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Untitled case (Pink 8), undated

 File — Box: 303, Folder: 3
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_3_Subseries_1_Folder_3

470 index cards (3 x 5 inches) in case 11 x 15 x 30 cm. Holograph (photocopy). Includes tab dividers (Z, A-C, Q, D-I). Arranged as received

-No tab divider. 13 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 管平湖、桑葉、陳毅、諶亞選、耿英、欒桂娟、韋人、詹慕陶、韋明鏵等

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet "Original. 9 cards. Holograph. Includes citations of authors: 程振福、李德真、張祖金、王沂甫、王范地、胡曼、曹正、林矣之、徐桃英、顧伯寶

-No tab divider. 43 cards. Holograph (photocopy). 包括一些有關曲藝和音樂方面的期刊、論文集、叢刊、學報和著者(苗嶺、于潤洋、欒冠樺、莊永平、詹慕陶、易人、耿生廉、鞠士林、諶亞選、韋風、呂聶、顧翌、韋人、韋明鏵及韌敏等)的書目資料

-Z in testing. 2 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes a citation of author 肖祖

-A. 11 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 阿甲、安祿興、阿英、安葵、岸邊成雄、安波、安葵

-B. 14 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 白鳳鳴、白吉庵、白江波、白雲生、北京藝師音樂系聲樂教研組、白建修、白秉權、白誠仁、波多野太郎、邊原

-C. 81 cards (1 blank). Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 陳冰機、陳云、常寶華、陳多、謝明、陳汝衡、常受宗、朱建、常蘇民、陳衍智、陳奎及、陳應時、程午嘉、瞿安華、陳多、計文蔚、陳培仲、陳幼韓、陳聆群、陳天國、陳川、常靜之、常任俠、成公亮、陳明山、常香玉、陳炳錚、陳成、陳洪、陸萬美、陳彭年、程振福、程云、陸云興、陳竹青、陸華柏、成濂、常留柱、陳銘志、陳長齡、陳午樓、陳竹曦、陳笑暇、陳家濱、程硯秋、程茹辛、葉楝、褚玉龍、楚平

-Q. 32 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 曲六乙、錢英郁、錢志和、邱肖鶻、秦序、錢仁康、戚雅仙、全疇農、曲澄、祁玉珍、秦大平、關序、瞿維、錢永賢、楊祖耕、秦西炫、邱仲彭、喬建中、裘錫圭、李家浩、錢非、錢康寧、秦咏誠、丘琼蓀、求索、喬谷、瞿希賢等

-D. 36 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 丁善德、丁修洵、鄧爾敬、戴鵬海、鄧超榮、董婉華、董維松、丁承運、戴德源、達威、戴嘉枋、丁是娥、董源、杜亞雄、朱岱弘、董維賢、段文杰、沈洽、丁言昭、董每戡、丁楠、丁修詢、丁羅男、董錫玖等

-E. 2 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes a citation of author 爾泗

-F. 51 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 費力、方成、傅雪漪、范鈞宏、飛鴻、范瑞娟、馮光鈺、馮文慈、馮其庸、方行、范均宏、樊祖蔭、樊家城、馮嫻、馮潔軒、方暨申、芳草、方智、馮明祥、馮斗南、方妙英、樊汝武、馮玉祥、馮霞、傅庚辰、范乃仲、傅學惟、劉文龍、傅鍾、傅曉航等

-G. 54 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 高宇、E. 格雷貝、高秋、高元鈞、葛培岭、甘尚時、蓋叫天、高厚永、彭兆棨、關也維、龔一、宮欽科、郭乃安、顧旭光、葛炎、廣東省《農講所頌歌》創作組、廣州巿戲曲工作室、郭蘭英、郭偉成、郭強、管揚勇、郭漢城、顧峰、郭亮、顧篤璜、關德富、龔和德、蘇國榮、李改、古宗智、家浚、谷翔、顧淡如、郭光宇、郭啟儒、谷源流、郭全寶、武冀平、郭文秋等

-H. 92 cards (1 blank). Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 何遲、韓德福、李慶森、好亮、李澤、海波、何乾三、賀綠汀、郝玉岐、胡仲實、何占豪、何為、賀敬之、何順信、何國經、何銘、熊啟周、何蒼伶、賀韻、何昌林、侯寶林、何芸、韓國鐄、何敏娟、黃源絡、禾雨、洪雪飛、韓溪、韓世華、郝赫、洪允息、洪月華、胡世秀、胡登跳、胡曼、胡度、黃國俊、黃翔鵬、黃揮、洪滔、洪波、戴鵬海、黃凌、胡士平、湖北省博物館、胡靖舫、胡忌、華迦、黃文錫、谷音、黃騰鵬、胡雪岡、徐順平、黃錦培、劉致中、胡潔青等

-I. 30 cards. Holograph (photocopy). Includes citations of authors: 音樂研究所、陰法魯、依群、尹曉寒、尹義、應有勤等。With duplicate copies


  • undated

Language of Materials

Chiefly in Chinese

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Access to materials is restricted by legal requirements, written agreements with the donor(s) and policies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. Users are required to sign an application form to use the collection. Records containing personal data which might constitute intrusion of privacy are not available for access.

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1 case(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong