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Chung Chi / Other organizations related to music-Untitled folder, 1974-1979, 1982-1983, 1988, undated

 File — Box: 47, Folder: 26
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_47_Folder_26

 1) 音樂卷十三:中國音樂──歷史及理論。手稿4葉(影印本)(Note 2)

 2) 「中國器樂專論」學位考試。手稿1葉(影印本)(Note 2)

 3) 「民間音樂專論」學位考試。手稿1葉(影印本)(Note 2)

-The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Degree Examination, 1978. Typescript (photocopy). Cover sheet for the subject of music, includes:

 1) Paper no. 13: Chinese music history & theory(中國音樂:歷史及理論)(Note 2)

 2) Paper no. 15: Chinese music literature(中國音樂專論)(Note 2)

-Documents for the degree examination. The Chinese University of Hong Kong(香港中文大學)。Includes:

 1) A: Part I and Part II degree examinations. Procedures for setting question papers. 1977. Typescript (photocopy). “D323” (Note 2)

 2) B, includes:

  a) Regulations for the degree examination, 1978. Typescript (photocopy). “D335” (Note 2)

  b) 一九七八年學位考試規則。打字本(影印本)(Note 2)

 3) C: 學位試及格制度 = Pass system for degree examination. 打字本(影印本)(Note 2)

 4) D: Music Department, Chung Chi College. Degree examination scheme, 1976. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

 5) E: 一九七七年學位考試。科目:音樂。包括:

  a) 卷號:十三(中國音樂:歷史及理論)。手稿2葉(影印本)。考試卷。時間:三小時 (Note 2)

  b) 卷號:十五(中國音樂專論)。手稿2葉(影印本)。考試卷。時間:三小時 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to David Gwilt. Jan. 23, 1977. Typescript (carbon copy). On replying the letter of Nov. 3rd and give some comments on Cheung (Note 1)

-Letter from W.L. Cheung to Rulan Chao Pian. 18th February, 1978. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On forwarding the draft question papers (Paper 13 &15) for recommendation (Note 2)

-Aerogram from Choh-Ming Li to Iris. October 7, 1975. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On thanking for the suggestions make to the Music Department (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to W.L. Cheung. March 6, 1978. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On returning and give approval to the exam question papers #13 and 15 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to John C. Pelzel. Nov. 10, 1975. Typescript (carbon copy). On the proposal outline for the Coordinate Research Program for the year 1976-77. With duplicate copies (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Ivan Hall. Nov. 10, 1975. Typescript (carbon copy). On giving some background information on the candidate of Cheung Sai-bung for H-Y Coordinate Research Program (Note 1)

-Memo from Iris to Glen. Oct 24/75. Typescript (carbon copy)

-中國音樂:過去、現在及將來研討會= Chinese music : past, present, & future。香港中文大學。崇基學院音樂系主辦。一九七一年十月五日、六日、七日。香港大會堂。排印本。慶祝崇基學院創校二十週年紀念。節目場刊 (Note 2)

-1975 臻社畢業感言文選。打字本(油印)(Note 2)

-Brief information for new members of staff. The Registry, Chung Chi College. The University of Hong Kong. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Working Party on Educational Policy and University structure. 7th October, 1974 (Note 2). Attachments include:

 1) Memo from Working Party on Educational Policy and University Structure to members of the University Community (Note 2)

 2) Preliminary report. Serial no. 1. October 1974 (Note 2)

 3) Appendix I: A possible pattern of allocation of departments (Note 2)

 4) Appendix 1A: Departments mentioned in appendix I in terms of teachers and students (all figures as at September 1974) (Note 2)

 5) Appendix II: A departmentally based college system. A proposal to the Working Party on Educational Policy and University structure (Note 2)

 6) Appendix III: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Faculty of Science. Report of the task force on University structure. 27 August, 1974 (Note 2)

 7) 1 blank sheet


-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Christina. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On preparation works for the Fall courses in Chung Chi

-Aerogram from David to Rulan Chao Pian. 3 November, 1976. Typescript, signed. On requesting comments on Tong’s future with the Music Department, Chi Chung College and the promotion to a full lectureship for Cheung (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Dinner invitation card from C.T. Yung to Rulan chap Pian on February 8, 1975 (Note 2)

-Chinese zither recital = 古琴。By Cheung Sai-bung(張世彬)。Typescript (photocopy). Program leaflet. May 5 at Common Room. With duplicate copies (Note 2)

-Aerogram from S.H. So to Rulan Chao Pian. 19th January, 1978. Typescript, signed. On thanking for the letter dated January 6, 1978 and consent to serve as External Examiner in Music (Chinese Music) in 1978 degree Examination (Note 2)

-致張先生信函。手稿1葉。關於轉到哈佛作 Visiting Scholar 事宜 (Note 2)

-世彬致卞太太郵簡。1975. 8. 20. 手稿1葉。關於申請到哈佛作 Visiting Scholar 的 TOEFL 測試及推薦事宜 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from John C. Pelzel to Rulan Chao Pian. May 20, 1975. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On the Coordinate grant for Cheung (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to John C. Pelsel. May 28, 1975. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On replying the letter dated May 20, 1975. With duplicate copy (Note 1)

-Letter from John C. Pelzel to Rulan Pian. August 5, 1975. Typescript, signed. On informing that the Institute unable to make any grant for Cheung of Chung Chi College (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to C.M. Li. Aug. 8, 1975. Typescript (carbon copy). On proposing to send Cheung to Hawaii first and then to Harvard the second year (Note 1)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to David Gwilt. Aug. 8, 1975. Typescript (carbon copy). On proposing to send Cheung to Hawaii first and then to Harvard the second year (Note 1)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to C.T. Yung. Aug. 8, 1975. Typescript (carbon copy). On proposing to send Cheung to Hawaii first and then to Harvard the second year (Note 1)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to John C. Pelzel. May 15, 1975. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On proposing a project under the Coordinate Research Porgram. Attached with the project outline (Note 2)

-Letter from John C. Pelzel to Rulan Chao Pian. December 1, 1975. Typescript, signed. On the grant application for Cheung under the Coordinate Research Porgram. With duplicate copy (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-張世彬致卞太太郵簡。十一月廿五日。關於到哈佛的研究計畫 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Robert Rayne. December 2, 1975. Typescript (carbon copy). On the decision making on the candidates in the Coordinate Research Program

-Letter from Kate Field to Sai-bung Cheung. January 9, 1976. Typescript (carbon copy). On the matter of TOEFL test (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Kate Field to Sai-bung Cheung. January 26, 1976. Typescript (carbon copy). On sending the money order for the cost of taking the TOEFL test (Note 2)

-Letter from Kate Field to Sai-bung Cheung. January 27, 1976. Typescript (carbon copy). On the money order sent before for the TOEFL test (Note 2)

-Memo from Kate to Iris. 1 sheet. Holograph (13 x 8 cm) (Note 2)

-S.B. Cheung 致卞太太郵簡。一月十二日。手稿1張。關於行李裝運費及崇基音樂系十週年紀念,中樂部份的節目:太古遺音的安排 (Note 2)

-Letter from Sai-bung Cheung to Field. July 21, 1976. 1 sheet. Holograph (photocopy). On informing the travel schedule from Los Angeles to Boston (Note 2)

-Memo from Kate Field to Craig. 4/1/76. Typescript. On Cheung Sai Bung, Coordinate Research Candidate with Pian (Note 2). Attachment includes:

 1) Test result (Cheung Sai Bung). Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-張世彬致卞太太郵簡。六月十一日。手稿1張。關於卞太太離港時的行李裝箱搬運費及通知將於七月底八月初到波士頓 (Note 2)


-Aerogram from R.N. Rayne to Rulan Chao Pian. May 11, 1976. Typescript, signed. On informing that the fellowship for S.B. Cheung is approved (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to R.N. Rayne. May 27, 1976. Typescript (carbon copy). On replying the letter dated May 11, 1976

-Letter from Patrick K.C. Yiu to Rulan Chao Pian. January 21, 1977. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On requesting a recommendation letter for Cheung Sai Bung about the application of the teaching position in Music at Chung Chi College (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan C. Pian to Patrick K.C. January 26, 1977. Typescript (photocopy). Recommendation letter for Mr. Cheung Sai Bung (Note 1)

-Poster of Cultural Service Division, U.S.D. 市政事務署、文化工作科設計。Attached with a note memo (8 x 13 cm). With duplicate copies (Note 2)

-Letter from Y.B. Leung to Rulan Chao Pian. 16th March, 1982. Typescript (photocopy). On Degree examination, 1982. Subject: Music (Chinese music) (Note 2)

-A recital of Chin music demonstrating various kind of realization. By Cheung Sai-bung. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Shown on May 5, 1977. Program leaflet. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Graduate School brochure, 1975-1976 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Sergeant Arthur Quelle. Jan. 13, 1977. Typescript (carbon copy). On expressing the regrets for the incident involving Cheung Sai-bung at Logan Airport on Jan 1st

-Letter from David to R.C. Pian. 18 August, 1975. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On the matter of S.B. Cheung and the musical archives (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Memo from Dale Craig to Iris Pian. 1st April, 1975. 1 sheet. Holograph. On requesting the lecture slides (Note 2)

-Memo from Tong to Pian. 15 March, 1975. 1 sheet. Holograph. On sending the notes for the talks on Peking Opera (Note 2)

-Minutes of the 14th meeting. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Board of studies in music. Typescript, signed (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to C.T. Yung. April 9, 1975. Typescript (carbon copy). On planning to stop teaching in Chung Chi College and stay up to the end of May

-Christina 致 Pian 便箋。手稿1張。關於沖洒教職員相片事宜 (Note 2)

-教育方針與大學組織工作小組致各位教師及行政人員信函。一九七五年五月卌一日。打字本(影印本)。關於請求把「大學改革意調查表」寄回 (Note 2)

-1 empty envelope addressed to Y.B. Leung (Faculty Board of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) (Note 2)

-Thank you note from Kate to Rulan. 1 sheet. Holograph (Note 2)

-中大簡訊 = Chinese University newsletter. 第44期(一九七五年三月一日)。打字本(影印本)(Note 2)

-Letter from Harrison to Rulan. Tuesday noon. 1 sheet. Holograph. On informing to miss the Cantonese Opera lecture today (Note 2)

-Letter from David Gwilt to Pian. 7 April 1975. 1 sheet. Holograph. On requesting a confidential report about the Chinese music teaching in Chung Chi College (Note 1) (Note 2)

-張世彬致如蘭信函。7/5/75。手稿1葉。關於為兩名在崇基副修中國音樂的學生,作往後的學習安排。With duplicate copies (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan to Dale Craig. Sunday. 1 sheet. Holograph (carbon copy). On the lecture without the projector

-Memo from R.C. Pian to Christine. 1 sheet. Holograph (carbon copy). On informing that Ivan Hall may come to visit on Tuesday and ask to help him leaving a message

-Letter from A. Keith Anderson to Kan. 5th February, 1975. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On requesting a library card for Rulan Chao Pian (Note 2)

-回條(空白):大學校長招待同仁之茶會。一九七四年 (Note 2)

-Memo from Harrison Ryker to Music Department Faculty. February 6, 1975. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-莫兪靄敏致卞趙如蘭信函。一九七四年十一月十四日。打字本。關於大學(香港中文大學)校長定於十二月二、五、六日與教職員茶敍 (Note 2)

-Chung Chi College. Office telephone extensions. September, 1974. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Chung Chi College. Residential telephone numbers & extensions. September, 1974. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Map of Chinese University of Hong Kong. Master development plan (Note 2)

-Letter from C.T. Yung to Rulan Chao Pian. September 25, 1974. On replying the letter of September 12 about the public lecture and the expenses. “Ref. P677-74” (Note 2)

-香港中文大學崇基學院音樂系概況 = Information about the Music Department of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Note 2)

-Letter from RC Pian to Joseph. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On giving comments on his undergraduate paper (Note 1)

-Letter from T.S. Foo to Rulan Chao Pian. April 12, 1975. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On informing that the President has given his consent for Pian to make a trip to Bangkok on behalf of the Harvard-Yenching Institute to serve as a consultant on the Chinese Language Programme at Thammasat University from April 21 to May 2, 1975 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to C.T Yung. March 1, 1975. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On enquiring the matter of receiving monthly allowance

-Memo from Dale to Pian. 20-2-75. 1 sheet. Holography. On discussing the organization of the Chinese music archives (Note 2)

-Letter from C.T. Yung to Rulan Chao Pian. December 18, 1974. Typescript (photocopy), signed. On replying the letter dated 15th about the application documents to Hong Kong Immigration Department (Note 2)

-Minutes of the 13th meeting. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Board of studies in music. [Prepared by] Philip Cavanaugh. 16th December, 1974. Typescript, signed (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Memo from Tong to Pian. Thursday. 1 sheet. Holograph (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Dale Graig. May 18, 1975. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On the matter of publishing the lectures

-Letter from Tong to Pian. Typescript (photocopy). On thanks for attending the concert and ask for the comments (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to K.K. Yu. April 21, 1975. On informing the business trip to Bangkok and give permission to Bell Yung to stay at her apartment sometimes

-Message from Yu to Pian. 8. 5. 75. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. Telephone call memo (Music Department) (Note 2)

-Memo to C.T. Yung. May 9, 1975. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten notes. On the extension of visa (Note 2)

-Memo from Robert Rayne to Rulan chao Pian. 11/5/75. 1 sheet. Holograph. On inviting to have a lunch (Note 2)

-Circular from Amy Mok(莫俞靄敏)。The Chinese University of Hong Kong(香港中文大學)。May 2, 1675. Typescript (photocopy). On Royal (Duke of Edinburgh = 菲臘親王愛丁堡公爵) visit to the University on May 6 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan to Dale. April 20. Typescript, signed (carbon copy). On informing to have a business trip to Bangkok

-The Chinese music archives: annual report for 1974-1975. By Dale A. Craig, Director. Typescript (photocopy). “for the Chung Chi Bulletin” (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Josie. May 13, 1975. 1 sheet. Holograph. On giving comments on her paper (Note 1)

-Memo from the class of 1975(臻社職員)to 卞趙如蘭。9th April 1975. Typescript (photocopy). On inviting to attend the graduation assembly on 18th, April (Friday) (Note 2)

-Memo from Y.B. Leung to all category C members within the Faculty of Arts. 10th April, 1975. Typescript (photocopy). On the nomination of a faculty member to serve on the Staff Review Committee. Attached with the reply slip and the list of category C members of the constituent Boards of Studies/Committee (Note 2)

-崇基校刊中文編輯致卞趙如蘭信函。一九七五年四月十三日。手稿1葉。關於崇基校刊(第五十八期)擬刊載教授於四月十一日之演講辭:「生活中的音樂」 (Note 2)

-Agenda for the 14th meeting. David Gwilt. 27th February, 1975. Board of Studies in Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Typescript, signed (photocopy) (Note 2)

-East-West Center. Professional development. Information form. Filled by Cheung Sai-bung. June 7, 1975. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On proposing an archives management project during Sep 1, 1975-Feb 28, 76 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Myra Moonyaratavej to Pian. June 4th, 1975. Typescript (photocopy). On requesting to have a music class visit. With handwritten notes (photocopy) from Rulan to David (Note 2)

-Letter from Sai-bung Cheung to Gwilt. June 7, 1975. On the plan for the coming two years (Note 2)

-李海致趙先生信函。1975年6月6日。手稿1葉。關於查詢漢字的音、義、通的概念,並談及漢字改革和電腦化的工作 (Note 2)

-East-West Culture Learning Institute. Cultural Centers Program 1975-1976. Typescript (photocopy). Program introductory leaflet (Note 2)

-Biography. Malaival Boonyaratavej (1932-). Typescript (photocopy). Introductory leaflet (Note 2)

-Official receipt from The Chinese University of Hong Kong to Rulan Chao Pian. 27/6/75. Typescript (carbon copy). On the utilities charges at CCC Qtrs. Flat E-32. “No: 1055/675” (Note 2)

-Letter from C.T. Yung to To D.A. Craig. June 2, 1975. Typescript (photocopy), signed with handwritten notes. On consulting the future of the Chinese music in the college (Note 2)

-Letter from Dale A. Craig. 18-2-75. Typescript (photocopy). On replying to comments by members of the Faculty Board of Arts concerning the proposal for a graduate programme in ethnomusicology (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Suggested courses. August 27, 1974. Typescript (photocopy)

-Letter from Choh-Ming Li to Rulan Chao Pian. July 12, 1975. On thanking for the letter dated July 4 about the comments and suggestions for the Music Department (Note 2)

-聯合學生報。200175。第五版至第十二版 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to R.N. Rayne. October 7, 1975. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the plan of bringing Cheung Sai Bung to Harward in 1976-77. With duplicate copy (without signature in carbon copy) (Note 1)

-Letter from Robert Rayne to Rulan Chao Pian. October 3, 1975. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On Cheung Sai Bung’s trip to Harvard in 1976-77 (Note 2)

-張世彬致卞太太郵簡。十月二日。手稿1張。關於申請到 Harvard 作 Visiting Scholar 事宜及工作近況 (Note 2)

-世彬致卞太太郵簡。九月五日。手稿1張。關於申請 Coordinate Research Program 及報考 TOEFL test 事宜 (Note 2)

-趙如蘭致張先生信函。十月十三日。手稿1葉(影印本)。關於回覆其申請 Coordinate Research Program 及報考 TOEFL test 事宜

-1 sheet of blank paper

-Outline (draft) of some music courses. 4 sheets. Holograph

-A series of lectures on aspects of Chinese music, narrative songs and drama. Typescript with handwritten notes in Chinese (carbon copy)

-Chinese zither recital. By Cheung Sai-bung ; introduced by Rulan C. Pian. Typescript (photocopy). Program leaflet (Note 2)

-Job recruitment. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 21 Dec 1979. Typescript (photocopy) with handwritten marking (Note 2)

-Letter from Y.B. Leung to Rulan Chao Pian. 16th March, 1983. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On the degree examination, 1983. Subject: Music (Chinese music) (Note 2)



  • 1974-1979, 1982-1983, 1988, undated

Language of Materials

Chiefly in English

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong