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No separator-OP, 1978-1979, undated

 File — Box: 60, Folder: 17
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_60_Folder_17
-小野雅樂會會長小野亮哉信函。昭和五十四年五月。排印本 (Note 2)

-Iris 致鐄信函。June 16 , '79 。手稿(碳紙副本)。交代近況及錄音事宜

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十一月二十六日。手稿。有關各人近況


-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979/5/12。手稿。有關去 Boston 的機票事宣

-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979/4/29。手稿。有關新的 American Express Card 及其他人所需的物品

-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979/5/5。手稿。有關回去講學、建築師費等事宜


-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979/3/24。手稿。有關 Nova 的飛機票事宜

-卞學鐄致趙如蘭信封 1979。1 個。手稿


 1) 雅樂公演。昭和五三年十一月十三日。排印本 1 冊 (Note 2)

 2) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian. May 7, 1979. Holograph, signed (carbon copy). About health

 3) 小野亮哉致卞如蘭信函。一九七八年七月三日。手稿 (Note 2)

 4) 小野亮哉致卞如蘭、林萃青信函。手稿 (Note 2)

 5) 照片 5 張:彩色;10 x 7 cm. 部份照片背面有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

 6) 照片 7 張:部份彩色;12 x 9 cm (Note 2)

 7) 照片 1 張:黑白;15 x 11 cm (Note 2)

 8) 照片 1 張:黑白;24 x 16 cm。照片背面有手寫筆記 (Note 2)

-Iris 致鐄信函。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關買 cassette recorder 及 calculator、International Music Symposium 等事宜

-Birthday card to Pian. Printout. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Birthday card from Blandina Chan to Pian. 79. Printout. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Notes on Happy Birthday. 1 sheet. Holograph

-Birthday card from Amy Chu to Pian. April 1979. Printout. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Birthday Card from Mali to 大姊(大姨)。手稿 (Note 2)

-Birthday card to Pian. 1979. Holograph (Note 2)


-姚啟昭致敬啟者信函。一九七九年四月十。打字本。肅函致意 (Note 2)

-香港中文大學崇基校園通訊 = Chung Chi College The Chinese University of Hong Kong Campus Newsletter。一九七九年四月九日。第十四卷第十四期 (Note 2)

-Iris 致鐄信函。April 20。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關於中大晚餐

-沈兌致四嫂信函。1979.4.2。手稿。有關收到英語 900 句 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rob to Pian. 2 April 1979. Typescript, signed. About the Non-Resident Status application and the dissertation (Note 2)


-鐄致 Iris 信函。十一月十日。手稿。有關保險公司寄來的支票

-潘恆生致趙如蘭信函。6/3。手稿。有關香港中文大學祟基學院的信函。附趙如蘭致潘恆生覆函。手稿(碳紙副本) (Note 2)

-Rulan Chao Pian Curriculum Vitae. Spring 1979. Typescript (photocopy). With handwritten notes

-Materials enclosed by a cut envelope. Includes:

 1) Letter from Rob to Rulan C. Pian. 27 August 1978. Typescript, signed. Informing the plan (Note 2)

 2) Letter from Rulan to John. Oct 22, 1978. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Suggestions to Rob

 3) The Present topic. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). With handwritten notes

-Iris 致鐄信函。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關學生系刊、張世杉等事宜 (Note 1)

-Iris 致鐄信函。Oct 4, 1978。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關李卓敏退休、馬臨接位等事宜

-Iris 致鐄信函。Oct 23,1978。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關看江青跳舞、把照相機丟了等事宜

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Rob. Oct 24, 1978. Typescript (carbon copy). Received the Program note about the Asian, or Oriental Music Festival

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十月二十日。手稿。有關上海交通大學訪問團

-Iris 致鐄信函。31號。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關 Jim 病倒 (Note 1)

-致鐄信函。Oct 30,1978。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關 apt 及 office 的電話 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Ono Sensei. Nov.3, 1978. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the Hong Kong Asian Arts Festival

-Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong presents a Ensemble Concert. 15 November, 78. Typescript (carbon copy). Programme (Note 2)

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十一月五日。手稿。有關到華盛頓

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十月七日。手稿。有關行李保險、買計數機等事宜

-鐄致 Iris 信函。8-25-78。手稿。有關中國 Visa 的申請表、前往北京等事宜

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to One Sensei. August 24, 1978. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Thank you for the copy of Gagaku Kai and informing the trip to Berkeley and Hong Kong

-鐄致 Iris 信函。手稿。有關送包裹、到芝加哥開會、保險等事宜

-Iris 致鐄信函。9, 24. 78。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關在香港中文大學的生活 (Note 1)

-Iris 致鐄信函。Oct 18。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關買生日禮物、系裡的事 (Note 1)

-Iris 致鐄信函。8/22/78。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關大陸台灣的簽証、張世杉等事宜 (Note 1)

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十二月三日。手稿。有關訂印名片、北京園等事宜

-A blank sheet. Tab title: TED

-Letter from Harry to Rulan Chao Pian. July 31, 1978. Typescript, signed. Sending the revised paper. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan to Harry. Aug 15, 1978. Holograph, signed (carbon copy). Sharing the life at Berkeley and the feeling of the passing of Cheung Sai-bung

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十月十二日。手稿。有關電影 "林則徐" (Note 2)

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十月一日。手稿。有關 Quadraugle Quadrille 正式表演、Canta 和 Michael 到倫敦等事宜 (Note 2)

-鐄致 Iris 信函。九月二日。手稿。有關到成田機場 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rob to Pian. 26 November 1978. Typescript, signed. Sending the little piece on Korea reprinted in the program of the HK Festival of Asian Arts (Note 2)

-Iris 致鐄信函。15號。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關把葯吃完、給潮洲戲寫 review 等事宜

-鐄致 Iris 信函。十二月十八日。手稿。有關換飛機到香港 (Note 2)

-鐄致 Iris 信函。二月五日。手稿。有關咳嗽、看牙等事宜 (Note 2)

-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979,2,8。手稿。有關買了粵劇沙家濱的 cassettes、家裹和學校的信件賬單等事宜 (Note 2)


-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979/2/18。手稿。有關各人近況 (Note 2)

-Iris 致鐄信函。March 5, 1979。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關照片等事宜

-Iris 致鐄信函。March 17。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關給音樂系裡 Faculty & student 做了一個報告 "a Musicological Trip to China"。附後記 1 張

-鐄致 Iris 信函。1929/2/26。手稿。有關錄音機、涮羊肉等事宜 (Note 2)

-Letter from RCP to Rob. March 21, 1979. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). Sending back the Non-resident Status form and informing the ch'in lessons

-Letter from Rob to Rulan C. Pian. 4 January 1979. Typescript, signed. Life in Durham (Note 2)

-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979/3/14。手稿。有關中國代表團到 M.I.T 參觀 (Note 2)

-Iris 致鐄信函。March 28, 1979。手稿(碳紙副本)。有關替 Bell 代兩堂課

-鐄致 Iris 信函。1979/2/24。手稿。有關 Income Tax return (Note 2)

-朱紅、金奇致四嫂信函。79.3.14。手稿。有關孔雀膽的排演、東方歌舞團在港澳公演 (Note 2)


  • 1978-1979, undated

Language of Materials

In Chinese with some in English

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong