Photo album 21-3, 1957, undated
File — Box: 221, Folder: 33
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_21_Folder_33
1 album (219 photographs and letter, etc. : chiefly color) ; 28 x 36 cm. On cover: 1957 Summer. V.11. On family and friends of Rulan Chao Pian. With 1 letter, 2 pages of photo filing sheet. Some photographs with description as follows:
-1st-4th photograph: July 29, 1957
--3rd photograph: Left Boston, 5:00 P.M. by Convair. Left N.Y., 6:30 P.M. by DC7. Hoped to leave Detroit. 7:30 P.M. by Viscount (Turboprop)
--4th photograph: Actually left... Detroit for E. Lansing, 9:00 P.M. EST by Dodge Convertible (of Hertz Rent a car service)
-5th-12th photograph: A picture of 三哥家 (Note 1)
--8th photograph: "I like this car"
--9th photograph: Togetherness. almost
-13th-17th photograph: Scenes at Mich. State Univ.
--14th photograph: Library
--15th photograph: Behind the Chapel
-18th-22nd photograph: Viewing from a different camera
-23rd photograph: 二十三年沒見的老同學 凌佩馨(中)
-24th photograph: 吳天行夫婦 & family
-25th photograph: 李紹昌夫婦
-26th photograph: Detroit to San Francisco on the 'Red Carpet Service'. Fellow travelers: Joan Crawford, Frank Loyd Wright. July 31
-27th-29th photograph: August portraits
-30th-34th photograph: At home
--32nd photograph: over looking the Bay from Cragmont Park
--33rd photograph: Japanese Mystery Stories by Edogawa Rampu
--34th photograph: House beans
-35th-38th photograph: Cragmont Park
--35th photograph: Lensey
--36th photograph: Alias 三姨
--37th photograph: The Cragmont Rock view from the backyard. 每星期有人來爬,並且大聲說話
--38th photograph: trail from the back yard to the park
-39th-43rd photograph: Scenes around the house
--39th photograph: ngellli & Lensey (kitchen)
--40th photograph: 小中打字 Maamhi 睡午覺
--no photograph: Canta + quanpa 後院
--42nd photograph: 五子棋,不是圍棋
--43rd photograph: a cat
-no photograph: Daedi
-44th photograph: Calistoga Springs. Canta(小中)
-no photograph: Lensey
-45th-48th photograph: Picnic
--45th photograph: Eucalyptus trees
--46th photograph: 2 Beavers
--47th photograph: 楊步偉(右一)
--48th photograph: 楊步偉(右一)
-49th-50th photograph: Lensey Math Dept 同學,同事先生的 pot-luck Smörgåsbord
--no photograph: Bressler, Miss Hallam, Emery Thomas
--49th photograph: Albert Norikoff
--50th photograph: Nancy & Philip 吳
-51st-55th photograph: Shopping scenes
--51st-52nd photograph: Chinatown in S.F.
---52nd photograph: 冬姑,蝦米,海帶 …
--53rd-54th photograph: Berkeley
---53rd photograph: Lucky's Super Market
---54th photograph: an watermelon's 1 1/2 c. a lb.
--55th photograph: Pacifier at the Co-op Market
-56th-57th photograph: U.C. Campus
--56th photograph: Dwinelle Hall
--57th photograph: Grampty-Campty had a great fall
-58th photograph: The gypsies
-59th-60th photograph: 小姨
-61st photograph: Two little maid from school are we. Deborah Wollen & Canta
-63rd photograph: ngellli 最喜歡呆在人家正看着的東西上。趙元任
-64th-66th photograph: Browsing along Telegraph St.
--no photograph: Eva Kallin. Isaac Namioka維作波岡
--64th photograph: The forbidden fruit
--65th-66th photograph: At Tommy's Joynt S.F.
---65th photograph: Canta: "Come home, father! " (note the menu)
---66th photograph: 6 squabs, 2 roast beefs, 1 ham, 1 Turkey leg, 7 Dark beers
-67th-70th photograph: 吃完了玩 Golden Gate Park 的 Aquarium
--67th photograph: 8 P.M.
--70th photograph: The Proper Bostonians
-72nd photograph: 四姊妹
-75th photograph: 大嫂致學鐄、如蘭信函。十二月廿二。手稿 1 張。有關回國的事宜及家中近況 (Note 2)
-76th photograph: How to read. 楊步偉
-77th photograph: Comfortably
-78th photograph: 丁大夫
-79th photograph: The Chaos at home
-80th photograph: living graciously. Demonstrating an exercise to Dr. Guan
-81st-85th photograph: Palo Alto
--81st photograph: 7:15 A.M.
--82nd photograph: Standford Univ.
--83th photograph: Lockheed Guide Missils plant from Hoover Library Tower
--84th photograph: Auditorium
--85th photograph: Alumni House
-86th photograph: Bell in the Tower
-87th photograph: 樂翰一家
-88th photograph: front door to the Tower
-89th photograph: Jean & Ronald D. Parks
-90th photohraph: Franz Schurmann in the Oriental Lib.
-91st photograph: Basement of the Tower & what I found there
-92nd photograph: The Hickry Inn. 7:50 A.M.
-93rd photograph: 收拾後院。"Yep, that's Canta & Iris!"
-94th photograph: Hark, Hark …
-95th photograph: De Young Art Museum, S.F.
-96th photograph: ngellli 加入做 Exercise
-98th photograph: yowie !
-no photograph: huh? Come again?
-100th photograph: From left: Canta, Isaac, Lensey, Bella
-101st photograph: at IL Piccolo Espresso Cafe
-102nd photograph: fruit frappe, coffee Frappe
-103rd photograph: Side Walk Cafe on Tel. St.
-104th photograph: The Fraser Furniture Shop
-105th photograph: Sizing up the fashions on the street Macy's, S.F.
-106th-107th photograph: At Callistoqa Springs
--106th photograph: Bathing beauties
--no photograph: Bella, Iris, Lensey, Daddy, Ted
--107th photograph: and then there were four !
-108th-114th photograph: A Date with Canta
--108th photograph: St Rafeal Bridge
--109th-114th photograph: Muir Woods
-115th-116th photograph: Stinson Beach
-117th photograph: Watching the fog coming in the bay
-118th-119th photograph: -thru Bay Bridge
-120th photograph: 重遊 Standford. 橋在雲裡
-121st photograph: 楊公說,一二三!
-122nd photograph: 楊公說,蛙式起的太早!
-124th photograph: Self
-125th photograph: Potraits
-126th photograph: ngellli 一定要參加
-127th photograph: 趙元任 and ngellli
-128th photograph: ngellleng & 2 cat lovers. 趙元任 (左)
-129th photograph: & a cat spoiler
-130th-133rd photograph: Canta 上六年級
--132nd photograph: Cragmont School
-135th photograph: Right: Canta
-136th photograph: Left: Canta
-137th photograph: 客廳
-138th photograph: Denzel Carr saroya
-no photograph: touchē!
-141st-143rd photograph: 逛街
--141st photograph: Ivories in Chinatown
--142nd photograph: At U.C. Corner Burried in the books
--143rd photograph: down town S.F.
-144th-147th photograph: Fisherman's Grotte
--144th photograph: outside. look! I'm a crab!
--145th photograph: front view
--146th photograph: back view
--147th photograph: inside
-148th-152nd photograph: Palace of Fine Arts and Lombard St
--149th photograph: Lombard St. Uphill
--150th photograph: Palace of Fine Arts. Left angle
--151st photograph: right angle
--152nd photograph: downhill
-153rd-157th photograph: Mt. Tamalpais
--156th photograph: 阿鄔
--157th photograph: 鄔伯伯
-158th-159th photograph: Muir Woods
--159th photograph: 學鐄站在我背上
-160th photograph: Round Restaurant at end of Golden Gate Bridge
-no photograph: Lensey, Isaac
-161st photograph: 左起:維作波岡,趙來思
-162nd photo filing sheet: September 9, 1957 Berkeley, California. Notes only
-163rd-177th photograph: At University of California
--163rd photograph: The library
--164th photograph: The Tower
--166th-169th photograph: Dwinelle Hall
---166th photograph: Ah
---167th photograph: ee
---168th photograph: V-v-v
---169th photograph: Mm
--170th photograph: The bridge
--171st-177th photograph: Sather Gate. Photograper-R.C.P.
---174th photograph: Alumni House
-178th-179th photograph: Wedding Eve at 陶陶飯店
--178th photograph: 楊公在考慮那最後一塊火腿
-180th photograph: Lensey, 你真的穿這有洞的鞋呀? 嗯!
-181st photograph: 小中做的紅衣裳,大姐送的珠子
-182nd photograph: turn around & let me see
-183rd photograph: 3 down, I to go. 楊步偉(左)
-184th photograph: finishing touches
-no photograph: Father of the bride
-185th photograph: 用音符寫圖片解說
-186th photograph: 趙元任(右一)。學鐄說:I the witness …
-187th photograph: Tee hee, 'bye, 三姨!
-188th photograph: Take a last look at Miss Chao
-189th photograph: A bag of confetti, 5 Jugs of pickled cabbage and thou
-190th photograph: Here come the bride
-191st photograph: + groom & cameras
-193rd photograph: A toast
-no photograph: another toast
-194th photograph: Skol, 三姨
-195th photograph: My eye arent seeing straight anymore
-196th photograph: How to drink. Do
-197th photograph: Don't
-198th photograph: that's a (hic) Bb!
-199th photograph: 到柏克萊來作新郎,去綺色佳維思女校
-201st photograph: 發通知。左起:楊公抹膠,學鐄貼照片,Daedi 寫住址,Maamhi 裝信封
-202nd photograph: 大合照
-203rd-206th photograph: 九月十二號
--203rd photograph: 沒稱分量的:兩瓶酒、一包香腸、一打飯碗、兩包冬姑、一包香腸
--204th photograph: 9:00 A.M.起飛
--205th-206th photograph: San Francisco Bay 越來越遠了
-207th-212nd photograph: 回家以後
--207th photograph: 白天的客人
--208th photograph: Hello, 四媽與四伯伯!
--209th photograph: Hello, Iris 學鐄!
--210th photograph: 晚上的客人
--211th-212th photograph: 回 Baylston Hall
---211th photograph: Dorothea Wu
---212th photograph: Hiroko Oka
-213rd photo filing sheet: Dr. Li Chi Visits Cambridge. Sept. 24-26. 得意的高足Notes only
-214th photograph: Happy Birthday to Juliette. Louise Vera(何熊)
-215th-218th photograph: 九月底
-219th photograph: 觀音像 See more
-1st-4th photograph: July 29, 1957
--3rd photograph: Left Boston, 5:00 P.M. by Convair. Left N.Y., 6:30 P.M. by DC7. Hoped to leave Detroit. 7:30 P.M. by Viscount (Turboprop)
--4th photograph: Actually left... Detroit for E. Lansing, 9:00 P.M. EST by Dodge Convertible (of Hertz Rent a car service)
-5th-12th photograph: A picture of 三哥家 (Note 1)
--8th photograph: "I like this car"
--9th photograph: Togetherness. almost
-13th-17th photograph: Scenes at Mich. State Univ.
--14th photograph: Library
--15th photograph: Behind the Chapel
-18th-22nd photograph: Viewing from a different camera
-23rd photograph: 二十三年沒見的老同學 凌佩馨(中)
-24th photograph: 吳天行夫婦 & family
-25th photograph: 李紹昌夫婦
-26th photograph: Detroit to San Francisco on the 'Red Carpet Service'. Fellow travelers: Joan Crawford, Frank Loyd Wright. July 31
-27th-29th photograph: August portraits
-30th-34th photograph: At home
--32nd photograph: over looking the Bay from Cragmont Park
--33rd photograph: Japanese Mystery Stories by Edogawa Rampu
--34th photograph: House beans
-35th-38th photograph: Cragmont Park
--35th photograph: Lensey
--36th photograph: Alias 三姨
--37th photograph: The Cragmont Rock view from the backyard. 每星期有人來爬,並且大聲說話
--38th photograph: trail from the back yard to the park
-39th-43rd photograph: Scenes around the house
--39th photograph: ngellli & Lensey (kitchen)
--40th photograph: 小中打字 Maamhi 睡午覺
--no photograph: Canta + quanpa 後院
--42nd photograph: 五子棋,不是圍棋
--43rd photograph: a cat
-no photograph: Daedi
-44th photograph: Calistoga Springs. Canta(小中)
-no photograph: Lensey
-45th-48th photograph: Picnic
--45th photograph: Eucalyptus trees
--46th photograph: 2 Beavers
--47th photograph: 楊步偉(右一)
--48th photograph: 楊步偉(右一)
-49th-50th photograph: Lensey Math Dept 同學,同事先生的 pot-luck Smörgåsbord
--no photograph: Bressler, Miss Hallam, Emery Thomas
--49th photograph: Albert Norikoff
--50th photograph: Nancy & Philip 吳
-51st-55th photograph: Shopping scenes
--51st-52nd photograph: Chinatown in S.F.
---52nd photograph: 冬姑,蝦米,海帶 …
--53rd-54th photograph: Berkeley
---53rd photograph: Lucky's Super Market
---54th photograph: an watermelon's 1 1/2 c. a lb.
--55th photograph: Pacifier at the Co-op Market
-56th-57th photograph: U.C. Campus
--56th photograph: Dwinelle Hall
--57th photograph: Grampty-Campty had a great fall
-58th photograph: The gypsies
-59th-60th photograph: 小姨
-61st photograph: Two little maid from school are we. Deborah Wollen & Canta
-63rd photograph: ngellli 最喜歡呆在人家正看着的東西上。趙元任
-64th-66th photograph: Browsing along Telegraph St.
--no photograph: Eva Kallin. Isaac Namioka維作波岡
--64th photograph: The forbidden fruit
--65th-66th photograph: At Tommy's Joynt S.F.
---65th photograph: Canta: "Come home, father! " (note the menu)
---66th photograph: 6 squabs, 2 roast beefs, 1 ham, 1 Turkey leg, 7 Dark beers
-67th-70th photograph: 吃完了玩 Golden Gate Park 的 Aquarium
--67th photograph: 8 P.M.
--70th photograph: The Proper Bostonians
-72nd photograph: 四姊妹
-75th photograph: 大嫂致學鐄、如蘭信函。十二月廿二。手稿 1 張。有關回國的事宜及家中近況 (Note 2)
-76th photograph: How to read. 楊步偉
-77th photograph: Comfortably
-78th photograph: 丁大夫
-79th photograph: The Chaos at home
-80th photograph: living graciously. Demonstrating an exercise to Dr. Guan
-81st-85th photograph: Palo Alto
--81st photograph: 7:15 A.M.
--82nd photograph: Standford Univ.
--83th photograph: Lockheed Guide Missils plant from Hoover Library Tower
--84th photograph: Auditorium
--85th photograph: Alumni House
-86th photograph: Bell in the Tower
-87th photograph: 樂翰一家
-88th photograph: front door to the Tower
-89th photograph: Jean & Ronald D. Parks
-90th photohraph: Franz Schurmann in the Oriental Lib.
-91st photograph: Basement of the Tower & what I found there
-92nd photograph: The Hickry Inn. 7:50 A.M.
-93rd photograph: 收拾後院。"Yep, that's Canta & Iris!"
-94th photograph: Hark, Hark …
-95th photograph: De Young Art Museum, S.F.
-96th photograph: ngellli 加入做 Exercise
-98th photograph: yowie !
-no photograph: huh? Come again?
-100th photograph: From left: Canta, Isaac, Lensey, Bella
-101st photograph: at IL Piccolo Espresso Cafe
-102nd photograph: fruit frappe, coffee Frappe
-103rd photograph: Side Walk Cafe on Tel. St.
-104th photograph: The Fraser Furniture Shop
-105th photograph: Sizing up the fashions on the street Macy's, S.F.
-106th-107th photograph: At Callistoqa Springs
--106th photograph: Bathing beauties
--no photograph: Bella, Iris, Lensey, Daddy, Ted
--107th photograph: and then there were four !
-108th-114th photograph: A Date with Canta
--108th photograph: St Rafeal Bridge
--109th-114th photograph: Muir Woods
-115th-116th photograph: Stinson Beach
-117th photograph: Watching the fog coming in the bay
-118th-119th photograph: -thru Bay Bridge
-120th photograph: 重遊 Standford. 橋在雲裡
-121st photograph: 楊公說,一二三!
-122nd photograph: 楊公說,蛙式起的太早!
-124th photograph: Self
-125th photograph: Potraits
-126th photograph: ngellli 一定要參加
-127th photograph: 趙元任 and ngellli
-128th photograph: ngellleng & 2 cat lovers. 趙元任 (左)
-129th photograph: & a cat spoiler
-130th-133rd photograph: Canta 上六年級
--132nd photograph: Cragmont School
-135th photograph: Right: Canta
-136th photograph: Left: Canta
-137th photograph: 客廳
-138th photograph: Denzel Carr saroya
-no photograph: touchē!
-141st-143rd photograph: 逛街
--141st photograph: Ivories in Chinatown
--142nd photograph: At U.C. Corner Burried in the books
--143rd photograph: down town S.F.
-144th-147th photograph: Fisherman's Grotte
--144th photograph: outside. look! I'm a crab!
--145th photograph: front view
--146th photograph: back view
--147th photograph: inside
-148th-152nd photograph: Palace of Fine Arts and Lombard St
--149th photograph: Lombard St. Uphill
--150th photograph: Palace of Fine Arts. Left angle
--151st photograph: right angle
--152nd photograph: downhill
-153rd-157th photograph: Mt. Tamalpais
--156th photograph: 阿鄔
--157th photograph: 鄔伯伯
-158th-159th photograph: Muir Woods
--159th photograph: 學鐄站在我背上
-160th photograph: Round Restaurant at end of Golden Gate Bridge
-no photograph: Lensey, Isaac
-161st photograph: 左起:維作波岡,趙來思
-162nd photo filing sheet: September 9, 1957 Berkeley, California. Notes only
-163rd-177th photograph: At University of California
--163rd photograph: The library
--164th photograph: The Tower
--166th-169th photograph: Dwinelle Hall
---166th photograph: Ah
---167th photograph: ee
---168th photograph: V-v-v
---169th photograph: Mm
--170th photograph: The bridge
--171st-177th photograph: Sather Gate. Photograper-R.C.P.
---174th photograph: Alumni House
-178th-179th photograph: Wedding Eve at 陶陶飯店
--178th photograph: 楊公在考慮那最後一塊火腿
-180th photograph: Lensey, 你真的穿這有洞的鞋呀? 嗯!
-181st photograph: 小中做的紅衣裳,大姐送的珠子
-182nd photograph: turn around & let me see
-183rd photograph: 3 down, I to go. 楊步偉(左)
-184th photograph: finishing touches
-no photograph: Father of the bride
-185th photograph: 用音符寫圖片解說
-186th photograph: 趙元任(右一)。學鐄說:I the witness …
-187th photograph: Tee hee, 'bye, 三姨!
-188th photograph: Take a last look at Miss Chao
-189th photograph: A bag of confetti, 5 Jugs of pickled cabbage and thou
-190th photograph: Here come the bride
-191st photograph: + groom & cameras
-193rd photograph: A toast
-no photograph: another toast
-194th photograph: Skol, 三姨
-195th photograph: My eye arent seeing straight anymore
-196th photograph: How to drink. Do
-197th photograph: Don't
-198th photograph: that's a (hic) Bb!
-199th photograph: 到柏克萊來作新郎,去綺色佳維思女校
-201st photograph: 發通知。左起:楊公抹膠,學鐄貼照片,Daedi 寫住址,Maamhi 裝信封
-202nd photograph: 大合照
-203rd-206th photograph: 九月十二號
--203rd photograph: 沒稱分量的:兩瓶酒、一包香腸、一打飯碗、兩包冬姑、一包香腸
--204th photograph: 9:00 A.M.起飛
--205th-206th photograph: San Francisco Bay 越來越遠了
-207th-212nd photograph: 回家以後
--207th photograph: 白天的客人
--208th photograph: Hello, 四媽與四伯伯!
--209th photograph: Hello, Iris 學鐄!
--210th photograph: 晚上的客人
--211th-212th photograph: 回 Baylston Hall
---211th photograph: Dorothea Wu
---212th photograph: Hiroko Oka
-213rd photo filing sheet: Dr. Li Chi Visits Cambridge. Sept. 24-26. 得意的高足Notes only
-214th photograph: Happy Birthday to Juliette. Louise Vera(何熊)
-215th-218th photograph: 九月底
-219th photograph: 觀音像 See more
- 1957, undated
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Barcode (assigned for digitization purpose): 004978797
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong