Photographs in box (照好正片) , 1960 - 1977
-128 photographs : some color ; 7 x 9 cm - 9 x 18 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian's friends and relatives. Some photographs with description as follows:
--1st to 12th photos: [Rulan Chao Pian's family visited the family of Richard H.J. Pian (卞學銳) in Arizona]
--37th to 39th photos: [Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and their friends]
--40th to 44th photos: [A squirrel in Rulan Chao Pian's house]
---44th photo: 1963
--64th photo: [Richard H.J. Pian and his children Lanna, Thomas, Robert and Donald]
--66th photo: [From left: Thomas, Robert and Donald Pian]
--67th photo: [Richard H.J. Pian's family]
--68th photo: 昭潭 [卞昭潭 (Donald Pian)] 送給四叔四嬸的照片。一九七六年十二月。
--69th to 75th photos. On envelope: 1977
---69th photo: Rulan Chao Pian and a vase of roses
---70th photo: Rulan Chao Pian was arranging her photographic collection
---71st photo: 給 Iris、學鐄的照片。背後有手寫資料。左起:卞學銳、卞昭潭 (Donald Pian)、卞學鐄、 卞昭瀾 (Lanna Pian)
---72nd photo: 給 Iris、學鐄的照片。背後有手寫資料。應為卞婁梅博所寫。攝於一九七七年三月下旬在 Tempe
---73rd photo: 左起:昭潭、昭潞、昭瀾、昭濤。Jan 1977。卞學銳與卞婁梅博的子女
---73rd photo (duplicate copy): From left: Don (Donald), Bob (Robert), Lanna, Tom (Thomas). Jan. 1977. Children of Richard H.J Pian and Mabel Mei-Po Lou Pian
---75th photo: Mar 1978
--76th photo: Photo greeting card from Steve, Iris, Ming-Hsi (15) and Ming-Hao (12 1/2) to the Pians. 1976. Season's greeting from Stephen Tsai's family to Rulan Chao Pian's family
--77th photo: Photo greeting card from Juliette and Charles Pian and family. Season's greeting from the family of Theodore H.H. Pian's brother Charles H.C. Pian (卞學鈐)
--78th photo: A cooking experience with Lien-sheng Yang (楊聯陞), his wife Jean Miao-Chen Yang (楊繆鉁), Tsu-lin Mei (梅祖麟) and others
--81st photo: 之藩 [陳之藩]、節如 [王節如]贈如蘭姊[卞趙如蘭]、學鐄兄[卞學鐄]的照片。民國六十六年二月廿四日
--82nd photo: printed in April 1977
--85th photo: Season's greetings from Rulan and Ted Pian [Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian]. South House, Harvard University. 1976
--86th photo: South House, Harvard. Cambridge, 1976
--91st to 92nd photos: [Theodore H.H. Pian, Lien-sheng Yang (楊聯陞), his wife Jean Miao-Chen Yang (楊繆鉁), Ying-shih Yu(余英時) and others]
--93rd photos: [Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and others]
--94th to 98th photos: August 1965
---96th photo: [Kwang-chih Chang (張光直)]
---97th to 98th photos: [卞學鐄與胡永春、高友工 (Yu-Kung Kao)、趙小中等人]
--99th to 109th photos: [A gathering with Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao, Rulan Chao Pian, Canta Chao-po Pian, Lensey and Issac Namioka and others ]
---99th photo: [Buwei Yang Chao, Yuen Ren Chao and Canta Chao-po Pian]
-70 photographs : chiefly black and white ; 9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm. On the life of Rulan Chao Pian and her family, probably taken in 1960s. Some photographs with description as follows:
--1st to 8th photos: [Yuen Ren Chao's lecture on Chinese phonology]
--9th photo: [Rulan Chao Pian (2nd from left) and Liu Chun-jo (劉君若) (right)]
--10th photo: [Liu Chun-jo (劉君若)]
--13th to 18th photos: [Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao (楊步偉) at the airport]
--39th to 56th photos: [The Namioka's family at Yuen Ren Chao's house in Berkeley]
--60th to 61st photos: [Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao, the Namioka's family and the Pian's (Rulan Chao Pian's) family on a cruise ship]
--62nd to 67th photos: [Rulan Chao Pian, her family and friends at the seaside]
--64th photos: [From left: Canta Chao-po Pian, Bella Chao, Rulan Chao Pian and Diana]
-Includes 2 envelopes:
--照片21張:彩色;9 x 13 cm。信封:五馬會。3。有關1979年卞學鐄與友人包括胡永春等一起慶祝60歲生日。連菲林底片7條
--7 strips of negative films. On envelope: Walze Brunch etc. June 1978
-18 photographs : partly black and white ; 7 x 7 cm - 10 x 12 cm. Also inserted with 2 photo greeting cards. Some photographs with description as follows:
--1st photo: Alice and Albert
--2nd photo: [Theodore H.H. Pian, probably taken in 1940s to 1950s]
--3rd photo: 1960. [Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao]
--9th photo: Photo greeting card from Leonard and Bernice Cronkhite. 1961. Seasons's greeting from the retiring Cronkhites (Note 1)
--10th photo: Lisa Wu of Marjorie and Alfred Wu
--11th photo: Francis C., Gloria and Elizabeth Lee of 李凡 and 任先哲
--12th photo: Patsy and [blank] Tsai of Donald and Sylvia Tsai
--13th photo: Photo greeting card from Lensey, Issac and Aki. Christmas and New Year greetings from the Namiokas. Probably taken in 1959 or 1960
--17th photo: 一九六0 秋。[卞學銳 (Richard H.J. Pian) 與卞婁梅博一家]
-27 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian visited Lensey's and Bella's families, taken in 1960 and 1961. Some photographs with description as follows:
--2nd to 13rd photos: [Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian visited Lensey's family (i.e. Lensey, Issac and Aki Namioka)]
--16th to 25th photos: [Rulan Chao Pian and Thedoreo H.H. Pian visited Bella's family in Christmas. Printed in January 1961]
--19th photo: [Rulan Chao Pian and Bella Chao played flutes]
-Index card: 1960 -61 過年上 Princeton
-Index card: to Ithaca. 1960 冬
-Index card: Skiing
--8 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian's skiing experience
-Index card: 徐寶灌音
--1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
-Index card: Reischaucer goes to Tokyo. Spring 1961
--8 photographs: black and white ; 9 x 9 cm. Taken before Edwin O. Reishaicer's assignment to Japan as the United States Ambassador in 1961
-Index card: 四月 Da Ma 來上 Ithaca
--17 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Mainly on the family gathering of Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and others in Ithaca
-Index card: 清華
--1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the reunion with Theodore H.H. Pian's friends from Tsing Hua Univerity (清華大學)
-Index card: Juliette 新家
--10 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian visited Charles Hsueh-Chien Pian (卞學鈐)'s and Juliette Fan-Fan Pian (卞范繁)'s new house
-Index card: 上 Berkerly
--7 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian arrived in Berkeley where they met Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and Canta Chao-po Pian
-Index card: June 1
--9 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. The lives of Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and Canta Chao-po Pian in Berkeley
-Index card: Scenes around home
--7 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Around and inside Yuen Ren Chao's home at Berkerly
-Index card: Ma at work
--4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Buwei Yang Chao cooked at the Kitchen
-Index card: Da at work
--3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao worked at the home in Berkerly
-Index card: Canta at work — no play
--3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Canta Chao-po Pian played piano, and also with a cat
-Index card: Canta graduation from 9th
--21 photographs : chiefly black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Canta Chao-po Pian's 9th-grade graduation
--45 photographs : some color; 7 x 9 cm - 9 x 13 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian and her friends and relatives. Photographs do not match with the index card. Some photographs with description as follows:
---3rd photo: [Portrait of Canta Chao-po Pian]
---16th to 23rd photos: [Rulan Chao Pian's friend Tamako Niwa-Kano visited Berkerly]
---26th to 30th photos: [Rulan Chao Pian's family went sightseeing around San Francisco with Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao]
-Index card: 高友工
--4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian visited Yu-Kung Kao
-Index card: 61 June - Dec
--Index card: Back to Boston
---8 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: 小中宏義來
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Bella's family came for a visit
--Index card: life around Cambridge. July 1961
---21 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the life of Rulan Chao Pian's family in Cambridge in July 1961
--Index card: July Trips to N.Y. [New York]
--Index card: Moving. Aug 4th
---15 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's family was moving out
--Index card: Tech House
---6 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family went on a vacation with their friends
--Index card: House warming party
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Celebrating at the new residence of Rulan Chao Pian's family
--Index card: The King and I
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On musical performance "The King and I"
--Index card: Tsu Lin's engagement party
---13 photographs: black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian, Yu-Kung Kao (高友工), Kwang-chih Chang (張光直) and others attended Tsu-lin Mei (梅祖麟)'s engagement party
--Index card: Da Ma in Cambridge. Aug 23-Sept 8
---8 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao visited Rulan Chao Pian's family in Cambridge
--Index card: 以鄭李家
---14 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and Rulan Chao Pian's family visited the Li's family
--Index card: Michi 出世. Trip to Ithaca
---14 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao, Rulan Chao Pian's family visited the Lensey's family and the new-born Michi Namioka in Ithaca. Taken in 1961
--Index card: 王浩請
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: 照潭滿月
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the one-month-old Donald Pian, the youngest son of Richard H.J. Pian. At the back of the photograph: 昭潭滿月照
--Index card: Musicans in U.S
---16 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the lives of Rulan Chao Pian and her family and friends in Cambridge. Photographs do not match with Index card
--Index card: Cats
---11 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's cats at home
--Index card: Reunion
---3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Bella Chao and her husband Hong-Yee Chiu came to visited Rulan Chao Pian's family
--Index card: 錦文
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Canta 上學
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Canta Chao-po Pian attended the school
--Index card: 搬書
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian in the library
--Index card: X'mas picture
---9 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian took family photos for Christmas
--Index card: 三哥來
---8 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Mainly on a visit by Richard H.J. Pian (卞學銳)'s family
----1st photo: 一九六一年十一月在曼谷。[卞學銳一家到泰國旅遊]
----2nd to 4th photos: [Richard H.J. Pian's wife Mabel and her children Lanna, Thomas, Robert and Donald
----5th to 8th photos: [Family photos of Theodore H.H. Pian, Canta Chao-po Pian, Richard H.J. Pian (卞學銳) and Charles H. C. Pian (卞學鈐)'s family]
--A blank Index card
---Photo greeting card from Bill and Jean Russell. For season's greetings. On photo: Alison 5 — John 8
--Index card: X'mas L and B 來. 1961
---6 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Lensey and Bella came to visit Rulan Chao Pian's family
--Index card: Shigeo 來. X'mas 1961
---4 photographs : black and white ; 8 x 12 cm
-Index card: 1962
--Index card: 過年. 1961-1962
---4 photographs : black and white; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Wild party at Glen's
---2 photographs : black and white; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian attened a wlid party at Glen W. Baxter's home
--Index card: Tamako 來. Jan 1962
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Tamako Niwa-Kano visited Rulan Chao Pian's family
--Index card: at home. 1962 Spring
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On family life of Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian
--Index card: Kishibe concert. 62 Spring
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On a Japanese musical performance led by Shigeo Kishibe (岸邊成雄)
--Index card: Reischauer
---10 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Edwin O. Reischauer (i.e. the United States Ambassador to Japan from 1961 and 1966) , John King Fairbank and others in a gathering at Harvard University
---24 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian's and Theodore H.H.Pian's lives in Berkerley. Photographs do not match with the index card
-Index card: 1961
-Index card: 62 June-Dec
--Index card: loster party. June 1962
---3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Berkerly. Canta. Aki. June 1962
---19 photographs : chiefly black and white ; 7 x 9 cm - 9 x 12 cm. Lensey's and Rulan Chao Pian's families paid a visit to Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao in Berkerly
--Index card: Men at large. doings around Berkerly
---24 photographs : chiefly black and white; 7 x 9 cm - 13 x 11 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's family visited Berkerly
--Index card: Nepa Valley
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian visited a wine estate in Nepa Valley, California
--Index card: 二姐家
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian and his family visited his sister Luna Pian (卞學鈞) in San Francisco
--Index card: Chauming 來
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: 上 Seattle
---7 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's trip to Seattle, Washington with her family. Some photographs with description as follows:
----4th to 5th photos: Mt. Shasta
----6th photo: Castle Cray [Castle Crags]
----7th photo: at motel of Roseberg, Oregon
--Index card: at the F.K. Li's
---11 photographs : chiefly black and white ; 9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm. Yuen Ren Chao visited Li Fang-Kuei (李方桂) at Washington. Some photographs with description as follows:
----1st to 3rd photos: [Tung T'ung-ho (董同龢) (1st from left), Li Fang-Kuei (李方桂) (2nd from left) and Yuen Ren Chao (2nd from right)
--Index card: Sam Malian
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Ballard
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: 回 Berkerly
---2 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm
--Index card: S.F.
---3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and Rulan Chao Pian's family went a trip to San Francisco where they met with Tsu-lin Mei (梅祖麟) and others
--Index card: 上飛機
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao, Rulan Chao Pian's family and Lensey's family at the airport
--Index card: Summer July 1962
--Index card: 能樂二日
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian's and Rulan Chao Pian's friends played Chinese musical instruments
--Index card: book came
---3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian read a book and someone printed a bookshelf
--Index card: Aug
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On a dining gathering
--Index card: Life in Camb. Summer 62
---4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Yuen Ren Chao's and Buwei Yang Chao's stays in Cambridge in summer 1962
--Index card: 吳匡、劉同聲、居浩然 at party. N.Y
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Trip to N.Y. early Sept 62. and life in Camb
---9 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and Rulan Chao Pian went a trip to New York in early September 1962
---8 photographs : color ; 7 x 9 cm. The lives of Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and Rulan Chao Pian's family in Cambridge
--Index card: N.J. reunion.
---10 photographs : chiefly black and white ; 7 x 9 cm - 13 x 18 cm. A reunion of Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao, Rulan Chao Pian's, Lensey's and Bella's families in New Jersey. Photograph with description as follows:
----10th photo: [Top row, from left: Theodore H.H. Pian, Rulan Chao Pian, Hong-Yee Chiu, Issac Namioka; bottom row, from left: Buwei Yang Chao, Lensey Chao Namioka, Michi Namioka, Canta Chao-po Pian, Aki Namioka, Bella Chao Chiu, Mason Lihi Chiu and Yuen Ren Chao]
--Index card: 1962 X'mas trip to Princeton and Teaneck
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. A Christmas gathering for Rulan Chao Pian's, Lensey's and Bella's families in New Jersey
--Index card: New Year
---31 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Some photographs with description as follows:
----5th to 6th photos: [Tamako Niwa-Kano came for a visit]
----8th to 12th photos: [Portraits of Canta Chao-po Pian]
----13th to 31st photos: [A gathering of Rulan Chao Pian's, Lensey's and Bella's families]
----23rd to 24th photos: [Rulan Chao Pian played piano]
----25th photo: [Bella played piano]
-Index card: 1963
--Index card: Skiing
---8 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family went skiing
--Index card: Ted Birthday. Jan 63
---4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian celebrated his birthday with his own and his brother Charles H.C. Pian's families
--Index card: Wards home
---1 photograph : black and white; 9 x 12 cm.A gathering at John Milton Ward's home
--Index card: 呂 concert
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Photograph does not match with the index card
--Index card: 何家 party
---7 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Princeton
---3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian and Rulan Chao Pian met their friends in Princeton
--Index card: Phila. Late March
---4 photographs : black and white; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's friends in Philadelphia
--Index card: 袁家喜事. Summer 1963
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Nova. 小虎. Berkerly
---4 photographs : black and white ; 11 x 9 cm. On the son of Bella, Mason Lihi Chiu
---1 photograph : black and white ; 8 x 12 cm. Photo of Nova Chao's family. At the back: 二姨最近來的
---2 photographs : color ; 7 x 9 cm - 9 x 13 cm. Cats and flowers at Yuen Ren Chao's house in Berkerly
--Index card: Depts and Iect
---16 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 9 cm - 9 x 12 cm. On the lecturers and faculty members of the Department of Far East Languages, including James Robert Hightower, Lien-Sheng Yang (楊聯陞) and others
--Index card: N.Y. [New York]
--Index card: 清華 reunion. With 1 photograph : color ; 9 x 13 cm
---1 photograph : color ; 9 x 13 cm. Reunion with Theodore H.H. Pian's friends from Tsing Hua University (清華大學). Printed in May 1963
--Index card: Bustling
---21 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm - 19 x 12 cm. On the lives of Rulan Chao Pian's family. Some photographs with description as follows:
----1st photo: 1961. Aki [with Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian]
----2nd photo: 1961. Canta graduates from 9th grade
----20th photo: A scene of the concert. Photo from Arggy to Rulan [Rulan Chao Pian]. Feb. 17, 1960. With handwritten message at the back. Probably written by Shigeo Kishibe (岸邊成雄)
----21st photo: 老薗廣茂 (Sono) 蘭陵王 (跳 solo)
--Index card: To phil. summer 60
-Index card: 63 June - Dec [June - December 1963]
--Index card: Phila
---16 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 13 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family went for a vocation in Philadelphia and Maine. Photographs does not match with the index card
--Index card: 小虎
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. The baby Mason Lihu Chiu and his mother Bella
--Index card: Orches at Manchester
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On a orchestra performance. Another photograph does not match with the index card
--Index card: Eclipse
---19 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian viewed the esclipse through telescopes
--Index card: Tangle wood and Jacob's pillow
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Canta Chao-po Pian at Tanglewood, Massachusetts
--Index card: Rho Psi. June? Picnic in Bear Mountain
---10 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family attended the gathering of Rho Psi Society. Canta Chao-po Pian played guitar
---1 photograph : color ; 9 x 13 cm. The scene of Yuen Ren Chao's class. Inserted with a notes from Yuen Ren Chao. July 15 1963. About his last lesson "Elementary Mandarin" as well as his holiday plan to visit Lensey's new residence. Photograph does not match with the description
--Index card: Skunk. Summer 1963
--Index card: David Roy's birthday party
---7 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Celebrating the birthday of David Roy Shackleton Bailey
--Index card: 三哥家回來. 63 Aug
---41 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Richard H.J. Pian's and Charles H.C. Pian's families visited Rulan Chao Pian's family at Cambridge
----31st photo: [From left: Juliette Fan-fan Pian, Rulan Chao Pian and Mabel Mei-po Lou Pian]
----32nd photo: [From left: Richard H.J. Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian and Charles H.C. Pian]
--Index card: Sept 63. Ah Wu wed
---10 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the wedding of Wu and Yu (鄔虞聯婚) which Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian, Hans Hermann Fränkel (傅漢思) and Chang Ch'ung-ho's (張充和) attended
--Index card: Oct Da Ma 來
---32 photographs : some color ; 9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm. Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao paid a visit to Cambridge where they attended a gathering with Lien-sheng Yang (楊聯陞), met with Bella's family, went sightseeing with Rulan Chao Pian's family and others. Some photographs with description as follows:
----27th to 32nd photos: Printed in October 1963
----27th photo: [From left: Buwei Yang Chao, Theodore H.H. Pian and Rulan Chao Pian]
----31st photo: [Canta Chao-po Pian]
----32nd photo: [Rulan Chao Pian in the office]
--Index card: Fall 63. Ithaca
---13 photographs : black and white; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's family visited her sister Lensey's family in Ithaca
--Index card: November. Canta portraits
---9 photographs : black and white; 9 x 9 cm - 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian took pictures for his daughter Canta Chao-po Pian
--Index card: The card that was never sent. Nov. 63
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 9 cm. Photos of Rulan Chao Pian's family and Canta Chao-po Pian. Taken in November 1963. Probably for the use of Christmas and New Year cards
--Index card: abstract art. Nov
---4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Photos of Canta Chao-po Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian. Probably taken by Rulan Chao Pian in November 1963
--Index card: cat art. Nov
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's cats at home. Taken in November 1963
--Index card: winter 63
---7 photographs : black and white; 9 x 12 cm. The life of Rulan Chao Pian's family in winter in 1963
--Index card: at home
---4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Mainly on Canta Chao-po Pian
--Index card: 1963. Xmas cards
---1 photograph: black and white ; 9 x 13 cm. Aki and Michi Namioka. Photograph does not match with the index card
---13 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 9 cm - 9 x 12 cm. Photos on Rulan Chao Pian's cats, Theodore H.H. Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian respectively. For the use of Christmas cards
-Index card: 64 June - Dec
--Index card: 台灣
---3 photographs : black and white ; 7 x 9 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian visited Taiwan and attended a dining gathering with friends
---1 photograph : black and white ; 5 x 4 cm
--Index card: H.K.
---2 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian visited Hong Kong
--Index card: 1964 Sept. Arr. Hawaii
---6 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian visited Hawaii in September 1964
--Index card: 到 S.F. Sept.
---18 photographs : some color ; 9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian arrived at San Francisco where they had a reunion with Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao, Bella, Theodore H.H. Pian as well as visited friends and Luna Pian (卞學鈞)'s family
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 13 cm. Photo from S.N. Yang. "Summer 1964. Taiwan. At Visit Scholars Dinner". Refer to Rulan Chao Pian's and Canta Chao-po Pian's visit to Taiwan in 1964
---1 photograph : black and white ; 17 x 13 cm. Probably taken during Rulan Chao Pian's hiking trip at Mount Wufeng (五峯山). Refers to Rulan Chao Pian's and Canta Chao-po Pian's visit to Taiwan in 1964
---1 photograph : black and white ; 17 x 13 cm
--Index card: Fall 1964. on way back to Cambridge from Taiwan
---14 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian returned to Cambridge from San Francisco
--Index card: 1964 Spring. People at school
---3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: Canta goes to college. Fall 64. 2 trips
---14 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm Rulan Chao Pian and Theodore H.H. Pian visited Canta Chao-po Pian's school and dormitory
--Index card: Fall 1964
---18 photographs : some color ; 9 x 9 cm - 9 x 13 cm. On the lives of Rulan Chao Pian's family. Some photographs with description as follows:
----5th to 8th photos: [Family photos of Rulan Chao Pian, Theodore H.H. Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian]
----9th photo: [Yuen Ren Chao]
----10th to 14th photos: Printed in May 1965
----15th to 18th photos: [Theodore H.H. Pian's and his brother Charles H.C. Pian's (卞學鈐) families]
--Index card: Fall 64. Cats
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Cats in Rulan Chao Pian's house
--Index card: backyard. Fall 64
---12 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Mainly on construction of the backyard of Rulan Chao Pian's house
--Index card: winter 64. move home
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On relocation of a house
--Index card: 1964-5 Xmas
---29 photographs : partially black and white ; 10 x 8 cm - 17 x 11 cm. Mainly on the Christmas cards and photographs received by Rulan Chao Pian's family. Some photographs with description as follows:
----1st photo: Alice and John. June 6, 1964
----3rd to 4th photos: 熊文翔致 Pian [卞趙如蘭一家] 照片。Christmas 1964。恭賀聖誕新年快樂
----5th photo: Photo greeting card from the Pians [Theodore H.H. Pian's family]
----6th photo: [Photo of the Theodore H.H. Pian's family]
----7th photo: Photo greeting card from the Shangs
----8th photo: Photo greeting card from Nancy and Yao Tzu Li
----9th photo: Photo greeting card from Hisn-hui, Pei Wang and family
----10th photo: Christmas card from Mali. Inserted with a photograph. On Michi and Aki Namioka. Probably sent by Lensey's family
----11th photo: 梅博 [卞婁梅博] 致如蘭、學鐄的聖誕新年賀卡。十二月十六。有關卞學銳一家的近況。連照片1 張。為卞學銳的家庭照
----14th photo: Don, Dorothea, Kent and Evan Shinely
----15th photo: 張振華致卞學鐄先生夫人暨小姐的照片。53.12.24 聖誕夜。祝賀對方新年快樂
----16th photo: [Buwei Yang Chao]
----20th photo: 17 Academy Lane. Parlor
----21st photo: 一九六三年十二月二十六日星期日。天氣非常好。Lincoln, Mass. [Massachusetts]。卞學鐄全家都是溜冰健將
----22nd photo: 學鐄姿勢非常好。何惠堂身平第一次上冰場
----23rd photo: (左起) Iris [卞趙如蘭] 可以參加 Ice Capade 表演來;Carol 十四歲;David 十二歲
----24th photo: 何惠堂倆女兒(Elaine 及 Beverly)及一兒子(David)。Iris [卞趙如蘭] 在這兒
----27th photo: [Buwei Yang Chao]
----29th photo: Photo greeting card from May, S.Y., Carol, David and Linda
--Index card: Tamako. Xmas time 64
---6 photographs : black and white; 9 x 12 cm. Tamako Niwa-Kano visited Rulan Chao Pian at Harvard University
--Index card: 徐寶 getting ready
---4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian and Rulan Chao Pian visited the new residence of their friend Xu Bao (徐寶)
--Index card: 徐寶 wedding
---16 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian and Rulan Chao Pian attended their friend Xu Bao's (徐寶) wedding ceremony and banquet
---2 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. Photos from Rebecca and Peter to Iris and Ted (Theodore H.H. Pian and Rulan Chao Pian). Dec. 26, 1964. On their wedding
-Index card: 1964
--Index card: 1963-64. New yrs
---8 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 9 cm. On New Years party at Rulan Chao Pian's house
---2 photographs : black and white; 9 x 9 cm. On celebration of Theodore H.H. Pian's birthday
---4 photographs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. Theodore H.H. Pian, Rulan Chao Pian and Canta Chao-po Pian went ice-skating with friends
--Index card: scenes around Berkerly
---10 photorgraphs : color ; 9 x 13 cm. On the flora and fauna at Yuen Ren Chao's home in Berkerly. Also on his guests. Some photographs with description as follows:
----1st photo: Whattington [i.e. the cat] on the sofa
----2nd photo: inserted with a notes from bezw. From left to rigjht: Professor Clinton Ballou, Jerry Norman, Maamhi bezw Gramma [Buwei Yang Chao], Daedi bewz Grampa [Yuen Ren Chao], Huttier [i.e. the cat], Professor Leo Chen and Mrs. Dorothy Lun
--Index card: Spring 64
---17 photographs : some color ; 7 x 9 cm - 9 x 13 cm. On the life of Rulan Chao Pian's family, also on Yuen Ren Chao's and Buwei Yang Chao's visits to Cambridge. Photograph with description as follows:
----9th photo: Yuen Ren Chao (left) and Lien-sheng Yang (楊聯陞)(right)
--Index card: May. 呂來
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 9 cm
--Index card: Da Ma 來. June
---3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao visited Rulan Chao Pian's family at Cambridge. Photograph with description as follows:
----3rd photo: Celebration of Canta Chao-po Pian's birthday with Mr. and Mrs. Lien-sheng Yang (楊聯陞夫婦), Mr. and Mrs. Yuen Ren Chao and others
--Index card: Spring 1964. Canta graduation
---44 photographs : partially color ; 9 x 9 cm - 9 x 13 cm. On Canta Chao-po Pian's graduation from Commonwealth School
--Index card: 1964. Lobster Party
---12 photographs : some color ; 9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm. On a baseball game and others
--Index card: Dab party
---10 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm
--Index card: 1964 Spring. World's fair
---9 photographs : some color ; 9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's family, Bella's family, Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao visited the World's Fair at New York City in 1964
--Index card: while Canta and I went away
---4 photographs : color ; 9 x 9 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian's cats. Also on the construction progress of her house
-Index card: 1965
--Index card: Jan 65
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On a gathering with Theodore H.H. Pian's friend
--Index card: Spring 1965
---23 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the life of Rulan Chao Pian's family at Cambridge. Also on their cats
--Index card: Feb 1965
---4 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Guests paid visit to Rulan Chao Pian's house
--Index card: Li Chi 來美
---6 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Li Chi (李濟) visited the United States
--Index card: 1965 Spring. 三哥來 and photos
---8 photographs : mostly color; 5 x 6 cm - 9 x 9 cm. Mainly on Richard H.J. Pian's family. Some photographs with description as follows:
----1st photo: [Lanna Pian (卞昭瀾)]
----2nd photo: [Thomas Pian (卞昭濤)]
----3nd photo: [Robert Pian (卞昭潞)]
----4th photo: [Richard H.J. Pian (卞學銳)'s family]
----5th photo: [Donald Pian (卞昭潭)]
--Index card: April 1965. N.Y. 穆柯寨
---17 photographs : black and white; 9 x 12 cm. The Peking opera performance 穆柯寨 in New York in April 1965
--Index card: April. Lecture on 穆柯寨
---5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian's lecture on 穆柯寨
--Index card: April 20
---1 photograph : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Rulan Chao Pian's birthday
--Index card: April 1965. Da Ma 五表姑來
---22 photographs : some color ; 7 x 9 cm - 9 x 13 cm. Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao and other relatives paid their visits to Rulan Chao Pian's family
----1st photo: 卞趙如蘭一家與趙元任楊步偉夫婦、卞學鈐一家、趙小中等人聚餐。背面寫有:皆大歡喜之一刻
--Index card: April. 清華
---29 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao attended the Tsing Wah University's alumni gathering
--Index card: Princeton and N.Y.
---13 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Yuen Ren Chao, Buwei Yang Chao, Rulan Chao Pian, Canta Chao-po Pian and Bella Chao Chiu went for a trip to Princeton and New York, and they visited Kao Yu-kung (高友工) at the Princeton University
--Index card: Rho Psi picnic at Lee's
---10 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian's family went to picnic with Rho Psi society members
--Index card: Hightower Birthday Party. May 7, 1965
---17 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the birthday party of James Robert Hightower, most faculty members of the Department of Far East Languages attended. Some photographs with description as follows:
----2nd, 8th, 12th and 17th photos: Hilary Kromelow [Hilary Kromelow Josephs]
-A blank index card
--61 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family went for a trip to the Central or South America where they visited the monuments of the anicent Maya civilization
-A blank index card
--14 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family visited a museum on Maya culture
-A blank index card
--3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family went for a trip to the Central or South America
-A blank index card
--9 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family went for a trip to the Central or South America
-A blank index card
--3 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. Canta Chao-po Pian in front of the telephone booth
-A blank index card
--27 photographs : some color ; 9 x 12 cm - 9 x 13 cm. Rulan Chao Pian and her family visited Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao in Berkerly. Printed in August 1968
-Index card: Rad reunion. June 69
--5 photographs : some color ; 9 x 13 cm - 13 x 18 cm. On the reunion of Radcliffe College's alumni in June 1969
-Index card: 1969 early spring. Cambridge. 小虎. 余家妹妹. Dr. Li
-Index card: MIT. 戰宛城. Spring 1969
--9 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On the Chinese opera performance 戰宛城 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1969
-Index card: Ithaca. Spring 1969
--5 photographs : black and white ; 9 x 12 cm. On Yuen Ren Chao and Buwei Yang Chao
-A blank index card
--照片1 張:彩色;19 x 13 cm。梅飴琦贈元任兄、韵卿嫂的照片。民國四四年十一月。拍於台中
- 1960 - 1977
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1 case(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong