Pink label, box 8, 1984-1987, 1989-1990, 1994, undated
File — Box: 86, Folder: 3
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_86_Folder_3
-Folder tab title: Put on carrying file; 信, certificate, documents. On cover: 1989-90 Trip to 台灣,包括:
1) Abstract of dissertation. 2 sheets. Printout. Modernization of Chinese zheng music, evolution and revolution. Te-yuan Cheng. Doctor of Philosophy, 1990. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
2) Letter from Lewis Lockwood to Senior faculty. May 8, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). Subject: Minutes of meeting, April 30, 1990 (Note 2)
3) Teaching fellowships 1990-91. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). A list of names, course requested, and time. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
4) Letter from Siu Wah to Professor Ward. 16th May 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About English and writing problems found in Siu Wah's paper (Note 1) (Note 2)
5) Letter from Siu Wah to Pian. 17th May 1990. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. About comments on SW's paper from Nettl and Ward, letter to Music Department on the proposed revision for generals, and a one day colloquium. With handwritten notes (Note 2). Enclosed with:
a) Letter from Siu Wah Yu to Lockwood and Brinkmann. 17th May 1990. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. On sharing thoughts on the proposed format revision for generals in musicology and the program as a whole (Note 1) (Note 2)
6) Memo from Kathryn Welter to Lewis Lockwood. May 17, 1990. 1 sheet. Subject: Proposed general examination in Musicology (Note 1) (Note 2)
7) 國立清華大學人文社會學院週迅。打印本 1 張。第 97 期(民國 79 年 5 月 23 日 )(Note 2)
8) Letter from Lewis Lockwood to Rulan Chao Pian. May 10, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On acknowledgement of contribution made to the Archive of World Music (Note 2)
9) Letter from Ki-Shim, Nam to Rulan Chao Pian. May 16, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About publishing paper "Feng Yen Guei Jou" in ARCE (Note 2)
10) 教育部高等教育司致如蘭信函。79 年 5 月 16 日。打印本 1 張。擬請審查國立藝術學院申請音樂學系增班計劃書 (Note 2)。附:
a) 附件六 大學校院增設研究所及學系增班師資參考標準。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
b) 八十學年度大學校院申請增班明表(一)。打印本 1 張。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
11) Letter from Albert Chiu to Rulan Pian. 3/31/90. 1 sheet. Prinout, signed. On requesting recommendation letter for joint LLB/MBA program (Note 1) (Note 2)
12) 潘皇龍樂展。打印本 1 張。宣傳單張。潘皇龍的音響意境與音樂劇場 (Note 2)
13) Letter from Michael S. Steinberg to Pian Rulan. April 20, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On attracting students to ISA new program in Beijing (Note 2)
14) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Editor, Journal of Far Eastern Studies. May 5, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On requesting permission to reprint article, Feng Yen Guei Jou. With handwritten notes. Enclosed with:
a) Letter from Bonnie C. Wade to Editor, Far Eastern Studies. September 24, 1989. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On requesting permission to reprint article, Feng Yen Guei Jou, written by Rulan Chao Pian. With handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
15) 大鵬四十周年慶聯演。剪報 1 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 1) (Note 2)
16) Memo on envelope about translating MS. 1 envelope. Envelope from B.C. Chiu to Rulan Chao Pian. Postal stamp: Apr 1990 (Note 1)
17) 趙如蘭致齊曉楓信函。1990 年 6 月 4 日。手稿 1 張(碳紙副本)。在台灣期間曾在幾間大學講演,特請教齊老師要改進的地方
18) Nova 致大姐信函。1990.4.17。手稿 1 張。八月一起到峨嵋、長沙、北京、南京等地旅遊 (Note 2)
19) 國立清華大學致行政院文化建設基金管理委員會信函。民國 79 年 1 月 23 日。打印本 1 張(影印本)。擬延聘趙如蘭為清華大學文學所客座正教授 (Note 2)
20) 文化建設基金管理委員會致國立清華大學信函。民國 79 年 3 月 27 日。打印本 1 張(影印本)。覆延聘趙如蘭為清華大學文學所客座正教授一事 (Note 2)
21) 小中致大姐生日卡。生日卡 1 張 (Note 2)
22) Letter from Amy K. Stillman to Pian. May 5, 1990. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. About discussion on including history in the dissertation or leaving the dissertation entirely ethnographic (Note 2)
23) Letter from 小中 to 大姐。May 12, 1990. 1 sheet. Holograph. About some photos taken recently and Jiahan would be in Boston (Note 2)
24) 兩美籍華人學者 客聘為華工教授。張在滿。報紙 1 張。《武漢晚報》1990 年 8 月 29 日,第 1 版。有複本 (Note 2)
25) UMH Newsletter. 1 folded sheet (4 pages). Published annually by the Universe of Music : a History (Note 2)
26) Nuo culture reflected in masks / by Li Xing. First folk arts museum opens / by Min Jian. 1 sheet. China Daily, August 15, 1990, page 5 (Note 2)
27) 金吾倫致趙老師、卞老師信函。1990.7.16。手稿 2 張。討論到哲學研究所講學的方式 (Note 2)
28) Travelers cheques (customer's record of purchase). 7/24/90. 2 sheets. With 2 blank forms (Note 2)
29) 北京市行政事業單位統一銀錢收據。90 年 8 月 15 日至 90 年 8 月 18日。收據 5 張。支付第三屆國際漢語教學會會議費、食宿費等收據
30) 西南交通大學科技交流中心收款收據。90 年 8 月 12 日。收據 1 張
31) 中國銀行外滙兌換證明。8/15/90 - 8/18/90。單據 3 張。
32) 楊道申致卞伯父、伯母信函。1990.8.11。手稿 3 張。關於將祖母遺下的紫色花瓶帶回美國給父母親一事。附信封 1 個。Postal stamp: 90.8.11 (Note 1) (Note 2)
33) 盛炎致趙小姐信函。1989.7.13。手稿 1 張。關於斧正《中國現代社會科學家傳略》中趙先生傳略的徵求意見稿 (Note 2)
34) 關於第三屆國際會收費辦法的說明。打印本 1 張。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
35) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會代表須知。1990 年 8 月 12 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
36) 世界漢語教學學會通知。1990 年 8 月 13 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
37) 趙如蘭致張亞軍信函。1990 年 1 月 25 日。手稿 1 張(碳紙副本)。覆出席八月的漢語教學討論會
38) 張亞軍致卞先生、趙先生信函。1.4。手稿 1 張。邀請出席八月在北京舉辦的第三屆國際漢語教學會議 (Note 2)。附:
a) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會邀請信。1989 年 12 月 12 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
b) Invitation for the Third International Symosium on the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language. December 5, 1989. 1 sheet (Note 2)
39) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會 3 號通知。1990 年 5 月 18 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
40) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會回箋。表格 1 張(影印本)。趙如籣出席會議表格 (Note 2)
41) 關於舉行第三屆國際漢語教學討論會的通知(第 1 號)。1989 年 8 月 30 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
42) Translation category : Statement of significance and impact of project. 5 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Make available an English translation of a work on the history of music of ancient China by Yang Yin-liu (1899-1984) (Note 2)
43) Letter from Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak to Colleague. July 1990. 1 sheet. About evaluating enclosed proposal submitted to the Translation category of the Texts Program (Note 2)
44) Guide for evaluation. 1 sheet (Note 2)
45) Memorandum from Lynne Cheney to Reviewers and panelists. June 1990. 1 sheet (photocopy). Subject: Standards for the review of applications (Note 2)
46) 柴春華(名片)。名片 1 張。Name card of Chai Chun Hua (Note 2)
47) 陳履安致如蘭信函。七九、七、十。手稿 1 張。賀榮膺中央研究院第十八屆院士 (Note 2)
48) 金岳霖學術基金會章程。一九八七年七月十四日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
49) 管東貴致趙如蘭信函。七十九年六月十一日。打印本 1 張。收到《趙元任音樂作品全集》一冊 (Note 2)
50) 伍何婉兒致如蘭信函。一九九零年七月四日。打印本 1 張。已收到致高校長信函及照片,如八月到中大訪問,請先來電示知 (Note 2)
51) Letter from Sidney Verba to Rulan Chao Pian. July 2, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thank you for a gift of Chinese music materials to the the Eda Kuhn Loeb Library (Note 2)
52) 謝天吉打響名氣:二胡「拉進」爵士樂。常誠容。剪報 1 張。世界日報,7 月 15 日,第 9 版 (Note 2)
53) 毛高文致如蘭信函。七十九年七月二十日。打印本 1 張。賀榮膺中央研究院院士 (Note 2)
54) Envelope from Tsu-Liu Mei to Rulan Pian. 1 envelope. Postal stamp: 26 Jul 1990 (Note 1)
55) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Gates & Appiah. Aug 9, 1990. 1 sheet. Holograph (carbon copy). On replying a list of at least 30 headings in the general area of Chinese music
56) Letter from K.A. Appiah and Henry Louis Gates to Rulan Chao Pian. May 23, 1990. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. About providing a list of at least 30 headings in the general area of Chinese music (Note 2)
57) 音樂週刊。報紙 1 張。華僑日報,1990 年 7 月 30 日,第 27 版 (Note 2)
-人名地址 P.C. Business and Household. 1 volume (leaves 1-3, A-J, J-Z, some blank) ; 28 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Also on cover: 1994 H.K. related Rulan Chao Pian 1994 Jan - Chinese University of Hong Kong Music Dept #209
RCP Apt. Inter-University Hall F-62 (1); Apt 管事人 (2); Setting procedures (3); A tentative list of lectures to be given by Rulan Chao Pian (pasted); 陳守仁 (B); Chinese Univ. 人名 (C); schedules (D); 黃安源 (H); Amy Jeng (J); Kwok Siu-Tong, Law Wing-Cheung (K); 阿美族多音樂性音樂之研究碩士論文計劃 (M); 來人 (Q); Staff club (S); VISA 事 (V); Robert Black College (inserted) (Note 1)
1) Abstract of dissertation. 2 sheets. Printout. Modernization of Chinese zheng music, evolution and revolution. Te-yuan Cheng. Doctor of Philosophy, 1990. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
2) Letter from Lewis Lockwood to Senior faculty. May 8, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). Subject: Minutes of meeting, April 30, 1990 (Note 2)
3) Teaching fellowships 1990-91. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). A list of names, course requested, and time. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
4) Letter from Siu Wah to Professor Ward. 16th May 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About English and writing problems found in Siu Wah's paper (Note 1) (Note 2)
5) Letter from Siu Wah to Pian. 17th May 1990. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. About comments on SW's paper from Nettl and Ward, letter to Music Department on the proposed revision for generals, and a one day colloquium. With handwritten notes (Note 2). Enclosed with:
a) Letter from Siu Wah Yu to Lockwood and Brinkmann. 17th May 1990. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. On sharing thoughts on the proposed format revision for generals in musicology and the program as a whole (Note 1) (Note 2)
6) Memo from Kathryn Welter to Lewis Lockwood. May 17, 1990. 1 sheet. Subject: Proposed general examination in Musicology (Note 1) (Note 2)
7) 國立清華大學人文社會學院週迅。打印本 1 張。第 97 期(民國 79 年 5 月 23 日 )(Note 2)
8) Letter from Lewis Lockwood to Rulan Chao Pian. May 10, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On acknowledgement of contribution made to the Archive of World Music (Note 2)
9) Letter from Ki-Shim, Nam to Rulan Chao Pian. May 16, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. About publishing paper "Feng Yen Guei Jou" in ARCE (Note 2)
10) 教育部高等教育司致如蘭信函。79 年 5 月 16 日。打印本 1 張。擬請審查國立藝術學院申請音樂學系增班計劃書 (Note 2)。附:
a) 附件六 大學校院增設研究所及學系增班師資參考標準。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
b) 八十學年度大學校院申請增班明表(一)。打印本 1 張。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
11) Letter from Albert Chiu to Rulan Pian. 3/31/90. 1 sheet. Prinout, signed. On requesting recommendation letter for joint LLB/MBA program (Note 1) (Note 2)
12) 潘皇龍樂展。打印本 1 張。宣傳單張。潘皇龍的音響意境與音樂劇場 (Note 2)
13) Letter from Michael S. Steinberg to Pian Rulan. April 20, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On attracting students to ISA new program in Beijing (Note 2)
14) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Editor, Journal of Far Eastern Studies. May 5, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On requesting permission to reprint article, Feng Yen Guei Jou. With handwritten notes. Enclosed with:
a) Letter from Bonnie C. Wade to Editor, Far Eastern Studies. September 24, 1989. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On requesting permission to reprint article, Feng Yen Guei Jou, written by Rulan Chao Pian. With handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
15) 大鵬四十周年慶聯演。剪報 1 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 1) (Note 2)
16) Memo on envelope about translating MS. 1 envelope. Envelope from B.C. Chiu to Rulan Chao Pian. Postal stamp: Apr 1990 (Note 1)
17) 趙如蘭致齊曉楓信函。1990 年 6 月 4 日。手稿 1 張(碳紙副本)。在台灣期間曾在幾間大學講演,特請教齊老師要改進的地方
18) Nova 致大姐信函。1990.4.17。手稿 1 張。八月一起到峨嵋、長沙、北京、南京等地旅遊 (Note 2)
19) 國立清華大學致行政院文化建設基金管理委員會信函。民國 79 年 1 月 23 日。打印本 1 張(影印本)。擬延聘趙如蘭為清華大學文學所客座正教授 (Note 2)
20) 文化建設基金管理委員會致國立清華大學信函。民國 79 年 3 月 27 日。打印本 1 張(影印本)。覆延聘趙如蘭為清華大學文學所客座正教授一事 (Note 2)
21) 小中致大姐生日卡。生日卡 1 張 (Note 2)
22) Letter from Amy K. Stillman to Pian. May 5, 1990. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. About discussion on including history in the dissertation or leaving the dissertation entirely ethnographic (Note 2)
23) Letter from 小中 to 大姐。May 12, 1990. 1 sheet. Holograph. About some photos taken recently and Jiahan would be in Boston (Note 2)
24) 兩美籍華人學者 客聘為華工教授。張在滿。報紙 1 張。《武漢晚報》1990 年 8 月 29 日,第 1 版。有複本 (Note 2)
25) UMH Newsletter. 1 folded sheet (4 pages). Published annually by the Universe of Music : a History (Note 2)
26) Nuo culture reflected in masks / by Li Xing. First folk arts museum opens / by Min Jian. 1 sheet. China Daily, August 15, 1990, page 5 (Note 2)
27) 金吾倫致趙老師、卞老師信函。1990.7.16。手稿 2 張。討論到哲學研究所講學的方式 (Note 2)
28) Travelers cheques (customer's record of purchase). 7/24/90. 2 sheets. With 2 blank forms (Note 2)
29) 北京市行政事業單位統一銀錢收據。90 年 8 月 15 日至 90 年 8 月 18日。收據 5 張。支付第三屆國際漢語教學會會議費、食宿費等收據
30) 西南交通大學科技交流中心收款收據。90 年 8 月 12 日。收據 1 張
31) 中國銀行外滙兌換證明。8/15/90 - 8/18/90。單據 3 張。
32) 楊道申致卞伯父、伯母信函。1990.8.11。手稿 3 張。關於將祖母遺下的紫色花瓶帶回美國給父母親一事。附信封 1 個。Postal stamp: 90.8.11 (Note 1) (Note 2)
33) 盛炎致趙小姐信函。1989.7.13。手稿 1 張。關於斧正《中國現代社會科學家傳略》中趙先生傳略的徵求意見稿 (Note 2)
34) 關於第三屆國際會收費辦法的說明。打印本 1 張。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
35) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會代表須知。1990 年 8 月 12 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
36) 世界漢語教學學會通知。1990 年 8 月 13 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
37) 趙如蘭致張亞軍信函。1990 年 1 月 25 日。手稿 1 張(碳紙副本)。覆出席八月的漢語教學討論會
38) 張亞軍致卞先生、趙先生信函。1.4。手稿 1 張。邀請出席八月在北京舉辦的第三屆國際漢語教學會議 (Note 2)。附:
a) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會邀請信。1989 年 12 月 12 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
b) Invitation for the Third International Symosium on the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language. December 5, 1989. 1 sheet (Note 2)
39) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會 3 號通知。1990 年 5 月 18 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
40) 第三屆國際漢語教學討論會回箋。表格 1 張(影印本)。趙如籣出席會議表格 (Note 2)
41) 關於舉行第三屆國際漢語教學討論會的通知(第 1 號)。1989 年 8 月 30 日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
42) Translation category : Statement of significance and impact of project. 5 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). Make available an English translation of a work on the history of music of ancient China by Yang Yin-liu (1899-1984) (Note 2)
43) Letter from Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak to Colleague. July 1990. 1 sheet. About evaluating enclosed proposal submitted to the Translation category of the Texts Program (Note 2)
44) Guide for evaluation. 1 sheet (Note 2)
45) Memorandum from Lynne Cheney to Reviewers and panelists. June 1990. 1 sheet (photocopy). Subject: Standards for the review of applications (Note 2)
46) 柴春華(名片)。名片 1 張。Name card of Chai Chun Hua (Note 2)
47) 陳履安致如蘭信函。七九、七、十。手稿 1 張。賀榮膺中央研究院第十八屆院士 (Note 2)
48) 金岳霖學術基金會章程。一九八七年七月十四日。打印本 1 張 (Note 2)
49) 管東貴致趙如蘭信函。七十九年六月十一日。打印本 1 張。收到《趙元任音樂作品全集》一冊 (Note 2)
50) 伍何婉兒致如蘭信函。一九九零年七月四日。打印本 1 張。已收到致高校長信函及照片,如八月到中大訪問,請先來電示知 (Note 2)
51) Letter from Sidney Verba to Rulan Chao Pian. July 2, 1990. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. Thank you for a gift of Chinese music materials to the the Eda Kuhn Loeb Library (Note 2)
52) 謝天吉打響名氣:二胡「拉進」爵士樂。常誠容。剪報 1 張。世界日報,7 月 15 日,第 9 版 (Note 2)
53) 毛高文致如蘭信函。七十九年七月二十日。打印本 1 張。賀榮膺中央研究院院士 (Note 2)
54) Envelope from Tsu-Liu Mei to Rulan Pian. 1 envelope. Postal stamp: 26 Jul 1990 (Note 1)
55) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Gates & Appiah. Aug 9, 1990. 1 sheet. Holograph (carbon copy). On replying a list of at least 30 headings in the general area of Chinese music
56) Letter from K.A. Appiah and Henry Louis Gates to Rulan Chao Pian. May 23, 1990. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. About providing a list of at least 30 headings in the general area of Chinese music (Note 2)
57) 音樂週刊。報紙 1 張。華僑日報,1990 年 7 月 30 日,第 27 版 (Note 2)
-人名地址 P.C. Business and Household. 1 volume (leaves 1-3, A-J, J-Z, some blank) ; 28 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Also on cover: 1994 H.K. related Rulan Chao Pian 1994 Jan - Chinese University of Hong Kong Music Dept #209
RCP Apt. Inter-University Hall F-62 (1); Apt 管事人 (2); Setting procedures (3); A tentative list of lectures to be given by Rulan Chao Pian (pasted); 陳守仁 (B); Chinese Univ. 人名 (C); schedules (D); 黃安源 (H); Amy Jeng (J); Kwok Siu-Tong, Law Wing-Cheung (K); 阿美族多音樂性音樂之研究碩士論文計劃 (M); 來人 (Q); Staff club (S); VISA 事 (V); Robert Black College (inserted) (Note 1)
- 1984-1987, 1989-1990, 1994, undated
Language of Materials
In Chinese or English
Conditions Governing Access
Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
1 file(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong