Planner/notebook/diary 101-125, 1995 - 2003
-Planner/notebook/diary 101, 1995, undated (barcode 004708137)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: 有用
人名;琴 conference;中國音樂年鑒,國樂院論文集;錄音製作;古琴,民族樂器製造;清華校歌;王元化;1995 十月上音;中樂樂曲;Herbermas enriches Weber’s modernization;Modern culture;Indian idea of Post colonialism;Instrumental rationality;Stella report on Yung’s book on 語言與音樂 and Bell Yung’s article; To do;昆曲與南北曲;Yung’s article Cantonese Opera;Christensen;Music and Theatre from Poliziano to Monteverdi;Qinpressions (Qin);Research ideas of 羅明輝,劉紅,明立國;基督教與道教音樂;Names;文學院欲邀請中午飲茶 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 102, 1996-07 - 1997-07 (barcode 004708036)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 1-84, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1996 July-
Label on cover: 1996 July - 1997 July
Self-adhesive tabs: To Do、unidentified tab title、untitled、信
Schedule and diary;To Do,小本,Multicultural Media (16);area code (18);meetings (19);contacts;birthdays (21);gift list (29);1997 Trip Schedule (32b);中國文化的區域性格 (34);劍橋新語 potentials (34);江青 (36);Korea scholars and musicians (36);medical,去 Lindy 家 (42);Pian schrift (47);Room reservation at Harvard (53);上海的人 according to 戴 in Oct, 1996 (55);四川成都 (56);Travel needs (57);Itinerary for Theodore H and Rulan C. Pian (69);schedules (70);溫秋菊 schedule,1997 schedule (71);To do (75);video of trip to China (Oct 16-23) Tape II (78);record of correspondence (80) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 103, 1996-09-13 - 1997-09-30 (barcode 004708093)
1 volume (leaves 1-36, 36.5, 37-79) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1996/9/13-1997/9/30
Seoul (2);北京 (3);Trips Sept 96-Sept 97(5);長沙 (9);張家界,沙市 (10);金陵刻經處 (12);廖丙惠講兩岸三地反思座談 based on 劉錦堂的畫 (14);SEM conference (14-15);Lei’s childhood pieces (17-18);Petrobelli talk on “2 masters of the Italian musical tradition” (19);Email form Nova to Big sister, 96-11-27, about Dai Penghai’s check (22);Hong Kong (27);龍達瑞,佛教,太虛法師,耶穌教 (30);Music from the Tang Court, H-Y Lib (40-41);Sau Cahn & Larry’s books (46);大 cathedral tour (49);Reading list for 新儒學 talks (53); 聲樂家協會出版的有關 Da 音樂兩本 Magazine 一個 CD (63) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 104, 1997-07 - 1998-04 (barcode 004708026)
1 volume (leaves 0-97, some blank) ; 19 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 小 thin 本 (1)、老本兒 July 97-98. Label on spine: 1
Self-adhesive tabs: To Do、信
Index (0);schedule (1-18);AAS 1998 meeting, ACMR meeting w. Sem (19);Bell Yung’s itinerary Aug 98-July 99 (21);Chinoperl meeting w. AAS (22);To go to Dr. Sham’s office (24);詞曲四論 (31);Korean friends (36);meetings (42);The Pian Clan (47);Bell schedule of 1998 (64);To Do’s, to get (monographs) (70);1997 SEM-AMS (71);1998 AAS-CHINOPERL (72);On 牙問題;schedule (77-78);亞洲金融風暴座談會 (79); 看新聞網址 (80);March 1998 AAS-Chinoperl meeting (81);Ma Books (82);學者背景 (83-84);1997 X’mas list (89);schedule (90);record of correspondence (94) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 105, 1997-10-01 - 1998-06-11 (barcode 004708067)
1 volume (leaves 1-100) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Hardbound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 1997/10/1-1998/6/11
David Johnson 講山西廟會 (2);Lockwood 講 Beethoven 耳聾時的心理 Beethoven’s Florestan in 1805-1814: The Transformation of a Operatic vision,紀念抗戰 60 週年演唱會 (3); 景海峰講 “20th Cent 中國思想”,佐舒拉講早期中國film (4);East meets West,饒韻華 Nancy Rao講梅蘭芳,Eric Lai 講周文仲的易經 (6);YRC 年譜,慢長錘 (11);Chao 年譜 (12-13);Harvard China Review (17);Text tone tune article (18);Chinoperl meeting (26);Ivan Tcherepnin 的 memorial service (34);趙元任和史語所,“當趙元任的子女不是一件容易的事” ,許常惠著作審查意見表 (38);牡丹亭 (41-42);春節晚會紀念梅蘭芳周信芳百年 (42);上海崑劇團琵琶記、白蛇傳、西廂記 (46);CUHK 講題,MIT talk “The Music of YR Chao” (49);Sau Chan 的書,Witzleben 江南絲竹的書,曹本冶的蘇州彈詞書 (54);Sau Chan 的書,趙元任作曲的社會背景 (55);Conference (60);往香港 (64);華夏樂韻 (68);看紀念北京大學一百週年 Tape,有山上干干干,教我如何(80); 南京金陵刻經處 (92);劍橋新語 (93);CUHK 音樂家作品CD 香港作曲家室樂作品 (94);Record of correspondence (95-96) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 106, 1997 (barcode 004708046)
1 volume (unpaged) ; 16 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
Label on cover: 1997
Chinoperl March 13/97,觀音堂,北京皮影戲團;Yung Saising;奇王夢;P.O. version K. Lear: much use 南梆子回平調,14th cent. 布袋戲;Mark Bender;有興趣講中研院 at 新語;Wang Ying (Poetry);Iris’ schedule Saturday PM,Sat Panel on 詩、politics & wit;3/18/97 mid 80’s,青春記 mode Early 80’s;給秋菊的reprint;5/18 sanders;蘭陵王;5/19 波士頓儒學(康橋)討論會杜維明summary,馮友蘭,陳來,東亞儒學,林同崎,Liaw Biing Huey;有關趙元任及趙家的著作及自轉;While reading typed MS of Family of Chaos;SEM 1997 Oct;Ritual style (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 107, 1997 - 1998 (barcode 004708080)
1 volume (leaves 21-40, 42-118, mostly blank) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets inserted
Label on cover: To Do's plans 1997-98 Notebook (table). With address label
Self-adhesive tabs: To Do's, Index, To Do's
Email from Man-lung on Harvard Seminar in Confucian Studies (with handwritten notes),98-10-22,To Dos (21);Telephone call w. Bell (22);Dr. Lee Chae Suk (28);Index (40);溫秋菊 1997 Spring term 借過的書 note as of 8/24 (42);中研院 Review article nov. 1997 周代雅樂的流變(新加坡國立大學) (43);Translations of 樂記 (44);Walter Kaufman: Musical References in the Chinese Classics (46);Letter from Cheung, Hung-nin Samuel to Prof. Rulan Chao on a 1998 workshop titled “Chinese Linguistics in an Inter-Disciplinary Perspective” (with handwritten notes),November 7 1997 (48);Main plan is to survey Y.R. Chao’s musical settings of Chinese words, how & why (49);Classroom reservations,Letter from Rulan Chao Pian to Prof. Samuel Hun-nin Cheung on topic of speech (Musicology as a discipline),January 12, 1998 (49);Ideas on musicology and ethnomusicology for “Chinese Linguistics in an Inter-Disciplinary Perspective” by Chao Yuen Ren Center for Chinese Linguistics,email correspondence between Sam and Iris on the title of presentation,January 1998 (50);談音樂學 Reading materials (53);plan of ideas (54);昆曲 video notes (60-62);許常惠 book list (79);給了溫秋菊的 reprints (80);medical (81);有關 8/14 Discussion announcement (83);List of To Do’s (84);Mittler, Barbara. Dangerous tunes: the politics of Chinese music in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the People's Republic of China since 1949 (90-96) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 108, 1998-08-17 - 1999-12 (barcode 004708055)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 1-96, some blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on cover: 1998 Aug- 、小 thin 本 (2)
Label on spine: 2
Schedule of August 1998-January 2000 (3-20);Coolidge Hall Seminar (21);AAS meeting (22);1999 Bella’s Schedule (24);schedule 1999 May 31-Jan 2001 (24-29);在香港買的書 (33);Dates to remember (39);Gifts (44-45);香港知道的人 (45);Itinerary 1999 (47);Income (48);康(or 劍)橋新語,Lei’s schedule (50);record of correspondence (56);To do (68);1999 見到的 H-Y visiting scholars (71);schedule of 6/9-6/12 (81-82);To Dos (82);Long term “to do” (83);Chinoperl,ACMR (86);Chinese Music-Drama Reform,Chinoperl Business Meeting (88);每年 Chinoperl 和 ACMR Schedule (90);在昆明一同逛的第一晚一桌 (91);record of correspondence (93) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 109, 1998-11 - 1999-10 (barcode 004708103)
1 volume (leaves 1-6, 1-170) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 小 fat Book (1) Fall 1998 - to 1999 Oct 1
Self-adhesive tabs: To Do、日記
Index (1-3); 1998 年 11 月 2 日 RSYT 蔡錦昌中國古代的思考方式 (1);儒學研討 meeting in memory of Tillman Merritt (2);有關中國文學 (3-4);文學雜誌 (5);Jocelyn Clark talk (8);有關楊步偉的《雜記趙家》、趙元任的《語言學論文集》 (10-11);1998 Xmas gifts (14);Paper for Bill Wang,中研院 (15);新語 (27);儒學新方向 (28);Notes about Music Dept (30);Notes about music department and field (30-32);Books by Benny Tsao (34);5/28 新語高成淑 (37);5/29 第 26 屆中文學校聯合會 (38);中文教學、字典 (40);music and language courses (41);1999/May 10 儒學討論(42);東亞問題、大西洋月刊 (43);Bella’s plan (51);Diary (51);雜記趙家 (53);UCLA (56-57);韓少功 蔣子丹,天涯 magazine (78);紅色娘子軍、Tuo 衣舞、鄧小平 (79);May 4th (80-81);1943-45 ASTP,1947 哈佛遠東系,語言與發音 (85);articles read by 毛、周恩來 (87);Victor Chan Review (89-90);To Do as of May’ 99 (98);Xmas Card-list (99);To Dos (100);Radcliffe Biography for ’44 class book (101-103);香港 (104-109);李岩談中國音樂的將來 (107);長沙 (109-111);趙元任全集、語言論文集,商務 (110-111);北京 (111-113);商務 (112);南京 (113-114);講 Daedi (趙元任) 的作品 (114);香港 (114);article on Da (YR Chao) for 史語所 (116);authenticity (118);想到要做的事 (119);1998 vol. 58.2 (130);樣板戲 (132);Notes from Chinoperl (133-134);自由主義 (134);東方朔教授,道德的相對主義 ,孔子存在 (135);儒學討論會 (139-145);陳昭瑛,佛教(142);海華文藝季 (148);要 renew 的書 H-Y Lib (150);1996 Copenhagen conference,Sonq 王少堂,Dialect study,揚州 dialogue (151);To Do (152);No. of music dissertations ACMR vol 3.1 (155);To Do (Musical) (156);Chinese Music vol. 21 no. 4,The Worl of Music vol. 40 1998 1-3 (157);Visions of ethnic assimilation in Chinese cook books 1945-1970 (160);To Do list,To write (162);Erotic color prints of the Ming period, van Gulik (163);獻給父親的歌,with instrumentation and analysis (164-165);齊寶力高 馬頭琴獨奏 (166);Notes for presentations on Oct 1, 1999 (168-170) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 110, 1998, undated (barcode 004708128)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
Names and contacts;新加坡,孔化,華校;CCA slate;平湖秋月;research notes;劉新民 History of Soul;Luh Jye Story of chyan Liang,張顯亮 Ode to the tractor;Japanese ensembles;環保計劃在清華,清華北總教育基金會;人物,文革;Harvard-Yenching Institute;places (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 111, 1999-03 - 2001-09 (barcode 004708053)
1 volume (leaves 1-132, some blank) ; 18 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
To do (1);Write to (2.5);Future meetings (3);Investigate (4);Mail order business (5);儒學討論會 (1);日本人論 (2);Notes for 楊蔭瀏 project (10);Harvard Music Library: Works on Chinese Music Periodicals (11);Seeger Room (12-13);Vocabulary,儒家禮文化 (15);Jason Hwang Paper,1999 年 8 月 26 日中國人文討論會 Dinner at 常熟 (16);由趙元任音樂作品全集複印的 17 首歌曲 (20);中國律學史 (21);Grove China IV Theory,Harvard Seminar in Confucian Studies (22);儒學討論會,Confucian mov’t (23);先秦 疑古學派 (24);杜維明 presentation,宗教多源 (25);北美中樂團三位傑出團員中樂演奏會 (27);Total no. of Musical works from Sonq Dynasty Sources (28);itinerary,vaccine (31);1999 visiting scholars (32);朱踐耳 CD #1 古琴 (36);崑曲大全 Table of Content (38-42);年譜 Reading Notes (43-50);Possible Items for Yang-Chao Paper (51);Notes from 雜記趙家 (52-54);Cook book matters (54); Data on Y.R. Chao (55);Photo on Stage (56);趙元任作品 (57-58);Ancient Chinese Instr-Rainbow Harp (59);Yang-Chao Fund (Berkeley) (75);趙元任全集出版計劃 (79-80);Notes related to Musical Materials (81);Chao Books language (82);Biographical (83);Chao’s works (84);樂曲時間 (86);版權of total list of 全集 to be considered (87);科學雜誌將來給清華 (89);要跟 Nova 談的事 (90-91);2000年三月第 4 期月報所提出 “可能存在版權問題 (92-93);我留的Duplicate Books in Boxes as of July 1999 (101);plan for 20 min talk at 東吳大學,Chao trip to US (103);Outline, points of emphasis (104);方言調查 (105);通字 oral history notes summary,To Do related to 全集 (106);Nova’s to dos (107);Chinese Chorus Concert Nov. 12 (Sunday) 2000,concert related issues at Paine Hall (110);有關東吳大學 talk nov. 29-30,references (114);website (117);Nova’s letter 3/2/01 by email (118);Paine Hall Rental (199);List of books (121);1999 Index (131-132) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 112, 1999-06 - 1999-10 (barcode 004708077)
1 volume (leaves 1-96, mostly blank) ; 24 cm. Holograph. Hardbound
Label on cover: 6/12/99 to 10/11 only
要還的書 (5);Micic thesis (9-13);鳳陽花鼓的英文version,莫利,莫雲 (15);紅燈記、智取威虎山、珠簾寨歌詞翻譯,智取威虎山的故事 (16);智取威虎山 (17); To do (90); 入出 (91) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 113, 1999-10-13 - 1999-12-31 (barcode 004708060)
1 volume (leaves 1-198, some blank) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 小厚本 (2) 1999, Oct 13-Dec 31 plus and Daily notes, and notes of later days
Self-adhesive tabs: lecture notes, untitled
To do (5);回家以後的 To Do (6);到北京 (7);lecture notes-Samuel Martin (10);Heart smart foods (11);To do (13);plan for 1999 new year (14);questionable notes (15);Albasian music Macedonia (16);我要借的書 H-Y (18-20);Lectures May 2000 (22);中國古代十大名劇 章自福整理 (23);Trip notes (50);劉維俊 (51);紀念楊蔭瀏先生誕辰一百周年國際學術研討會正式邀請書 (52);金奇,Talk: what is ethno mus?,學鎮 (54);北京 nov. 8-12 開會 in mem. of 楊蔭瀏 (55);北京 nov. 14, 15 趙全集 meeting (55-56);快 to do (57);Chao 全集討論會到的人,Da’s translations, writing and edited work (61);scope of 全集,年譜took 8 yrs (by 商務) (62);有關趙元任的書 (62-63);在北京,趙語條 (64);給人蘇金智的書 (67);日記 cont. from p. 186 veeso (68);Xmas Card Priority List (70-72);Lensey’s letter on stir-fry (77);2000 schedules (78);趙元任年譜 list,蘇金智的趙元任學術思想評論 給人list (79);三包書,nova’s package (80);Books (80-84);The so-called 音樂自學叢書:音樂學卷 (82);Journal Miscellaneous Progress (84);現代青年與古典體詩詞 (85);有問題的人名 and 不常見的八名; References (86);Area code (99);gift received (105);日記,Hong Kong (130);長沙 (140);上海給了 card 的人 (144);圖書館early manuscript exhibition (145);南京,北京 (146);Books bought (149-151);Lecture notes (155);全集 meeting (161);photo list (165);1998 Thanksgiving (168);趙元任學術思想評論 (171);autobiog sketches (175);人間佛教 (177);民間宗教 (179);“現代意識與文明對話”中國文化年會紀念史華慈學術研討會開幕致詞 (180);schedule of event in November (181);Parties listed in big kitchen book (182);Book sent by 康普 (184);aid to 土人 in 台 (185);1999 new yrs,十香 (186);Reconstructing Xia civilization (189);record of correspondence (190) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 114, 1999, undated (barcode 004708132)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: RCPian
To Do;Who proposed it;Asian Music;陳俊斌;八音 for different purposes,台山;福建 transmigration; To do; Phone numbers and addresses; Lee Hye Ku Scholarship;Society for Asian Music (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 115, 2000-01 - 2002-05 (barcode 004708094)
1 volume (leaves 1-9, 9.5, 10-17, 17.5, 18-94) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 小 thin 本 (3)、2000.1.1-
Index (1); Schedule, Jan 2000 - May 2002 (2-27); 2000 April Itinerary (28-29); 來去信 (29-30); whereabouts of friends (33); Thanksgiving menu (71); Ted 老同事 (73); Itinerary of Bell (80); 梁雷 itinerary 2000 年 (84); To Do (85); Thanksgiving 2000 (86); Thanksgiving 2001 (87); 要買的東西 (88); 8/31 劍橋新語 (88); 8/21 at Trio Restaurant, Ted & I were guests along with these Japanese delegates all invited by Satya (90) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 116, 2000-03-06 - 2000-10-18 (barcode 004708113)
1 volume (leaves 1-131, 132.5, 133-198) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 小 fat Book (3)、2000 March 6 - to Oct 18
Self-adhesive tabs: 日記、人名 2nd List、日記、Schedule
Index (1-3); To do (5); Trip to Brodsky's in Malden (6); 日記 3/17 (8); Contacts (11-51); 日記 10/11/2000 - 10/19 (52-53); 10 人新院士 (55); 日記 3/7/2000 - 8/14 (61- 128); To do (129); AAS meeting (131); 7 am membership meeting (132.5); 17 首詞 songs not in 宋史 (134); 信出、信入 (140); 1998 Thanksgiving (143); 4/25 - 5/17 行程 (144); 人名等 (146-153); 記事 8/14 - 9/16 (155-165); 記事 4/30/2000 - 12/31/2000 (167-183); 日記 9/17 - 10/9 (185-191); 請簽大名 (192-196) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 117, 2000-10-19 - 2001-10-01 (barcode 004708049)
1 volume (leaves 1-200) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: Sheaa 4 10/19/00-
世界漢語教學學會顧問聘書 (7);Manuscript of 趙元任 (13);岸邊成雄新書 on 江户時代的琴士物語 (21);趙元任全集 (24);北島座談 (25);問商務版權問題 (25-27);Night before Xmas 2000 list (28);趙元任自傳 (34);商務 (36);劍橋新語 (39);清華校友會 (40);趙元任全集 (40);二人講 (42);佛光大辭典 (42);DH 寶選bibliography on Buddhist (43);Buddhism (44);敦煌變文,新詩歌集的“序”;autobiog info on RCP,美國及哈佛的教育範圍,core curriculum (53);Dept course (54);The Masterworks Chorale: A Choral Odyssey (59);Chinoperl Business Meeting (64);Yang Shiyi 的日記,James Gao (66);summary on nah (67);五月十三日的concert,商務的全集版權如何處理 ,講彝族的 ritual (69-70);許可 final recital at NEC (70-71);梁啟超 lecture,鄉土文學 (75);Grove dict entry (78);All to do about 全集,清華同學會 Sat 5/5 (80);來聽金湘音樂的人 (83);台灣出名人 (86);昨天在五月花定的菜 (91);雜記趙家 (93-94);新詩歌集,趙元任歌曲集 (94);趙元任全集封面 (96);給 Radcliffe Class News (97);works to read up on YR Chao’s scholarly works (106);To do ACMR 的 autobiography 2nd ½ (107);藝文苑 (109);教育文化基金會,思想交流of 中美文化 (110);胡適研究 (112);bibliography,list of publications (133-135);record of correspondence (140-142);new yr 請的客,dishes for Xmas 2000 and new years 2000 (145);全集 plans 花的時間 (148);record of emails (152);趙元任的 translation of autobiography of Chinese Women,全集,Sonq dynasty 書 (164);Sonq dynasty 書 (169);女性主義 (170);李羨林序與文章 (173);Musical technical terms from 新詩歌集序 (174);海韻的兩個 chords (175); 趙元任音樂作品全集目錄修改弄完 (177);葉海煙教授 8/31 講儒學道教研究 (178);周資平寫關於胡適和趙元任的關係 (183);葉海煙教授講齊物論的對話倫理 (184);To Do List (immediately) (185);雜記趙家 (187);印度音樂研究 (189);杜維明大講 The Whole History of Intellectual Control of Various Cultures (192);Master of Indian Music (194);To do as of summer of 2001 (196);Writings to be included in a volume (197) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 118, 2001-10 - 2002-08 (barcode 004708047)
1 volume (leaves 1-200) ; 15 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on cover: Oct 2001 - Aug 31, 2002
Self-adhesive tabs: 來去信、日記、notes & lists
Contacts (5-18);來去信 (19-20);gift & letters (23),大projects;To Do (24);To Do,2001 new yr plans (25);New years 1995-2001 請的人,To Do Jan 2002 (26);2001來去禮 (27);日記;MS of article on P.O. in Garland Encyclopedia of Music (30);宋代音樂序 (32);宋書 (34);商務合同 (35);Concert by Brian Silbler, Shubha Sankaran, and Peter Fagiola (37);Conference on music & the aesthetics of modernity (41);melodic quotation (44); 看 Peter Micic 的 paper 得的 main points (46);Thanksgiving 請客 (47);Dishes served (49);schedule,shopping (50);Bruno Nettl talk (52);Influence of Japanese vocabulary in modern Chinese (61);趙元任翻譯的Alice in Wonderland (66);商務的信 (75);歐陽哲生講胡適 (86-90);金陵刻經處的書,商務出趙元任的文章 (91);Y.R. Chao translation of Alice (92);胡適,Academic Sinica 24 屆院士選舉分組初步選票,劍橋新語 (97);Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies col 61.1 (June 2001) (101);concerts (110-111);劍橋新語 (115);趙元任的新詩歌集 (122-123);talk on Buddhism in Afghanistan,儒學現代問題 (127);儒學討論 (128);趙元任’s photo (133);胡適紀念堂,Daedi給胡適的信 (137);誰挑戰魯迅 (138);人文社會科學 (142);人文 section (144);李政凡,勞思光 (145);蔡瑞胸,管中閔 (146); 龔煌城,黃寬重 (147);王靖獻 (148);周龍 (159);台灣院士clippings (167);Thanksgiving plan 2001 (171-172);Bell suggested 的Lecture topics for HKU (172);張光直 (173);GBCCA 文協葷人中心 (176);孔孟對天德概念 (178);功利主義 (178);社會思想史,化約主義 (179);Academia Sinica (180);Prepared for discussion with Dr. Peter Xinping Zhou (181);Concert 的 Contract business,Eurage Center,Chinoperl,中大List (signed) Mus Dept (182);人名單上的,在AAS 看見的人(有名片),Chinoperl dinner 人在card 上簽名的 (183);80才生日gift (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 119, 2001 (barcode 004708086)
1 volume (leaves 1-30, mostly blank) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets inserted
On cover: 2001 Dec 2001 Xmas 2002 Xmas Cards
Thanks giving card from Rebecca,Nov. 2002; 2002 Jan prelim list; 2001 Christmas cards & gifts (1-7); 2002 December (8); 2001 年送禮來,我們要給的 (22); 在台灣照的像 (22.5); 2001 年 12 月 31 日餃子 party (23); 2000-2001 cards (30) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 120, 2001, undated (barcode 004708058)
1 volume (2 unnumbered leaves, leaves 1-94, mostly blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on cover: 有關全集 Journal
有關全集的書信及 journal;月報 notes ;Alice in Wonderland,Notes on Correction copy (3-6);音樂作品全集改處 (4-5);To do (individual works) mention in letter to 商務(8);Drawer 的東西 (10);學者的反應 (11);小本音樂 content (11);List of piece (by YRC);Journal (continued) from p. 1 (15);To do (25);重抄修改項目 (26);樂譜 (27-37);改正 (50);Contents in Music Folder “Originals” art songs children’s songs (61-62);about the 台灣商務 edition of 新詩歌集 (63)
-Planner/notebook/diary 121, 2002-01 - 2004-12
1 volume (leaves 1-92, 96) ; 19 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on cover: 2002
Index (1); planner, Jan 2002 - Feb 2004 (2-29); 來去信 (31); 2002 年幾個大 trip (32); my AAS membership (35); Phone numbers and addresses (36-70); Ted 吃的藥 (73); planner, January 2004 - Aug 2004 (75-84); To do (85);「每天八杯水」的飲用原則 (96) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 122, 2002-09-01 - 2003-03-18 (barcode 004708112)
1 volume (leaves 1-199) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Index (2-4); To do (5); 在北京要看的人 (6); 日記 9/1/2002 - 3/18/2003 (11-107); October itinerary (115); 請簽大名 (117-127); 2002 Thanksgiving 人名單 (128); Some names during discussion on my book (135); 黃寛重寄來有關 YRC 信件日期內容 (136); Chao articles on musical topics; Talk on 古琴 (138); 古琴文化 (139); 通訊電話地址 (150-179); 去信、來信 (180); 請簽大名 (182); Nova 要的 box 1 (196) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 123, 2002-2003, undated (barcode 004708087)
1 volume (leaves 1-150, mostly blank) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
Label on cover: 比較有系統的大綱
To Do (1);保存書的辦法 (3-4);On Pian’s book, Sonq Dynasty Musical Songs and their Interpretation, Letter from Bell Yung Summarize the Proposal given by Mr. Y.K. Fung, Manoyer, Editorial Division of the Chinese University Press (7/22/02) (5);Bancroft 的 Report,Microfilm and digitize (10);1928 新詩歌集歌注的英文字 (30);譜頭語 (31);英文字 in order of 新詩歌集 (也有些中文注) (33);Notes about Nova 2002 年6, 7, 8 月不出17, 9/8 去四川 (51);Some data on 小中 (55);reading notes (61);My list 越九歌 (62);問商務and/or 戴鵬海 on 附錄,似乎有兩種解說(中文) (70);有關中央研究院 and YR Chao materials, etc (101);有關趙元任的書目 (104-105);7/20/03 借給夏菁的十一件材料,有關趙元任 (106);回陳潔信 (110);梁雷 recomm 信 to Kelly (113) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 124, 2002-2003, 2005, undated (barcode 004708066)
1 volume (leaves 0, 00, 000, 1-94, mostly blank) ; 27 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: notes & schemes on Musical Topics
樂譜大小比較 (5);points to make or ask in going over new ed. of 第十一卷 (7);Ed page Zhao Yuan Ren Quan Ji (8);樂譜 (9);趙佳梓 draft letter to 陳浩 2002 Dec 3 寄了給我 (10);plan of points to make to 陳浩,常紹民&(柳風運) (11-12);From Bell Yung’s Celestial Airs of Antiquity (14);鄭德淵中國樂器學 chap 13 (18);趙元任音樂作品全集 notes (20-21);Chyn music and tuning (30);Eastern and Western elements in some early 20th cent Chinese Music (35);publication of two works on which Yuen Ren Caho and Buwei Yan Chao collaborated (38-40);有關趙元任翻譯阿麗思漫遊奇境記 (51-52)
-Planner/notebook/diary 125, 2003-03-13 - 2004-02-25 (barcode 004708102)
1 volume (leaves 1-200) ; 15 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Post-it note on cover: 2003 年 (Basically)
Gift (13);Nova schedule (20);Ted 點眼藥 (29);Record of correspondence (36-37);過冬菜單 2003 (40-41);3/27 Chinoperl session (54);Overtone Singing: Physics and Metaphysics of Harmonics in East and West,Mark C. van Tongeren (57);黃須昇,古琴 (67);The New Chinese Empire,Ross Terrill (69);Summary of Ted’s health condition recently (done on 5/16) (76-77);趙元任全集 (81);About the film “Pianist” (89);附錄說明上我想取消的字 (94); 想到捐錢的事 (99);Ted 吃的葯 as of 5/21/03 (101);nonprescription drugs and vitamins (102);常麗梅要翻卞趙如蘭的宋書 (103);DVD on 清華 (108);Free playing, solo, duet 琴簫 (111-112);discs in the back of 崑曲辭典 (118);note on 常麗梅 (120);一本書講章元善同華洋義振會 (124);漢唐樂府 recordings (126-127);list for tapes of Da music (135-136);Journal 地位 (137);南京大學 (140);自己的上半autobiography (142);The Journal Chinese Music (144);Karma Hinton 的 film show on 文革 (146);YT Li 講他的biography and political (153);期刊中國音樂 (155);清華的書,有關 Da (趙元任) (165);人名單 (170);Lei 有關音樂的 article (173);To get,To do (181);我們一桌在龍鳳酒家 (182); To Do (190);Repair (192) (Note 1)
- 1995 - 2003
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
25 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong