《星島日報》, 1997-1999, undated
包括刊登於《娛樂特區》、《娛樂版》、《旅遊》、《飲食:藝人寶鑑》、《飲食世界》、《星星與我》、《We Wet 藝人》、《安樂窩》、《放輕鬆》、《第一次》、《心頭好》、《今日製造》、《點到綠來》和《隨意 100%》等專欄的剪報資料;內容大多是報導港台藝人歌星的花絮逸事。依日期排列,欠缺日期則依原有次序排列。
- 1997-1999, undated
Language of Materials
In Chinese.
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Access to materials is restricted by legal requirements, written agreements with the donor(s) and policies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. Users are required to sign an application form to use the collection. Records containing personal data which might constitute intrusion of privacy are not available for access.
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20 file(s)
- From the Fonds: Yin, Huaiwen (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong