軍佔領南京》。唱片資料。歌詞。中國唱片WM-2165。中國唱片社出版,中國唱片廠印製 (Note 2)-臺灣省統一發票收執聯。中華民國 60...
No separator-Untitled folder, 1971, undated
File — Box: 67, Folder: 2
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_2
Scope and Contents
-臺灣省統一發票收執聯。中華民國 60 年 8 月 27 日。手稿(碳紙副本)。錄音費用。"鈴鈴唱片工業股份有限公司"
-3 sheets. Holograph. Expenditure on music recording
-3 sheets. Holograph. Expenditure on music recording
No separator-唱片的唱詞, 1962-1963, undated
File — Box: 67, Folder: 3
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_3
Scope and Contents
-搜書院。唱詞六首,包括《搜書院[柴房自嘆](粵劇)》、《掃窗會(潮劇)》、《秋景(天津時調)》、《情探(評彈)》、《風雨歸舟(京韻大鼓)》和《昭君出塞(四川清音)》。影印本。唱片資料。M-110。中國唱片廠。有手寫筆記。有複本 (Note 2)-手稿 1 張。"朱痕記、楊乃武、桃花庵"。Tab title: 蹦蹦-唱詞三首,包括《桃花庵》、《朱痕記》和《楊乃武》。影印本。CO-332。有手寫筆記。"Yung", "蹦蹦戲" (Note 2)-1 blank sheet. Tab title: 川劇-鳴鳳川劇,包括《玉堂春(薛派花衫)(梆子)》和《陽告(薛派花衫)(梆子)》。唱詞。CO-327。有手寫筆記。"Pian" (Note 2)-鳴鳳川劇,包括《孤鴻零雁(黃派青衣)(平調)》、《後帳會(絲絃)》和《刀筆誤(高腔)》。唱詞。CO-330。有手寫筆記。"Pian" (Note 2)...
No separator-粟廬曲譜, undated
File — Box: 67, Folder: 4
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_4
Scope and Contents
-粟廬曲譜上冊。影印本 120 張。"頁 1-240", 有手寫標記 (Note 2)
-粟廬曲譜下冊。影印本 125 張。"頁 1-248", 有手寫標記 (Note 2)
-粟廬曲譜下冊。影印本 125 張。"頁 1-248", 有手寫標記 (Note 2)
No separator-Recording Texts. Commercial and Live, 1981, 1988, undated
File — Box: 67, Folder: 5
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_5
Scope and Contents
-信的故事。謝綺霞。中華民國七十年十二月。1 冊。畫者:劉開。主編者:海外學人暨留學生服務中心。出版者:行政院青年輔導委員會。頁 1-28 (Note 2)-有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。April 2, 1988. 1 冊。波士頓樂音合唱團、紐約鄉音合唱團聯合音樂會節目小冊子。"Aquinas Junior College Auditorium"。頁 1-4, 9-15 (Note 2)-The Secret Music of China. Orchestra, chorus & cast under the direction of Alexander Laszlo. CL6055. Photocopy. Liner notes (Note 2)-The Play of St. Nicholas. A 12th-Century Liturgical Drama (Reconstruction by Frederick Renz). MHS Stereo 824437. 1981. 1 volume (4...
No separator-Hong Kong 1978-79, 1978-1979, undated
File — Box: 67, Folder: 6
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_6
Scope and Contents
-A Ensemble Concert. Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 15 November, 78. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten markings. Programme schedule (Note 2)-A Ensemble Concert. Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 15 November, 78. Typescript (photocopy). Programme schedule (Note 2)-Schubert 150 Anniversary Concert. Programme II. September 24. Typescript (photocopy). Promtional leaflet. "Shouson Theatre" (Note 2)-The Life of...
No separator-RCP miscellaneous, 1953, undated
File — Box: 67, Folder: 7
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_7
Scope and Contents
-漁父。樂譜 1 張。手稿。五線譜 (Note 2)
-漁父。樂譜 1 張。手稿。五線譜。有中文歌詞。張玉珍作曲。"c. 1949", "三月十號" (Note 2)
-探謹致學鐄夫人信函。手稿。談張權留下的兩張唱片、借用《老天爺》的譜子給張權在 Carnegie Hall 的音樂會演唱,以及在九月搬去紐約 (Note 2)
-相見歡。Dec. 1953。樂譜 1 張。手稿。五線譜 (Note 2)
-春天不是讀書天。樂譜 1 張。手稿。五線譜。有中文歌詞 (Note 2)
-漁父。樂譜 1 張。手稿。五線譜。有中文歌詞。張玉珍作曲。"c. 1949", "三月十號" (Note 2)
-探謹致學鐄夫人信函。手稿。談張權留下的兩張唱片、借用《老天爺》的譜子給張權在 Carnegie Hall 的音樂會演唱,以及在九月搬去紐約 (Note 2)
-相見歡。Dec. 1953。樂譜 1 張。手稿。五線譜 (Note 2)
-春天不是讀書天。樂譜 1 張。手稿。五線譜。有中文歌詞 (Note 2)
No separator-Untitled folder, 1952 - 1952
File — Box: 67, Folder: 8
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_8
Scope and Contents
-中國音樂史綱。楊蔭瀏。一九五二年二月十日初版。影印本。上海萬葉書店印行。頁 1-121, 124-157, 160-342 (Note 2)
No separator-Love.W Style, 1975 - 1975
File — Box: 67, Folder: 9
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_9
Scope and Contents
-Questions of Style, Part Two. By Jacob Wainwright Love. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Pages 1-38. "March 13, 1975 [rev. June 11, 1975] and at verious times later" (Note 2)
No separator-Love.W Style, 1975 - 1975
File — Box: 67, Folder: 10
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_67_Folder_10
Scope and Contents
-Questions of Style, Part One. By Jacob Wainwright Love. Typescript (photocopy). Pages 1-39, 39a-39i. "February 1, 1975 [rev. May 20, 1975]" (Note 2)