Miscellany, 1982, 1985, 1989, 1993-1999, 2008-2009, undated
Consists of booklets, off-prints, printouts, and photocopies, etc. on various topics collected by David Hawkes. Arranged chronologically.
-Bodleian Library book retrieval form. 1 sheet. Printout. On The world of the early hunters, by Andreas Lommel. Filled by D. Hawkes. "12.8.82" (Note 2)
-Melus-seiniau cymru (The Melus-Seiniau Cymru manuscript). Daniel Huws. Pages 32-50 : portrait ; 21 cm. In Welsh. Accompanied by a slip: Canu Gwerin (Folk... song). 8/1985. Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin Cymru (Journal of The Welsh Folk-Song Society). A gift from Daniel to David (Note 2)
-Le Sermon du curé de cucugnan. Achille Mir ; Illustrations d'après les dessins de Narcisse salières ; Présentation et traduction René Quehen, Christian Burgat ; Edité par René Quehen. 1 volume (pages [1]-65) : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 24 cm. Toulouse : l'Imprimerie LECHA, 1989. Nouvelle édition bilingue. Languedocien - Français. A gift from Rachel and John to David Hawkes (6 July '92)(Note 2)
-Caneuon Llafar Gwlad ac Iolo a'i Fath. Daniel Huws. 1 volume (pages [1]-23) ; 22 cm. Aberystwyth : Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin Cymru, 1993. In Welsh. A gift from Daniel to David. With handwritten notes in pencil (Note 2)
-The making of an orientalist. A.F.L. Beeston. 3 sheets (photocopy). Oxford Magazine. "Second week, Michaelmas term, 1995." Pages 4-6 (Note 2)
-同和. 人権問題 関係資料集 II。排印本 1 冊 (頁 1-87);26 cm. 福岡縣立大學同和.人權委員會,1996 年 5 月 30 日發行。In Japanese (Note 2)
-Five ancient books of Wales. Daniel Huws. 1 volume (pages [1]-23) ; 22 cm. England : Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, University of Cambridge, 1996. H.M. Chadwick Memorial Lectures ; 6. A gift from Daniel to David and Jean (Note 2)
-Epithalamion in Alanum et Mariam. Roger LeSueur. 29/05/98. 1 sheet. Photocopy. In Latin (Note 2)
-Judicial review -- the tensions between the executive and the judiciary. By Harry Woolf. 1 volume (pages 549-593) ; 25 cm. Reprinted from: Law Quarterly Review, Volume 114 (October 1998). London : Sweet & Maxwell Limited (Note 2)
-森鷗外記念會通信。排印本 3 張 ; 26 x 37 cm folded to 26 x 19 cm. 森鷗外記念會發行。No. 132 秋。平成十一年 (1999 年) 十月十五日。頁 1-12. In Japanese (Note 2)
-The Padlock. 1 sheet. Prinout. From Wikipedia. Printing date: 04/09/2008 (Note 2)
-Statement of results. 1 sheet. Printout. A transcipt of academic record of a student studying at the Australian National University (ANU). Date of issue: 24/08/2009 (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 6 (Only listed on the archive as sealed items)
-Channel firing. Thomas Hardy. 1 sheet. Printout (photocopy). A poem (Note 2)
-1 sheet. Printout (photocopy). Includes chromatic scale and definition of four musical terms: chromatic scale, pentatonic scale, anhemitonic pentatonic scale, solmization system
-The Larkin Syndrome. By Oliver James. 1 volume (pages [3]-18) ; 21 cm. The Tiddler : the observer's little bit extra. No. 2 (Note 2)
See moreDates
- 1982, 1985, 1989, 1993-1999, 2008-2009, undated
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
15 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Hawkes, David, 1923-2009 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong