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Photo album 3-1-1, 2002 - 2002

 File — Box: 203, Folder: 1
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_2_Subseries_3_Folder_1
1 album (374 photographs : color: ; 34 x 22 cm. About Rulan Chao Pian's life in 2002, mainly on the celebration of her birthday and her trip to Taiwan with Theodore H.H. Pian. Some photographs with description as follows:

-40th to 80th photos: Bella's view point

-81st to 121th photos: Film no. 681386

--96th to 97th photos: Carlson, Ted, Tom and Canta

--98th photo: Ping, Kelsey, Brook and Sally

--99th photo: Back row, from left: Carlson, Tim, Sally, Ted and Tom. Front row, from left: Kelsey, Iris, Brook, Lensey, Issac, Canta, Ping

--101st photo: Jessica (leftmost)

--102nd to 103rd photos: Flowers from Nova, 培雲 , 家林, 愛林

--104th to 105th photos: Flower and Balloon from Mason

--106th photo: Roses from Bell

--108th photo: Lensey and Issac leaving

--109th to 121st photos: 饒宗頤 lecturing

---110th to 111th photos: with Jean Yang

-122nd to 138th photos: Film no. 175363

--123rd photo: 惠風有他的看法

--131st to 132nd photos: 李岸然講演。台灣文學語言問題

-145th to 157th photos: Longy Commencement Day

--145th photo: L to R: Raphael Hillyer, RCP [Rulan Chao Pian], Fred Cabot

--146th to 157th photos: The Ceremony from Ted's point of view

---149nd photo: Cabot, Chair of Board of Trustees

---150th photo: Raphael Hillyer talks about me

---151st photo: Presentation of Award

---152nd photo: "Just say a few words"

---153rd photo: "Well—er—hmm—"

-158th to 168th photos: 佛光山

--159th photo: Exhibition of paintings

--162nd photo: 依法法師

--165th to 166th photos: 蘇媽媽跳舞

-169th photo: (Back row, from left) Tom, Donny, Bob, Richard and (front row) Mabel

-181st photo: Yellow Mt. exhibition

-182nd photo: MFA [Museum of Fine Arts], Impressionists

-183rd photo: Snake goddess in MFA [Museum of Fine Arts]

-184th photo: Legal Seafoods

-186th photo: 致趙老師、卞老師照片。“梁雷一家西湖留影。6.12”。附致趙老師的信封(被裁剪)

-187th to 210th photos: Negative no. 1 to 24

-211th to 216th photos: Film no. 982807, negative no. 1 to 6

-219th to 224th photos: Film no. 982807, negative no. 7 to 12

-225th photo: (照片背面)鶯歌陶瓷博物館。2000/6/30

-228th photo: 6/29。呂錘寬。(照片背面)呂錘寬教授。2002/6/29。

-229th photo: 溫秋菊家的屋頂花園。(照片背面)師大路家的屋頂花園。2002/6/30

-230th photo: (照片背面)陽明山上。2002/6/30

-231st to 239th photos: 逛陽明山

--234th photo: 同溫亮春(左一),陳正一(右一)

--237th photo: 白雲山莊餐廳

--238th photo: 野柳附近的福華

-240th to 251st photos: Film no. 982807, negative no. 13 to 24

--240th to 243rd photos: 6/29。陽明山上白雲山莊餐廳

--244th photo: 中午吃點心。有洪同、吳匡

--245th photo: Monica [陳淑平](左) 和余英時(右)

--250th photo: 高琨 [高錕]、黃美芸

--251st photos: 梅強中[Chiang C. Mei]、Caroline 夫婦

-252nd to 275th photos: Film no. 982801, negative #2 to 25

--252th to 254th photos: Wash DC AAS meeting [Association of Asian Studies meeting in Washington D.C.]. M. Farquhar. 四位大陸來的學者

--255th to 256th photos: 在 Canta 家

--257th to 261st photos: 在陽明山

---257th photo:(左起)溫秋菊、溫亮春、卞學鐄、陳正一

--262nd photo: 呂錘寬(左)

--263rd photo: 溫秋菊(左一)

--264th to 267th photos: 溫秋菊家的屋頂花園

--268th to 270th photos: 鶯歌陶瓷博物館

--272nd photo: (左起)陳文華、卞學鐄、王鴻智

--273rd photo: 吳隆庸(右)

-276th to 299th photos: Film no. 982791, negative #1 to 24

--276th photo: 你們兩位院士平常在家一塊兒幹些什麼﹖收拾屋子,做飯—

--277th photo: 我最愛做紅酒燉雞

--278th to 286th photos: 四號晚院長請客

--287th to 288th photos: 中國文哲研究所。想逛進不去

--289th photo: 活動中心門外

--290th photo: 早飯是最好同老朋友聊天的時候。(左起)Paula 鄒、董明明、沈申甫

--291st photo: (左起)馮元楨、孔祥重

--292nd photo: 喻嫻士

--293rd photo:(左起)Jimmy Lin、梅祖麟、王安珍

--294th photo: (左起)梅祖麟、鄒至莊、錢胡匡正、錢煦

--297th to 299th photos: [國立台灣大學應用力學研究所的迎賓海報]上排、左起:郭靖華、鄧大量、鮑亦興、吳耀祖、沈申甫、馮元楨;下排、左起:卞學鐄、陳惠發、何志明、梅強中、卞趙如蘭

-300th to 367th photos: 7月5日晚。溫秋菊、陳正一請客。客人有:陳美娥、王鴻智—王夫人(婉瓊)、邱坤良、吳匡、李壬癸、郭夫人、黃玲玉、洪維助、趙如蘭、王秋桂、卞學鐄、吳漪曼、郭長揚、溫亮春。主人:溫秋菊、陳正一。地點:國立台北藝術大學 Davinci 餐廳

--300th photo: 7/5。洪維助(左一)、王秋桂(右二)

--301st photo: 吳漪曼(左)、Prof. 黃玲玉(右)

--302nd photo: 溫秋菊(左)、陳正一(右)

--303rd photo: 洪維助

--304th photo: 王鴻智(左)、陳美娥(右)

--305th photo: (秋菊二弟)溫亮春

--306th photo: 吳漪曼(左)、郭長揚(右)

--310th photo: (左起)邱坤良、王鴻智夫人(婉瓊)、王鴻智

--311th photo: 李壬癸(左)、吳匡(右)

--312th photo: 黃玲玉(左)、郭長揚夫人(右)

--315th photo: 郭長揚(坐著、最右)

--319th photo: 郭長揚(右方、最前)

--320th photo: 黃玲玉(左一)、郭長揚夫人(左二)、郭長揚(右二)、洪維助(右一)

--321st photo: (左起)郭夫人、郭長揚、洪維助

--322nd photo: 吳漪曼(左一)

--324th photo: 黃玲玉(左)、吳匡(中)

--325th photo:(左起)郭長揚夫人、李壬癸、吳匡、邱坤良

--328th to 329th photos: 邱坤良發盤子

--333rd photo: 7/5。李壬癸教授(左三)、郭長揚夫人(左二)、黃玲玉教授(左一);陳正一(右二)、郭長揚教授(右一)。國立台北藝術大學 Davinci 餐廳

--337th photo: 吳漪曼教授

--338th photo: 黃玲玉教授

--341st photo: 吳漪曼教授(吳伯超院長女公子)。(照片背面)吳漪曼教授(吳伯超院長女公子)。2002/7/5

--342nd photo: (左起)邱坤良、王鴻智夫人、王鴻智

--345th photo: 黃玲玉(左一)、郭長揚夫人(左二)、郭長揚(右二)、吳漪曼(右一)

--350th photo: 郭長揚教授(左)、吳漪曼教授(右)

--351st photo: 郭長揚(坐著、右二)、吳漪曼(坐著、右一)、陳正一(右方站立者)

--355th photo: 吳漪曼教授(前方、右)

--359th photo: (左一至三)邱坤良校長、吳匡、李壬癸、陳美娥(右二)

--360th photo: 吳匡(左)、洪維助(右)

--361st photo: 李壬癸(右)

--362nd photo: 邱坤良(左)

--364th photo: (左起)王夫人、吳漪曼、卞學鐄、趙如蘭、王鴻智

--366th photo: 洪維助(左)、陳正一(右)

--367th photo: 王秋桂


  • 2002 - 2002

Language of Materials

English or Chinese

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 volume(s)


Barcode (assigned for digitization purpose): 004993574


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong