Planner/notebook/diary 1-25, 1958 - 1982
-Planner/notebook/diary 1, 1958-06 - 1959-07 (barcode 004708045)
1 volume (unpaged) ; 15 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
On cover: 金錢出納帳 June 1958 - July 59 文京ス曙町十五尾高樣方 Rulan Chao Pian c/o Odaka 15 Akebono-cho Bunkyo-ku (94)4167
On back of cover: 靖國神社 Yasu kwni jin ja
收入支出摘要;to do;日本;日本音樂;日本樂器;上 Kishibe 家 (Jun 16);東洋音樂學會第七十四回例會便郵 (Jun 23);東洋音樂學會第十回大會日程變更 (Jul 5);林謙三 (Jul 19);陽關三叠圖譜 (Jul 25);香港 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 2, 1975-02 - 1975-05 (barcode 004708116)
1 volume (unpaged) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: Feb 1975 - c. May 1975
潮州戲;Classes at CUHK;My schedule;演奏/唱者;Puppet show March 9.75;Swatow puppets at HKU March 16, 1975;Chin music;現代意會劇;音樂界人仕;花名;Thammasat University;Notes on East Asian Music;Slides;To get;信 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 3, 1975 (barcode 004708115)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: Hong Kong Notes 1975
People in Hong Kong and their affiliation;Musikkulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens im 19. Jahrhundert;To get for Dr. Lee;楊公 tape;Charles C. S. Pierce;Berkeley 1975;Berkeley phones;people and their dates;Withlode lunch Jan 28 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 4, 1976-02 - 1976-06 (barcode 004708117)
1 volume (unpaged) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: Feb 1976 - June 1976
Notes on various matters;dorm dinner;問 Whitlock;Indian caterer Eliot Hall;Gamelan program 5/2/76;Gula choris (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 5, 1976 (barcode 004708118)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1976
Notes on various matters;Records bought;U.C. Chinese T.A.;Definition of Tutor’s roles;To do;Huge Smith (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 6, 1977 (barcode 004708119)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 14 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: 1977
Kawali Music;Retreat;Special Assist.;Duties for tutors;S.H. Committees on Instruction;Staff dinner;meals;董華強;topic for writings (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 7, 1977 (barcode 004708134)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: 1977
1997,questions; Hood article inter American; 莊本立; Japanese Classical Music lecture-demonstration; S.H. Music Events; Suggested names for possible lectures; The Chinese Ch’in, its History and its Music; West Javanese Gamelan; Party; Tape I. Work songs (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 8, 1978 - 1979 (barcode 004708009)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves A1-B2, C-O, PQ, Q-Z, AA-ZZ, 12 unnumbered leaves, pages AB-WXYZ, some blank) ; 22 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Self-adhesive tab: Bus
Schedules and diaries;Taiwan books (E, inserted sheet);itinerary by heritage (I, pasted sheet);Hong Kong (L, from Sept 16 onward);蔡德允 (T, Nov 1);呂培原 (V, Nov. 15);台北 (from July 7);The Chinese University of Hong Kong bus Services, time-table for weekdays (pasted sheet); contacts (AB-WXYZ)
With 1 additional notebook (unpaged ; 13 cm) pasted on page [2] of cover. Self-adhesive tabs: To Do
Titles of classics, music scores, journals, and topics of study;contacts; street funeral music (time and venue);畫冊;王立德、胡蘭成:今生今世;music titles;approaches to semiotics;A guide for field workers in folklore;V.R. Burkhardt: Chinese creeds & customs (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 9, 1978, undated (barcode 004708136)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Self-adhesive tabs: To get、To Do、references
Musical references in the Chinese Classics; 有關香港; To do in H.K.; Letters; time table (Kowloon to University); Travel check; 香港、台灣戲劇有關的人; 1978 打針; 大公報總編; 國樂院及其他教授; 老戲旦; Chung Chi Finance; 香港音樂界人氏 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 10, 1979-01 - 1979-01 (barcode 004708029)
1 volume (leaves 1-96, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Hardbound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on cover: January 1979 Trip to China. Label on spine: Jan 1979 China
Self-adhesive tabs: 北京 schedule、問題、音樂學、天津、寄東西、film record、Day to Day、上海 schedule、錄音、report
與王素惗日志座談,79.1.20 上午; 趙如蘭致蔭瀏先生信函,正月四號;民族音樂委員會,程方談話,簡要記錄;何為談話紀要,79.1.23;音樂研究所談話紀要;二人轉 ,音協,何長麗 (2); things to buy (4) ;Wei Chung Loh 致趙如蘭女士信函,79.8.9 (6);越劇團 (7);行程 (10-11);Symphonie Fantastique 故事大剛 (17);行程 (18);機構內人名 (19);研究範疇,學者,方向 (20);戲曲史,曲協,曲藝協會 ,辭典 (21);研究課題,音樂學家,民族音樂學 (22);學者,隸屬學院,地區與研究課題 (23-24);material,new technology,古琴 (25);上海,南京 (28);天津, 駱玉笙 alias 小彩舞 (29);王富貴 (30);音響學,樂律,編鐘,編磬 (31);Drama 人名;小辮子致如蘭姐信函,4.2;Things mailed to China,receipts (40);人名 (50-51);film record (53-54);行程 (61);diary in details (in China) (62-67);itinerary,衡山,湘劇,追魚 (63);漁鼓,大鼓 (66);相聲 (67);people in music 北京,上海 (68-69);中央,上音人名 (70);孫裕德 (71);diary in details (fieldwork in China) (72-80) 行程 (10-11);Naking,昆曲,音樂會節目 (72);交通大學,上海音樂學院 (73);昆曲,楚劇 (74);衛仲樂,梅蘭芳 (75);彈詞 ,上海音樂學院 (76);北大航空學院 (77);越劇學館,演出者 (78);錄音 (82);report (86-87);lecture sequence (88); itinerary – Theodore H.H. Pian ;Nova 致大姐信函;紅英致如蘭妹,2/9;楊蔭瀏致如蘭女士信函,1979.1.6;receipts;學鐄致Iris 生日卡 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 11, 1979-08-25 - 1980-08-03 (barcode 004708004)
1 volume (3 unnumbered leaves, leaves ABC-XYZ, 52 unnumbered leaves) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 79–80
Schedule (inside cover); phone numbers and addresses (ABC–XYZ); schedule of meetings and tasks to do (Aug 25, 1979 to Aug 3 1980) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 12, 1980-07 - 1981-07 (barcode 004708031)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1980-81
Diary and schedule; contacts; Ma (楊步偉) at hospital (Feb-Mar) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 13, 1980 (barcode 004708006)
1 volume (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 18 cm. Holograph. Hardbound
Schedule, to do, contacts, record of correspondence (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 14, 1980 - 1981 (barcode 004708126)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
Sleeping pills; Daddy (Yuen Ren Chao) check-up; 杜 reprint; 陳剛 lecture; Hanan’s list; Chinese culture program on radio; P.O.; MUS185; about Da (Yuen Ren Chao); 譚汝謙 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 15, 1981 (barcode 004708044)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: 1981 Xmas List
To do;video Korean 孔;lecture tape (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 16, 1981 (barcode 004708075)
1 volume (1 unnumbered leaf, leaves 1-59, 59-93, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Hardbound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on spine: Trip to China 1981
Self-adhesive tabs: 1981 China trip、合肥、問題、上海、北京、大連、日程、人名、樂種、組織、南京常州、To Do
浙江省歌舞團輕音樂隊演出 節目單 (8/12/82);傳統音樂藝術地方歌舞、曲藝表演;音樂的元素;name list (1);趙元任先生及女兒趙小中女士在華初步安排 (6);人名合肥 (7);People at 合肥座談會 mainly Q & A (10);省藝校、趙如蘭教授活動安排 (11);摸花橋(花鼓燈)(13);摸花燈 cast (14);23rd Day time ceremonies & chat with Terry (16-17);people met on train from 合肥to 南京 (18);Ethnomusicology as liberal Arts Education (25-30);Seminar on Ethnomusicology (32);Problems I have dealt with in Chinese music (34);五月卅一日粟廬曲譜 藏舟漁家樂大合唱咏花 (37);王磊致林同瑞短訊,有關林同濟教授逝世 (38);日記 (39-41);上海音樂學院教師 (40);1981.5.30 上午9 時半-11 時半,趙如蘭,胡登跳,劉福安,江明惇 (44-45);北京 composer (46);汪景壽致卞趙如蘭信函,有關中央歌舞團 (47-48);血滌鴛鴦劍 (48);致卞先生信函 (50);民歌對唱,二人轉,賀澹江致趙元任信函,送上女兒及女婿的曲作 (55);坐談w. Da 6/7,錄像曲藝節目單 (59);節目順序 (60);音樂排練節目單 (61);content of reels (62-63);北京西河大鼓,賈蓮芳 (64);schedule (65);張祖武致趙教授信函,5.14,有關趙教授和卞教授到長春來訪問 (65-66);schedule (67);6/10 下午座談的人 (68);6/10 9-12 morning 報告,6/11 下午 (69);Peking (70);VHS content (71);schedule (75);一九八一年五月卅一日選聽器乎樂節目單 (76);北京京劇院京劇晚會一九八一年六月 (79);合肥座談 list (80);地方戲,說唱,歌曲 (83);表演團體 (84);研究所 (85);南京語言學家訪問YRC of 社會科學院上海曲藝劇團創作,大型滑稽戲,儂看像啥人?!(87);行程 (88);白局,淮劇,說書,揚劇,狹青,血手印,靜安越劇團演出 (89);葉開沅致如蘭教授 信函,1981.4.20,有關滕永然 (91);琴致如蘭信函,5.28,有關自己寫的打油詩 (91);唐遠如致如蘭教授信函,5/17,有關如蘭教授及趙老先生訪問中國音樂學院 (93);唐遠如致如蘭教授信函,5/17,有關蕭友梅的侄女蕭淑孄想與趙元任再聚;唐立民致學鐄、如蘭教授信函,五月十七日,有關趙老先生和如蘭教授來中國;陳應時致卞學鐄教授信函,1981.6.6,自我介紹;In memoriam Yuen Ren Chao 1892-1982 Agassiz Professor of Oriental languages Emeritus, Sunday April 4, 1982, Alumni House, University of California, Berkeley;給卞趙如蘭的一些問題;中國音樂學院簡介;行程;葉開沅致如蘭教授信函,1981.4.25,有關往合肥及北京的安排;俞玉姿致趙元任教授、趙如蘭教授信函,1981.6.7;有關資料草稿及國內各類辭典辭書及院校教材等;楊蔭瀏致如蘭教授信函,1981 年 5 月 21 日,有關近況及出版 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 17, 1981, undated (barcode 004708024)
1 volume (7 unnumbered leaves, leaves 1-8, 8.5, 9-36, 36.5, 37-86, mostly blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Hardbound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
On cover: Rulan Chao Pian
Self-adhesive tabs: To Do, IFMC Band, Korea To Do, IFMC perform, Ideas
The 1st Korean Traditional Music Festival 1981.8.20-25 (leaflet);tape listening notes;Music 185;the tape-recorded interview, a manual for field workers, a guide for field workers in folklore;Asian music;Kuo Chang Yang (2);Choe Jong-min (4);DeWoskin on Music (11);Hwang Byungki (25);Dr. Wolsky, name cards (36-36.5);dramatic model (37);Kim, Korean dancing and singing, stage effect for all miracles (38-42);3 types AAL, early 15th, India music, Tsuge-Iranian Trad (46);invitation to cocktails and buffet of IFMC Conference (56);consciousness of specificity of tunes (58);pansori, sanjo, kayager (60);kind of audience (61);230 The Oral Tradition (62);Shaman’s scarf dance (64);Korean urgent (71-72);明正統道藏中: 玉音法事 (73);diary from Aug 20-27 (83-86) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 18, 1981-07 - 1982-08 (barcode 004708034)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Address label on cover
Schedule and diary;AMS meeting (I);Da in hospital (O);NESEM meeting (T);Notes from Barbara D. McGary to Dr. Pian (March 15th) (Y);Radcliff class of ’44 commemorative service (Y)
With 1 additional notebook (unpaged ; 13 cm) pasted on page [2] of cover. Self-adhesive tabs: to Do、預備走帶的、Pack at Berkeley
Video equipment;schedule;To Do;黃裳 上海文匯報編輯;People met at Bill Hsiao’s place;research topic;To discuss w. Shadick;get;Da Huei;張世杉的學問;YR Chao book errata;中國民族音樂學院 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 19, 1982-07 - 1982-08 (barcode 004708020)
1 volume (34 unnumbered leaves, some blank) ; 22 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: Mainly 1982 生日等等,一切往來人事要事記
祁頌平請客 (July 18);Chaos’ donation to UC. (July 19);contacts of organizations (July 23);Afia Dil (July 26);nova 要 (July 27);通字, 中國通字草案 (July 28);a trip to Berkely to settle father and mother's estate (July 31-Aug 3);紅燈記 (Aug 4);cassette, necktie, vitamin (Aug 14) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 20, 1982-08-19 - 1982-10-04 (barcode 004708018)
1 volume (leaves A-Z, 15 unnumbered leaves, leaves A-Z, 34 unnumberd leaves, some blank) ; 25 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
On cover: Rulan Chao Pian 卞趙如蘭 1982 Aug
Self-adhesive tabs: 日記、Video List、住址、Lecture plan、References、To Do、To Do soon、To ask、Who’s who、Sept 11
Schedule and diaries in China;people to see in Shanghai (B);淅江歌劇團 Tape 4, Tape 5 (G);music journals (J);1982 aug-sept 在中國 video content,蔡德允彈古琴 (V);lectures (Z, Aug 26-29);天津一天,schedule from Aug 31–Sept 12 (Aug 30);中國曲藝家協會 (Sept 1);侯 interview (Sept 4);陳劣武 (Sept 6);反浪費 杜澎作詞 (D);letter from Kate to Rulan (S);音樂學與民族音樂學,民族音樂學的課程;金村田;24 式簡化太極拳 (pasted sheet);公事 business; Customs: tape content;To Do, To OK;To do soon;To task;大連歌劇團 (Aug 10, 82);who’s who;research notes;宋詞發展地位;Tape 20–21 (Sept 13);祁陽小調,長沙彈詞,常法絲弦 (Sept 14);list of materials donated to 上海音樂學院;Aug1–Sept 16’1982 中國各地見的人及劇團 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 21, 1982-08 - 1983 (barcode 004708129)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound
On cover: 1983
Self-adhesive tabs: Da Est.、Bancroft、二人、To do
Aug 1 to China 1982,Lectures in Hong Kong;audio and video,川劇,二人轉等;Yuen Ren Chao estate;Birch office 的七盒書;繆騫人及有關的人;Fend thesis;198 book lists on shelf;送張祖武書;Grove Indonesia;D. McAllester Founder Society Ethnomusicology (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 22, 1982-09 - 1982-11 (barcode 004708064)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 26 cm. Holograph. Hardbound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
Label on cover: 1982 Sept 20th - Oct in Hong Kong mostly
Self-adhesive tabs: Ideas、二人
Contents of the 2 tapes;Hong Kong;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;archive (Oct 31);P.O. student, Cantonese opera class (Nov 6);Talk: The subject of Chinese Music in a Liberal Arts Education (Nov 9);talk (Nov 17);Bell’s paper;調式,調性 (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 23, 1982-10 - 1983-01-13 (barcode 004708130)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 13 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted
Self-adhesive tabs: Oct.、Lecture schedule、學生、Left to do、To get、To ask、To Do soon、To Do、grace home、references
To get;schedule of October and November;A possible help at Archives;lecture schedule;Xmas party 82;學生 party;Xmas cards of 83;同蔡福記來的;Hong Kong Film Culture Centre;itinerary of Grace;Life lecture;Card from 輝 and Daisy to Mrs. Pian, 13 Jan 83;Itinerary in Asia;Archive;Ex. Off.;票房;to Grace’s place (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 24, 1982-12 - 1983-01 (barcode 004708070)
1 volume (unpaged, some blank) ; 26 cm. Holograph. Paperback. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
On cover: Hong Kong Trip Dec.82 - Jan.83. With address label
In Hong Kong (Dec 1 - Jan 15); Tokumaru lecture (Dec 17); Letter to Lindy c. going thru Berkeley (Dec 30); The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chung Chi College Assembly on January 14, 1982, with talk on Some Chinese Style Compositions by Yuen Ren Chao (Jan 14) (Note 1)
-Planner/notebook/diary 25, 1982-1994, undated (barcode 004737185)
1 volume (leaves 1-46) ; 28 cm. Holograph. Spiral bound. With additional sheets pasted or inserted
On cover: Pian lectures. Index on p. 45
Self-adhesive tabs: Index
Contains schedules of different lectures by Pian. 中國聲樂問題 (1); 趙元任作品與當時社會(政治)背景 (3); Music in the Chinese context (4); 從花兒的演唱談表演實況問題 (5); 單弦杜十娘的結構與抒情成份 (6); 東北二人轉表演的敍事與戲劇成份 (7); 霸王別姬中之音樂成份 (9) ; 一般性教育情況 (12); 1987 台北文建會三次講演 (14) ; Institute for Multicultural Education (17); 1994 香港中文大學 (24); By regions (25); I. 清華大學(戲曲選班)1990 年 (31); 國立中央大學中文系、所說唱與戲曲音樂課程大網 (27, 32); Materials ready for lectures in Hong Kong 1994 (33); Schedule of R.C. Pian lectures 1982 at CUHK; 我寫過的 review (41); audience questions, 27 slips of paper in envelope (43); index (45)
- 1958 - 1982
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
25 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-2013 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong