Story of the Stone, 1974-1981, 1987, 1994, 2000-2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, undated
Consists chiefly of correspondence between David Hawkes, colleagues and the publisher regarding the publication of the Story of Stone (紅樓夢), also includes manuscripts, notes and other reference materials on the book. Arranged chronologically.
• Items 1-20:
-Story of the Stone, chapter 2-80. Translated by David Hawkes. 1 volume (approximately 2,180 pages in various pagings) ; 27 cm. Holograph. Paperback. Consists of the manuscripts of chapter 2-80 of the English translation of Hong lou meng (紅樓夢).
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-Notes on Story of the Stone. 1 exercise book (unpaged) ; 21 cm. Holograph. Paperback. In English, Chiinese with some in Japanese. On cover: D. Hawkes. March 1978. Includes:
Itō Sōhei (伊藤漱平) 紅樓夢 Chap. 67《注一》-- 岩波文庫紅樓夢 -- 王國維《紅樓夢評論》-- 紅樓夢叢書 -- Chap 67 -- 周作人 知堂回想錄 -- 酬謝麗澤竹治貞夫先生惠贈大著楚辭研究 -- 紅樓夢 -- 曹雪芹與紅樓夢 -- 李密思「湘君廟記」-- IROHA-uta (広辭苑) -- James Lewis, The wife of Martin Guerre -- Feminization of shema -- 何文煥:歷代對話 -- 蔣瑞藻「小說考證拾遺」-- 陳毓羆、劉世德 "曹雪芹佚著辨偽" -- 陳若曦「尹縣長」 -- 俞平伯與「紅樓夢」事件 -- 新建設「紅樓夢簡論」-- Hu Shih & the Chinese newspapers -- Shanghai 1927-30 -- 清初士大夫禪悅之風與紅樓的關係 -- 李希凡 曹雪芹和他的紅樓夢 -- 胡適 ... in 1942 -- 啓功 -- 鄧拓 -- 郭預衡 -- 明珠 -- 周紹良 "雪芹舊有風月寶鑒" -- 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 -- I. Lewis. Ecstatic religion: an anthropological study of shamanism, spirit possession. Penguin, 1972 -- 譚介甫:屈賦新編 -- 山海經 -- 漢書地理志 -- 黃帝(軒轅)-- 楚語 下 -- 孔尚任 -- 論衡 -- 明報 178 (1980.10) -- 林語堂:平心論高鶚
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 2 (Only available on the online archive)
-The Story of the Stone : a Translator's Notebooks. David Hawkes. 1 volume (xv, 416 pages : facsimiles, photograph ; 29 cm). Hong Kong : Centre for Literature and Translation, Lingnan University, 2000 (see CUHK LibrarySearch)
Chinese title:《紅樓夢》英譯筆記。霍克思。香港:嶺南大學文學與翻譯研究中心,2000 年 (Note 2)
-Letter from Julia Vellacott to David Hawkes. 10th May 1974. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the change of the person-in-charge of the series, Penguin Classics. With handwritten notes. Attached with a slip: Stone Editorial + Publishing Correspondence, 1974-1987 (Note 2)
-Letter from William Sulkin to David Hawkes. 5 July 1974. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enclosing a copy of a letter from William to John Minford (Note 2)
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 19th January, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On finishing the corrections of the typescript of The Story of the Stone, volume 2 (Note 2)
-Letter from Katherine Chatard to David Hawkes. 14th March, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On asking for an approximate delivery date and length for volumes of the Story of Stone which David Hawkes is translating. With handwritten notes: Sept/Oct 75. Summer 78 (Note 2)
-Letter from Katherine Chatard to David Hawkes. 11th April, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On informing David Hawkes that Will Sulkin is on vacation (Note 2)
-Letter from William Sulkin to David Hawkes. 2nd May, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On requesting the details of delivery and length of the volumes from John Minford (Note 2)
-Aerogram from Charles Elliott to David Hawkes. 7 May 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the plans of publication of the Story of Stone (Note 2)
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 15th July, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the proposals of new contract and the terms required to pay attention on (Note 2). Enclosed with:
Letter from Will Sulkin to John. 15th July, 1975. 2 sheets. Typescript (photocopy). On explaining the possibility of re-contracting (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to W. Sulkin. 18 July 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the opinions towards new contract and nearing completion of Volume 2
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 16th September 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On proposing an advance on royalties for John Minford's difficulties
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 30 September 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On sending completed copies of the Story of Stone and suggestion about the cover of Volume 2
-Letter from Anne Lowe to David Hawkes. 1 October 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the change of the credit on Volume 1's cover and David's suggestion to the cover of Volume 2 (Note 2)
-Letter from William Sulkin to David Hawkes. 2nd October, 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On handling David Hawkes's idea of an advance on royalties and receiveing the typescript (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Douglas Rust. 26 November 1975. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On giving an account of some arrangements made for the Story of Stone and the advance on royalties
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 26 November 1975. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On explaining the difficulties of getting the advance on royalties after the delivery of Volume 2
-Letter from Christine Collins to David Hawkes. 3 December 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On sending the proofs of the changed pages in the Story of Stone and requesting David to check (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Christine Collins. 4 December 1975. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On a few very minor points after checking the changed pages and corrections on errors of translation
• Items 21-40:
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 14th December 1975. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On two omissions in the translation of Volume 2. With handwritten notes
-Letter from David Hawkes to Christine Collins. 25 January 1976. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On a few more corrections to be incorporated in a later reprint
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 25 January 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On a few small corrections to be made in the typescript of Volume 2
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 17th February, 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On finishing the corrections of the typescript of Volume 2 and scheduling the book for publication in February next year (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 18 February 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On a few more corrections to be made in the typescript of Volume 2
-Letter from Katherine Chatard to David Hawkes. 23rd February, 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the further corrections for the typescript (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 29 May 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On some more corrections to be made in the typescript of Volume 2
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 19 July 1976. 2 sheets. Typescript, signed. On discussing the way to introduce direct speech in Volume 2 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 2 August 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On Frances' suggestion to introduce direct speech in Volume 2
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 24 August 1976. 2 sheets. Typescript, signed. On further queries about the editorial arrangements of the text of Volume 2. With handwritten marks (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 8 Sep 1976. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On replying Frances' queries on the text of Volume 2 and asking for making more alterations
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 22 Sep 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On making small additions to the typescript of Volume 2
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 12 October 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On making all the corrections mentioned except two points. With handwritten marks (Note 2)
-Letter from Diana Bigham to David Hawkes. 13 October 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On inserting biographical information on the title page of Volume 2 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Diana Bigham. 16 October 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On inserting a biographical note on page 1
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 16 October 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the galley proof and page proof of Volume 2
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 25 October 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On explaining why Volume 2 would go straight into page proof without galley proof(Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 27 October 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On worrying about going straight into page-proof and the corrections to the typescript of Volume 2
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 2 November 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On reporting the mentioned corrections would be inserted on the page proofs (Note 2)
-Letter from Marianne Velmans to David Hawkes. 3 November 1976. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the schedule for Cao Xueqin: The Story of Stone Volume 2 from the printers (Note 2)
• Items 41-60:
-Letter from Marianne Velmans to David Hawkes. 24 January 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On sending the page proofs of Volume 2, marking printer's errors and other corrections. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
-Letter from Marianne Velmans to David Hawkes. 8 February 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On expressing thanks for returning the proofs of Volume 2 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Marianne Velmans. 9th February 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On some more corrections added to the proofs of Volume 2
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 24 February 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On queries on the text of the proof of Volume 2. With handwritten marks (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 2nd March 1977. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On queries on the text and misprint in the proof of Volume 2, and the description on the back cover of the cover picture
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 3 March 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the misprints of Volume 2 and the description of the painting on the cover (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 5th March 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On some more corrigenda found in the proof of Volume 2
-Letter from David Hawkes to Frances Balfour. 8 March 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On another corrigendum found in the proof of Volume 2
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 10 March 1977. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On two corrections that might not able to make as the proofs had already been returned to the printers (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Christine Collins. 3 Aug 78. 3 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On the printing deformities of the Volume 2 and the incorrect listing of the surname of Cao Xueqin in the catalogues
-Postcard from Christine Collins to David Hawkes. 7 August 1978. 1 card. Typescript, signed. On expressing thanks for the list of revisions of Volume 2 and the incorrect listing of Cao Xueqin (Note 2)
-Letter from Christine Collins to David Hawkes. 9 October 1978. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On sending a copy of the proofs of the corrections in Volume 2 to check alterations (Note 2)
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 13 October 1978. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On expressing thanks for returning the lost-now-found cheques and statements and sending cheques to John Minford's address in Australia (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Anne Lowe. 25 April 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the cover picture of Volume 3
-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 26 April 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On finishing the translation of the Story of Stone Volume 3 and starting to work on Songs of the South soon
-Letter from Susan Moore to David Hawkes. 2 May 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On explanation about the late payment of royalties (Note 2)
-Letter from Anne Lowe to David Hawkes. 9 May 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the cover picture of Volume 3 (Note 2)
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 17 May 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the delivery of David's Volume 3 and John Minford's Volume 4 of the Story of Stone, and the progress of Songs of the South (Note 2)
-Letter from Carol Heaton to David Hawkes. 31 May 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the arrangements made with Indiana University Press for the issue of hardcover editions of Volume 1 and 2 of the Story of Stone. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
-Letter from Carol Heaton to David Hawkes. 4 June 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the hardcover and paperback editions of the Story of Stone (Note 2)
• Items 61-80:
-Letter from David Hawkes to Carol Heaton. 12 June 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On expressing worries of the agreement made with Indiana University Press for the hardcover editions of the Story of Stone
-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 13 June 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On sending the copy of Volume 3 and expressing the worries about the deal with Indiana University Press
-Letter from Carol Heaton to David Hawkes. 21 June 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On answering queries about the agreement with Indiana University Press (Note 2)
-Letter from Will Sulkin to D Hawkes. 26 June 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On receiving the copy of Volume 3 and further explanation about the hardcover editions of the Story of Stone (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Carol Heaton. 8 July 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On feeling sorry to the grumpy manner on the Indiana deal and asking for more hardcover Indiana's editions of Volume 1 and 2
-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 8 July 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On informing a four-month trip to Australia, enquiring an earlier payment on royalties and a few small corrections of Volume 3
-Letter from Carol Heaton to David Hawkes. 17 July 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On asking Indiana to send in more hardcover copies of Volumes 1 and 2 of the Story of Stone (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to William Sulkin. 1st August 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On asking about the royalties on Volume 3, enclosing a photograph of a Chinese painting for the cover of Volume 4, and talking about the cover of Volume 3
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 17 August 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the delivery of the royalties of Volume 3, the schedule for publication of Volume 3, the difficulty in finding the illustration for the cover of Volume 3, and asking if any other suggestions for the cover of Volume 4 (Note 2)
-Letter from Frances Balfour to David Hawkes. 28 September 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On asking the style of "Stone's Note to the Reader" and a few points on the text of the typescript of Volume 3 (Note 2)
-Letter from Monica Schertzer to David Hawkes. 3 October 1979. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On sending 4 copies of Volumes 1 and 2 of the Indiana University Press edition (Note 2)
-Letter from Kathy John to David Hawkes. 16 January 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On marking down the correction at page proof stage, reporting the page proofs schedule for Volume 3, and the news that Frances Balfour has left Penguin Books (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Kathy John. 1st February 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On forwarding an enclosed letter to Frances Balfour and returning the corrected proofs of Volume 3 by 7th March
-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 1st February 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On asking if the poem "Flower of the Peach" in Volume 3 could be published in periodical, Renditions and the personnel movement in Penguins
-Letter from Kathy John to David Hawkes. 12 February 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On expressing thanks for accepting the proofreading deadline and giving some clue for the cover picture of Volume 3 (Note 2)
-Letter from Kathy John to David Hawkes. 15 February 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enclosing two sets of page proofs of Volume 3 and requesting to return the corrected proof and typescrpt back by 12 March (Note 2)
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 18 February 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the resignation of Frances Balfour and Anne Lowe, the painting for the cover of Volume 3, and the publication date of Volume 3 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Kathy John. 25th February 1980. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On returning the corrected proof and typescript of Volume 3 and mentioning alterations to be made to the proof of Volume 3. With handwritten marks
-Letter from David Hawkes to Will Sulkin. 26th February 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the idea to choose Chu Pang's painting of the Forbidden City as the cover of Volume 3
-Letter from Kathy John to David Hawkes. 29 February 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On passing the corrected proof and manuscipt of Volume 3 to the copy-editor (Note 2)
• Items 81-100:
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 27 March 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the details of the cover of Volume 3. Signed by Vanessa Terry (Note 2)
-Letter from Will Sulkin to David Hawkes. 18 April 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enclosing copies of the alternative covers of Volume 3 and asking for opinions. With handwritten notes (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Kathy John to David Hawkes. 22 April 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enclosing 2 sets of revises of Volume 3 and the corrected proof copy and reminding an alteration between pages 519 and 526 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Kathy John. 24 April 1980. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On returning the revises and the proof copy and pointing out some corrections needed to be made for the revises
-Letter from Kathy John to David Hawkes. 1 May 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On informing David that all requested alterations would be made (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Kathy John. 8th August 1980. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On asking for seeing the rest of the revises, checking some corrections and enquiring the publication date of Volume 3
-Letter from Kathy John to David Hawkes. 11 August 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On checking the corrections requested by David Hawkes , sending the additional corrections to Reprints Department, reporting the publication date, and sending a list of people to Jackie for free copies of Volume 3 (Note 2)
-Letter from Vanessa Terry to David Hawkes. 12 August 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On enclosing a copy of Volume 3, informing David about the publication date, and the replacement of Will Sulkin as the editor of the Classics (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Vanessa Terry. 5th September 1980. 2 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy). On enclosing a letter and a list of names for copies to Jackie Warner, and passing a list of corrigenda to the Reprints Department. Enclosed with:
1) Letter from David Hawkes to Jackie Warner. 5 September 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On attaching the list of people for sending a presentation copy of Volume 3, and requesting 12 free copies for David
2) A name list for presentation copies of Volume 3. 5 sheets. Typescript (carbon copy) (Note 1)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Donald McFarlan. 26 September 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On some more corrigenda for Volume 3
-Letter from Donald McFarlan to David Hawkes. 29 September 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On passing the corrections of Volume 3 to the reprints department (Note 2)
-Chinese love story. 1 sheet. On intorducing and reviewing Volume 3 of the Story of Stone. The Times Saturday Review. December 6 1980. The article is incomplete (Note 2)
-Letter from John Minford to David. 7th December 1980. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On the book review of Volume 3 of the Story of Stone and the hard-cover edition (Note 2)
-Letter from Caroline Bugler to David Hawkes. December 29th 1980. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the cover illustration of Volume 4 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Caroline Bugler. 1st January 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On consulting John Minford first on the cover of Volume 4
-Letter from David Hawkes to Donald McFarlan. 22 February 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On Philippa Toomey's review of the one-volume Tale of Genji, the Arthur Waley and Seidensticker versions of Tale of Genji, and the 3-volume boxed set of the Story of Stone
-Letter from Donald McFarlan to David Hawkes. 24 February 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On why Penguins publishing the Seidebsticker version of Tale of Genji and the idea of the 3 volume 120 chapter version of the Story of Stone(Note 2)
-Letter from Donald McFarlan to David Hawkes. 8th July 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On checking and amending the apparatus which was used in previous volumes of the Story of Stone(Note 2)
-Letter from Donald McFarlan to David Hawkes. 15th July 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On the corrections to the Volume 3 table and the footnote after the dafgger symbol in Volume 3 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to Donald McFarlan. 11 Nov 81. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On the "dictionary entries" in Volume 4
• Items 101-120:
-Letter from David Hawkes to Donald McFarlan. 30th November 1981. 1 sheet. Typescript (carbon copy). On keeping everything on the cover of Volumes 4 and 5 consistent to the first three volumes
-Letter from Paul Keegan to David Hawkes. 12 November 1987. 1 sheet. Typescript, signed. On arranging Gratis for books and inviting David for lunch (Note 2)
-才子佳人的背面(一)。伊凡。打印本 6 葉(影印本)。香港文學。No. 109 (Jan. 1994), pages 60-65. 有手寫筆記:To Professor Hawkes, for amusement. With best wishes, Eva Leung (Note 2)
-Letter from Sunning Yu to David Hawkes. Feb 26, 2001. 2 sheets. Printout. On sharing insights after reading David's The Story of Stone (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Email from David Hawkes to Sandra Chin. 22 March 2001. 1 sheet. Printout. Subject: The Story of the Stones. On discussing the premission of reprinting chapter 1 and 26 plus additional 10 chapters. With handwritten notes (on the same page) from Daivid Hawkes to Caroline White
-Letter from David Hawkes to Caroline White. 24th March 2001. 1 sheet. Printout. On the reprint of the Story of Stone requested by Sandra Chin
-Letter from Sunning Yu to Hawkes. Oct 10, 2001. 1 sheet. Printout. On sharing several observations about the Story of Stone and asking if any on-line discussion groups about the Stone novel (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Letter from Louise Willder to David Hawkes. 10 June 2003. 1 sheet. Printout, signed. On the cover copy for the new Penguin Classics edition of the Story of Stone (Note 2). Enclosed with:
Paperback cover copy. 1 sheet. Printout (Note 2)
-Letter from Laura Barber to David Hawkes. 16 July 2003. 2 sheets. Printout, signed. On the relaunch of the Penguin Classics series and its effects on David's the Story of the Stone (Note 2)
-Note from Eva to David. 28 Oct, 2003. 1 sheet. Holograph, signed. On enclosing another copyright assignment and reporting the progress of the book (Note 2)
-“釵正黛次” 說。王志武。剪報 1 葉。有手寫日期:2005.5.27 (Note 2)
-Memorandum of Agreement (draft 1). 4 sheets. Printout. On the agreement of publishing the Chinese-English bilingual version of《紅樓夢》(The Story of Stone) with Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Blank, unsigned. With handwritten corrections (Note 2). Attached with:
Memorandum of Agreement (draft 2). 4 sheets. Printout. Blank, unsigned. With handwritten corrections (Note 2)
-譯本滙校記 (1-40 回) 。打印本 4 張。有關 "The Story of Stone" 第 1 至 40 回的中英譯文校訂,頁 1-8。打印日期:30/04/2009 (Note 2)
-Email from Fan Shengyu to David Hawkes. Jun 4, 2009. 1 sheet. Printout. On discussing the bilingual contents of the Story of Stone (Chapters 41-60) (Note 1) (Note 2). Attached with:
譯本滙校記 (41-60 回)。打印本 4 張。頁 1-7。有手寫筆記。打印日期:04/06/2009 (Note 2)
-高蘭墅集。高鶚撰。排印本 65 葉(影印本)。第一版。北京:文學古藉刊行社, 1955。葉 [2], 1-5, 13-19, 21, 23, 25-45, 47, 49, 51-59, 61, 63-75, 1-2, [1] (Note 2)
-排印本 64 葉(影印本)。有手寫筆記。包括:
1) "蘭墅文存" 與 "石頭記" 。奉寬。排印本 13 葉 (影印本)。葉 [85]-93, 1-2, [1-2] (Note 2)
2) 月小山房遺稿。鐵嶺高鴞蘭墅著;受業覺羅華齡校刊。排印本 51 葉 (影印本)(Note 2)
-Letter from W.B. Chen to David Hawkes. 1 sheet. Printout. On a comparative study of two English versions of Hongloumeng (The Story of Stone) (Note 1) (Note 2)
-Early Chinese fiction. W. J. F. Jenner. 1 sheet. On the review of Volume 1 of the Story of Stone. With handwritten notes: Higher Edu. Supp. (Times Higher Education Supplement). July 19 (Note 2)
-1 sheet. Newspaper clipping. Introducing Volume 1 of the Story of Stone (Note 2)
-2 sheets. Printout. Corrigenda of Volume 1 of Story of Stone. With duplicate copy (Note 2)
• Items 121-127:
-5 sheets. Printout. Notes on the bilingual text of Story of Stone. Includes: 1) Prologue《序》。2) Chapter 1. 3) 第三章。4) Chapter Four: Finale 第四回與終章。5) Epilogue 尾聲。With handwritten marks (Note 2)
-1 sheet. Printout. David Hawkes's address label
-打印本及手稿各 2 張。包括:1) 紅樓夢。打印本 2 張。有手寫筆記 (Note 2)。2) 手稿 2 張。紅樓夢筆記 (Note 1)
-《紅樓夢》中英雙語版的第一回排版。排印本 8 葉。頁 2-9 (Note 2)
-Le Hong Leou Mong, Roman Symboliste. par David Hawkes. 6 sheets. Offprint. In French. Pages [43]-54 (Note 2)
-Translation as a process of approximation : with special reference to the translation of Hon Lou Meng. Pang Bingjun. 12 sheets. Printout. Pages 1-23. With handwritten notes: 霍克思老師哂納 晚 龐秉鈞 (Note 2)
-Letter from David Hawkes to SY (draft). 6 sheets. Holograph. On discussing the bilingual contents of the Story of Stone (Chapters 41-60)
- 1974-1981, 1987, 1994, 2000-2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, undated
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
127 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Hawkes, David, 1923-2009 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong