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Songs of the South, 1959, 1973-1984, 1987-1992, 1999, 2001-2002, 2004, 2008, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 2
Identifier: 0011_PER_DHawkes_Series_1_Subseries_2

Consists chiefly of correspondence between David Hawkes, colleagues and the publishers regarding the publication of Songs of the South (楚辭), also includes notes and other reference materials on the book. Arranged chronologically

• Items 1-20:

(1) Chu ci (General) ; (2) Jiu ge : transliteration and notes. 1 binder (approximately 395 unnumbered leaves) ; 18 x 27 cm + 1 sheet. Holograph. Consists of notes prepared for the revised... edition of The Songs of the South (1985), which is an English translation of Chu ci (楚辭). 主要是摘錄自中國古籍中有關《楚辭》(主要是《九歌》)的相關資料及其他筆記。包括:
 通論 (52 unnumbered leaves)、《東皇太一》(30 unnumbered leaves)、《雲中君》(30 unnumbered leaves)、《湘君,湘夫人》(103 unnumbered leaves)、《大司命,少司命》(76 unnumbered leaves)、《東君》(28 unnumbered leaves)、《山鬼》(35 unnumbered leaves)、《國殤》(3 unnumbered leaves)、和《禮魂》(2 unnumbered leaves)

 Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)

-Ch'u tz'u : the Songs of the South : an ancient Chinese anthology. By David Hawkes. 1 volume (viii, 229 pages : map ; 22 cm). Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1959 (Note 2)
 Chu ci (Ancient Chinese poems) translated in English. Autograph. With handwritten notes

-Notes on The Songs of the South. By David Hawkes. 1 memo book (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 16 cm. Holograph. Paperback

 Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)

-Letter from Betty Radice to David. 12.9.73. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On having a revised edition of Songs of the South for the Penguin Classics series (Note 2)

-Letter from P.H. Sutcliffe to David Hawkes. 27 September 1973. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On stating that the copyright of Songs of the South belongs to David and the Clarendon Press is not interested to have a revised version of Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from P.H. Sutcliffe to David Hawkes. 18 January 1974. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the possibility of having a new edition of Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Betty Radice. 21 January 1974. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On waiting for the Clarendon Press whether reprinting Songs of the South

-Letter from Julia Vellacott to David Hawkes. 6th March 1974. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On expressing interests in reprinting or having a revised version of Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from S.A. Milford to David Hawkes. 3 March 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the enquiry from Greenwood Press about the hardbound reprint rights in Ch'u Tz'u : Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 2nd April, 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enquiring the settlement of Songs of the South with Greenwood Press. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-Letter from S.A. Milford to David Hawkes. 14 April 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On forwarding Greenwood Press's plan of incorporating a new "Preface to the reprint edition" in Songs of the South, and requesting permission to reprint the book (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 16th April 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On enclosing a letter written to OUP (Oxford University Press)

-Letter from David Hawkes to S.A. Milford. 16th April 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On refusing Greenwood Press permission to reprint Songs of the South

-Letter from S.A. Milford to David Hawkes. 21 April 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enquiring the publication date of the Penguin Classics edition of Songs of the South and refusing Greenwood Press permission to reprint the book (Note 2)

-Letter from Katherine Chatard to David Hawkes. 28th April, 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On informing David that Will Sulkin was away on holiday (Note 2)

-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 5th May, 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On asking for confirmation of the ownership of the rights of Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 29 May 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On confirming that the copyright of Songs of the South was owned by David

-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 15th June, 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On an advance payment and discussion of the contract of Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 21 June 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On prefering a Spring 1977 contract for Songs of the South, enquiring a hardback Stone, and the difficulty of finding out the Stone in the latest Penguin catalogue

-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 28th June, 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On discussing the possible changes to the text of Songs of the South, explaining the Stone negotiations with Knopf, and including translators in the stock list (Note 2)

• Items 21-40:

-Letter from Betty Radice to David. 6.8.76. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On feeling sorry to David's loss of parents and talking about the Classical Conference (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 16 June 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On drawing up of the contract of Songs of the South hurriedly and sending presentation copies (Note 1)

-Letter from Katherine Chatard to David Hawkes. 7th July, 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enclosing the contract for Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Katherine Chatard. 10th July 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On returning the signed contract for Songs of the South and mentioning a few inappropriate wordings used in the contract. Enclosed with:
 Memorandum of Agreement. 30th June 1977. 3 sheets. Typography (photocopy). The contract of Ch'u Tz'u : The Songs of the South between David Hawkes and the Penguin Books Ltd. Signed by David Hawkes (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Katherine Chatard to Hawkes. 12th July, 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On amending the second copy of the contract, and informing David that a copy of the contract and advance due on signature should be arrived soon (Note 2)

-Letter from Diana Taylor to David Hawkes. 12 June 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On forwarding a letter about reprinting the Songs of the South. Jane Holloway signed for Diana Taylor (Note 2). Enclosed with:
 Letter from Laura Kadelbach to R.E. Brammah. May 25, 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On considering a reprint of Songs of the South and enquiring the sales figures for the book (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Diana Taylor. 8 July 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the contract of publishing Songs of the South with Penguin

-Aerogram from Lindsay Waters to David Hawkes. July 19, 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On expressing interests in reprinting Songs of the South and asking for copies of the reviews of the book received (Note 2)

-Letter from Jessica Rawson to David Hawkes. 12 September 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On requesting permission to include four brief extracts from the translation of Ch'u Tz'u in a handbook to a collection at the British Museum. With handwritten marks (Note 2)

-Aerogram from Lindsay Waters to David Hawkes. October 9, 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On expressing interests in reprinting Songs of the South and recommendations from Chinese scholars of republishing the book (Note 2)

-Letter from Diana Taylor to David Hawkes. 7 March 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On sending a copy of letter received from Columbia University Press about the paperback rights to Ch'u Tz'u: Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from Dion Wright to Hawkes. 23 March 1980. 2 sheets. Holograph, signed. On the comments after re-reading Songs of the South, the Taiwan trip and travelling plan (Note 2)

-Symposium: The Work of Joseph Needham. Mark Elvin, Willard J. Peterson, U.J. Libbrecht and Christopher Cullen. 1 volume (pages [17]-53) ; 22 cm. Reprinted from Past & Present : a journal of historical studies. Number 87 (May 1980). With handwritten notes on cover. With duplicate copy: Contents. 1 sheet (photocopy) (Note 2)

-By direction from above. By J.D. North. 1 sheet. On the book "In Search of Ancient Astronomies". Editor, F.C. Krupp. TLS (Times Literary Supplement). May 16 1980 : 563 (Note 2)

-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 19 June 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the decision of Viking Penguin on Songs of the South and leaving Penguin Books soon (Note 2)

-Aerogram from Richard Lai to David Hawkes. August 18, 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On expressing interest in reprinting Ch'u Tzu - The Songs of the South on behalf of the Chinese University Press. Post stamp: 18 VIII 80 (Note 2)

-Letter from D. Wright to Hawkes. 26/10/80. 2 sheets. Holograph, signed. On asking questions about the discussion of allegory after reading Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Joseph Needham. 13th December 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On sharing the problem about She-thi after reading Joseph's SCC section on astronomy

-Letter from Anne M. Birrell to Hawkes. January 5th, 1981. 2 sheets. Typescript, signed. On a list of items that might change in the revised Penguin Classics edition of Songs of the South and general suggestions to the book (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Christopher Cullen to Hawkes. 12 Feb 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On astronomical queries to Joseph Needham would be answered by Christopher (Note 2)

• Items 41-60:

-Letter from David Hawkes to Christopher Cullen. 11th January 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the "nine fields" of heaven in the Heavenly Questions

-Letter from Betty Radice to David. 18.3.83. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On enquiring the Mencius reference for The Fisherman and exact reference to the quotation from The Golden Bough (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Betty Radice. 20th April 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the Golden Bough quotation, the reference for the footnote to The Fisherman, the cover picture for Songs of the South, and about Anne Birrell. With handwritten notes

-Letter from David Hawkes to Betty Radice. 16th May 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On sending another dollop of Songs of the South

-Letter from David Hawkes to Betty Radice. 29th May 1983. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the spellings of Chinese names, the contents of the preface, replying query in David's notes, etc.

-Letter from Caroline Bugler to David Hawkes. March 20th 1984. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the suggestions for the cover of Songs of the South (Note 2)

-Letter from Jane Brodie to David Hawkes. 5 April 1984. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enclosing a proposed cover blurb for The Songs of the South. Enclosed with: A cover copy of the Songs of the South. May 85/3.4.84. 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy) (Note 2)

-Letter from Rachel Pyper to David Hawkes. 6 April 1984. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the page proofs schedule of Songs of the South(Note 2)

-Letter from Imelda Whelehan to David Hawkes. 21 June 1984. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On receiving further corrections for Songs of the South and passing the corrections to the copy-editor, Keith Taylor (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Paul Keegan. 26th March 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On receiving a copy of the contract of Songs of the South (SOS) and compiling a list of corrections of SOS. Accompanied by: A list of corrections of SOS. 3 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Paul Keegan. 28th March 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On amending a miscorrection for Songs of the South

-Letter from David Hawkes to Paul Keegan. 9th November 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the charge for the copies of Songs of the South and Volumes 1-5 of Story of Stone, and the excerpts of reviews printed on the back covers of Volumes 1,3 and 5 of Story of Stone

-Letter from Rachel Robertson to David Hawkes. 18th November 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On permission to set some of the "Nine Songs" to music and discussing the terms for the agreement of using the translation of Nine Songs. Accompanied by:
 1) Letter from Colin Huehns to Penguin Books. 2nd October, 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On incorporating Lui Jung-en's Six Yuan Plays and David Hawkes's Songs of the South in Colin's music composition. With a date stamp: 8 OCT 1987 (Note 1) (Note 2)
 2) Letter from Colin Huehns to Penguin Books. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed (photocopy). On enclosing a copy of the manuscript of the musical settings and omission made on David Hawkes's translation of the Lady of the Xiang. With a date stamp: 9 NOV 1987 (Note 1) (Note 2). Enclosed with:
 Six settings of poems by Qu Yuen. By Colin Huehns. 1 score (20 sheets). With duplicate copy (Note 2)(Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Rachel Robertson. 23rd November 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On setting the "Nine Songs" to music by Colin Huehns and accepting the outlined arrangement

-Letter from Rachel Robertson to David Hawkes. 25th November 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On granting Colin Huehns permission to use the poems in the score and no need to send back the copy of score (Note 2)

-Letter from Rachel Robertson to David Hawkes. 17th March 1988. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On Colin Huehns's performance with using the Nine Songs in the Songs of the South (Note 1) (Note 2)

-Letter from Robert W. Bagley to Dr. Hawkes. 9 July 1989. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On asking permission to photocopy a few pages of the Songs of the South as the assigned readings to students (Note 2)

-Letter from David Hawkes to Paul Keegan. 10th December 1991. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the popularity of the Penguin Classics edition of Songs of the South (SOS), sending a copy of SOS to UNESCO, and the corrections to be made in reprint edition

-Letter from Paul Keegan to David Hawkes. 12 February 1992. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On informing the firm reprint date of Songs of the South and requesting an up-to-date list of corrections of the book (Note 2)

-Letter from Alfreda Murck to David Hawkes. 15 November 1999. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. On failing to find a copy of the 1985 edition of the Songs of the South (Note 1) (Note 2)

• Items 61-69:

-Note from Shelagh Phillips to David Hawkes. 16th October 2001. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. On forwarding Christian Schmitz's emails of enquiring permission to use the poems in Songs of the South in a musical context. Enclosed with:
 1) Email from Christian Schmitz to Oxford University Press (OUP). 21 September 2001. 1 sheet. Printout. Subject: songs of the south. On asking for permission to use the translation in David Hawkes's Songs of the South in Christian's musical context (Note 2)
 2) Email from Anna Zawadzki to Christian Schmitz. 24 September 2001. 1 sheet. Printout. Subject: Ref: A/Hawkes. On the copyright holder of Songs of the South (Note 2)
 3) Email from Christian Schmitz to Anna Zawadzwi. 3 October 2001. 1 sheet. Printout. Subject: Re: Ref: A/Hawkes. On providing postal address for author to contact (Note 1) (Note 2)

-三、霍克斯的古代文學與文化研究。排印本 3 葉 (影印本)。 在《國外漢學史》。何寅、許光華主編。上海:上海外語教育出版社,2002。頁 562-567。附:封面及版權頁。排印本 1 張( 影印本) (Note 2)

-文化翻譯探索 —— 兼評 David Hawkes 譯屈原《天問》。劉宓慶。排印本 15 葉 (影印本)。在《面向 21 世紀的譯學研究》。張柏然、許鈞主編。北京:商務印書館,2002年。頁 [486]-515 (Note 2)

-Letter from Anne Behnke Kinney to David Hawkes. July 24, 2002. 2 sheets. Printout. On asking copyright permission to use the translation of Ch'u Tz'u: The Songs of the South for a project centering on traditions of exemplary women (Note 2). Accompanied by:
 1) A slip. 1 sheet. Holograph. Information of James Lovelock's Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine
 2) Renditions No. 14 (Autumn 1980). 1 sheet. Typescript (photocopy). On clarifying the omission of David Hawkes's article "The Translator, the Mirror, and the Dream" in Renditions 13. With handwritten notes (Note 2)

-剪報 1 張。2004 年「楚辭國際學術研究會暨中國屈原學會」 第 10 屆年會部分論文摘要及會議概況。手寫說明:2004.11.24 光明日報。包括:
 1) 從"戀鄉"到"愛國"/郭建勛 (Note 2)
 2) 論屈騷結構/李誠 (Note 2)
 3) 出土文獻與屈原研究/周建忠 (Note 2)
 4) 屈原的"放流"問題/方銘 (Note 2)
 5) 楚辭國際學術研討會召開/熊良智、余作勝、羅劍波 (Note 2)

-Email from David Hawkes to Mariateresa Boffo. 18 February 2008. 1 sheet. Printout. Subject: Songs of the South. On the missing text in Songs of the South, the maps and the suggestion for the short biographical note in the book

-Note to add to the Fisherman. 1 sheet. Holograph

-1 sheet. Holograph. Remarks of Songs of the South

-手稿 1 張。筆記:中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊、張秉權編著《殷代的祭祀與巫術》等

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  • 1959, 1973-1984, 1987-1992, 1999, 2001-2002, 2004, 2008, undated

Language of Materials

Chiefly in English

Conditions Governing Access

Unless otherwise specified, most of the items are at accessibility level = 1 (Totally open to public on the online archive; physically available upon request made to CUHK Library or Prof. John Minford)

Conditions Governing Use

Note 1: Contains personal data or sensitive information; access restricted

Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply


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