Writings of Maurice Freedman, 1955, 1964-1966, 1972, 1974-1975, undated
Consists of book reviews, research report, and notes. Arranged chronologically.
-A Report on some aspects of food, health and society in Indonesia. by Maurice Freedman. 1955. 1 volume (1 unnumbered page, pages 1-147) ; 28 cm. Typescript (mimeographed). United Nations. World Health Organization. On table of contents: MH/AS/219.55 (Note 2)
-[Book review of Hildred Geertz, The Javanese family : a study of kinship and socialization]. 2 sheets ;... 33 x 21 cm. Typescript. Accompanied by:
Guide to reviewers. Journal of Southeast Asian History. 1 sheet ; 28 x 22 cm. About writing a book review (750 words) of The Javanese family : a study of kinship and socialization (date due: 1 January, 1964) (Note 2)
-[Book review of] Rashmi Desai, Indian Immigrants in Britain. 2 sheets ; 33 x 21 cm. Typescript (carbon copy). Book review first published in Race, 6:1 (July 1964), pages 71-72 (Note 2)
-[Book review of] W.F. Wertheim, East-West parallels, sociological approaches to modern Asia. 3 leaves ; 26 x 21 cm. Typescript (carbon copy). With handwritten correction (Note 2). Accompanied by:
Letter from Sowa Kellel to Maurice Freedman. February 11th, 1965. 1 sheet ; 21 x 13 cm. Typescript, signed. On the length of the reviews are usually about a maximum of 750 words. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
-[Book review of] Robbins Burling, Hill farms and padi fields : life in mainland Southeast Asia. [Reviewed by] Maurice Freedman. 1 sheet ; 26 x 21 cm. Typescript (carbon copy) (Note 2)
-[Book review of] Trances. Stewart Wavell, Audrey Butt, and Nina Epton. 1 sheet ; 26 x 21 cm. Typescript (carbon copy) (Note 2)
-[Book review of] A.R. Kutty, Marriage and kinship in an island society. 1 sheet ; 33 x 21 cm. Typescript with handwritten corrections (Note 2)
-[Book review of] Alex Josey, Lee Kuan Yew : the struggle for Singapore. [Reviewed by] Maurice Freedman. 2 sheets ; 33 x 21 cm. Typescript (carbon copy) with handwritten corrections (Note 2)
-[Book review of] William R. Roff, Ed. Kelantan : religion, society, and politics in a Malay state. [Reviewed by] Maurice Freedman. 5 sheets ; 26 cm. Typescript (carbon copy) (Note 2). With handwritten notes. Accompanied by:
1) Postcard from John to Maurice Freedman. 1 postcard. Holograph, signed. About the length of Kelantan. Postal stamp: 16 May 1975 (Note 2)
2) Letter from Maurice Freedman to John. 18th June, 1975. 1 sheet ; 26 x 21 cm. Typescript (carbon copy) with handwritten notes. About a book which should had been published last year by UNESCO but not appeared; a recent work of Maurice (Note 2)
-Scrapbook. 1 volume (unpaged, mostly blank) ; 28 x 38 cm. Hardbound. Includes:
1) The evening news. Friday November 16th 1917. Page [1]. Holograph. A poem (Note 2)
2) Autonomy. 1939. Page [2]. Holograph. A list of terminology: Food, Clothing, Beauty, Knowledge, An end of toil, Healing, Invention, And so (Note 2)
3) "By the speaker's chair." A self-caricature by Mr. A. Maclaren, M.P. 1 sheet ; 12 x 6 cm. Newspaper clipping inserted (Note 2)
-Notebook. 1 volume (leaves 1-100, some blank) ; 22 cm. Holograph. Includes notes, summary, and extracts of two books:
Leaves 3-41: Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawny. The Elements of social justice. London : George Allen & Unwin, 1922 (Note 2)
Leaves 43-81: Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawny. The Metaphysical theory of the state. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1918 (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 33 x 21 cm. Holograph. Notes on a book by F.G. Bailey (Note 2)
-1 folded sheet (4 pages, mostly blank) ; 33 cm. Holograph (in pencil). Notes on an unidentified book (Note 2)
See moreDates
- 1955, 1964-1966, 1972, 1974-1975, undated
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13 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Freedman, Maurice, 1920-1975 (Creator, Person)
- From the Fonds: Djamour, Judith, 1921-2009 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong