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W-Untitled folder, 1991-1999, undated

 File — Box: 15, Folder: 95
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_1_Subseries_15_Folder_95
-Letter from editor to Biographee. 15 Feb 1999. Printout, signed. Biographee’s name has been recommended/selected for inclusion of his/her biographical-note and photograph in the forthcoming volume of “Asia/Pacific-Who’s Who” (Vol. II) (Note 2)

-Email from Rulan to Bonnie. 10/1/99. Printout. With handwritten reply. Subject: Greetings and goodbye

-Email from Bill to Iris. 99-10-02. Printout. Subj: academia sinica. On electing Cheng Chin-Chuan of the University of Illinois to membership in academic sinica (Note 2)

-吳京致如蘭信函。八月十八日。打印本。昐能號召海外同仁大力支持「公共事務研究中心」 (Note 2)

-吳學昭致趙如蘭信函。1999.1.22。手稿。邀請寫關於楊步偉的情況 (Note 2)

-卞趙如蘭致吳學昭信函。6/13/1999。打印本。有關要求,請吳學昭女士與二妹趙新那接洽 (Note 1)

-Marquis Who’s Who enhanced biography subscription form (Note 2)

-Letter from senior managing editor Fred Marks to Rulan Chao Pian. Printout (photocopy), signed. With handwritten notes (5/13/99). Invitation to purchase an Enhanced biography subscription (Note 2)

-Email from Bill to Iris. Printout. 99-01-30. About formatting the her paper (Note 2)

-Who’s Who in the ROC. Abbreviations used (Note 2)

-王俠飛致如蘭信函。7月8日。手稿。謝謝能到府上看到那麼多人和見識到如何整理那麼多書 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan to Hsia-fei. 6/3/98 or 6/4/98. Printout. Updates about her summer. With email from Hsia-fie to Ru-lang. 98-06-03. Printout. Hsia-fei would like to attend the next cccs performance (Note 1)

-Chinese Ritual Music. Percussion notation. For percussion/small gongs, large gong, large drum(s). With handwritten notes: “credit: Harvard music library – Archival World Music.” Notes at the back: “Transcribed by Betsy Warren-Davis” She personally brought to me 3/12/98.” (Note 2)

-武漢市人民政府僑務辦公室、武漢市歸國華僑聯合會、武漢市海外交流協會致卞學鐄信函。一九九七年十一月二十五日。打印本。歡迎前來武漢 (Note 2)

-武漢市人民政府僑務辦公室、武漢市歸國華僑聯合會、武漢市海外交流協會致趙如蘭信函。一九九七年十一月二十五日。打印本。歡迎前來武漢 (Note 2)

-Marquis Who’s Who. Original invoice. 09/23/97 (Note 2)

-Marquis Who’s Who. Duplicate invoice. 09/23/97 (Note 2)

-LUMENH 致 THHPIAN 信函。97-05-04。打印本。Subj: 王元化吃了豹子膽 (Note 2)

-Notice from Neil L. Rudenstine. April 22, 1997. On the death of George Wald (Note 2)

-Facsimile from Stephen S. Wang to Pian. April 24, 1997. Printout (facsimile), signed. Feeling fortunate to attend the talk for the Richard B. Mather Lectureship (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Wang. April 28, 1997. Printout, signed. About bills for the trip to Minneapolis

-Letter from senior managing editor Fred Marks to Rulan Chao Pian. Printout (photocopy), signed. With handwritten notes. Invitation to purchase an Enhanced biography subscription (Note 2)

-吳犇致趙教授信函。97.2.11。手稿。有關薛藝兵想到美國訪問 (Note 2)

-Iris 致秋桂信函。傳真於 1/23/97。打印本。請求打聽有關一位王老先生 (Note 1)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Cowdery. Oct. 27, 1996. With handwritten notes. Review to Ben Wu’s article “Representation of Tibetan Music, West and East”

-Letter from Jim Cowdery to Rulan Chao Pian. 13 September 1996. Printout, signed. Invitation to review Ben Wu’s “Representation of Tibetan Music, West and East” (Note 2)

-王麗文致趙教授信函。傳真於 Sep-1-96。手稿(傳真本)。請趙教授為她的演唱會寫幾句話。附上節目單上要寫的短文 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-蕭梅、趙老師、卞老師、四姨信函。24/8。手稿。有關波士頓之行的回想 (Note 2)

-趙如蘭致麗文信函。9/6/96。手稿。有關把短文翻譯。附譯文 “Some thoughts on my program tonight” (Note 1) (Note 2)

-吳犇致趙教授信函。7.16。手稿。有關發表有關宴樂與雅樂的研究 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Larry. Typescript, signed. With handwritten notes. Enquiry about Yu Siu Wah to see if he was in town

-吳犇致趙教授信函。5.10。手稿。有關學業及研究近況 (Note 2)

-Letter from Fred Marks to Rulan Chao Pian. Printout (copy), signed. On the inclusion of Rulan Chao Pian’s profile in Marquis Who’s Who in America and invitation for reservation of a copy of the publication (Note 2)

-Letter from Eugene to Iris. Jan. 5, 1995. Holograph, signed. About the publication of collected 寶卷. Attached a news on the ban of the publication of Pao chuan in China (Note 2)


 1) Notes from Iris to Wu. Jan 4, 1996. Holograph, signed. Comments on the purchase of the collection

 2) 沈潤清信函。1995年1月10日。打印本(影印本)。有關《中國寶卷總編》的出版及訂購 (Note 2)

 3) 《中國寶卷總編》目錄說明及目錄 (Note 2)

 4) 《中國寶卷總編》預訂單 (Note 2)

-Card from Ray e Christina Wu to Iris. July 12, 1995. Holograph, signed. On Lee Teng-hui’s speech which he made at Cornell on June 9, 1995 (Note 2)

-Research grants. It includes:

 1) Field research grants: proposal guidelines. The Center for Field Research at Earthwatch (Note 2)

 2) Research Proposal: Preliminary research on Hinayana Buddhist ritual music in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, China. Attached curriculum vitae of Wei Li and Yang Min-kang (Note 1) (Note 2)

 3) Letter from Catherine J. Schlager to Rulan Tian. 24 April 1995. Printout, signed. Invitation to review the proposal from Li Wei and Min Kang Yang enttitel, “Preliminary Research on Hinayana Buddhist ritual practice in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, China (Note 2)

 4) Letter from Catherine J. Schlager to Rulan Tian. 19 June 1995. Printout, signed. Not yet received her review of Li Wei’s proposal on Hinayana Buddhist ritual in China (Note 2)

 5) The center for field research. Proposal evaluation (Note 1)

 6) Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Schlager. June 29, 1995. Typescript (photocopy), signed. About the letters dated April 24 and June 19

-王浩先生千古。程步奎。手稿(影印本)。1995.5.16-21 (Note 2)

-Who’s Who in America 1996. Reservation form (Note 2)

-Who’s Who in America 1996. Pamphlet (Note 2)

-Letter from Sandra S. Barnes to Marquis Biographee. Typescript, signed. Invitation to proofread the sketch and reserving a copy (Note 2)

-Letter from Sylvia Weismiller to Rulan Chao Pian. October 25, 1994. Printout, signed. Recent update (Note 1) (Note 2)

-王伊同致學鐄、如蘭信函。9/12/94。手稿。有關近況,提及鄧嗣禹、楊聯陞、陳觀勝等康橋老友 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Sylvia Weismiller. Aug 11, 1994. Typescript (photocopy), signed. About prospective supervisor to study in ethnomusicology

-Letter from Sylvia Weismiller to Pian. July 5, 1994. Typescript, signed. Asking for more information about postgraduate degrees in ethnomusicology at Harvard University (Note 2)

-Special biographee pre-publication reservation. Who’s Who in America 1995 (Note 2)

-Center for the study of world religions. Harvard University. Director: Lawrence E. Sullivan. 1993–1994 Lecture and colloquia series: Enchanting powers: music in the world’s religions. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Letter from Iris to Bill. 7/17/92. Holograph (carbon copy), signed. Thank you for the paper that Bill read in Singapore and congratulating him on the nomination to 院士-ship

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Lawrence Witzleben. July 14, 1992. Typescript, signed. About Lydia, a two-week trip of pomp, and circumstances for the meeting of Academia Sinica in Taiwan

-Slip of Federal express to 石守謙. 052692. Customer copy (Note 2)

-Correspond with 石守謙 about Wang Ing Fen. It includes:

 1) 石守謙致如蘭信函。六月二十九日。手稿(傳真本)。有手寫筆記。感謝給王櫻芬論文的評審及請將正本寄回研究所 (Note 2)

 2) 趙如蘭致石教授信函。7/14/92。手稿(傳真本)。有關評審表

 3) 專科以上學校副教授著作審查意見表。王櫻芬博士。有複本(附簽名,有手寫筆記)(Note 1) (Note 2)

 4) 石守謙致如蘭信函。五月二十六日。手稿。有關審查王櫻芬之著作的細則 (Note 2)

-哈佛大學東亞系、波士頓學院的中國交流會、及劍橋大學新語社合辦的一個討論會的介紹。主題是 “文化中國的內涵與展望” (Note 2)

-趙如蘭致小王的傳真。2/13/93。手稿(傳真本)。有關打給趙新那的傳真號碼 (Note 1)

-Thank you for the gift of $25.00 to WGBH. Recorded on March 22, 1993 (Note 2)

-Your WGBH member card savings (Note 2)

-The stagnant pool. K.M.M. Adshead. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-魏廷格致趙如蘭賀卡。1991.12.11。手稿。有關刊於黃鐘的 “不同的不同” 與 “不及的不同” 一篇短文是趙元任對中西關係問題的精辟概括 (Note 2)

-Map of Weston and contact of 杜家洽、萬三。附致趙教授短訊 (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Iris to Ray Wu. Oct 19, 1993. Typescript (photocopy), signed. Returning photos with some names identified, the article by Wen Ke-zheng on how present day Chinese voice training is adopting certain Western methods

-Letter from Ray Wu to Iris. Oct. 7, 1993. Holograph, signed. Sending her the article written by Wen Ke-zheng (溫可錚) (Note 2)

-Letter from 士元 to Iris. September 27, 1993. Typescript, signed. Recent updates and about the inaugural ceremony of the Center in honor of Chao (Note 2)

-茉莉花與歡樂頌。王申培。中央日報。Central Daily News. 世界華文作家周刊。第二十七期。中華民國八十二年十一月二日。王申培致卞趙教授,求指教 (Note 2)

-Marquis Who’s who announces the compilation of Who’s who in America 49th edition 1995 (Note 2)

-Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Foster. June 27, 1992. Typescript, signed. Reference for Melinda Wang (Note 1)

-Letter from Melinda Wang to Pian. June 12, 1992. Printout, signed. Request for writing a rec for her (Note 2)

-To writers of letters of recommendation. Guidelines (Note 2)


  • 1991-1999, undated

Language of Materials

English or Chinese

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


1 file(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong