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Planner/notebook/diary 51-75, 1985 - 1990

 File — Box: 401
Identifier: 0039_PER_Pian_Series_4_Folder_3


Planner/notebook/diary 51, 1985-06 - 1985-08 (barcode 004708109)
 1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 16 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 On cover: 1985 June - August Planning. With address label
 Self-adhesive tabs: Brlin、Nova、H.K. 北京、大連、上海、北京、蘭州、長沙、廣州、澳門 H.K.、台北、日本、J.F.、四川、To Do
 Schedule; To Do;上海的人;滕永然的錄音機;北京的人;北京事務;蘭州的人;我們住的地方;四川、長沙的人與機構;廣州的人;民歌集成,中國少數民族音樂概論;香港的人與機構;在澳門 Ted meeting 國內出來的四位女代表;台灣的人;日本的人;在日本參觀的地方;S.F. 的人;四川的人與機構;To Do (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 52, 1985-06 - 1985-08 (barcode 004707998)
 1 volume (28 unnumbered leaves, leaves A-Z, AA-ZZ) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 On cover: 1985 June 6–Aug 20、Summer trip Abroad、Berlin June, 6 – symposium、北京上海 etc.、蓮花山、蘭州 July 19-
 Self-adhesive tabs: 六月、Schedule、七月、八月$、台、To do things

 International symposium “National music cultures and intercultural dependencies” – with special reference to the region of East Asia, held in Berlin (June 5–9);“Long Discussion W. song Bang-Song & Lee Byong Won” (June 10);discussion on Koran music (June 11);departure for Beijing (June 12);visit to 大仲寺,仲林,雍和宮 (June 14);comments on “The world of music” and articles by Thrasher, M. Liu, Dewoskin, M.Y. Liang, Han K.H., Tran VK, Yang Lin, concert program (June 16);“美國人看中國音樂”, “民族音樂學看法”。古琴音樂”,“中國近代音樂學發展” (June 18);departure to Shanghai (June 21);“國際音樂協會東方音樂討論會” (June 22);list of scholars and their affiliations (June 23);Notes to Bell on meetings in Peking and 花兒會 (inserted sheet);“我的十年寫作選題” (6/25/85, pasted sheet);“音樂研究所” (June 27);上海音樂學院教授 (June 28);Folk tune arr. without text,五更調,number notation (June 29);“百花齊放” (July 1);“同戴鵬海went thru MS wholeday”, “音樂研究所” (July 2);“東西方音樂比較問題” (July 3);“音樂研究所座談”,“上海民族樂團”,“辭海編輯出版局” (July 5);departure to Beijing (July 8);writings by Ravi Shankar (July 9);“舞良唱長城”, 數字譜 (July 11);“一年一度的蓮花山‘花兒會’” (pasted sheet);中央音樂學院教授 (July 18);Depart from 蘭州 (July 19);蓮花山採風 (July 19–22);Back to 蘭州 (July 22);蘭州召開學術討論會 (July 23–25);“起飛到西安” (July 25);乘火車去廣州 (July 28);“二人轉structure” (July 30);經香港往澳門 (July 31);下午到香港 (Aug 2);“New music from the orient: Composition in Asia since World War II” (Aug 3, pasted sheet);tour of Macao (Aug 7);in Hong Kong (Aug 8);departure for 台北 (Aug 10);talk on the Berlin meeting,sharing about field work and 花兒會 experience (Aug 12);visit to 胡適紀念館 (Aug 13);leave for Tokyo (Aug 15);visit to 小野照崎川神社 (Aug 16);visit to 湯島聖堂,神田神社,arrived at San Francisco,二姐 passed away on Aug 1 (Aug 17);ideas for papers,“辭海編輯出版局”,“schedule during my trip in 上音 in 1985”,“國際音樂協會東方音樂討論會”,“上海音協和上音邀請趙教授報告”,“上音音樂研究所座談”,“上音小孔堂看‘道教音樂’等錄像所座談” (Aug 18);“王元化:大百科全書”, “南京樂團來美” (To Do);Chinese characters for Hwang Byong-ki and Lee Byong won, on Korean scholars and music (Aug 20) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 53, 1985-08 - 1985-11 (barcode 004707999)
 1 volume (2 unnumbered leaves, leaves A-Z, 50 unnumbered leaves) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 1985 August 23 - Nov. 4
 Self-adhesive tabs: 問柯楊、9月、十月、nov、信、To Do、$

 Schedule of classes (inside cover);calendar (pasted sheets);“問柯楊”有關蓮花山 (問柯楊);學鎮 (Sept 2–3);course planning for 185r (Sept 4);began planning 198 (Sept 8);context paper on dance (Sept 9–10);“田仲一城又寄來一大本書來 on ritual & drama in H.K.” (Sept 10);“姚學言來送錄音帶”, 沈星揚 (Sept 12);“Decided to move Music & Ritual Section to encl. of article”, “‘Music in the Chinese Context’ or: ‘Ethnomusicology in Context’” (Sept 17);198 (Sept 19);flight to NW Orient,“on Saturdays saw Modern Chinese Painting exhibition”,兵馬俑,on patronage,“merchant class: educated class?” “相聲” (Sept 27);concert of Chinese music,“went to museum & see 西安 horse & figurine”,“繡包”,“suit from 山東”,二胡 from 西安 (Sept 28);departing from 西安 (Sept 29);demonstration by 余少華 on 二胡 “病中吟” and Cantonese 小調 (Oct 3);“Ben Schwartz Lecture Oct 9”,“孔夫子”,“論語” (Oct 3–4);章翠鳳 autobiography (Oct 5);198 (Oct 10);symposium on Berg (Oct 11);some folk traditions,responsorial dancing (Oct 15, 16th southern);Indian concert with discussion (Oct 17);“Heterophony” (Oct 21);Picken’s article submitted to Tang Studies Society (Oct 23);105a,185r (Oct 25),video of 花兒 (Oct 29);talk w. Blader c. 台灣 panel,called Bell c. Liang & chinoperl panels (Oct 30);scholarship,Kilray talk,韓國鐄 (Oct 31);record of correspondence (信);to do (To Do);reading list: Hans Robert Jauss,Carl Dahlhaus,Zofia Lissa (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 54, 1985-11 - 1986-05 (barcode 004708000)
 1 volume (leaves 1-80) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 1985 nov. 5 - 1986. may
 Self-adhesive tabs: nov、Dec、Jan、二月、三月、四月、信、五月、To Do、Ideas

 Calendar of 1985 Nov to 1986 July (1–3);鑼鼓 session in MUS198,185r (4);“寫完 final draft & 前言”,“Began 風雨歸舟 lecture” (5);class of 198 about 杜十娘;departing for Miami, visited Picasso exhibit (6);back,Chinoperl letters,maa-mhi 96 歲生日,P.O. 文章 & transcriptions + record review,new reading list for Music & Words (7);“Sam’s tape 霸王” (8);comments on 霸王 performance by 葉少蘭,sword dance of 別姬 by 葉’s wife 許嘉寶,白蛇,小綵舞 (9);Vincent Benziger,Gary Hall Jefferson,David Carbon,Fred Lau (10);Wilkerson Dovy,Yenna Wu (11);花兒 lecture (12);lecture on ritual & 孔,dictionaries (14);聖誕節前一晚 (16);About Chinese music (二胡) and gamelan music and performance of 李光鳴、李琪、余少華 (18);牛川海、霸王 (21);中國舞、漢唐樂府 performance、牛川海 (22);民主主義 (23);spring term,central theme,interviews (26);illustrated presentation of Mary Ellen,Mousally,Falkner,and Siu Wah (27);Nogauta performance 音樂會 (28);presentation,Jap 音樂會 (29);Pansori tape (30);Spring schedule tentative (31);Music Dept meeting Jan 27 (32);中國舞材料 (33);exoticism and acculturation,performance and ritual,琴曲 (34);SEM 1986 Oct.,Rochester (35);弄了一天白曉冬的事 (36);漢唐樂府 performance arrangement (37);candidate folder (39–42);New Grove,230,185r,詩經,雅歌 (44);譚盾 (46);Chinese tunes: old & new (A lecture with demonstrations) on some compositional experience by Chao Yuan-ren,朱明英,漢唐樂府 materials (47);Buddha,“Folk religion”,rituals (48);depart for Chicago,武松 (49);青蛇,白蛇,P.O. speech,舞台劇,曲牌,Nanguan Musical Ensemble from Tai Wan,Han-Tang (50);梅蘭芳京戲唱片,discussion session and papers,漢唐 group ready to leave,大京戲書 (51);concert of Mr. Hwang (52);牛川海’s talk on P.O.,風雨歸舟 performance,漢唐 performance,Hwang Byong-Ki’s lecture recital (53);Lyrichord LLST 7212,Recording: Dolby & Chinese plays (54);presentation on background,video notes 4/11/,Tape I and Tape II (Eliot House performance (59);石室施氏食獅史 (60);過年請客 (62);record of correspondence (信);exam and ideas,analysis (65);exam questions and comments (66–69);questions (70);ACLS,Chinoperl,花兒 report (71);to do: papers,publications,writings (72–73);“Chinese oral and performing literature” (74);riddle review (74);Chinese music,ideas (78);schedule (79),Fraenkel (80) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 55, 1985 (barcode 004737187)
 1 volume (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: Publications of YR Chao's music III. 1985 May-Aug. Additional notes
 Self-adhesive tabs: 音樂文章

Planner/notebook/diary 56, 1985 - 1990 (barcode 004708065)
 1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 26 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 On cover: Notes 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 Jan
 Recipe;Shadick;So called scholars and students;Julia Child’s Swordfish Chartruese;write letter;NASA;中國古典文學;Bill Ying;Popular music;Checks to deposit each month,Bills to pay;Joseph’s itinerary;Xmas;message from Siu Wah to Prof. and Mrs. Pian;Jan 18, 1989 Ted’s Birthday Party;Ted schedule 1989;1989 aug 12 Dinner;1989 Thanksgiving;洋琴音樂的發展;for ACMR newsletter (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 57, 1985, undated (barcode 004737184)
 1 volume (incomplete, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. No cover
 施議對,詞與音樂關係研究 1985 北京;南北朝廣泛流行的吳聲歌曲;Letter to Mr. Yuen, about his thesis;雅禮中國基金會所管理的趙氏捐款與“現代吳語再研究”;民族藝師;Qin Society;Notes on presentations;中國的情況,傳統中文系,語言;Seeger definition;RCP thoughts on the argument that 古人以樂從詩,今人以詩從樂 (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 58, 1986-04-21 - 1986-12 (barcode 004708100)
 1 volume (69 unnumbered leaves, some blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 1986 Apirl 21 - Dec. With address label
 Self-adhesive tabs: gen. ref.、日記、五月、六月、七月、八月、九月、十月、nov、Dec、人、Ideas、To Do、Foundation、信、schedule

 Schedule;video list,在沈元家箱子中留下來的東西 (2);趙景深夫婦唱昆曲video note,Ideas (3);seminar ideas,values (4);尺八 and Japanese music,places lectured in China this year (5);Da (趙元任) records,positions held (6);民族器樂與民歌書目 (9);Japanese coll. of 琴 music (10);Trip to Hong Kong and China (11-24);Interview with local 二人轉 expert,3 video programs (13);朱明英唱法,曲名,formal speeches (14);華中二學院音樂教研室 (16);上海人名及職銜 (20);北京中央(民族音樂系)人名 (21);summer trip expenditure (24);Thoughts on 國外中國戲曲專家 (Q);Dept meeting (R);April Chinoperl meeting (S);MLA meeting in Mus Dept (S);Mr. Hwang’s talk (T);Willard Schulz of U. of Calgary (U);AWM open house (W);topics of research (X);Tibetan Buddhism,1986 Xmas 禮 (X);北京人名,上海人名,音樂家協會(人);協會名稱,Language comm;Popular music,Seeger article;The native ethnomusicologist (Ideas);Gift idea;To do-presentations and paper topics;Foundation work (prep. For publication) To Do;Record of correspondence;schedule (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 59, 1986-12 - 1987-08 (barcode 004708001)
 1 volume (3 unnumbered leaves, leaves 1-26, 28-45, 53-59, 4 unnumbered leaves) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 On cover: Dec 19. 1986 - Aug 16, 1987
 Self-adhesive tabs: 正月、二月、三月、四月、北京開會、五月、Schedule、六月、七月、八月、楊葉、To Do、Ideas、信、

 Itinerary for May to August 1987, contacts for trip between 2 Jan to 11 Jan (inside cover);calendars and schedule, itinerary for December 19, 1987–January 11, 1987 (unnumbered pages);impression of India (1);ethnomusicology, field work, sources, and analysis (2);patronage, Indian music, Hindu music, Wasle summary, text and tone, aesthetic (4);methodology (5);Arriving at Hong Kong,往成都,談美國大學生音樂生活 (5);program, with comments (6);to Hong Kong and Boston (6);Roland Tec, Private & public context assumed differences in performance, Aaron, theoretical insight, field worker, Tibetan chant (8);Beth, Indian, change in traditional music, 楊葉 (9);Music 185, 1987 Spring, Issue oriented “popular music” (10);八仙上壽 (12);Sounds of Japan (13);Nancy Sultan, Social aspects of modern Greek Laiki, Aaron Fox, Roland Tec (19);Got back home (20);job offer, Musica Asiatica, L.E.R. Picken, Chinoperl notice (21);The China Music Project 中國音樂研討 (22);itinerary between April 13 and 24 (24);International academic symposium on Chinese Traditional Opera Arts (25);中國藝術研究院戲曲研究所、中國戲曲藝術國際學術討論會 (25);making a plaque, session on 桂劇,民族心理,話劇藝術,語言與音樂關係,民族學,人類學,民族音樂學,中國少數民族 (27);MIT lecture on P.O., Princeton talk, 幽蘭 (30);sexual-sophistication (31);trips and schedule (32);schedule of trips in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan (34);到中國,湖南省人事來訪,往上海 (35);往金陵刻經處 (36);肖黃 (37);於音樂研究所談 translation project, 亞太區會議,傳統音樂對創作靈感啟發 (39);tran. Project, 編釋組 (40);H.K. 中大 papers, project (41);花兒 writings, transcriptions (42);四川音樂學院人名表 (43);成都  H.K., talks in Hong Kong on 聲樂,context (44);往南港 (45);Materials to discuss w. 楊葉,霸王,打漁,捉放,蘇三,aria structural patterns, 李奎,fieldwork (53);money, photos, to do, Pian reviews (To Do);有關聲樂的討論,什麼是民歌 “folksong”,什麼是音樂,音樂學,民族,民歌,民間音樂,美聲 (57);ideas, 訓練,觀眾,專業,古為今用,洋為中用,美聲,改編,表演 (58);record of correspondence (信);video note;王岷源致小中短訊 (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 60, 1986 (barcode 004708107)
 1 volume (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 15 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 On cover: 1986 summer 花兒
 Self-adhesive tabs: 人北、上海、四川、武漢長沙、南京、東北、廣州、杭州、Australia、HK、東京、台、台灣、Korea、To Do Back、Scribble
 問柯楊;北京人 (人北);科學;音樂;語言;其他;上海的人 (上海);四川的人 (四川);武漢、長沙的人 (武漢長沙);南京的人 (南京);山東大學的人 (東北);廣州的人 (廣州);杭州的人 (杭州);Berkeley;L.A.;Australia 的人 (Australia);香港的人 (HK);Tokyo 的人 (東京);台灣的人 (台);Korea 的人 (Korea);楊仁山,趙元任,楊步偉 (To Do);短訊致唐正中;李安老居士寫有關趙元任及楊步偉的骨灰 (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 61, 1986 - 1987 (barcode 004708010)
 1 volume (2 unnumbered leaves, leaves A-Z, 59 unnumbered leaves) ; 17 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 Schedule and diaries, contacts;戲曲叢書 (July 1-2);thesis advising (A);to enter & exit building (LM);小虎 schedule (LM);To Hong Kong (Jan 2);回來 (April 24);往中國 (May 28);students’ topic (Aug 10-12, pasted sheet) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 62, 1986-1988, undated (barcode 004708015)
 1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 19 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 On cover: 人名單
 Label on cover: Sonq Lii
 於中國的行程;音樂界人名;北京親戚;北京音樂界;四川音樂學院參加座談人員名單;上海音樂界;武漢;河南;常州;南京;西安;杭州;四川;香港;台灣等地區的人名單,部份有所屬機構、聯絡地址及電話;Day Kao (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 63, 1986, undated (barcode 004708088)
 1 volume (10 unnumbered leaves (incomplete)) ; 19 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 人名單
 1986 Xmas cards: Contacts (1-9);Work Song (10) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 64, 1987-08 - 1988-09 (barcode 004708002)
 1 volume (4 unnumbered leaves, leaves 1-42, 55-59, 4 unnumbered leaves) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 1987 Aug 15 - 1988 Sept
 Self-adhesive tabs: DABK Ref、To Do、Talks、信、report

 Calendar and schedules (inside cover);schedule (unnumbered pages);花兒 paper (1);花兒 lecture (4);video documentary (5);Dewoskin: 音樂研究所,Fred Lau: 驃(Burmese music) of 唐 from S. China, SEM council (6);1860’s court patronage (7);198 tapes (7–8);trip to 台灣 and China (10–11);民族曲藝之夜 (11);P.O. Fiddle (15);drum gahu (18);tone deaf, non-chord tones, and note values (19);Listen Russian folk ensemble (22);民歌唱法通俗唱法美聲 (24);musical terminology, linguistic terms, field worker, tsukamoto (25);ritual of conservation, Indian ritual crowning prime, Homa fire ritual cremation, 敦煌,寶卷,余春芳,list of scholars, musicians (27);trip to Hong Kong, 台灣, and 上海 giving talks and visits (29–31);金陵刻經處 (30);3/4 of 88-E, 大鼓,瀏陽孔廟音樂 (32);趙如蘭及許常惠獲民族音樂學會頒授榮譽會士銜,明報,1988年6月21日,黃翔鵬:傳統四大類 (33);tone article (35);lecture notes of 巫允明,7 省11民族,ritual and 自娛性 (38–39);到 Paris (39);去 Zurich, Stuttgart, and back to Boston (40);itinerary for T.H.H. and R.C. Pian, May to August 1987, 趙如蘭 1987 年夏天暫定計劃 (42);check Dvrak violin sonata (w. Pian) vs. Chao Piece? (55);DABK list, ethno field 人 (56);舅舅後人姓名 (57);to do (57–58); talks given during 1988 trip (59); record of correspondence (信);publications, reports, and interviews (report) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 65, 1987 - 1990 (barcode 004708074)
 1 volume (leaves 1-60, some blank) ; 22 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
 On cover: 客座台灣 1990 手冊 (at 新竹清華) 87, 88, 89 schedule of lecture p. 54, 55
  (Some Singapore notes) Taiwan trip Dec 89 - March '90
  Talk on "night before Xmas" translation
 Self-adhesive tabs: To Do、日程、台北 '90、1、2、3、4、5、6、references

 學者名稱 (1-2, 4);To Do (3);schedule (14-16);Nettl lecture,music history,ehtnomusicology,musicology (17);cultural authenticity,values,idea of hightingales,Ethnom questions (18);my lecture plans (20);1990 到新竹我帶去的文章,possible informal sessions (21);Plans for 1990 客座 lectures in Taiwan (22);講課題目與日程 (23);王秋桂戲劇班,文建會 (23, 24);Music in the Chinese Context 中國音樂發展的客觀條件 (25);單弦 “杜十娘”中故事的結構與純音樂的結構 (28);中國語言與音樂的關係 (31);以 “霸王別姬”為例講京戲中的音樂成份 (34);京戲中的節奏的功能(以打漁殺家為例)(37);京劇中劇情的模式與唱腔的關係 Aria Structure Patterns (40);Yuan thesis (43-44);Chap 3 “Traditional style” Chinese music (44-45);Concept of notation (46);March-May 1990 台灣新竹,Itinerary (53);1987 台灣文建會三次講演,行程 (54);1988 年 schedules of lectures (55);Dec 21 買的書 (60) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 66, 1987, undated (barcode 004708121)
 1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
 Self-adhesive tabs: 1987 Xmas
 David Rothenberg Tibetan performing art 1960;scholars;湘劇;審美意識;度曲;葉開沅;1987 Xmas List (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 67, 1987, undated (barcode 004708141)
 1 volume (3 unnumbered leaves, leaves 1-13, 11 unnumbered leaves, some blank) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets inserted
 On cover: 薛良編的趙元任有關音樂論文集. With address label
 目錄;我父親的音樂生活 趙如蘭;“趙元任音樂理論選”;中文語的聲調、語調、唱讀、吟誦、韻白、按調作品和非按調作品 Tone, Intonation, Sing song, Chanting, Recitative;常州吟詩的樂調十七例;中國音韻裡的規範問題;歌詞中的圖書;用中文唱歌 Le Maitre Phonétique;關於中國的音階和調式札記;關於我的歌曲集和配曲問題(答李抱枕來信);薛良致如蘭、學鐄信函,十一月二十一日,有關趙元任的作品;中國派和聲的幾個小試驗;黃白的音樂;說時;新詩歌集;Cont. 歌詞讀音;歌注;介紹樂藝的樂;間活常州;Green letters;Omissions;to write 薜良;To 上海 (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 68, 1987-1994, undated (barcode 004737186)
 1 volume (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 19 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: Chao diary notes

Planner/notebook/diary 69, 1988-09 - 1989-05 (barcode 004708003)
 1 volume (leaves 1-4, 1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 5-41, 50-63, 71-78) ; 20 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 1988 Sept – 1989 May 29、後頭有 summaries
 Self-adhesive tabs: 一月、二月、三月、四月、五月、Notes、信、To Do

 Address of 趙昌熾 Yenshew Lynn Chao (inside cover);calendar (1–4);worked on 中文花兒 paper (8);SEM 1988 summary (10);花兒 paper, P.O. (11);research and paper topics: 通俗劇、古琴音樂、影戲 (12);trip to Hong Kong (16);topics for discussion, e.g. insider vs. outsider (17);衛仲樂, 八音 (18);河殤,jazz (21);Jazz in comparison with 昆曲,Peking Opera, 河北梆子, etc (22);少華 清朝 research materials (25–26);毛藝叢談 (26–27);新生命運動 (27);symposium on popular (30);Tape 1 (34);historical topics c. Korean music (37);Put P.E.P. (The Productivity Effectiveness Program) into your life, Reader's Digest (41);’87 to ’78 Eth 2hrs Notes (50);聲樂、吟調、吟唱 (53);Da bk, Da letter (54);trip to Berkeley (57);publication (58);1988 lectures (59);arrangement, Chained meetings (China) (60);曲藝 performance in Peking, SEM, work in progress (61);學生 (62); courses gain 1988–89 (63);Larry lab, Mandarin Primer, 1989 trip, 我今年 advise 的人 (71);1988 Xmas Lii (72);Foo 香港 meeting (73);record of correspondence (信, 74–75);to do, Eli Johnson (76);Hu Shih[胡適]The Chinese Renaissance NY 1963, 科舉 (77);singing style (78) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 70, 1988-1989, undated (barcode 004708022)
 1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 中文課
 Self-adhesive tabs (some already peeled off): Lowry、學生

 Notation system;昆曲調;戰國,楊葉;京劇聲腔;大晟;通俗音樂;明代資料;RCP coll of reading mat.;曲律;Japan Society (March 14th);MP English books;B. Steinhorn paper,Athabaskan music;花兒 paper;SEM (Nov. 19);speaking;modern Mandarin;dissertation on 智化寺;杜十娘;律呂正義;Cabot House recom letter,courses and years;四擊頭 (Tape #42);一封書,走馬鑼鼓;Kathy Lowry,Classical poetry (’89.5.8);Gilbert,100r (May 11 ’89);紅樓夢,法律觀摩;categorizing 花兒;reading course on Chinese drama (9/12);王文宜 (Sept 14’88);論通俗劇:從曹禺說起;政治,經濟,唐詩,背第八課;music and narrative, music and instruments, major 19th century Chiense “art music”, Chinese theorists, ritual patronage, categorization, tone quality in Jazz, Seeger categorizing, study of Bush;Mathew Cohen in 198;京韻大鼓;notes on students’ topics;八仙過海 (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 71, 1988-1989, undated (barcode 004708140)
 1 volume (unpaged) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
 Label on cover: N.Y. 10023 Baritone Zhang Jianyi American Opera Centre (Juliard) 給他老天爺 score

 古樂團;Potential 給書的;schedule;Chapter meeting Barbara Hampton Issue of Archiving;Themes ’89;Pre-conference symposium cognition;decolonialisation;video tape for 九州;etiology;Documentary monographs in modern art;錄相機;圖片音樂史;攝象機;Research notes;research methods;曲式;唐明清音樂;印度樂調;Popular music of the non-western world;音樂系 as part of 藝術院;Dorothea Brinkmann on 徐令寧;昆曲清唱 台大中文系;Ted schedule 1989;Music Deaprtment meeting 2/13/89;broader outlook on regions covered;Chinoperl;龔一來了,行程;戲劇;Da (Yuen Ren Chao) Book;Hinton’s report,agriculture;Dorothea Brinkmann (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 72, 1989-06-01 - 1990-11-01 (barcode 004708095)
 1 volume (5 unnumbered leaves, leaves 1-36, 55 unnumbered leaves) ; 19 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
 Label on cover: 看完了 6/1/89-11/1/90
 Label on spine: 日記、June 1989 - Nov 1990 Notes
 Self-adhesive tabs: 信、References
 Schedule of 1989 to 1990 nov;Picken collection,唐 project (1);敦煌曲,music of Tang Court (10);NEC/AAS 開會 (22);mailed off to Lensey, Bella and 喬建中 (23);中國民族音樂學會議 no. 2 1986 (29);gift (30);To Hong Kong (36);To do before March 1 or 8?;往台灣 (March 7);演講題目 (April 23);孔祭音樂表演 (May 8);lecture on 語言的表演 (May 24);回 Cambridge (June 11);to Delhi (July 28);往澳門 (July 31);往香港、中國 (Aug);古琴會 (Aug 5);Da 年譜 (Sept 27);敦煌石窟音樂 (Oct 8);院士 (Oct 23); record of correspondence;references,SEM;To Do,龍套,Taiwan 人;Singapore 人;Back pain and exercise (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 73, 1989-11 - 1990-06-06 (barcode 004708084)
 1 volume (leaves 1-40, some blank) ; 26 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted
 On cover: 1989 Supp Bk Mainly Nov SEM meeting in Cambridge, P.O. Perf Supplementary Book Nov. 1989 plus 一些日記 30 May '90- . With address label
 Self-adhesive tabs: 台北、新加坡

 Itinerary for Professors Theodore H.H. and Rulan C. Pian (1);Bunting Institute,local arranger for Chinoperl (2);Possible titles for Taiwan talk,CLL,correspondence (3);SEM meeting nov. 8-12, 1989 (4-12) ;Oral notation (8) ;Discussion – What is historical ethnomusicology? (9) ;ACMR people (11);schedule (13-14);文言文,lecturable Chinese (15);CLTA (16);Message from Rulan, Ted, Canta, Michael to Mr. Goan Enkuen, Zhao Xinna, Laisi, Xiaozhong on the celebration of Yang Buwei’s 100th birthday (17);on 敦煌studies,1989 及 1990 清華、台大講題 (18);1990年行程 (19);專題演講,趙如蘭教授,以趙元任先生作品為例 “談現代中國聲樂表演問題”,國立清華大學,Witzleben talk,non-literate culture,民族音樂學研究,廣泛中國 (20);musical archive (21);給過的lectures (29);Music conservatories in China (31);Amy Stillman dissertation and doctoral degree candidacy (37) (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 74, 1990 (barcode 004708013)
 1 volume (unpaged) ; 19 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets and name cards pasted or inserted
 On cover: 1990
 Self-adhesive tabs: 北京、武漢、長沙、南京、南京、上海、H.K. etc、ref. form
 友誼賓館平面圖;飯店發票;行程、聯絡(北京);To Do in 北京;北京的人;武漢藝術學校正副校長(武漢);長沙 schedule;在長沙買的tape;南京行程(南京);朱小蔓致趙老師便條;南京的人;南京醫學院紀念楊步偉女士獎學金首屆獲獎學生名單;楊步偉生平概略及基金會選址;上海行程;上海專家;九月上海日記;To Do, Ideas;人送的東西;想看的人 (Note 1)

Planner/notebook/diary 75, 1990-11-07 - 1992 (barcode 004708096)
 1 volume (leaves 1-100, mostly blank) ; 17 cm. Holograph. Paperback
 Label on cover: Nov '90 to 31 Dec 90 Nov 7, 90 - Dec 31, 90 Correspondence from 1991
 Self-adhesive tabs: Photo list、信、To do、references、old note、To write
 楊公去世 (2);Photo list as of Dec 31, 1990 (要給人的) (14-22);Record of correspondence (from 1991 Jan) (23-27);Gift list 1991 May (42);To do (51);To do in China 北京 (58);王迪票,1992 生日 (67);1991 visitng scholars at H-Y (68);給仔 photo (69);Record of correspondence (1990) (80);To Do (100) (Note 1)


  • 1985 - 1990

Language of Materials

English or Chinese

Conditions Governing Access

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Conditions Governing Use

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


25 item(s)


Repository Details

Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository

Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong