Planner/notebook/diary 76-100, 1990 - 1995
-Planner/notebook/diary 76, 1990-12 - 1991-01 (barcode 004708110)
1 volume (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 15 cm. Holograph. Paperback
Self-adhesive tabs: 送、收、HK
1990-91 送的 Xmas 禮;1990-91 Xmas 收的禮物;Name list (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 77, 1990-12 - 1991-10 (barcode 004708052)
1 volume (leaves 1-71, some blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: II 1991 Trip to China May 23 - July 10
Self-adhesive tabs: 帶東西、地址名單、references、To Do、信、日曆
Diary;Kathy Lowry;Musicology in China #1 (7);Bay Bank Interest for 1990 (8);要買的書 (9);Tapes brought to China in 1991 (11);schedule of May 1991 (12-13);周培源,吳宗濟,倡議書 (15);趙爭信 (16);P.Y.’s 4 points (17-19);錢乃榮信 (19);H.K. (21);去 Australia 要帶的東西 (22);Chorus Rehearsals (23);新語 potentials (28);SEM Chicago (29);盧光 (30);Social letters (40);送給洪維助的 Books (44),articles by RCP;Spitzer, John (50);record of correspondence (62);Letters to write (68);To do (69);Itinerary for Theodore and Rulan Pian (August 8 to September 1 1991) (69);schedule from July to December (69-71);二人 (72) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 78, 1990, undated (barcode 004708125)
1 volume (unpaged (incomplete), some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. No cover. With additional sheets pasted
Self-adhesive tabs: To Dos、日程、回家 to Do
七月來信的人;朱小棣的 video tape;行程;俗韻天聲 李杜濤;西南交大;To Do;在成都買的書;趙佳梓 東方音樂概況;Letters to write;ghana music;Aesthetics,book titles;Gong tzu,大鼓;Da (趙元任 Yuen Ren Chao) diary;中國旅遊畫報;Yang Gong service at Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston;Name of people and their specialization;Names of scholars;schedule (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 79, 1990, undated (barcode 004708135)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. No cover
Diary of 17th (日);中國、台灣學者、樂器演奏家;清華大學學者;Note and questions for research;香港大學音樂系;Who are the more verbal persons?;要給 Xmas Card 的;長沙的安排;音樂會的節目、樂器、及演奏者;Translation of presentations in Korea (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 80, 1991-01 - 1991-07-06 (barcode 004708054)
1 volume (leaves 1-71, some blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1991-I
1991 Jan,陳光政,有 plans for will;Music 185r 1991 (2);C-trust disinterested 人 (4);Search Committee (9);Tsao Proposal (10);Bell itinerary (14);Major 19th cent centres of Culture in US,acculturation (18);Itinerary 1990 (20);1991-92 course change (21);Jazz (28);To Do,private reading (41);ethnomusicologist (47);Kathy Lowry Itinerary (48);Bell (49);狂城都書店員的書 (57);南京鐵道醫學院 (62);ICTM Keynote speech,SERHK meeting (64);中國學堂樂歌 (65);Dora Chan’s Thesis (68);Itinerary (69);schedule (70) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 81, 1991-09 - 1992-08 (barcode 004708042)
1 volume (leaves 1-13上, 13下-34, 1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 35-50) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1991 Sept III
Self-adhesive tabs: 230r、100r、To Do、notes、X'Mas、198 Mus、日記
Schedule and diary;Doctoral colloquium, Spring 1992 (1);To Do (5);Long term to do (6);12 月7 日九州;Mandarin Primer (9);230r points to make (11);on recordings (12);要學生held responsible 的 extra Assignments (13下);Rita 四個人 (14);To Do (18);Dept meet (21);交大傳播科技研究所,藝術研究所,人文藝術學院 (23);Coordination Council for N. American Affaris (24);content of tapes (26);Xmas cards (27);Xmas 禮 (28);198 MUS (31);Christian thinking (37); 1991 thanksgiving (40) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 82, 1991 (barcode 004708039)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Hardbound
日記;中央文化部通過 “授予我上海音樂學院音樂研究所名譽研究員” (Jan 1);185 學生報告 (Jan 11);胡秀英在康橋新語 (Jan 25);EALC meeting (Feb 5);末代皇后 (Feb 16);Mandarin Primer (Feb 19);中國研究唱法問題 (Feb 21);Singing style talk (Feb 22);中研院 (Jul 13);MIT 2-190 choral rehearsal (Jul 19); 洪維助(Jul 22);鄭愁予講 “新詩和政治” (Sept 7);何為去世 (Sept 23);Emerson Majestic Theatre (Oct 29);羅旭去世 (Nov 2);管平湖 (Nov 5);Translation of “Tone Intonation” (Nov 10-11);講 Musical Elements in the Peking Opera (Nov 14);敦煌譜 (Nov 22);二人轉 analysis (Dec 19) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 83, 1991, undated (barcode 004708085)
1 volume (leaves 1-99, some blank) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets inserted
Label on cover: Reading notes
Index (1);1991 Comparative Musicology & Anthropology of Music 比較音樂學和音樂人類學 (1.5-4);Blum 歐洲音樂術語與非洲音樂 (5);Ethnomusicology: An Introduction, Norton-Grove Handbooks in Music, Ed. by Helen Meyers (6-43);List of publications on ethnomusicology and worlds of music (44);藏學研究,Tibet study (45);Worlds of Music (An Introduction to the Music of the World’s Peoples) (46);Reading notes from (Meyers) Ethnomusicology, cont. from p. 43 (47-48);Reading notes: 費師遜:關於民族音樂學的研究 in 民族音樂學論文選,1998,上海音樂出版社 ed. (50);武當山,湖北西北部 (51);琴,van Gulik (52-54);The issue of improvisation (55);Witzleben on 江南絲竹 (Strong in study of context of JNSJ) (61-62);Repeat reading, Ethnomusicology, Helen Meyer (70-71);The Ethnomusicology (Mantle Hood),1971 (73-74);Isabel Wang’s article, paper read in 1988 pub. W. other papers in book form 1991 (75);Alan Merriam: The anthropology of Music (76);Paper,outline of plan of paper,comparative musicology (79);Plan of paper,Title: The Ethnomusicological approach to Chinese Music Studies,ethnomusicology,with examples of 祭孔,Taoist music,Cantonese opera,Peking opera (80-83);Ethnomusicology is the study of music in context,political purpose,social purpose,economic purpose,cultural purpose (95-97);recent directions,interdisciplinary (98)
-Planner/notebook/diary 84, 1992-01 - 1992-09 (barcode 004708030)
1 volume (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 22 cm. Holograph. Hardbound
日記;清明上河圖,Silk Road Program (Jan 19);Return of the native ethnomusicology (Jan 21);Visiting professor at CU (Mar 11);丁貴文 concert (Mar 15);許常惠,捐錢 (Mar 20);ACMR talk (Mar 27);清華同學會 (Apr 18);concert (Jul 20);朱德熙去世 (Jul 25);劉夢溪 (Sept 7-8) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 85, 1992-02-22 - 1992-11-28 (barcode 004708073)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1992 Sept-Dec
Self-adhesive tabs: 中央大學、東方音樂
Hong Kong Week; 卞學鐄與趙如蘭 1992 年 9 月中至 12 月末之行程; ACMR 4/4/92 Wash D.C.; Ideas on 祭孔的實用; Annual Report 1991-92; 致大鵬信函; Bussler,Kuhn,Ehrey; 中央研究院 meeting 人名,筆記,有關民族所,Problems to discuss,語言資料中心,參觀各所 routine; MUS185r student presentation; 張光直,change of traditional division,facing 新史料; 王櫻芬; 日程; 中國音樂的研究 ideas; Class 及校外講題; Talk about Chao planning stage; 東方音樂學會第三屆學術討論會 11.28.1992; Van Gulik 戴曉蓮,李幼平; Reference to recommend for 230 filed; 992 Xi’an International Silk Road Music Symposium (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 86, 1992-03 - 1992-09 (barcode 004708051)
1 volume (leaves 1-51 (incomplete)) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1992 March - Sept 9/9
Self-adhesive tabs: Notes、人名、To Do、plans、日記、ABCDEF、references
學鐄致大鵬有關秋天回國一事的信函 (1992/5/25) (1);schedule of March 1992 – January 1993 (3-8);Talk: Debate over Singing Styles in Present day China (9);P.O. (10);Chinese chorus members (13);院士會議 (18);Deadlines (19);schedule of May and June,Bell itinerary (20);我們的plans,1992 summer (21);schedule (22);卞學鐄與趙如蘭 1992 年9 月中至12 月末之行程,Itinerary for Theodore and Rulan Pian September to December 1992;Itinerary for Nova and Peiyun,中華合唱團 1992 (24);日記 (26);April AAS-Chinoperl-ACMR (27);叚文杰 talk on Hsuan Tsang’s Trip to India (28);Mus Dept meet. (30);Mus grad stud. Meet (31);Larry Witzleben,Harrison Ryker (34);1991 年的情況,1992 年 (37);Nova 拿的書 (38) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 87, 1992-09 - 1998-12 (barcode 004708040)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves A-Z, A'-Z', A"-Z", A'''-P''', some blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 9/15/92-(12/23/93) May Omissions、Many Useful Lists
Self-adhesive tabs: memo、to do、certificate、信、pians、references
中國行程;日曆;日記;二人 (B);Talk on Function of rhythm (F);金陵刻經處 (M);北京 (L);北大講音樂學與民族音樂學,中央音樂學院 ,科學院研究生院講音樂作曲社會背景 (N);校友會 (Q);Talk on Social background of Chao’s Music (R);南京學術討論會 (S);香港 (T);北京航空航天大學 (D’);Gifts from other people (G’);Map of HKU (K’);Fun w words (L’);1992 Sept 16-Oct 29 class & public lectures (M’);我們給別人的,台灣人,紀念趙元任大會 (N’);語言學院,上海人名表 (O’);Hong Kong name list (P’);Promises, Promises (Q’);人名 “三字經”,Pittsburgh lecture series (R’);謝信,November trip to 大陸 commitments, actual talks given (V’);To Do (W’);學者與其研究 (Y’);Record of correspondence (H”);Plans,lecture seris at 台大 (L”);中央大學 schedule (M”);schedule from September to November,課堂主題 (N”-U”);西安交大人名表 (Y”-Z”);成都人名表 (A”’);買的Video tape (J”’);郵費 in 台灣,People in my class (K”’);台灣人名表,北京的人(M”’);西安人名表 (N”’);成都西南交大 (N”’) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 88, 1992 (barcode 004708123)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Self-adhesive tabs: Sept '92、To get
北京的旅程與聯絡;台大,藝術史研究所;在台灣的筆記與聯絡;translation;Diary on 1992 July trip to Taiwan;參觀活動;To Do;中央大學地圖 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 89, 1992-1999, undated (barcode 004708068)
1 volume (leaves 1-72, mostly blank) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on cover: 人名單 & Organizations, p. 40- ; Index p. 1 Reverse
Dil list of YRC Pub (5);“叫我如何不想她” versions (6);1999 Xmas Card & Gift List (來的) (7);Ted 給過的人,1999年我賀年卡 (10);1999 收到的電子賀信 (20);Chinese Chorus (27);跟我學過中文的 (28) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 90, 1993-01 - 1993-07 (barcode 004708091)
1 volume (3 unnumberd pages, pages A-Z, A'-Z', A"-N'', OP", S"-T", U"V", W", X"Y", Z", some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: Jan 1993 - July 1,'93
Self-adhesive tabs: To Do、memo plans、medical、Liang Lei、To HK、信
Schedule;少華寫的我的bibliog (E);Garland outline (F);P.O. outline,Narr entry (G);劉小坡 talk on recent pop art in China,康橋新語 的 newsletter Cambridge Wordship(P) ;梁茂春講革命樣板戲 (V);景軍anthrop. Studies 孔 family in 甘肅 (Z);schedule of Oct 1993 (D’);large plans,schedule of November 1993 (E’);schedule of Dec. 1993 (F’);To Do (L’-M’);schedule (M’);immediate projects (N’);Our financial status,medical data (P’);Feb. Trip to Atlanta & Houston (Q’);Garland project (S’);schedule (U’);清華12 級 (V’);AMS meeting Nov. 3-7 1993 (X’);Bella’s plan in 1993 (B’’);Donations (D’’);Funds-Donation (F’’);梁雷 schedule Fall 1993 (L’’);Kathy Lowry’s list (S’’);record of correspondence (T’’-U’’V’’) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 91, 1993-05-31 - 1994-05-31 (barcode 004708069)
1 volume (unpaged) ; 26 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 1993 May to 1994 May
Radcliffe 的 Commemorative service (6/11);金德航借的道教音樂 (7/12-13);雷有關 “教我如何不想他” analysis (8/14);譚小麟 MS of “掛掛紅燈” (8/20);年譜 (10/14);新語 report (nov. 15);中國美學文章 (nov 29-30);到香港中文大學 (Dec 31-3/26);Peking (3/31-4/6);琴 session (4/3);琴學與制琴問題 (4/4);上海 (4/6-4/8);香港 (4/8-5/30);講”我的父親” (4/13);有關科技大學講 “我父親趙元任的音樂生活” (5/12);Larry Class 聽五個人做報告 (5/13);在科技大學演講 (5/26) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 92, 1993, 1998, undated (barcode 004708138)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
Minnesota 4/9-13;二月 itinerary;高校古籍整理,學術研究特點 2/28/93;文化;古字號;To Do;儒學;Postcard list from Costa Rica;Paris Opera Library;致薛藝兵先生短訊 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 93, 1994-01 - 1994-06 (barcode 004708012)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 1-71, 73, 75, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 1994 Jan 1 - June 30, Hong Kong 中大 Semester 人名單
Self-adhesive tabs: To Do、More to Do、94 plans、信
Schedule in Hong Kong 1994 Jan-May (1-7);itinerary (7);中國古琴名琴名曲國際鑒賞會 (12, pasted sheet);北京開會 (13);書: 中國音樂美學史 (13);Chao Program (台灣) 給人的list (14);emergency (18);finances & certificates (22-23);HK gradstud (25); name list (29);map of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (34-35, pasted sheet);To Do (40);Chao Program Bk 送贈, 台灣的Thank you card (41);台灣見到的other thre, 我們桃花島 photo, Standard Dict of Folklore & Mythology (42);書 bought (47);Ted’s schedule (48);discussion on the critical appraisal of scholarly literature in music (49);日記 (51);video camera (53);schedule (62);record of correspondence (64-65);韓國鐄講 (70);武進同鄉會 (73);topics for research (75)
2 unused USA stamps in pocket pasted on page [3] of cover (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 94, 1994-06 - 1995-05 (barcode 004708082)
1 volume (leaves 1-40) ; 26 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: June 1, 1994 - 1995, May 31
皮影戲,高雄皮影館,福州評話 (5);visit Kishibe (7);Gala opening concert: Longy Artists Ensemble (11);Seoul, 中國 visit (13-17);京戲 (14);CU gamelan (17);Hong Kong visit (21-22);So far 今年收到的禮,我們送的 (23);autobiography (28-29);autobiography sketch (32);翻譯幾個 tune (34);趙元任文集 (39) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 95, 1994-07 - 1995-05 (barcode 004708033)
1 volume (leaves 1-20, 27-31, 37-40, 51-55, 63, some blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1994 mostly
To Do (5);timeline for Peking Opera (6);安祿奐 京劇音樂初大本 (7);日記,紀剛 (趙感山) (9);Ritual present days Confucian Scholars (10);傅偉勳,醫科之死 (11);Issue of 小調歌曲 and my contact of them,1994 Dec 香港 conference (12);Cheru Yang Pyug (14);1994-95 H-Y Visiting Scholars (Chinese) (15);合唱團 new election (18);Presentations (28);花兒 (37); Name list: Harvard Music Dept, Modern Language Centre (40);亞洲廣播電台 五月一日開播 (51);To Do;Travel to bring (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 96, 1994-07 - 1995-06 (barcode 004708011)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 1-73, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: 1994 July - 1995 June 30
Self-adhesive tabs: Longer term plans、To Do、gy 送禮、信
July schedule, 台北中研院 (1);August schedule (2);September schedule (3);October schedule, leave for HK and China, Bell Yung’s itinerary, summer 1995 (4);November schedule, presentations in China (6);meeting on April 5-8 (6, pasted sheet);December schedule, return to US (7);January schedule (8-10);Society for Ethnomusicology 1995 meeting, February schedule, Senior Fac meetings lunch (11-12);March schedule (12-14);longer plans for 1995 (13);April schedule, CHINOPERL (15-16);schedule for rest of the year 1995 (17);June schedule (18);朱踐耳借的書 (27);medical records (28);postal rate (32);New P.O. seen on TV in Oct. 94 (33);subscriptions & donations (39);travel needs (42);Chinoperl, AAS (44);Chinoperl (45);monographs titles, name list (55);to do (56);unanswered letters (57);戲曲書籍 (59);在台灣買的書, to dos (60);tentative fall trip itinerary of 1994 (65);2 tapes cassette (66);record of correspondence (68-69) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 97, 1994, undated (barcode 004708048)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: Fax Book II
南開校廣下午 variety show;到北京;Professional & Technical;1994 Thanksgiving 24 號;’94 十香菜;老舍的隱式滿族文學;Pian draft content;長沙;schedule (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 98, 1994, undated (barcode 004708139)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 12 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
香港;音樂,民族音樂學,語言學;有關趙元任的歌曲;Diary of Jan 20, 19, 27, Feb 16;研究的探討方法;中國藝術發展簡史;歌舞;contact numbers of canteens at CUHK;Seeger’s talk;Mama Baba;平仄 system;World music issue on universals of music (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 99, 1995-06 - 1996-06 (barcode 004708007)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 1-38, 38.5, 39-62, 64-69, 71, 73-74, 1 unnumbered leaf) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Label on cover: June 1995 - June 1996
Self-adhesive tabs: Longer term plans & schedules、To Do & promises、信
Calendar (pasted sheets);index, schedule of June 1995 to Oct 1996, itinerary (1-18);Bella’s itinerary (17);contacts (18-66);birthdays (19);葉家瑩談詩詞 (25);Fretschrift, Pianschrift photo to que (25);gift list (26);schedule (28);itinerary of summer of 1996 (30);research fields of 王斑、韓倞、也斯 (32);劍橋新語 plans (33);Liang Lei (38);Lei’s itinerary for 1996 (38, pasted sheet);Medical data and reminder (38);nova’s plan 1995 Oct-Dec (40);long term project (43);Oral Literature in Modern China, conference by Nordic Instu. of Asian Studies (44);longer term plans & schedules (44);expenditure (45);subscriptions & donations (50b);distribution of Chao Book & CD, travel needs (52);trips June 95-July 96 (54);Jie Yang (55), grenarious violin (57);1996 新語 schedule;itinerary of Bell (60);1996.6.24 在 Jakata ISASTI Banquet 同桌的一些德國人 (65);name card of Prof. Dip-Ing. Bernd Ewald (66);to buy (66);to do & promises (67);itinerary 95-96 (67);research and presentation (68);calendar (68-69);record of correspondence (71);我的 list (73);回信, 1995 Xmas (來的) (74) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 100, 1995 - 1996 (barcode 004708083)
1 volume (leaves 1-70) ; 26 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets inserted
On cover: 1995 June - 1996
Graduation ceremony (2);Parker Museum (9);孔樂,祭孔 (12);How can I help thinking of you,How can I help but think of you (17);趙元任音樂論文集(薜良編)(18);劍橋新語勞延宣講中國歷史上的專制問題 (19);祭孔 (20);張光直 article on 李濟 (26);劍橋新語郭羅基講中國農村選舉 (31);從去年 Oct 到 Jan 18 寫的支票 (32);院士會議 (37);Chen Yi,Bright Sheng,周文中 (40);Academy of Arts & Sciences 一天 program (45);lecture, partly on authenticity (46);請薛良來 ACMR 給一個talk,智取威虎山 (51);往台灣中研院,南港 (53-54);Itinerary of Yung (56);袁明女士講中國人對於中美關係的看法 (58);Cassette Recording,誦讀,吟誦,朗讀,李歐凡 joins discussion,李廣平講台灣政治情況與兩岸關係 (59) (Note 1)
- 1990 - 1995
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
25 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong