Correspondence of Maurice Freedman, 1964, 1966-1967
Letters are arranged chronologically.
-Memo from [Tan Yeok Seong] to Maurice. 24/9/64. 3 sheets. Holograph. Requested material was published in 1866. Also includes notes in Chinese of《廣東圖說・九十二卷》及《廣東圖・二十三卷》的出版年、總裁及監修人;抄錄《廣東圖説.卷十三.新安縣圖》中關於新安縣(p.2)、官富山城(p. 3)及香港島(p. 8)的資料 (Note 2)。附:
1)《廣東圖説.卷十三.新安縣圖》。木刻本(葉 1-20)。影印本 (Note 2)。封面有手寫筆記:
(1) 菲利文兄參考。陳育崧寄自星加坡 一九六四年是十一月十八日
(2) Maurice Freedman, London, 1/1/65
2)《廣東圖.卷卅一.新安》。地圖 1 幅;28 x 35 公分(影印本)(Note... 2)
-Letter from Maurice Freedman to I. Wallerstein. 18th April 1966. 1 sheet ; 26 x 21 cm. Typescript (carbon copy). On enquiring the source of permission to include Freedman's article "The Growth of a Plural Society in Malaya" in the book Social Change : the Colonial Situation
-Letter from Raymond Firth to Maurice Freedman. 14. vii. 67. 1 sheet ; 26 x 21 cm. Holograph, signed. On expressing thanks for ideas on ancestor worship and being the editor of Rank and Religion in Tikopia (Note 2)
See moreDates
- 1964, 1966-1967
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3 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Freedman, Maurice, 1920-1975 (Creator, Person)
- From the Fonds: Djamour, Judith, 1921-2009 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong