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No separator-105 Finals, 1965, 1967, 1969-1971, 1973, 1977-1978, 1980-1982, 1984-1989, undated

 File — Box: 36, Folder: 16
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_36_Folder_16

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 27, 1965. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Question paper with Answer to Part I Dictation. Enclosed by a folded sheet of 1965. Holograph (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105 Placement Examination. Sept. 1967. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Enclosed by a folded sheet. 1967. Holograph (Note 2)

-105a Question Paper. 1969. Typescript with handwritten notes (mimeographed). Enclosed by a folded sheet. 1969. Holograph (Note 2)

-Final Examination Chinese 105a Harvard University. Feb. 1, 1971. 8 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (mimeographed). Enclosed by a folded sheet. 1971. Holograph (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105b Final Examination. May 27, 1973. Typescript with handwritten notes (mimeographed). Enclosed by a folded sheet. 1973. Holograph (Note 2)

-Final Examination. Includes:
 1) 1977. 1 sheet. Holograph (Note 2)
 2) Harvard University Chinese 105b Final Examination. May 31, 1977. 6 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). With duplicate copy (Note 2)
 3) Part I Dictation and Translation -- Text. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy) (Note 2)
 4) English sentences for Question IV. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy) (Note 2)
 5) 從佃農的觀點看生產關係。手稿 1 張(影印本) (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. 1978. Holograph. Includes:
 1) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 23, 1978. 1 sheet. Typescript (Note 2)
 2) 思想的改造。手稿 1 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 3) 第十七課。我參加了革命(原題:參加土改的收穫)。馮友蘭。排印本 2 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 4) 第十課。我們走那條路。胡適。排印本 3 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 5) 魯迅先生寫吶喊。手稿(影印本) (Note 2)
 6) 削減稅率激勵生產挹注稅收以利建設。手稿(影印本) (Note 2)
 7) 回來雜記。朱自清。手稿(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 8) 筆記 15 點。手稿 1 張 (Note 2)
 9) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 23, 1978. 4 sheets. Photocopy. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan.15, 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes. Enclosed by a folded sheet. 1980. Holograph (Note 2)

-Chinese 105a Final Examination. Includes:
 1) 1981 (nishumora). 1 sheet. Holograph (Note 2)
 2) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 21, 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes. (Note 2)
 3) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 21, 1981. 6 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 20, 1982. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Enclosed by a folded sheet. 1982. Holograph. With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan 26, 1984. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Enclosed by folded sheet. 1984. Holograph (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Includes:
 1) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan 23, 1985. 1 sheet. Typescript (Note 2)
 2) Answer key to IV. 1 sheet. Typescript with handwritten notes (Note 2)
 3) Translation from Dictated Sentences. 1 sheet. Typescript (Note 2)
 4) 革命。排印本 1 張(影印本) (Note 2)
 5) 美國大學生。手稿 2 張(影印本) (Note 2)
 6) Question paper part IV. 4 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (Note 2)
 7) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan 23,1985. 11 sheets. Photocopy. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. 1986. Holograph. Includes:
 1) Harvard University Final Examination Chinese 105a. Jan. 15,1986. 6 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (Note 2)
 2) Harvard University Final Examination Chinese 105a. Jan. 15,1986. 6 sheets. Photocopy. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
 3) Harvard University Final Examination Chinese 105a. Jan. 15,1986. 6 sheets. Photocopy. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. Answer to Dictation Take one. 1987. Holograph. Includes:
 1) Translation from Dictated sentences (Answer sheet)。手稿 1 張(影印本) (Note 2)
 2) Answer to Dictation question。手稿 1 張(影印本) (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. N.D. 野玫瑰 passage in Pron. Holograph. Includes:
 1) 句子15條。手稿 1 張
 2) 兩黨分野逐漸模糊。手稿 1 張(影印本)
 3) 第十七課。我參加了革命(原題:參加土改的收穫)。馮友蘭。排印本 2 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 4) Exercise on 8 Sentences. Typescript with handwritten notes (mimeographed)
 5) Harvard University Chines 105a Final Examination. Jan. 21, 1970. Typescript with handwritten notes (mimeographed) (Note 2)
 6) Translation from prepared texts。手稿 2 張
 7) Dihi Muh. 3 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). With handwritten notes
-Materials enclosed by a folded sheet. 1987. Holograph. Includes:
 1) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 22, 1987. 8 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy) (Note 2)
 2) Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 22, 1987. 7 sheets. Typescript. Attached a sheet of answer to dictation question with handwritten notes (Note 2)
 3) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. 8 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy)Attached a sheet of answer to dictation question (Note 2)
 4) Section II. B. 1 sheet. Holograph (Note 2)
 5) 羅斯福的新政。手稿 1 張(影印本)。有複本 (Note 2)
 6) 現代華文讀本。排印本 1 張(影印本)。有複本 (Note 2)
 7) 背影。朱自清。手稿 3 張。有複本 (Note 2)
 8) Answer to Dictation question。手稿 1 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 9) Answer to Dictation question。手稿 1 張(影印本) (Note 2)
 10) Dictation Exercise。手稿 1 張(影印本) (Note 2)
 11) Translation from Dictated Sentences。手稿 1 張(影印本)。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 12) Translation from Dictated Sentences。手稿 1 張(影印本) (Note 2)
 13) Answer to Dictation Section。Jan 17, 1986。手稿 1 張(影印本)。Final Exam Chinese 105a (Note 2)
 14) English sentences for Question IV. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). With handwritten notes (Note 2)
 15) II. B. 。手稿 1 張。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)
 16) Vocabulary for the sight passage. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy) (Note 2)
 17) Vocabulary for the sight passage. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). From the article "What Road Should We Take?" by Hu Shih[胡適](Note 2)
 18) 為何結婚。漢客。剪報 1 張(影印本)。《中央日報》中華民國六十六年七月十八日 (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 20 1988. 9 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 20 1988. 11 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Includes: Answer to Dictation Part I Final Exam. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 20 1988. 10 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). With duplicate copy (Note 2)

-Answer to Dictation Part I of Final Exam。Jan 1988。手稿 1 張 (Note 2)

-Answer to Dictation Part I Final Exam。Jan 1988。手稿 1 張。有複本 (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan.22,1987. 1 sheet. Typescript (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Connie Christo. Sept 15,1987. Typescript, signed (photocopy). Informing the tapes will be used for Chinese 105a. With handwritten notes

-Potential Dictation。手稿 1 張

-Draft of 105a Exam. Jan 1989. 9 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes. Attached a yellow memo (Note 2)

-Materials enclosed by blank folded sheet. Includes:
 1) Answer to Dictation。Jan. 28, 1989。手稿 1 張 (Note 2)
 2) Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 28, 1989. 9 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Harvard University Chinese 105a Final Examination. Jan. 28, 1989. 10 sheets. Typescript with handwritten notes (photocopy). Includes: Answer to Dictation. With handwritten notes (Note 2)


  • 1965, 1967, 1969-1971, 1973, 1977-1978, 1980-1982, 1984-1989, undated

Language of Materials

English or Chinese

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong