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Photo album 15-2-1, 1940-1947, 1959-1960, undated

 File — Box: 215, Folder: 3
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_15_Folder_3
1 album (709 photographs : mostly black and white) ; 29 x 39 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian's visit to Japan and Hong Kong from 1958 to 1959, Yuen Ren Chao's trip to Japan with Buwei Yang Chao and Canta in 1959, Theodore H.H. Pian's life before and after his arrival in the United States, the early family life of Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian from 1945 to 1947, Rulan Chao Pian's family trip to Europe in 1959 and others. Taken between 1940 and 1960. Some photographs with description as follows:

-No photo: July 1959

-1st to 2nd photos: Moving to Tamako's

-3rd to 4th photos: My room

-5th photo: and my room-mate

-6th to 8th photos: Tamako's Mid-night snack roast chicken

--7th photo: oishii- ne!

-9th photo: Hideko and Aiko

-10th to 15th photos: Visiting Aiko in her studio-bedroom

--15th photo: a Farewell Toast

-16th photo: going "Hashiko" with Shigeo and Masako Namioka

-17th photo: A wandering Mistrel I, …

-18th to 20th photos: A Lantern from Togi Sensei

-21st to 25th photos: Farewell party at Ono-sensei's place

--25th photo: I am sitting here. (i.e. left-hand side of the photo)

-26th photo: Yama no u—

-27th photo: —e—

-28th photo: —e—

-29th photo: Oh, phooey!

-30th photo: Mama-san and her Tollhouse cookies

-31st photo: getting ready to leave

-32nd photo: 25 Packages. 3 Kilo each

-33rd photo: 8 Pieces. 688 Lbs.

-34th photo: last look of the Tower

-35th to 38th photos: Kyoto. Institute of Sinological Studies

-39th photo: Hurry up!

-42nd to 44th photos: Visiting the Yoshikawas

--44th photo: The Vegetarian Restaurant That's O-gawa above

-45th to 48th photos: Eating Sukiyaki on the River-bank

--46th photo: about 6:00 P.M.

-49th to 57th photos: Visiting 西本願寺

--57th photo: over 200 yrs. old

-58th to 59th photos: can you see biwa lake?

-62nd to 63rd photos: Floats for the Gion Festival

-64th to 65th photos: The lights are electric now

-66th to 68th photos: Canta took one dancing lesson

-70th to 72nd photos: leaving Kyoto

--No photo: See you in Berkeley or Cambridge!

--71st photo: Rice with Eel or Ham Sandwich!

--72nd photo: Tea, Noodles, Seaweed, Tangerins…

-74th photo: 1941 Summer 到 Cambridge, Mass. "The guy years"

-76th to 80th photos: 一九四O春遊雲南縣南

--76th photo: 石林附近之小石林遠景為“石林”

--77th to 79th photos: 大疊小瀑布

-83rd photo: 給如蘭學鐄的照片。一九四六. 一月. 廿六

-No photo: 一九四三.一月於成都

-84th photo: 一九四二彭基金家

-85th to 86th photos: 成都滑翔機製造廠兩個同伴

--85th photo: 方同

--86th photo: 唐祖光

-87th to 115th photos: July 26. Last Fling in Tokyo with Tamako and the Ibas

--88th photo: Rawfish sliced to order

--89th photo: Bottoms up!

--90th photo: go easy on the hot stuff!

--No photo: In front of Kabuki-za

--91st to 93rd photos: The busiest corner in Tokyo

--95th to 115th photos: once more at Haneda

---112th photo: sa—

---113th photo: yo—. (Standing row, from left) Mrs. Togi, Mrs. Ono, Rulan Chao Pian, Bob Garfias, Togi (flute) and Yamada (biwa). (Squatting row, from left) Ono (Head priest), Canta Chao-po Pian, Hayashi (Koto), Togi (ensemble) and Togi (Hichiriki)

---114th photo: na—

---115th photo: ra!

-116th to 137th photos: July 27

--116th photo: Hong Kong Airport

--117th to 123rd photos: Panoramic View of Hong Kong

---119th photo: Met by the John M'Coys

---120th photo: crossing the straite. Inserted with a note card

--124th to 127th photos: Gracivs Living at Repulse Bay

---124th photo: Joan

---125th photo: Kathy (middle)

---127th photo: Molly (left)

--128th to 137th photos: Touring around H.K.

---133rd to 134th photos: Aberdeen

---135th photo: My Cantonese Interpreter

---136th to 137th photos: Dept. Store of Chinese products

-138th photo: July 28. See you in Cambridge

-139th to 140th photos: 哪裡是菲洲,哪裡是歐洲?

-141st to 143rd photos: Somewhere in Siam

-144th photo: Calcutta

-146th photo: Bangkok

-147th photo: Karachi

-148th photo: Beirut

-149th to 150th photos: The Mediterranean Sea

-151st to 154th photos: “大嘴” 在廣播電台

-155th to 158th photos: 羅旭結婚

-162nd photo: 八.二十.四四。波士頓富蘭克林公園

-164th to 165th photos: 七.十六。哥倫比亞海濱。—四四—

-166th to 167th photos: 七.九。波士頓哥倫比亞。—四四—

-168th photo: 康橋威廉街四十六號。一九四四夏

-169th to 171st photos: 一九四三秋抵美先在綺色佳城小住與三哥同攝

-172nd photo: Photo from Richard Pian for Christmas and New Year Greetings

-178th to 185th photos: 一九四四年九月素友在綺色佳團聚

--179th photo: Dick leads the sight-seeing tour

-186th photo: 一九四四.九.二。素友綺色佳團聚。Rho Psi Society

-188th to 192nd photos: 一九四四.五月七日遊 Wellesley

-193rd photo: Aug. 1944. Swampscott, Mass.

-No photo: (1st row, from left) K.C, Antony Wei, Alfred Wen, S.Y., Lydia Chow, 老孫 and Norman. (2nd row, from left) Ted, Iris, Terry, Jean, 薜瑛 and T.Y. (3rd row, from left) 趙耀東, Lam, 慧傳、Lillian Lee and 施于民

-194th to 197th photos: 一九四四.十月畢業於麻省理工

-198th photo: Annual Convention of Chinese Institute of Engineers, America Section. Hotel New Yorker, New York City. July 1-3, 1944. Theodore H.H. Pian was the 3rd from the left in the front row

-199th photo: Iris 給學鐄。十月一九四四

-200th photo: 學鐄給 Iris

-201st to 202nd photos: 十.四.四四。麻省理工校園

--201st photo: From 學鐄 to Iris

-203rd to 205th photos: 遊 “西林”

-210th to 211th photos: 一九四六

-210th photo: 康鳳(左一)、日華(左二)

-212th photo: 攝 Feb 25 '46

-217th photo: 梅祖彬

-218th photo: 蘇琴(右)

-219th photo: 劉蘇翰(中)、蘇琴(右)

-No photo: 標貼:君若 1945

-220th photo: 一九四五.七.廿四

-221st photo: 弟樑生致如蘭姊照片。三四.五.一

-222nd to 223rd photos: 以都

--222nd photo: Ugh!

-224th to 225th photos: 安勵

-225th photo: 安勵跟老孫

-No photo: 關莊。報事貼:淑莊

-226th to 236th photos: 一九四六.一月大雪

-237th to 239th photos: 卞學鐄與趙如蘭的合照。應為結婚照,攝於 1945 年 10 月 3 日

-240th to 244th photos: Honey-Moon 大西洋城

-245th photo: 一九四五年十月三日。康橋。學鐄致 Iris的照片。1945

-246th to 249th photos: 卞學鐄與趙如蘭的合照。約攝於 1945 年

-250th to 251st photos: "Valdictorian speech"

-252nd to 254th photos: 小中畢業。一九四五.六月

-255th to 258th photos: Greensboro, Vt. 一九四五.七月

-259th to 260th photos: 華盛頓

--259th photo: 莎士比亞圕

-261st photo: New Hampshire

-262nd to 264th photos: 一九四四.十二月。中國工程師學會野牛城書會聚餐

-265th to 269th photos: 聖誕節前夕康乃爾中聯歡會

-267th photo: 誰?

-271st photo: RHO PSI Summer Reunion. Nassau Tavern, Princeton, N.J. June 30th 1945. Theodore H.H. Pian and Iris Rulan Chao were the 5th and 4th from right in the second row from the front

-272nd photo: "Princeton"

-273rd photo: "Iceland" New York

-274th photo: 一九四五.七.二。學鐄

-276th photo: Salem, Mass.

-277th photo: 一九四六春。(左起)卞學鐄、卞趙如蘭、趙新那、黃培雲

-278th to 279th photos: 四六年春。趙元任的家庭照

-280th to 282nd photos: 一九四五年十月三日。卞學鐄與趙如蘭的結婚照

-283rd photo: 趙新那

-284th photo: Nova and Pei yun 結婚

-285th photo: Nova 及培雲致大姐大姐夫照片

-286th to 292nd photos: Oct. 1994. Fresh Pond, Cambridge

-293rd to 295th photos: Theodore H.H. Pian in graduation gown. Taken in Massachusetts Institute of Technology

--293rd photo: 學鐄致 Iris的照片

-296th to 298th photos: 一九四五.七月二十一日。黃培雲與趙新那的結婚照

--297th photo: City Hall 門前

-299th photo: Vermont

-300th photo: 一九四六.七月

-304th photo: 楊式德講地質

-310th to 313th photos: 2nd Anniversary

-314th photo: 傅家來美

-315th photo: June 1946

-No photo: June 1, 1946. Silver Wedding. Refers to the 25th wedding anniversary of Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao

--316th to 317th photos: 趙元任的家庭照,攝於1946年6月1日

-319th photo: "Quit Shoving!" Nantasket Beach

-320th to 321st photos: at 董梅真 wedding

-324th photo: 汪個德撈魚

-326th photo: 小三兒

-327th to 333th photos: picnic at Swampscott with 周培源家 etc.

-336th photo: “學鐄手動了”

-337th to 346th photos: Parents-in-waiting

--343rd to 344th photos: 331 Harvard St.

-347th photo: 第一個外孫女兒

-348th photo: Shortly after Dec. 3, 1946

-349th photo: Family Tree。一九四七.一.二十三。昭灝(站立、左一)、正華(站立、左二)、健華(站立、右一)。(前排小孩、左起)昭沅、昭漢、昭浚、學鏞、學鉞

-350th photo: From Peter, Juna, Johnson and May to Iris and Theodore. 2/1/47'

-351st photo: Christmas Greeting from P.Y., Jina and family to Theodore and Iris. 1947

-352nd photo: From Dick to Iris and Ted. 9-22-47

-354th photo: Greetings from P.Y., Jina, Cheng-hua and Chien-hua. 1946-1947

-357th photo: Birthday greeting from Dick to Ted. 1947

-358th photo: Theodore H.H. Pian, Rulan Chao Pian and their newborn daughter Canta

-359th to 361st photos: as a 護照相片 not bad!

--359th photo: To Iris. Love, 學鐄

-363rd photo: From Dick. 12/12/45

-364th photo: From Dick to Ted and Iris. 11/4/46

-365th photo: Jeanette Loo

-367th photo: 劉君若

-369th to 371st photos: 任小妹、任小玲

-372nd to 374th photos: Formerly: 七姨兒。Now: 七姑、七姑丈

-375th to 393rd photos: 1947 Baby! 昭波!70°! Canta Pian! Wrist-test! Baby! Naps! 2 A.M. Bottle! Diapers! Formulas! Canta! Burp! Oil bath! Diapers! Sterilizer! Canta! 昭波! Baby! Bottle! 6 A.M.! Orange juice!

-394th to 402nd photos: at Chauncey Chu Jr.'s birthday party

-403rd to 410th photos: 3 months old. Canta Chao-po Pian

-411th photo: "Baby refusing a bath"——by Piccaso

-412th photo: I still don't like it!

-413th photo: Drying—

-414th photo: More drying—

-415th to 432nd photos: Domestic scenes

-416th to 417th photos: Hello!

-418th photo: Ah! This time gramma gives me the bath, and grampa snaps the picture!

-426th photo: —and—

-427th photo: —after—

-428th photo: —many—

-429th photo: —more—

-430th photo: —stuggles—

-431st to 432nd photos: —finally got my supper!

-No photo: 李方桂(左)、Daddy(右)

-433rd photo: "Shron"

-434th photo: Jr.

-435th photo: Iris (left), Lensey (right)

-439th to 445th photos: Arnold's Arboretum

-446th to 452nd photos: Weekly shopping scenes

--446th photo: Fanivel Hall

--447th photo: Where the 30 Lbs. Turkey came from

--451st photo: Don't chop off my Head

--452nd photo: "Wanna Pizza!". Hay Market

-453rd to 458th photos: 2nd Honeymoon — Weirs, N.H.

-459th to 461st photos: "and give me 6 dozens of that!"

-462nd photo: Last stop—A and P

-463rd photo: 到家!

-464th to 467th photos: 六月—六個月

--464th photo: Family photo of Rulan, Theodore and Canta Pian. In form of a greeting card

-473th to 478th photos: 後院子

-479th to 484th photos: 六月遊 Concord

-485th to 508th photos: Myles-Standish Park. RHO PSI Picnic

-No photo: Lensey 中學畢業—六月。Should be a photo from Lensey to Iris, Teddy and Canta

-509th to 516th photos: 以都老孫結婚。六月十四日

-517th photo: A Doting father

-518th photo: and A Doting Mother

-519th photo: wot's

-520th photo: thith?

-521st photo: Tommy Yang at bat

-523rd photo: Reischauer at bat (left). Mr. Cha the Catcher

-524th to 527th photos: 李耀滋吊嗓子

--527th photo: Enthusiastic audience

-528th to 529th photos: Interior of an architect's home

-530th photo: One of Ah Wu's houses

-531st photo: Ah Wu's Restaurant

-532nd to 537th photos: Visiting Scholar's Lobster Party at John Pelzel's Summer House, Gloucester, Mass.

-537th photo: G.W.B.

-541st photo: So long until June

-542nd photo: leaving Idlewild

-543rdd to 545th photos: New Haven, Conn.

--543rd photo: where Hillhouse High School used to be

--544th photo: gothic

--545th photo: and modern

-546th photo: Canta: Radcliffe 看着也不錯

-549th photo: Maamhi demonstrating the mixer

-550th to 554th photos: Reunion in New York. April

-552nd photo: Easter parade

-554th photo: window shopping

-555th to 558th photos: 四月 Canta 來 Cambridge

-562nd photo: 看見學鐄的腳嗎?洞大的連車牌子都蓋不住?

-564th photo: Before

-565th photo: After

-566th photo: 三月income tax

-567th photo: from Tokyo—

-568th photo: to Cambridge

-569th photo: over 500 lbs

-570th photo: mm—!

-No photo: 李濟到

-No photo: 李太太

-571st to 574th photos: 三月大雪

-572nd photo: at sunapee

-575th photo: your move, dear!

-576th to 580th photos: Tempe, Arizona 看三哥三嫂

-581st photo: The New Boylston Hall

-582nd photo: Achilles Fang used to sit somewhere here

-583rd to 591st photos: Tempe, Arizona 看三哥三嫂

--585th photos: site of our summer house

--588th to 590th photos: Bobbyisms

-595th to 598th photos: Tempe, Arizona 看三哥三嫂

--597th photo: (from left) Tommy, Laura, Bobby, 四叔

--598th photo: Hiya Podner!

-599th to 601st photos: Paine Hall. Feb 1960

--599th photo: Ted at Backstage

-602nd to 604th photos: Ted goes to Pasadena Cal.

-605th photo: “這個琴還可以”

-608th photo: Due Feb. 8, 1960

-610th photo: From Tina and Kung-Lei. August 1959

-611th photo: Man-ming and Tung-sheng Liu. Tommy, Melinda and Sheridan. 劉同聲的

-612th photo: 張遠風的

-613th photo: Y.T. Li's at Huckleberry Hill, S. Lincoln

-614th photo: Luna and Bert at the Colosseo, Roma in May 5, 1959. In form of a Christmas greetings card from Luna, Bert, Conrad and Brenda Fung (馮元禎喻嫻女士). 1959

-615th photo: Glen W. Baxter in Reischauer's office

-617th photo: (左起)新那、Lumen、小龍、培雲

-618th photo: 靜芳表姐(左二)、林漢權(右一)

-619th photo: 嚴仁華(中)。December 1959

-No photo: Mrs. John Hart

-621st photo: Iris, Canta and Ted. In form of a Season's Greetings Card

-622nd photo: 林同坡(後排、右)

-623rd photo: Ted 上 Berkeley

-No photo: (左起)Johnson、May、高梓、二姐

-624th photo: thkoL!

-625th photo: 林驊來照的

-629th to 631st photos: 合家歡。新 mixer

-632nd photo: MIT rink

-634th photo: Maamhi 七十歲的禮

-635th photo: Canta 的閏房

-636th to 638th photos: Book of the year

-639th to 640th photos: Thru Bella's lense

-641st to 664th photos: Ithaca. Dec. 1959

--645th photo: Gimme the bottle!

--647th to 651st photos: Aki

--655th to 659th photos: 顧樑來

--660th photo: Where's M. Halcyon Hill? "Who is he?"

--663rd to 664th photos: 波岡秋子

-665th photo: 東奐樓開張

-666th photo: Canta's doodling

-667th to 672nd photos: slide prevention on Cragmont Ave

-No photo: Aki Namioka

-673rd to 676th photos: Portraits

--676th photo: 有個洞!

-677th to 680th photos: Canta's first ride on a jet

-681st to 683rd photos: 張春樹夫婦

-684th photo: 梅祖麟說再加一個 jigger 也不妨

-685th to 687th photos: Family

-688th photo: Windsor Castle

-690th photo: The Radcliffe Camera

-691st photo: Oxford

-692nd photo: Quadrangle of Christ Church College

-693rd photo: Christ Church College

-694th to 697th photos: 康橋

--694th photo: The King's Chapel

--696th to 697th photo: on the River Cam

-698th photo: The Harvard House at Stratford on Avon

-700th photo: I took a picture here 35 yrs. Ago

-702nd photo: Napoleon's tomb

-703rd photo: Bibliothèque Nationale

-No photo: 敦煌琵琶譜

-704th to 705th photos: London

-706th to 707th photos: Hampton Court

-708th to 709th photos: Paris

--708th photo: on Rue Royale

--709th photo: Church of Madeleine


  • 1940-1947, 1959-1960, undated

Language of Materials

In English or Chinese

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 volume(s)


Barcode (assigned for digitization purpose): 004993503


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong