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Chinese studies, 1988-1991, 1993-1994, 1996-1997, 2000-2001, 2003-2006, 2008, undated

 File — Box: 9, Folder: 4
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_4_Folder_4

Consists chiefly of off-prints, booklets, magazine clippings, computer printouts, etc. on Chinese studies by Glen Dudbridge, Mark Elvin, etc. Arranged chronologically.

• Items 1-20:

-Peking story : the last days of old China. David Kidd. 1 sheet. Printout (photocopy). Cover page and colophon. London : Aurum Press Limited, 1988 (Note 2)

-Le livre de jade de Judith Gautier : Un livre pionnier. Muriel Détrie. 7 sheets. Printout... (photocopy). Revue de littérature comparée. 3/1989. Pages [301]-324. In French (Note 2)

-中大將傳世文獻輸入電腦 供作深層研究及提高效率 / 李慧如. 數字歌 / 白韻琴。剪報 2 張(影印本 1 葉)。《明報》1990 年 4 月 6 日(第 1 篇)(Note 2)

-A pilgrimage in seventeenth-century fiction : T'ai-shan and the Hsing-shih Yin-yüan chuan. By Glen Dudbridge. 14 sheets. Printout. T'oung Pao Vol. LXXVII, 4-5 (1991). Pages [226]-252 (Note 2)

-Pound-speak. John H. J. Scott. 1 volume (pages 31-72) ; 26 cm. Printout. Offprint of: 福岡縣立大學紀要,第 2 卷第 1 號。平成 5 年 (1993 年) 12 月 20 日發行. Autographed copy for David and Jean Hawkes. In English with some Japanese (Note 2)

-Mao : the God that failed. By V.V. Paranjpe. December 1993. 2 sheets. Printout (Note 2)

-Yeh-lü Ch'u-ts'ai (1189-1243), Yeh-lü Chu (1221-1285). Igor de Rachewiltz. 1 volume (Pages [v]-vi, 135-175) ; 24 cm. Offprint of: In the service of the Khan : eminent personalities of the early Mongol-Yüan period (1200-1300). Edited by Igor de Rachewiltz, Hok-lam Chan, Hsiao Ch'i-ch'ing and Peter W. Geier. Wiesbaden: Harrasspwitz, 1993. Autographed copy to David Hawkes (Note 2)

-India and China : some memories, some reflections. V.V. Paranjpe. 7 sheets. Printout (photocopy). Indian Horizons, Volume 43 Number 1-2 (1994). Pages [149]-162 (Note 2)

-The tale of Liu Yi and its analogues. Glen Dudbridge. 9 sheets (photocopy). In paradoxes of traditional Chinese literature. Edited by Eva Hung with an introduction by Robert E. Hegel. Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 1994. Pages [v]-[vii], [61]-88 (Note 2)

-Gandhi and Mao. V.V. Paranjpe. 2 sheets (photocopy). Mainstream. April 20, 1996. Pages 13-14 (Note 2)

-The general of the five paths in Tang and pre-Tang China. Glen Dudbridge. 8 sheets (photocopy). Cahiers d' Extrême-Asie 9 (1996-1997). Pages [85]-98 (Note 2)

-Marco Polo went to China. Igor de Rachewiltz. 30 sheets (photocopy). ZAS, 27 (1997). Pages [34-92] (Note 2)

-The late Ming game of Ma Diao. Andrew Lo. 22 Sheets (photocopy). The Playing-Card Vol. XXIX, No.3 (2000). Pages 115-136 (Note 2). Accompanied by:
 1) Mahjong : the name of the game. John Berry. 3 sheets (photocopy). The Playing-Card Vol. XXIX, No.3 (2000). Pages 87-89 (Note 2)

-Book reviews : Spirit and self in Medieval China : the Shih-shuo hsin-yü and its legacy, by Nanxiu Qian. Anne M. Birrell. 2 sheets. Chinese literature : essays, articles, reviews. Vol. 25 (2003). Pages 189-191. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-怎樣求公元的干支。2004-06-10. 打印本 1 張 (影印本)。有手寫筆記。附:干支表。手稿 1 張 (Note 2)

-L'histoire exemplaire d'une rivière du Yunnan (XVIIᵉ - XIXᵉ S.). Par M. Mark Elvin. 1 volume (pages [1041]-1059 ; 25 cm. Offprint of: Académie des inscriptions and belles-lettres Comptes rendus des séances de l'année, 2005 Juillet-Octobre. Paris : Diffusion de Boccard, 2005. In French (Note 2)

-Reviews : China marches West : the Qing conquest of central Eurasia. Mark Elvin. 4 sheets. Harvard Journal of Asiatic studies. Volume 66.2 (December 2006). Pages 539-546 (Note 2)

-排印本 5 張。《明報月刊》2008 年 9 月。包括文章兩篇:
 1) 大陸並未禁止使用方言? 何友齊。頁 17 (Note 2)
 2) 英倫牡丹開——青春版《牡丹亭》歐洲巡演紀實。白先勇。有關白先勇率表演團到倫敦演出青春版《牡丹亭》以及霍克斯 (David Hawkes) 等人觀看首演等。頁 18-25 (Note 2)

-Achilles Fang : in memoriam. James R. Hightower. 2 sheets ; 8 x 22 - 28 x 22 cm. Photocopy. Article in memory of Achilles Fang(方志彤, 1910-1995)(Note 2)

-Ce que nous pouvons attendre de la Chine. 3 sheets. Printout. "Alain Ginesty." Leaves [1]-3. In French. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

• Items 21-26:

-Dubs and the Roman testudo. Glen Dudbridge. 7 sheets. Printout. Leaves 1-7 (Note 2)

-Lien-Sheng Yang, 76 : Harvard historian and scholar. 1 sheet (photocopy). Obituary of Lien-Sheng Yang(楊聯陞). With handwritten notes at the back (Note 2)

-The tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng 曾侯乙 (d. 433 BC) at Sui Xian 隨縣 in Hubei province. 1 sheet (photocopy). On the pitch standards of the state of Chu and Shen (Note 2)

-The weeping dog, or, survival in Shanghai between the two world wars. Mark Elvin. 38 sheets. Printout. Leaves 1-38. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-對魏京生定罪判刑理由很充分。排印本 2 張。市高級法院人員就魏京生案件發表談話,幫助群眾了解案情和懂得有關法律知識。葉 30-31 (Note 2)

-從《睡虎地秦墓竹簡》看秦代語言、社會的某些特點。周守晉。打印本 3 張。葉 1-3 (Note 2)

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  • 1988-1991, 1993-1994, 1996-1997, 2000-2001, 2003-2006, 2008, undated

Language of Materials

Chiefly in English or Chinese

Conditions Governing Access

Accessibility level = 1 (Totally open to public on the online archive; physically available upon request made to CUHK Library or Prof. John Minford)

Conditions Governing Use

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


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