Notes and bibliographies, 1979-1980, undated
Consists of notes on the Chinese classics, Tang poetry, Chinese epigraphy, etc., and a bibliography of Chinese literature.
-[Lecture notes on Hong lou meng]. 44 sheets ; 13 x 21 cm. Holograph. Lecture notes on Hong lou meng for a series of seminars at the Australian National University, Canberra, 1979-80. Leaves 1-22, 0-21. Attached with: Note about an article《石兄和曹雪芹》by 戴不凡. 1 sheet. Holograph
-1 binder (475 sheets, some blank) ; 18 x 27 cm.... Holograph. Label on spine: 29 Wang Wei poems. 27 Li Po poems. Some Po Chü-i. Label on cover: 5. Includes notes:
1) 29 Wang Wei(王維)poems. Leaves [1-224]
2) 27 Li Po(李白)poems. Leaves [225-433]
3) Po Chü-I(白居易)poems. Leaves [434-475]
-1 binder (740 sheets) ; 18 x 27 cm. Holograph. Label on spine: Bibliography of Chinese Literature (Akatsuki - Yunglo ta-tien). (Loose) Notes for Introductory Outline of Chin. Lit. 1-15. Label on cover: 6. Includes notes:
1) Bibliography of Chinese Literature (Akatsuki - Yunglo ta-tien(永樂大典)). Leaves [1-656]
2) Introductory outline of Chinese literature. Leaves [657-740]
-1 binder (410 sheets) ; 18 x 27 cm. Holograph. Label on spine: Notes on Mencius 1-4, Tso Chuan 658-627 B.C., Shih Ching(國風), Misc. Label on cover: 7. Includes notes:
1) Mencius《孟子》1-4. Leaves [1-111]
2) Tso Chuan《左傳》. Leaves [112-196]
3) Shih Ching《詩經》. Leaves [197-315]
4) Miscellaneous topics. Leaves [317-410]
-1 binder (114 sheets, mostly blank) ; 18 x 27 cm. Holograph. Includes notes on extract from《野草》by 魯迅 (sheet [1]) and notes on editions of《紅樓夢》(sheets [2-5]). Label on spine: Mostly blank pages divided into sections 1-19. Label on cover: 8
-[Epigraphy Lecture]. 1 volume (28 unnumbered leaves, some blank) ; 21 x 16 cm + 2 loose sheets. Holograph. 有關中國古代碑銘文的筆記。標題及編號如下:
1) 東晉"興之"墓志。2) 漢魯相碑。3) 故幽州書佐石闕。4) 元興元年漢鏡。5) 秦權。7) 楚王簠。9) 鄂君啓節。11) 仰天湖楚簡。13) 書繒(繒書)。15) 晉國朱書文。17) 石鼓文。19) 白賓父殷。20) 仲枬父鬲。21) 頌殷。22) 大豐殷。25) 卜旬辭。26) 武丁卜辭。27) 武丁卜辭。Label on cover: Epigraphy Lecture
- 1979-1980, undated
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6 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Hawkes, David, 1923-2009 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong